#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2015 Hamilton Kibbe <ham@hamiltonkib.be> # Copyright 2022 Jan Sebastian Götte <gerbonara@jaseg.de> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import math import random import pytest from ..cam import FileSettings from ..utils import convex_hull, point_in_polygon, setup_svg, Tag from .utils import * def test_zero_suppression(): # Default format settings = FileSettings(number_format=(2,5), zeros='leading') test_cases = [ ("1", 0.00001), ("10", 0.0001), ("100", 0.001), ("1000", 0.01), ("10000", 0.1), ("100000", 1.0), ("1000000", 10.0), ("0", 0.0), ] assert settings.write_gerber_value(0.000000001) == "0" for string, value in test_cases: assert value == settings.parse_gerber_value(string) assert string == settings.write_gerber_value(value) settings = FileSettings(number_format=(2,5), zeros='trailing') test_cases = [ ("1", 10.0), ("01", 1.0), ("001", 0.1), ("0001", 0.01), ("00001", 0.001), ("000001", 0.0001), ("0000001", 0.00001), ("0", 0.0), ] assert settings.write_gerber_value(0.000000001) == "0" for string, value in test_cases: assert value == settings.parse_gerber_value(string) assert string == settings.write_gerber_value(value) def test_format(): test_cases = [ ((2, 7), "1", 0.0000001), ((2, 6), "1", 0.000001), ((2, 5), "1", 0.00001), ((2, 4), "1", 0.0001), ((2, 3), "1", 0.001), ((2, 2), "1", 0.01), ((2, 1), "1", 0.1), ((2, 6), "0", 0), ] for fmt, string, value in test_cases: settings = FileSettings(number_format=fmt, zeros='leading') assert value == settings.parse_gerber_value(string) assert string == settings.write_gerber_value(value) test_cases = [ ((6, 5), "1", 100000.0), ((5, 5), "1", 10000.0), ((4, 5), "1", 1000.0), ((3, 5), "1", 100.0), ((2, 5), "1", 10.0), ((1, 5), "1", 1.0), ((2, 5), "0", 0), ] for fmt, string, value in test_cases: settings = FileSettings(number_format=fmt, zeros='trailing') assert value == settings.parse_gerber_value(string) assert string == settings.write_gerber_value(value) def test_parse_format_validation(): for fmt in (7,5), (5,8), (13,1): with pytest.raises(ValueError): settings = FileSettings(number_format=fmt) settings.parse_gerber_value('00001111') def test_write_format_validation(): for fmt in (7,5), (5,8), (13,1): with pytest.raises(ValueError): settings = FileSettings(number_format=fmt) settings.write_gerber_value(69.0) def test_convex_hull_and_point_in_polygon(tmpfile): svg = tmpfile('Visualization', '.svg') st = random.Random(0) for _ in range(50): for n in [*range(1, 10), 12, 15, 20, 30, 50, 300, 1000, 5000]: w = math.sqrt(n) * 10 rd = lambda: round(st.random() * w) rp = lambda: (rd(), rd()) points = {rp() for _ in range(n)} hull_l = convex_hull(points) hull = set(hull_l) tags = [Tag('circle', cx=x, cy=y, r=0.2, fill=('red' if (x, y) in hull else 'black')) for x, y in points] for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in zip([hull_l[-1], *hull_l[:-1]], hull_l): tags.append(Tag('path', d=f'M {x0},{y0} L {x1},{y1}', stroke_width='0.1', stroke='red', fill='none')) svg.write_text(str(setup_svg(tags, bounds=((0, 0), (w, w)), margin=1))) # all hull corners must be in the set of original points assert not (hull-points) for p in points-hull: assert point_in_polygon(p, hull_l)