#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Mess up a Gerber file to look like it was generated by Zuken CR-8000. # Only meant to work with KiCAD Gerber files. # import re def map_line(line): # strip layer polarity statement at start of header if line == '%LPD*%': return '' # Replace end of aperture list comment with empty line and layer polarity statement if line == 'G04 APERTURE END LIST*': return '\n%LPD*%\n' # this is the last newline in this file # strip comments if line.startswith('G04'): return '' # add G54 prefix to aperture selection statements if re.fullmatch(r'D[1-9][0-9]\*', line): return f'G54{line}' # make flash statements more complicated if (m := re.fullmatch(r'(.*)D03\*', line)): return f'{m[1]}D02*G55D03*' # replace M02 EOF with M00 EOF, and insert X0Y0D02 if line == 'M02*': return 'X0Y0D02*M00*' # Merge G01/02/03 with following coordinate if line in ('G01*', 'G02*', 'G03*') and ('X' in line or 'Y' in line): return line[:-1] # Preserve line endings for header lines if any(line.startswith(cmd) for cmd in ('%FS', '%MO', '%AD')): return f'{line}\n' return line def zukenka(data): return ''.join(map_line(line) for line in data.splitlines()) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys print(zukenka(sys.stdin.read()))