#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2022 Jan Götte <code@jaseg.de> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Based on https://github.com/tracespace/tracespace # MATCH_RULES = { 'altium': { 'top copper': r'.*\.gtl', 'top mask': r'.*\.gts', 'top silk': r'.*\.gto', 'top paste': r'.*\.gtp', 'bottom copper': r'.*\.gbl', 'bottom mask': r'.*\.gbs', 'bottom silk': r'.*\.gbo', 'bottom paste': r'.*\.gbp', 'inner copper': r'.*\.gp?([0-9]+)', 'mechanical outline': r'.*\.(gko|gm[0-9]+)', # this rule is slightly generic to catch the drill files of things like geda and pcb-rnd that otherwise use altium's # layer names. 'drill unknown': r'.*\.(txt|drl|xln)', 'other netlist': r'.*\.ipc', }, 'kicad': { 'top copper': r'.*\.gtl|.*f.cu.(gbr|gtl)', 'top mask': r'.*\.gts|.*f.mask.(gbr|gts)', 'top silk': r'.*\.gto|.*f.silks(creen)?.(gbr|gto)', 'top paste': r'.*\.gtp|.*f.paste.(gbr|gtp)', 'bottom copper': r'.*\.gbl|.*b.cu.(gbr|gbl)', 'bottom mask': r'.*\.gbs|.*b.mask.(gbr|gbs)', 'bottom silk': r'.*\.gbo|.*b.silks(creen)?.(gbr|gbo)', 'bottom paste': r'.*\.gbp|.*b.paste.(gbr|gbp)', 'inner copper': r'.*\.gp?([0-9]+)|.*inn?e?r?([0-9]+).cu.(?:gbr|g[0-9]+)', 'mechanical outline': r'.*\.(gm[0-9]+)|.*edge.cuts.(gbr|gm1)', 'drill plated': r'.*\.(drl)', 'other netlist': r'.*\.d356', }, 'geda': { 'top copper': r'.*\.top\.\w+', 'top mask': r'.*\.topmask\.\w+', 'top silk': r'.*\.topsilk\.\w+', 'top paste': r'.*\.toppaste\.\w+', 'bottom copper': r'.*\.bottom\.\w+', 'bottom mask': r'.*\.bottommask\.\w+', 'bottom silk': r'.*\.bottomsilk\.\w+', 'bottom paste': r'.*\.bottompaste\.\w+', 'inner copper': r'.*\.inner_l([0-9]+)\.\w+', # FIXME verify this 'mechanical outline': r'.*\.outline\.gbr', 'drill plated': r'.*\.plated-drill.cnc', 'drill nonplated': r'.*\.unplated-drill.cnc', 'other netlist': r'.*\.ipc', # default rule due to lack of tool-specific examples }, 'diptrace': { 'top copper': r'.*_top\.\w+', 'top mask': r'.*_topmask\.\w+', 'top silk': r'.*_topsilk\.\w+', 'top paste': r'.*_toppaste\.\w+', 'bottom copper': r'.*_bottom\.\w+', 'bottom mask': r'.*_bottommask\.\w+', 'bottom silk': r'.*_bottomsilk\.\w+', 'bottom paste': r'.*_bottompaste\.\w+', 'inner copper': r'.*_inner_l([0-9]+).*', 'bottom paste': r'.*_boardoutline\.\w+', # FIXME verify this 'drill plated': r'.*\.(drl)', # diptrace has unplated drills on the outline layer 'other netlist': r'.*\.ipc', # default rule due to lack of tool-specific examples }, 'target': { 'top copper': r'.*\.Top', 'top mask': r'.*\.StopTop', 'top silk': r'.*\.PosiTop', 'top paste': r'.*\.PasteTop', 'bottom copper': r'.*\.Bot', 'bottom mask': r'.*\.StopBot', 'bottom silk': r'.*\.PosiBot', 'bottom paste': r'.*\.PasteBot', 'mechanical outline': r'.*\.Outline', 'drill plated': r'.*\.Drill', 'other netlist': r'.*\.ipc', # default rule due to lack of tool-specific examples }, 'orcad': { 'top copper': r'.*\.top', 'top mask': r'.*\.smt', 'top silk': r'.*\.sst', 'top paste': r'.*\.spt', 'bottom copper': r'.*\.bot', 'bottom mask': r'.*\.smb', 'bottom silk': r'.*\.ssb', 'bottom paste': r'.*\.spb', 'inner copper': r'.*\.in([0-9]+)', 'mechanical outline': r'.*\.(fab|drd)', 'drill plated': r'.*\.tap', 'drill nonplated': r'.*\.npt', 'other netlist': r'.*\.ipc', # default rule due to lack of tool-specific examples }, 'eagle': { None: r'.*\.(gpi|dri)|pnp_bom', 'top copper': r'.*(\.cmp|\.top|\.toplayer\.ger)|.*(copper_top|top_copper).*', 'top mask': r'.*(\.stc|\.tsm|\.topsoldermask\.ger)|.*(soldermask_top|top_mask).*', 'top silk': r'.*(\.plc|\.tsk|\.topsilkscreen\.ger)|.*(silkscreen_top|top_silk).*', 'top paste': r'.*(\.crc|\.tsp|\.tcream\.ger)|.*(solderpaste_top|top_paste).*', 'bottom copper': r'.*(\.sld|\.sol\|\.bottom|\.bottomlayer\.ger)|.*(copper_bottom|bottom_copper).*', 'bottom mask': r'.*(\.sts|\.bsm|\.bottomsoldermask\.ger)|.*(soldermask_bottom|bottom_mask).*', 'bottom silk': r'.*(\.pls|\.bsk|\.bottomsilkscreen\.ger)|.*(silkscreen_bottom|bottom_silk).*', 'bottom paste': r'.*(\.crs|\.bsp|\.bcream\.ger)|.*(solderpaste_bottom|bottom_paste).*', 'inner copper': r'.*\.ly([0-9]+)|.*\.internalplane([0-9]+)\.ger', 'mechanical outline': r'.*(\.dim|\.mil|\.gml)|.*\.(?:board)?outline\.ger|profile\.gbr', 'drill plated': r'.*\.(txt|exc|drd|xln)', 'other netlist': r'.*\.ipc', }, 'siemens': { 'mechanical outline': r'.*ContourPlated.ncd', 'inner copper': r'.*L([0-9]+).gdo', 'bottom silk': r'.*SilkscreenBottom.gdo', 'top silk': r'.*SilkscreenTop.gdo', 'bottom paste': r'.*SolderPasteBottom.gdo', 'top paste': r'.*SolderPasteTop.gdo', 'bottom mask': r'.*SoldermaskBottom.gdo', 'top mask': r'.*SoldermaskTop.gdo', 'drill nonplated': r'.*ThruHoleNonPlated.ncd', 'drill plated': r'.*ThruHolePlated.ncd', # list this last to prefer the actual excellon files #'drill plated': r'.*DrillDrawingThrough.gdo', # match these last to avoid shadowing other layers via substring match 'top copper': r'.*[^enk]Top.gdo', 'bottom copper': r'.*[^enk]Bottom.gdo', 'other netlist': r'.*\.ipc', # default rule due to lack of tool-specific examples }, 'allegro': { # Allegro doesn't have any widespread convention, so we rely heavily on the layer name auto-guesser here. 'drill mech': r'.*\.(drl|rou)', 'generic gerber': r'.*\.art', 'excellon params': r'nc_param\.txt|ncdrill\.log|ncroute\.log', 'other netlist': r'.*\.ipc', # default rule due to lack of tool-specific examples }, 'pads': { # Pads also does not seem to have a factory-default naming schema. Or it has one but everyone ignores it. 'generic gerber': r'.*\.pho', 'drill mech': r'.*\.drl', }, 'zuken': { 'generic gerber': r'.*\.fph', 'gerber params': r'.*\.fpl', 'drill mech': r'.*\.fdr', 'excellon params': r'.*\.fdl', 'other netlist': r'.*\.ipc', 'ipc-2581': r'.*\.xml', }, }