#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Garret Fick import os import shutil import io import tempfile import uuid from pathlib import Path import pytest from PIL import Image import numpy as np from ..render.cairo_backend import GerberCairoContext from ..rs274x import read class Tempdir: def __init__(self): self.path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='gerbonara-test-') self.delete = True def cleanup(self): if self.delete: shutil.rmtree(self.path) def create(self, prefix='fail-', suffix=''): return Path(self.path) / f'{prefix}{uuid.uuid4()}{suffix}' def keep(self): self.delete = False output_dir = Tempdir() @pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True) def cleanup(request): global output_dir request.addfinalizer(output_dir.cleanup) def test_render_two_boxes(): """Umaco exapmle of two boxes""" _test_render( "resources/example_two_square_boxes.gbr", "golden/example_two_square_boxes.png" ) def _DISABLED_test_render_single_quadrant(): """Umaco exapmle of a single quadrant arc""" _test_render( "resources/example_single_quadrant.gbr", "golden/example_single_quadrant.png" ) def test_render_simple_contour(): """Umaco exapmle of a simple arrow-shaped contour""" gerber = _test_render( "resources/example_simple_contour.gbr", "golden/example_simple_contour.png" ) # Check the resulting dimensions assert ((2.0, 11.0), (1.0, 9.0)) == gerber.bounding_box def test_render_single_contour_1(): """Umaco example of a single contour The resulting image for this test is used by other tests because they must generate the same output.""" _test_render( "resources/example_single_contour_1.gbr", "golden/example_single_contour.png", 0.001 # TODO: It looks like we have some aliasing artifacts here. Make sure this is not caused by an actual error. ) def test_render_single_contour_2(): """Umaco exapmle of a single contour, alternate contour end order The resulting image for this test is used by other tests because they must generate the same output.""" _test_render( "resources/example_single_contour_2.gbr", "golden/example_single_contour.png", 0.001 # TODO: It looks like we have some aliasing artifacts here. Make sure this is not caused by an actual error. ) def test_render_single_contour_3(): """Umaco exapmle of a single contour with extra line""" _test_render( "resources/example_single_contour_3.gbr", "golden/example_single_contour_3.png", 0.001 # TODO: It looks like we have some aliasing artifacts here. Make sure this is not caused by an actual error. ) def test_render_not_overlapping_contour(): """Umaco example of D02 staring a second contour""" _test_render( "resources/example_not_overlapping_contour.gbr", "golden/example_not_overlapping_contour.png", ) def test_render_not_overlapping_touching(): """Umaco example of D02 staring a second contour""" _test_render( "resources/example_not_overlapping_touching.gbr", "golden/example_not_overlapping_touching.png", ) def test_render_overlapping_touching(): """Umaco example of D02 staring a second contour""" _test_render( "resources/example_overlapping_touching.gbr", "golden/example_overlapping_touching.png", ) def test_render_overlapping_contour(): """Umaco example of D02 staring a second contour""" _test_render( "resources/example_overlapping_contour.gbr", "golden/example_overlapping_contour.png", ) def _DISABLED_test_render_level_holes(): """Umaco example of using multiple levels to create multiple holes""" # TODO This is clearly rendering wrong. I'm temporarily checking this in because there are more # rendering fixes in the related repository that may resolve these. _test_render( "resources/example_level_holes.gbr", "golden/example_overlapping_contour.png" ) def _DISABLED_test_render_cutin(): """Umaco example of using a cutin""" # TODO This is clearly rendering wrong. _test_render( "resources/example_cutin.gbr", "golden/example_cutin.png", "/Users/ham/Desktop/cutin.png", ) def test_render_fully_coincident(): """Umaco example of coincident lines rendering two contours""" _test_render( "resources/example_fully_coincident.gbr", "golden/example_fully_coincident.png" ) def test_render_coincident_hole(): """Umaco example of coincident lines rendering a hole in the contour""" _test_render( "resources/example_coincident_hole.gbr", "golden/example_coincident_hole.png" ) def test_render_cutin_multiple(): """Umaco example of a region with multiple cutins""" _test_render( "resources/example_cutin_multiple.gbr", "golden/example_cutin_multiple.png" ) def test_flash_circle(): """Umaco example a simple circular flash with and without a hole""" _test_render( "resources/example_flash_circle.gbr", "golden/example_flash_circle.png", ) def test_flash_rectangle(): """Umaco example a simple rectangular flash with and without a hole""" _test_render( "resources/example_flash_rectangle.gbr", "golden/example_flash_rectangle.png" ) def test_flash_obround(): """Umaco example a simple obround flash with and without a hole""" _test_render( "resources/example_flash_obround.gbr", "golden/example_flash_obround.png" ) def test_flash_polygon(): """Umaco example a simple polygon flash with and without a hole""" _test_render( "resources/example_flash_polygon.gbr", "golden/example_flash_polygon.png" ) def test_holes_dont_clear(): """Umaco example that an aperture with a hole does not clear the area""" _test_render( "resources/example_holes_dont_clear.gbr", "golden/example_holes_dont_clear.png" ) def _DISABLED_test_render_am_exposure_modifier(): """Umaco example that an aperture macro with a hole does not clear the area""" _test_render( "resources/example_am_exposure_modifier.gbr", "golden/example_am_exposure_modifier.png", ) def test_render_svg_simple_contour(): """Example of rendering to an SVG file""" _test_simple_render_svg("resources/example_simple_contour.gbr") def _resolve_path(path): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), path) def images_match(reference, output, max_delta): ref, out = Image.open(reference), Image.open(output) ref, out = np.array(ref), np.array(out) # convert to grayscale ref, out = ref.astype(float).mean(axis=2), out.astype(float).mean(axis=2) delta = np.abs(out - ref).astype(float) / 255 if delta.mean() > max_delta: print(f'Renderings mismatch: {delta.mean()=}, {max_delta=}') print(f'Reference image: {Path(reference).absolute()}') print(f'Actual output: {output}') def print_stats(name, ref): print(name, 'stats:', ref.min(), ref.mean(), ref.max(), 'std:', ref.std()) print_stats('reference', ref) print_stats('actual', out) global output_dir output_dir.keep() return False return True def _test_render(gerber_path, png_expected_path, max_delta=1e-6): """Render the gerber file and compare to the expected PNG output. Parameters ---------- gerber_path : string Path to Gerber file to open png_expected_path : string Path to the PNG file to compare to create_output : string|None If not None, write the generated PNG to the specified path. This is primarily to help with """ gerber_path = _resolve_path(gerber_path) png_expected_path = _resolve_path(png_expected_path) gerber = read(gerber_path) # Create PNG image to the memory stream ctx = GerberCairoContext() gerber.render(ctx) global output_dir with output_dir.create(suffix='.png') as outfile: actual_bytes = ctx.dump(outfile) assert images_match(png_expected_path, outfile, max_delta) return gerber def _test_simple_render_svg(gerber_path): """Render the gerber file as SVG Note: verifies only the header, not the full content. Parameters ---------- gerber_path : string Path to Gerber file to open """ gerber_path = _resolve_path(gerber_path) gerber = read(gerber_path) # Create SVG image to the memory stream ctx = GerberCairoContext() gerber.render(ctx) temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() svg_temp_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "output.svg") assert not os.path.exists(svg_temp_path) ctx.dump(svg_temp_path) assert os.path.exists(svg_temp_path) with open(svg_temp_path, "r") as expected_file: expected_bytes = expected_file.read() assert expected_bytes[:38] == '' shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)