#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# copyright 2014 Hamilton Kibbe <ham@hamiltonkib.be>
# Modified from parser.py by Paulo Henrique Silva <ph.silva@gmail.com>
# Copyright 2022 Jan Sebastian Götte <gerbonara@jaseg.de>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from dataclasses import dataclass
import math
import re
from enum import Enum
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path

from .cam import CamFile, FileSettings
from .utils import MM, Inch, LengthUnit, rotate_point

class Netlist(CamFile):
    def __init__(self, test_records=None, conductors=None, outlines=None, comments=None, adjacency=None,
            params=None, import_settings=None, original_path=None, generator_hints=None):
        super().__init__(original_path=original_path, layer_name='netlist', import_settings=import_settings)
        self.test_records = test_records or []
        self.conductors = conductors or []
        self.outlines = outlines or []
        self.comments = comments or []
        self.adjacency = adjacency or {}
        self.params = params or {}
        self.generator_hints = generator_hints or []

    def merge(self, other, our_prefix=None, their_prefix=None):
        ''' Merge other netlist into this netlist. The respective net names are prefixed with the given prefixes
        (default: None). Garbles other. '''
        if other is None:

        if not isinstance(other, Netlist):
            raise TypeError(f'Can only merge Netlist with other Netlist, not {type(other)}')



        self.params['JOB'] = 'Gerbonara IPC-356 merge'
        self.params['TITLE'] = 'Gerbonara IPC-356 merge'

        for key in 'CODE', 'NUM', 'REV', 'VER':
            if key in self.params:
                del self.params[key]

    def prefix_nets(self, prefix):
        if not prefix:

        for record in self.test_records:
            if record.net_name:
                record.net_name = prefix + record.net_name

        for conductor in self.conductors:
            if conductor.net_name:
                conductor.net_name = prefix + conductor.net_name

        new_adjacency = {}
        for key in self.adjacency:
            new_adjacency[prefix + key] = [ prefix + name for name in self.adjacency[key] ]
        self.adjacency = new_adjacency

    def offset(self, dx=0,  dy=0, unit=MM):
        for obj in self.objects:
            obj.offset(dx, dy, unit)

    def rotate(self, angle:'radian', center=(0,0), unit=MM):
        cx, cy = center

        for obj in self.objects:
            obj.rotate(angle, cx, cy, unit)

    def __str__(self):
        name = f'{self.original_path.name} ' if self.original_path else ''
        return f'<IPC-356 Netlist {name}with {len(self.test_records)} records, {len(self.conductors)} conductors and {len(self.outlines)} outlines>'

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

    def objects(self):
        yield from self.test_records
        yield from self.conductors
        yield from self.outlines

    def open(kls, filename):
        path = Path(filename)
        parser = NetlistParser()
        return parser.parse(path.read_text(), path)

    def from_string(kls, data, filename=None):
        parser = NetlistParser()
        return parser.parse(data, Path(filename))

    def save(self, filename, settings=None, drop_comments=True):
        with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
            f.write(self.write_to_bytes(settings, drop_comments=drop_comments))

    def write_to_bytes(self, settings=None, drop_comments=True, job_name=None):
        if settings is None:
            settings = self.import_settings.copy() or FileSettings()
            settings.zeros = None
            settings.number_format = (5,6)
        return '\n'.join(self._generate_lines(settings, drop_comments=drop_comments)).encode('utf-8')

    def _generate_lines(self, settings, drop_comments, job_name=None):
        yield 'C  IPC-D-356 generated by Gerbonara'
        yield 'C'
        yield f'P  JOB {self.params.get("JOB", "Gerbonara netlist export")}'
        yield 'P  UNITS CUST 0' if settings.unit == Inch else 'P  UNITS CUST 1' 

        if not drop_comments:
            for comment in self.comments:
                yield f'C  {comment}'

        for name, value in self.params.items():
            if name == 'JOB':

            yield f'P  {name} {value!s}'

        net_name_map = {
                name: f'NNAME{i}' for i, name in enumerate(
                    name for name in self.net_names() if len(name) > 14
                    ) }

        yield 'C'
        yield 'C  Net name mapping:'
        yield 'C'
        for name, alias in net_name_map.items():
            yield f'P  {alias} {name}'

        yield 'C'
        yield 'C  Test records:'
        yield 'C'

        for record in self.test_records:
            yield from record.format(settings, net_name_map)

        if self.conductors:
            yield 'C'
            yield 'C  Conductors:'
            yield 'C'
            for conductor in self.conductors:
                yield from conductor.format(settings, net_name_map)

        if self.outlines:
            yield 'C'
            yield 'C  Outlines:'
            yield 'C'
            for outline in self.outlines:
                yield from outline.format(settings)

        if self.adjacency:
            yield 'C'
            yield 'C  Adjacency data:'
            yield 'C'
            done = set()
            for net, others in self.adjacency.items():
                others_filtered = [ other for other in others if (net, other) not in done and (other, net) not in done ]

                line = '379'
                for net in self.nets:
                    if len(line) + 1 + len(net) > 80:
                        yield line
                        line = f'079 {net}'
                        line += f' {net}'
                yield line

    def net_names(self):
        nets = { record.net_name for record in self.test_records }
        nets -= {None}
        return nets

    def vias(self):
        for record in self.test_records:
            if record.is_via:
                yield record

    def reference_designators(self):
        names = { record.ref_des for record in self.test_records }
        names -= {None}
        return names

    def records_by_reference(self, reference_designator):
        for record in self.test_records:
            if record.ref_des == reference_designator:
                yield record

    def records_by_net_name(self, net_name):
        for record in self.test_records:
            if record.net_name == net_name:
                yield record

    def conductors_by_net_name(self, net_name):
        for conductor in self.conductos:
            if conductor.net_name == net_name:
                yield conductor

    def conductors_by_layer(self, layer : int):
        for conductor in self.conductos:
            if conductor.layer == layer:
                yield conductor

class NetlistParser(object):
    # Good resources on IPC-356 syntax are:
    # https://www.downstreamtech.com/downloads/IPCD356_Simplified.pdf
    # https://web.pa.msu.edu/hep/atlas/l1calo/hub/hardware/components/circuit_board/ipc_356a_net_list.pdf

    def __init__(self):
        self.has_unit = False
        self.settings = FileSettings()
        self.net_names = {}
        self.params = {}
        self.comments = []
        self.test_records = []
        self.conductors = []
        self.adjacency = {}
        self.outlines = []
        self.eof = False
        self.generator_hints = []

    def warn(self, msg, kls=SyntaxWarning):
        warnings.warn(f'{self.filename}:{self.start_line}: {msg}', kls)

    def assert_unit(self):
        if not self.has_unit:
            raise SyntaxError('IPC-356 netlist file does not contain unit specification before first entry')

    def parse(self, data, path=None):
        self.filename = path.name

            oldline = ''
            for lineno, line in enumerate(data.splitlines()):
                # Check for existing multiline data...
                if oldline:
                    if line and line[0] == '0':
                        oldline = oldline.rstrip('\r\n') + line[3:].rstrip()
                        self.start_line = lineno
                        oldline = line
                    self.start_line = lineno
                    oldline = line

        except Exception as e:
            raise SyntaxError(f'Error parsing {self.filename}:{lineno}: {e}') from e

        return Netlist(self.test_records, self.conductors, self.outlines, self.comments, self.adjacency,
                params=self.params, import_settings=self.settings, original_path=path,

    def _parse_line(self, line):
        if not line:

        if self.eof:
            self.warn('Data following IPC-356 End Of File marker')

        if line[0] == 'C':
            line = line[2:].strip()
            #     +-- sic!
            #     v
            if 'Ouptut' in line and 'Allegro' in line:

            elif 'Ouptut' not in line and 'Allegro' in line:
                self.warn('This seems to be a file generated by a newer allegro version. Please raise an issue on our '
                          'issue tracker with your Allegro version and if possible please provide an example file '
                          'so we can improve Gerbonara!')

            elif 'EAGLE' in line and 'CadSoft' in line:

            if line.strip().startswith('NNAME'):
                name, *value = line.strip().split()
                value = ' '.join(value)
                self.warn('File contains non-standard Allegro-style net name alias definitions in comments.')
                if 'allegro' in self.generator_hints:
                    # it's amazing how allegro always seems to have found a way to do the same thing everyone else is
                    # doing just in a different, slightly more messed up, completely incompatible way.
                    self.net_names[name] = value[5:] # strip NNAME because Allegro

                    self.net_names[name] = value


        elif line[0] == 'P':
            # Parameter
            name, *value = line[2:].split()
            value = ' '.join(value)

            if name == 'UNITS':
                if value in ('CUST', 'CUST 0'):
                    self.settings.unit = Inch
                    self.settings.angle_unit = 'degree'
                    self.has_unit = True

                elif value == 'CUST 1':
                    self.settings.unit = MM
                    self.settings.angle_unit = 'degree'
                    self.has_unit = True

                elif value == 'CUST 2':
                    self.settings.unit = Inch
                    self.settings.angle_unit = 'radian'
                    self.has_unit = True

                    raise SyntaxError(f'Unsupported IPC-356 netlist unit specification "{line}"')

            elif name.startswith('NNAME'):
                if 'allegro' in self.generator_hints:
                    self.net_names[name] = value[5:]

                    self.net_names[name] = value

                self.params[name] = value

        elif line[0] == '9':
            self.eof = True

        elif line[0:3] in ('317', '327', '367'):
            self.test_records.append(TestRecord.parse(line, self.settings, self.net_names))

        elif line[0:3] == '378':
            self.conductors.append(Conductor.parse(line, self.settings, self.net_names))

        elif line[0:3] == '379':
            net, *adjacent = line[3:].strip().split()

            for other in adjacent:
                self.adjacency[net] = self.adjacency.get(net, set()) | {other}
                self.adjacency[other] = self.adjacency.get(other, set()) | {net}

        elif line[0:3] == '389':
            self.outlines.extend(Outline.parse(line, self.settings))

            self.warn(f'Unknown IPC-356 record type {line[0:3]}')

class PadType(Enum):
    SMD_PAD = 2

class SoldermaskInfo(Enum):
    NONE = 0
    PRIMARY = 1
    BOTH = 3

class TestRecord:
    __test__ = False # tell pytest to ignore this class
    pad_type : PadType = None
    net_name : str = None
    is_connected : bool = True # None, True or False.
    ref_des : str = None # part reference designator, e.g. "C1" or "U69"
    is_via : bool = False
    pin_num : int = None
    is_middle : bool = False # is this a point in the middle or at the end of a trace/net?
    hole_dia : float = None
    is_plated : bool = None # None, True, or False.
    access_layer : int = None
    x : float = None
    y : float = None
    w : float = None
    h : float = None
    rotation : float = 0
    solder_mask : SoldermaskInfo = None
    lefover : str = None
    unit : LengthUnit = None

    def __str__(self):
        x = self.unit.format(self.x)
        y = self.unit.format(self.y)
        return f'<IPC-356 test record @ {x},{y} {self.net_name} {self.pad_type.name} at {self.ref_des}, pin {self.pin_num}>'

    def rotate(self, angle, cx=0, cy=0, unit=None):
        cx = self.unit(cx, unit)
        cy = self.unit(cy, unit)

        self.angle += angle
        self.x, self.y = rotate_point(self.x, self.y, angle, center=(cx, cy))

    def offset(self, dx=0, dy=0, unit=None):
        dx = self.unit(dx, unit)
        dy = self.unit(dy, unit)
        self.x += dx
        self.y += dy

    def parse(kls, line, settings, net_name_map={}):
        obj = kls()
        line = f'{line:<80}'

        obj.unit = settings.unit
        obj.pad_type = PadType(int(line[1]))

        net_name = line[3:17].strip() or None
        if net_name == 'N/C':
            obj.net_name = None
            obj.is_connected = False
            obj.net_name = net_name_map.get(net_name, net_name)
            obj.is_connected = True

        ref_des = line[20:26].strip() or None
        if ref_des == 'VIA':
            obj.is_via = True
            obj.ref_des = None
            obj.is_via = False
            obj.ref_des = ref_des

        obj.pin = line[27:31].strip() or None

        if line[31] == 'M':
            obj.is_middle = True
        if line[32] == 'D':
            obj.hole_dia = settings.parse_ipc_length(line[33:37])
        if line[37] in ('P', 'U'):
            obj.is_plated = (line[37] == 'P')
        if line[38] == 'A':
            obj.access_layer = int(line[39:41])
        if line[41] == 'X':
            obj.x = settings.parse_ipc_length(line[42:49])
        if line[49] == 'Y':
            obj.y = settings.parse_ipc_length(line[50:57])
        if line[57] == 'X':
            obj.w = settings.parse_ipc_length(line[58:62])
        if line[62] == 'Y':
            obj.h = settings.parse_ipc_length(line[63:67])
        if line[67] == 'R':
            obj.rotation = math.radians(int(line[68:71]))
            obj.rotation = 0
        if line[72] == 'S':
            obj.solder_mask = SoldermaskInfo(int(line[73]))
        obj.leftover = line[74:].strip() or None

        return obj

    def format(self, settings, net_name_map={}):
        x = settings.unit(self.x, self.unit)
        y = settings.unit(self.y, self.unit)
        w = settings.unit(self.w, self.unit)
        h = settings.unit(self.h, self.unit)
        # TODO: raise warning if any string is too long
        ref_des = 'VIA' if self.is_via else (self.ref_des or '')
        if self.is_connected:
            net_name = net_name_map.get(self.net_name, self.net_name)
            net_name = 'N/C'

        yield ''.join((
            f'{net_name or "":<14}'[:14],
            '   ',
            f'{ref_des or "":<6}'[:6],
            f'{self.pin_num or "":<4}'[:4],
            'M' if self.is_middle else ' ',
            settings.format_ipc_length(self.hole_dia, 4, 'D', self.unit),
            {True: 'P', False: 'U', None: ' '}[self.is_plated],
            settings.format_ipc_number(self.access_layer, 2, 'A'),
            settings.format_ipc_length(self.x, 6, 'X', self.unit, sign=True),
            settings.format_ipc_length(self.y, 6, 'Y', self.unit, sign=True),
            settings.format_ipc_length(self.w, 4, 'X', self.unit),
            settings.format_ipc_length(self.h, 4, 'Y', self.unit),
            settings.format_ipc_number(math.degrees(self.rotation) if self.rotation is not None else None, 3, 'R'),
            ' ',
            settings.format_ipc_number(self.solder_mask, 1, 'S'),
            f'{self.leftover or "":<6}'))

class OutlineType(Enum):
    BOARD_EDGE = 0
    PANEL_EDGE = 1
    SCORE_LINE = 2
    OTHER_FAB = 3

def parse_coord_chain(line, settings):
    x, y = None, None
    for segment in line.split('*'):
        coords = []
        for coord in segment.strip().split():
            if not (match := re.match(r'(X[+-]?[0-9]+)?(Y[+-]?[0-9]+)?', coord)):
                raise SyntaxError(f'Invalid IPC-356 coordinate {coord}')

            x = settings.parse_ipc_length(match[1], x)
            y = settings.parse_ipc_length(match[2], y)

            if x is None or y is None:
                raise SyntaxError('Outline or conductor coordinate chain is missing one coordinate in the beginning')

            coords.append((x, y))
        yield coords

def format_coord_chain(line, settings, coords, cont, unit):
    for x, y in coords:
        coord = settings.format_ipc_length(x, 6, 'X', unit=unit, sign=True)
        coord += settings.format_ipc_length(y, 6, 'Y', unit=unit, sign=True)

        if len(line) + len(coord) <= 80:
            line = (line + coord + ' ')[:80]

            yield line
            line = f'{cont} {coord} '
    yield line

class Outline:
    outline_type : OutlineType
    outline : [(float,)]
    unit : LengthUnit = None

    def parse(kls, line, settings):
        outline_type = OutlineType[line[3:17].strip()]
        for outline in parse_coord_chain(line[22:], settings):
            yield kls(outline_type, outline, unit=settings.unit)

    def format(self, settings):
        line = f'389{self.outline_type.name:<14}     '
        yield from format_coord_chain(line, settings, self.outline, '089', self.unit)

    def __str__(self):
        return f'<IPC-356 {self.outline_type.name} outline with {len(self.outline)} points>'

    def rotate(self, angle, cx=0, cy=0, unit=None):
        cx = self.unit(cx, unit)
        cy = self.unit(cy, unit)
        self.outline = [ rotate_point(x, y, angle, center=(cx, cy)) for x, y in self.outline ]

    def offset(self, dx=0, dy=0, unit=None):
        dx = self.unit(dx, unit)
        dy = self.unit(dy, unit)
        self.outline = [ (x+dx, y+dy) for x, y in self.outline ]

class Conductor:
    net_name : str
    layer : int
    aperture : (float,)
    coords : [(float,)]
    unit : LengthUnit = None

    def parse(kls, line, settings, net_name_map={}):
        net_name = line[3:17].strip() or None
        net_name = net_name_map.get(net_name, net_name)

        if line[18] != 'L':
            raise SytaxError(f'Invalid IPC-356 layer number specification for conductor in line "{line}"')
        layer = int(line[19:21])

        aperture_def, _, coords = line[22:].partition(' ')
        if not (m := re.match(r'(X[+-]?[0-9]+)(Y[+-]?[0-9]+)?', coord)):
            raise SyntaxError('Invalid IPC-356 aperture specification "{aperture_def"}')
        aperture = settings.parse_ipc_length(m[1]), settings.parse_ipc_length(m[2])

        for chain in parse_coord_chain(coords, settings):
            yield kls(net_name, layer, aperture, chain, unit=settings.unit)

    def format(self, settings, net_name_map):
        net_name = net_name_map.get(self.net_name, self.net_name)
        net_name = f'{net_name:<14}[:14]'
        line = f'378{net_name} L{self.layer:02d} '
        yield from format_coord_chain(line, settings, self.outline, '078', self.unit)

    def __str__(self):
        return f'<IPC-356 conductor {self.net_name} with {len(self.coords)} points>'

    def rotate(self, angle, cx=0, cy=0, unit=None):
        cx = self.unit(cx, unit)
        cy = self.unit(cy, unit)
        self.coords = [ rotate_point(x, y, angle, center=(cx, cy)) for x, y in self.coords ]

    def offset(self, dx=0, dy=0, unit=None):
        dx = self.unit(dx, unit)
        dy = self.unit(dy, unit)
        self.coords = [ (x+dx, y+dy) for x, y in self.coords ]