#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Jan Götte import math from PIL import Image import pytest from ..rs274x import GerberFile from ..cam import FileSettings from .image_support import * from .utils import * REFERENCE_FILES = [ l.strip() for l in ''' board_outline.GKO example_outline_with_arcs.gbr example_two_square_boxes.gbr example_coincident_hole.gbr example_cutin.gbr example_cutin_multiple.gbr example_flash_circle.gbr example_flash_obround.gbr example_flash_polygon.gbr example_flash_rectangle.gbr example_fully_coincident.gbr example_guess_by_content.g0 example_holes_dont_clear.gbr example_level_holes.gbr example_not_overlapping_contour.gbr example_not_overlapping_touching.gbr example_overlapping_contour.gbr example_overlapping_touching.gbr example_simple_contour.gbr example_single_contour_1.gbr example_single_contour_2.gbr example_single_contour_3.gbr example_am_exposure_modifier.gbr bottom_copper.GBL bottom_mask.GBS bottom_silk.GBO eagle_files/copper_bottom_l4.gbr eagle_files/copper_inner_l2.gbr eagle_files/copper_inner_l3.gbr eagle_files/copper_top_l1.gbr eagle_files/profile.gbr eagle_files/silkscreen_bottom.gbr eagle_files/silkscreen_top.gbr eagle_files/soldermask_bottom.gbr eagle_files/soldermask_top.gbr eagle_files/solderpaste_bottom.gbr eagle_files/solderpaste_top.gbr multiline_read.ger test_fine_lines_x.gbr test_fine_lines_y.gbr top_copper.GTL top_mask.GTS top_silk.GTO '''.splitlines() if l ] MIN_REFERENCE_FILES = [ 'example_two_square_boxes.gbr', 'example_outline_with_arcs.gbr', 'example_flash_circle.gbr', 'example_flash_polygon.gbr', 'example_flash_rectangle.gbr', 'example_simple_contour.gbr', 'example_am_exposure_modifier.gbr', 'bottom_copper.GBL', 'bottom_silk.GBO', 'eagle_files/copper_bottom_l4.gbr' ] HAS_ZERO_SIZE_APERTURES = [ 'bottom_copper.GBL', 'bottom_silk.GBO', 'top_copper.GTL', 'top_silk.GTO', 'board_outline.GKO', 'eagle_files/silkscreen_top.gbr', ] @filter_syntax_warnings @pytest.mark.parametrize('reference', REFERENCE_FILES, indirect=True) def test_round_trip(reference, tmpfile): tmp_gbr = tmpfile('Output gerber', '.gbr') GerberFile.open(reference).save(tmp_gbr) mean, _max, hist = gerber_difference(reference, tmp_gbr, diff_out=tmpfile('Difference', '.png')) assert mean < 5e-5 assert hist[9] == 0 assert hist[3:].sum() < 5e-5*hist.size TEST_ANGLES = [90, 180, 270, 30, 1.5, 10, 360, 1024, -30, -90] TEST_OFFSETS = [(0, 0), (100, 0), (0, 100), (2, 0), (10, 100)] @filter_syntax_warnings @pytest.mark.parametrize('reference', MIN_REFERENCE_FILES, indirect=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize('angle', TEST_ANGLES) def test_rotation(reference, angle, tmpfile): if 'flash_rectangle' in str(reference) and angle == 1024: # gerbv's rendering of this is broken, the hole is missing. pytest.skip() tmp_gbr = tmpfile('Output gerber', '.gbr') f = GerberFile.open(reference) f.rotate(math.radians(angle)) f.save(tmp_gbr) cx, cy = 0, to_gerbv_svg_units(10, unit='inch') mean, _max, hist = gerber_difference(reference, tmp_gbr, diff_out=tmpfile('Difference', '.png'), svg_transform=f'rotate({angle} {cx} {cy})') assert mean < 1e-3 # relax mean criterion compared to above. assert hist[9] == 0 @filter_syntax_warnings @pytest.mark.parametrize('reference', MIN_REFERENCE_FILES, indirect=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize('angle', TEST_ANGLES) @pytest.mark.parametrize('center', [(0, 0), (-10, -10), (10, 10), (10, 0), (0, -10), (-10, 10), (10, 20)]) def test_rotation_center(reference, angle, center, tmpfile): if 'flash_rectangle' in str(reference) and angle in (30, 1024): # gerbv's rendering of this is broken, the hole is missing. pytest.skip() tmp_gbr = tmpfile('Output gerber', '.gbr') f = GerberFile.open(reference) f.rotate(math.radians(angle), center=center) f.save(tmp_gbr) # calculate circle center in SVG coordinates size = (10, 10) # inches cx, cy = to_gerbv_svg_units(center[0]), to_gerbv_svg_units(size[1], 'inch')-to_gerbv_svg_units(center[1], 'mm') mean, _max, hist = gerber_difference(reference, tmp_gbr, diff_out=tmpfile('Difference', '.png'), svg_transform=f'rotate({angle} {cx} {cy})', size=size) assert mean < 1e-3 assert hist[9] < 50 assert hist[3:].sum() < 1e-3*hist.size @filter_syntax_warnings @pytest.mark.parametrize('reference', MIN_REFERENCE_FILES, indirect=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize('offset', TEST_OFFSETS) def test_offset(reference, offset, tmpfile): tmp_gbr = tmpfile('Output gerber', '.gbr') f = GerberFile.open(reference) f.offset(*offset) f.save(tmp_gbr, settings=FileSettings(unit=f.unit, number_format=(4,7))) # flip y offset since svg's y axis is flipped compared to that of gerber dx, dy = to_gerbv_svg_units(offset[0]), -to_gerbv_svg_units(offset[1]) mean, _max, hist = gerber_difference(reference, tmp_gbr, diff_out=tmpfile('Difference', '.png'), svg_transform=f'translate({dx} {dy})') assert mean < 1e-4 assert hist[9] == 0 @filter_syntax_warnings @pytest.mark.parametrize('reference', MIN_REFERENCE_FILES, indirect=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize('angle', TEST_ANGLES) @pytest.mark.parametrize('center', [(0, 0), (10, 0), (0, -10), (10, 20)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('offset', [(0, 0), (100, 0), (0, 100), (100, 100), (100, 10)]) def test_combined(reference, angle, center, offset, tmpfile): if 'flash_rectangle' in str(reference) and angle in (30, 1024): # gerbv's rendering of this is broken, the hole is missing. pytest.skip() tmp_gbr = tmpfile('Output gerber', '.gbr') f = GerberFile.open(reference) f.rotate(math.radians(angle), center=center) f.offset(*offset) f.save(tmp_gbr, settings=FileSettings(unit=f.unit, number_format=(4,7))) size = (10, 10) # inches cx, cy = to_gerbv_svg_units(center[0]), to_gerbv_svg_units(size[1], 'inch')-to_gerbv_svg_units(center[1], 'mm') dx, dy = to_gerbv_svg_units(offset[0]), -to_gerbv_svg_units(offset[1]) mean, _max, hist = gerber_difference(reference, tmp_gbr, diff_out=tmpfile('Difference', '.png'), svg_transform=f'translate({dx} {dy}) rotate({angle} {cx} {cy})', size=size) assert mean < 1e-3 assert hist[9] < 100 assert hist[3:].sum() < 1e-3*hist.size @filter_syntax_warnings @pytest.mark.parametrize('file_a', MIN_REFERENCE_FILES) @pytest.mark.parametrize('file_b', [ 'example_two_square_boxes.gbr', 'example_outline_with_arcs.gbr', 'example_am_exposure_modifier.gbr', 'bottom_silk.GBO', 'eagle_files/copper_bottom_l4.gbr', ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('angle', [0, 10, 90]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('offset', [(0, 0, 0, 0), (100, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 100), (100, 0, 0, 100)]) def test_compositing(file_a, file_b, angle, offset, tmpfile, print_on_error): # TODO bottom_silk.GBO renders incorrectly with gerbv: the outline does not exist in svg. In GUI, the logo only # renders at very high magnification. Skip, and once we have our own SVG export maybe use that instead. Or just use # KiCAD's gerbview. # TODO check if this and the issue with aperture holes not rendering in test_combined actually are bugs in gerbv # and fix/report upstream. if file_a == 'bottom_silk.GBO' or file_b == 'bottom_silk.GBO': pytest.skip() ref_a = reference_path(file_a) print_on_error('Reference file a:', ref_a) ref_b = reference_path(file_b) print_on_error('Reference file b:', ref_b) ax, ay, bx, by = offset grb_a = GerberFile.open(ref_a) grb_a.rotate(math.radians(angle)) grb_a.offset(ax, ay) grb_b = GerberFile.open(ref_b) grb_b.offset(bx, by) grb_a.merge(grb_b) tmp_gbr = tmpfile('Output gerber', '.gbr') grb_a.save(tmp_gbr, settings=FileSettings(unit=grb_a.unit, number_format=(4,7))) size = (10, 10) # inches ax, ay = to_gerbv_svg_units(ax), -to_gerbv_svg_units(ay) bx, by = to_gerbv_svg_units(bx), -to_gerbv_svg_units(by) # note that we have to specify cx, cy even if we rotate around the origin since gerber's origin lies at (x=0 # y=+document size) in SVG's coordinate space because svg's y axis is flipped compared to gerber's. cx, cy = 0, to_gerbv_svg_units(size[1], 'inch') mean, _max, hist = gerber_difference_merge(ref_a, ref_b, tmp_gbr, composite_out=tmpfile('Composite', '.svg'), diff_out=tmpfile('Difference', '.png'), svg_transform1=f'translate({ax} {ay}) rotate({angle} {cx} {cy})', svg_transform2=f'translate({bx} {by})', size=size) assert mean < 1e-3 assert hist[9] < 100 assert hist[3:].sum() < 1e-3*hist.size @filter_syntax_warnings @pytest.mark.parametrize('reference', REFERENCE_FILES, indirect=True) def test_svg_export(reference, tmpfile): grb = GerberFile.open(reference) bounds = (0.0, 0.0), (6.0, 6.0) # bottom left, top right out_svg = tmpfile('Output', '.svg') with open(out_svg, 'w') as f: f.write(str(grb.to_svg(force_bounds=bounds, arg_unit='inch', color='white'))) # NOTE: Instead of having gerbv directly export a PNG, we ask gerbv to output SVG which we then rasterize using # resvg. We have to do this since gerbv's built-in cairo-based PNG export has severe aliasing issues. In contrast, # using resvg for both allows an apples-to-apples comparison of both results. ref_svg = tmpfile('Reference export', '.svg') ref_png = tmpfile('Reference render', '.png') gerbv_export(reference, ref_svg, origin=bounds[0], size=bounds[1]) svg_to_png(ref_svg, ref_png, dpi=72) # make dpi match Cairo's default out_png = tmpfile('Output render', '.png') svg_to_png(out_svg, out_png, dpi=72) # make dpi match Cairo's default mean, _max, hist = image_difference(ref_png, out_png, diff_out=tmpfile('Difference', '.png')) assert mean < 1e-3 assert hist[9] < 1 assert hist[3:].sum() < 1e-3*hist.size # FIXME test svg margin, bounding box computation @filter_syntax_warnings @pytest.mark.parametrize('reference', REFERENCE_FILES, indirect=True) def test_bounding_box(reference, tmpfile): # skip this check on files that contain lines with a zero-size aperture at the board edge if any(reference.match(f'*/{f}') for f in HAS_ZERO_SIZE_APERTURES): pytest.skip() # skip this file because it does not contain any graphical objects if reference.match('*/multiline_read.ger'): pytest.skip() margin = 1.0 # inch dpi = 200 margin_px = int(dpi*margin) # intentionally round down to avoid aliasing artifacts grb = GerberFile.open(reference) out_svg = tmpfile('Output', '.svg') with open(out_svg, 'w') as f: f.write(str(grb.to_svg(margin=margin, arg_unit='inch', color='white'))) out_png = tmpfile('Render', '.png') svg_to_png(out_svg, out_png, dpi=dpi) img = np.array(Image.open(out_png)) img = img[:, :, :3].mean(axis=2) # drop alpha and convert to grayscale img = np.round(img).astype(int) # convert to int assert (img > 0).any() # there must be some content, none of the test gerbers are completely empty. cols = img.sum(axis=1) rows = img.sum(axis=0) col_prefix, col_suffix = np.argmax(cols > 0), np.argmax(cols[::-1] > 0) row_prefix, row_suffix = np.argmax(rows > 0), np.argmax(rows[::-1] > 0) # Check that all margins are completely black and that the content touches the margins. Allow for some tolerance to # allow for antialiasing artifacts. assert margin_px-1 <= col_prefix <= margin_px+1 assert margin_px-1 <= col_suffix <= margin_px+1 assert margin_px-1 <= row_prefix <= margin_px+1 assert margin_px-1 <= row_suffix <= margin_px+1