#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2022 Jan Sebastian Götte # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import math import copy from dataclasses import dataclass, astuple, field, fields from itertools import zip_longest from .utils import MM, InterpMode, to_unit, rotate_point from . import graphic_primitives as gp from .aperture_macros import primitive as amp def convert(value, src, dst): if src == dst or src is None or dst is None or value is None: return value elif dst == MM: return value * 25.4 else: return value / 25.4 class Length: def __init__(self, obj_type): self.type = obj_type def __repr__(self): # This makes the automatically generated method signatures in the Sphinx docs look nice return 'float' class GraphicObject: """ Base class for the graphic objects that make up a :py:class:`.GerberFile` or :py:class:`.ExcellonFile`. """ # hackety hack: Work around python < 3.10 not having dataclasses.KW_ONLY. Once we drop python 3.8 and 3.9, we can # get rid of this, just set these as normal fields, and decorate GraphicObject with @dataclass. # # See also: apertures.py, graphic_primitives.py def __init_subclass__(cls): #: bool representing the *color* of this feature: whether this is a *dark* or *clear* feature. Clear and dark are #: meant in the sense that they are used in the Gerber spec and refer to whether the transparency film that this #: file describes ends up black or clear at this spot. In a standard green PCB, a *polarity_dark=True* line will #: show up as copper on the copper layer, white ink on the silkscreen layer, or an opening on the soldermask layer. #: Clear features erase dark features, they are not transparent in the colloquial meaning. This property is ignored #: for features of an :py:class:`.ExcellonFile`. cls.polarity_dark = True #: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` used for all coordinate fields of this object (such as ``x`` or ``y``). cls.unit = None #: `dict` containing GerberX2 attributes attached to this feature. Note that this does not include file attributes, #: which are stored in the :py:class:`.GerberFile` object instead. cls.attrs = field(default_factory=dict) d = {'polarity_dark' : bool, 'unit' : str, 'attrs': dict} if hasattr(cls, '__annotations__'): cls.__annotations__.update(d) else: cls.__annotations__ = d def converted(self, unit): """ Convert this gerber object to another :py:class:`.LengthUnit`. :param unit: Either a :py:class:`.LengthUnit` instance or one of the strings ``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``. :returns: A copy of this object using the new unit. """ obj = copy.copy(self) obj.convert_to(unit) return obj def convert_to(self, unit): """ Convert this gerber object to another :py:class:`.LengthUnit` in-place. :param unit: Either a :py:class:`.LengthUnit` instance or one of the strings ``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``. """ for f in fields(self): if type(f.type) is Length: setattr(self, f.name, self.unit.convert_to(unit, getattr(self, f.name))) self.unit = to_unit(unit) def offset(self, dx, dy, unit=MM): """ Add an offset to the location of this feature. The location can be given in either unit, and is automatically converted into this object's local unit. :param float dx: X offset, positive values move the object right. :param float dy: Y offset, positive values move the object up. This is the opposite of the normal screen coordinate system used in SVG and other computer graphics APIs. """ dx, dy = self.unit(dx, unit), self.unit(dy, unit) self._offset(dx, dy) def scale(self, factor, unit=MM): """ Scale this feature in both its dimensions and location. .. note:: The scale factor is a scalar, and the unit argument is irrelevant, but is kept for API consistency. .. note:: If this object references an aperture, this aperture is not modified. You will have to transform this aperture yourself. :param float factor: Scale factor, 1 to keep the object as is, larger values to enlarge, smaller values to shrink. Negative values are permitted. """ self._scale(factor) def rotate(self, rotation, cx=0, cy=0, unit=MM): """ Rotate this object. The center of rotation can be given in either unit, and is automatically converted into this object's local unit. .. note:: The center's Y coordinate as well as the angle's polarity are flipped compared to computer graphics convention since Gerber uses a bottom-to-top Y axis. .. note:: If this object references an aperture, this aperture is not modified. You will have to transform this aperture yourself. :param float rotation: rotation in radians clockwise. :param float cx: X coordinate of center of rotation in *unit* units. :param float cy: Y coordinate of center of rotation. (0,0) is at the bottom left of the image. :param unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str with unit for *cx* and *cy* """ cx, cy = self.unit(cx, unit), self.unit(cy, unit) self._rotate(rotation, cx, cy) def bounding_box(self, unit=None): """ Return axis-aligned bounding box of this object in given unit. If no unit is given, return the bounding box in the object's local unit (``self.unit``). .. note:: This method returns bounding boxes in a different format than legacy pcb-tools_, which used ``(min_x, max_x), (min_y, max_y)`` :param unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str with unit for return value. :returns: tuple of tuples of floats: ``(min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y)`` """ bboxes = [ p.bounding_box() for p in self.to_primitives(unit) ] min_x = min(min_x for (min_x, _min_y), _ in bboxes) min_y = min(min_y for (_min_x, min_y), _ in bboxes) max_x = max(max_x for _, (max_x, _max_y) in bboxes) max_y = max(max_y for _, (_max_x, max_y) in bboxes) return ((min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y)) def to_primitives(self, unit=None): """ Render this object into low-level graphical primitives (subclasses of :py:class:`.GraphicPrimitive`). This computes out all coordinates in case aperture macros are involved, and resolves units. The output primitives are converted into the given unit, and will be stripped of unit information. If no unit is given, use this object's native unit (``self.unit``). :param unit: :py:class:`.LengthUnit` or str with unit for return value. :rtype: Iterator[:py:class:`.GraphicPrimitive`] """ def to_statements(self, gs): """ Serialize this object into Gerber statements. :param gs: :py:class:`~.rs274x.GraphicsState` object containing current Gerber state (polarity, selected aperture, interpolation mode etc.). :returns: Iterator yielding one string per line of output Gerber :rtype: Iterator[str] """ def to_xnc(self, ctx): """ Serialize this object into XNC Excellon statements. :param ctx: :py:class:`.ExcellonContext` object containing current Excellon state (selected tool, interpolation mode etc.). :returns: Iterator yielding one string per line of output XNC code :rtype: Iterator[str] """ @dataclass class Flash(GraphicObject): """ A flash is what happens when you "stamp" a Gerber aperture at some location. The :py:attr:`polarity_dark` attribute that Flash inherits from :py:class:`.GraphicObject` is ``True`` for normal flashes. If you set a Flash's ``polarity_dark`` to ``False``, you invert the polarity of all of its features. Flashes are also used to represent drilled holes in an :py:class:`.ExcellonFile`. In this case, :py:attr:`aperture` should be an instance of :py:class:`.ExcellonTool`. """ #: float with X coordinate of the center of this flash. x : Length(float) #: float with Y coordinate of the center of this flash. y : Length(float) #: Flashed Aperture. must be a subclass of :py:class:`.Aperture`. aperture : object @property def tool(self): """ Alias for :py:attr:`aperture` for use inside an :py:class:`.ExcellonFile`. """ return self.aperture @tool.setter def tool(self, value): self.aperture = value @property def plated(self): """ (Excellon only) Returns if this is a plated hole. ``True`` (plated), ``False`` (non-plated) or ``None`` (plating undefined) """ return getattr(self.tool, 'plated', None) def _offset(self, dx, dy): self.x += dx self.y += dy def _rotate(self, rotation, cx=0, cy=0): self.x, self.y = gp.rotate_point(self.x, self.y, rotation, cx, cy) def _scale(self, factor): self.x *= factor self.y *= factor def to_primitives(self, unit=None): conv = self.converted(unit) yield from self.aperture.flash(conv.x, conv.y, unit, self.polarity_dark) def to_statements(self, gs): yield from gs.set_polarity(self.polarity_dark) yield from gs.set_aperture(self.aperture) x = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(self.x, self.unit) y = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(self.y, self.unit) yield f'X{x}Y{y}D03*' gs.update_point(self.x, self.y, unit=self.unit) def to_xnc(self, ctx): yield from ctx.select_tool(self.tool) yield from ctx.drill_mode() x = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(self.x, self.unit) y = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(self.y, self.unit) yield f'X{x}Y{y}' ctx.set_current_point(self.unit, self.x, self.y) # internally used to compute Excellon file path length def curve_length(self, unit=MM): return 0 class Region(GraphicObject): """ Gerber "region", roughly equivalent to what in computer graphics you would call a polygon. A region is a single filled area defined by a list of coordinates on its contour. A region's polarity is its "fill". A region does not have a "stroke", and thus does not have an `aperture` field. Note that regions are a strict subset of what modern computer graphics considers a polygon or path. Be careful when converting shapes from somewhere else into Gerber regions. For arbitrary shapes (e.g. SVG paths) this is non-trivial, and I recommend you hava look at Gerbolyze_ / svg-flatten_. Here's a list of special features of Gerber regions: * A region's outline consists of straigt line segments and circular arcs and must always be closed. * A region is always exactly one connected component. * A region must not overlap itself anywhere. * A region cannot have holes. There is one exception from the last two rules: To emulate a region with a hole in it, *cut-ins* are allowed. At a cut-in, the region is allowed to touch (but never overlap!) itself. """ def __init__(self, outline=None, arc_centers=None, *, unit=MM, polarity_dark=True): self.unit = unit self.polarity_dark = polarity_dark self.outline = [] if outline is None else outline self.arc_centers = [] if arc_centers is None else arc_centers def __len__(self): return len(self.outline) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.outline) def __str__(self): return f' a1: return a2 - a1 else: return 2*math.pi - abs(a2 - a1) else: if a1 > a2: return a1 - a2 else: return 2*math.pi - abs(a1 - a2) @property def p1(self): """ Convenience alias for ``(self.x1, self.y1)`` returning start point of the arc. """ return self.x1, self.y1 @property def p2(self): """ Convenience alias for ``(self.x2, self.y2)`` returning end point of the arc. """ return self.x2, self.y2 @property def center(self): """ Returns the center of the arc in **absolute** coordinates. :returns: ``(self.x1 + self.cx, self.y1 + self.cy)`` :rtype: tuple(float) """ return self.cx + self.x1, self.cy + self.y1 @property def center_relative(self): """ Returns the center of the arc in relative coordinates. :returns: ``(self.cx, self.cy)`` :rtype: tuple(float) """ return self.cx, self.cy @property def tool(self): """ Alias for :py:attr:`aperture` for use inside an :py:class:`.ExcellonFile`. """ return self.aperture @tool.setter def tool(self, value): self.aperture = value @property def plated(self): """ (Excellon only) Returns if this is a plated hole. ``True`` (plated), ``False`` (non-plated) or ``None`` (plating undefined) """ return self.tool.plated def approximate(self, max_error=1e-2, unit=MM, clip_max_error=True): """ Approximate this :py:class:`~.graphic_objects.Arc` using a list of multiple :py:class:`~.graphic_objects.Line` instances to the given precision. :param float max_error: Maximum approximation error in ``unit`` units. :param unit: Either a :py:class:`.LengthUnit` instance or one of the strings ``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``. :param bool clip_max_error: Clip max error such that at least a square is always rendered. :returns: list of :py:class:`~.graphic_objects.Line` instances. :rtype: list """ # TODO the max_angle calculation below is a bit off -- we over-estimate the error, and thus produce finer # results than necessary. Fix this. r = math.hypot(self.cx, self.cy) max_error = self.unit(max_error, unit) if clip_max_error: # 1 - math.sqrt(1 - 0.5*math.sqrt(2)) max_error = min(max_error, r*0.4588038998538031) elif max_error >= r: return [Line(*self.p1, *self.p2, aperture=self.aperture, polarity_dark=self.polarity_dark, unit=self.unit)] # see https://www.mathopenref.com/sagitta.html l = math.sqrt(r**2 - (r - max_error)**2) angle_max = math.asin(l/r) sweep_angle = self.sweep_angle() num_segments = math.ceil(sweep_angle / angle_max) angle = sweep_angle / num_segments if not self.clockwise: angle = -angle cx, cy = self.center points = [ rotate_point(self.x1, self.y1, i*angle, cx, cy) for i in range(num_segments + 1) ] return [ Line(*p1, *p2, aperture=self.aperture, polarity_dark=self.polarity_dark, unit=self.unit) for p1, p2 in zip(points[0::], points[1::]) ] def _rotate(self, rotation, cx=0, cy=0): # rotate center first since we need old x1, y1 here new_cx, new_cy = gp.rotate_point(*self.center, rotation, cx, cy) self.x1, self.y1 = gp.rotate_point(self.x1, self.y1, rotation, cx, cy) self.x2, self.y2 = gp.rotate_point(self.x2, self.y2, rotation, cx, cy) self.cx, self.cy = new_cx - self.x1, new_cy - self.y1 def _scale(self, factor): self.x1 *= factor self.y1 *= factor self.x2 *= factor self.y2 *= factor self.cx *= factor self.cy *= factor def as_primitive(self, unit=None): conv = self.converted(unit) w = self.aperture.equivalent_width(unit) if self.aperture else 0 return gp.Arc(x1=conv.x1, y1=conv.y1, x2=conv.x2, y2=conv.y2, cx=conv.cx, cy=conv.cy, clockwise=self.clockwise, width=w, polarity_dark=self.polarity_dark) def to_primitives(self, unit=None): yield self.as_primitive(unit=unit) def to_region(self): reg = Region(unit=self.unit, polarity_dark=self.polarity_dark) reg.append(self) reg.close() return reg def _aperture_macro_primitives(self, max_error=1e-2, unit=MM): # unit is only for max_error, the resulting primitives will always be in MM for line in self.approximate(max_error=max_error, unit=unit): yield from line._aperture_macro_primitives() def to_statements(self, gs): yield from gs.set_polarity(self.polarity_dark) yield from gs.set_aperture(self.aperture) # TODO is the following line correct? yield from gs.set_interpolation_mode(InterpMode.CIRCULAR_CW if self.clockwise else InterpMode.CIRCULAR_CCW) yield from gs.set_current_point(self.p1, unit=self.unit) x = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(self.x2, self.unit) y = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(self.y2, self.unit) i = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(self.cx, self.unit) j = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(self.cy, self.unit) yield f'X{x}Y{y}I{i}J{j}D01*' gs.update_point(*self.p2, unit=self.unit) def to_xnc(self, ctx): yield from ctx.select_tool(self.tool) yield from ctx.route_mode(self.unit, self.x1, self.y1) code = 'G02' if self.clockwise else 'G03' x = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(self.x2, self.unit) y = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(self.y2, self.unit) i = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(self.cx, self.unit) j = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(self.cy, self.unit) yield f'{code}X{x}Y{y}I{i}J{j}' ctx.set_current_point(self.unit, self.x2, self.y2) # internally used to compute Excellon file path length def curve_length(self, unit=MM): return self.unit.convert_to(unit, math.hypot(self.cx, self.cy) * self.sweep_angle)