#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 Hiroshi Murayama <opiopan@gmail.com> import operator from .. import excellon from ..excellon import ExcellonParser, detect_excellon_format, ExcellonFile, DrillHit, DrillSlot from ..excellon_statements import ExcellonStatement, UnitStmt, CoordinateStmt, UnknownStmt, \ SlotStmt, DrillModeStmt, RouteModeStmt, LinearModeStmt, \ ToolSelectionStmt, ZAxisRoutPositionStmt, \ RetractWithClampingStmt, RetractWithoutClampingStmt, \ EndOfProgramStmt from ..cam import FileSettings from ..utils import inch, metric, write_gerber_value, parse_gerber_value from .utility import rotate def loads(data, filename=None, settings=None, tools=None, format=None): if not settings: settings = FileSettings(**detect_excellon_format(data)) if format: settings.format = format excellon.CoordinateStmt = CoordinateStmtEx excellon.UnitStmt = UnitStmtEx file = ExcellonParser(settings, tools).parse_raw(data, filename) return ExcellonFileEx.from_file(file) def write_excellon_header(file, settings, tools): file.write('M48\nFMAT,2\nICI,OFF\n%s\n' % UnitStmtEx(settings.units, settings.zeros, settings.format).to_excellon(settings)) for tool in tools: file.write(tool.to_excellon(settings) + '\n') file.write('%%\nG90\n%s\n' % ('M72' if settings.units == 'inch' else 'M71')) class ExcellonFileEx(ExcellonFile): @classmethod def from_file(cls, file): def correct_statements(): for stmt in file.statements: if isinstance(stmt, UnknownStmt): line = stmt.stmt.strip() if line[:3] == 'G02': yield CircularCWModeStmt() if len(line) > 3: yield CoordinateStmtEx.from_excellon(line[3:], file.settings) elif line[:3] == 'G03': yield CircularCCWModeStmt() if len(line) > 3: yield CoordinateStmtEx.from_excellon(line[3:], file.settings) elif line[0] == 'X' or line[0] == 'Y' or line[0] == 'A' or line[0] == 'I': yield CoordinateStmtEx.from_excellon(line, file.settings) else: yield stmt else: yield stmt def generate_hits(statements): class CoordinateCtx: def __init__(self, notation): self.notation = notation self.x = 0. self.y = 0. self.radius = None self.center_offset = None def update(self, x=None, y=None, radius=None, center_offset=None): if self.notation == 'absolute': if x is not None: self.x = x if y is not None: self.y = y else: if x is not None: self.x += x if y is not None: self.y += y if radius is not None: self.radius = radius if center_offset is not None: self.center_offset = center_offset def node(self, mode, center_offset): radius, offset = None, None if mode == DrillRout.MODE_CIRCULER_CW or mode == DrillRout.MODE_CIRCULER_CCW: if center_offset is None: radius = self.radius offset = self.center_offset else: radius = None offset = center_offset return DrillRout.Node(mode, self.x, self.y, radius, offset) STAT_DRILL = 0 STAT_ROUT_UP = 1 STAT_ROUT_DOWN = 2 status = STAT_DRILL current_tool = None rout_mode = None coordinate_ctx = CoordinateCtx(file.notation) rout_nodes = [] last_position = (0., 0.) last_radius = None last_center_offset = None def make_rout(status, nodes): if status != STAT_ROUT_DOWN or len(nodes) == 0 or current_tool is None: return None return DrillRout(current_tool, nodes) for stmt in statements: if isinstance(stmt, ToolSelectionStmt): current_tool = file.tools[stmt.tool] elif isinstance(stmt, DrillModeStmt): rout = make_rout(status, rout_nodes) rout_nodes = [] if rout is not None: yield rout status = STAT_DRILL rout_mode = None elif isinstance(stmt, RouteModeStmt): if status == STAT_DRILL: status = STAT_ROUT_UP rout_mode = DrillRout.MODE_ROUT else: rout_mode = DrillRout.MODE_LINEAR elif isinstance(stmt, LinearModeStmt): rout_mode = DrillRout.MODE_LINEAR elif isinstance(stmt, CircularCWModeStmt): rout_mode = DrillRout.MODE_CIRCULER_CW elif isinstance(stmt, CircularCCWModeStmt): rout_mode = DrillRout.MODE_CIRCULER_CCW elif isinstance(stmt, ZAxisRoutPositionStmt) and status == STAT_ROUT_UP: status = STAT_ROUT_DOWN elif isinstance(stmt, RetractWithClampingStmt) or isinstance(stmt, RetractWithoutClampingStmt): rout = make_rout(status, rout_nodes) rout_nodes = [] if rout is not None: yield rout status = STAT_ROUT_UP elif isinstance(stmt, SlotStmt): coordinate_ctx.update(stmt.x_start, stmt.y_start) x_start = coordinate_ctx.x y_start = coordinate_ctx.y coordinate_ctx.update(stmt.x_end, stmt.y_end) x_end = coordinate_ctx.x y_end = coordinate_ctx.y yield DrillSlotEx(current_tool, (x_start, y_start), (x_end, y_end), DrillSlotEx.TYPE_G85) elif isinstance(stmt, CoordinateStmtEx): center_offset = (stmt.i, stmt.j) \ if stmt.i is not None and stmt.j is not None else None coordinate_ctx.update(stmt.x, stmt.y, stmt.radius, center_offset) if stmt.x is not None or stmt.y is not None: if status == STAT_DRILL: yield DrillHitEx(current_tool, (coordinate_ctx.x, coordinate_ctx.y)) elif status == STAT_ROUT_UP: rout_nodes = [coordinate_ctx.node(DrillRout.MODE_ROUT, None)] elif status == STAT_ROUT_DOWN: rout_nodes.append(coordinate_ctx.node(rout_mode, center_offset)) statements = [s for s in correct_statements()] hits = [h for h in generate_hits(statements)] return cls(statements, file.tools, hits, file.settings, file.filename) @property def primitives(self): return [] def __init__(self, statements, tools, hits, settings, filename=None): super(ExcellonFileEx, self).__init__(statements, tools, hits, settings, filename) def rotate(self, angle, center=(0,0)): if angle % 360 == 0: return for hit in self.hits: hit.rotate(angle, center) def to_inch(self): if self.units == 'metric': for stmt in self.statements: stmt.to_inch() for tool in self.tools: self.tools[tool].to_inch() for hit in self.hits: hit.to_inch() self.units = 'inch' def to_metric(self): if self.units == 'inch': for stmt in self.statements: stmt.to_metric() for tool in self.tools: self.tools[tool].to_metric() for hit in self.hits: hit.to_metric() self.units = 'metric' def write(self, filename=None): self.notation = 'absolute' self.zeros = 'trailing' filename = filename if filename is not None else self.filename with open(filename, 'w') as f: write_excellon_header(f, self.settings, [self.tools[t] for t in self.tools]) for tool in iter(self.tools.values()): f.write(ToolSelectionStmt( tool.number).to_excellon(self.settings) + '\n') for hit in self.hits: if hit.tool.number == tool.number: f.write(hit.to_excellon(self.settings) + '\n') f.write(EndOfProgramStmt().to_excellon() + '\n') class DrillHitEx(DrillHit): def to_inch(self): self.position = tuple(map(inch, self.position)) def to_metric(self): self.position = tuple(map(metric, self.position)) def rotate(self, angle, center=(0, 0)): self.position = rotate(*self.position, angle, center) def to_excellon(self, settings): return CoordinateStmtEx(*self.position).to_excellon(settings) class DrillSlotEx(DrillSlot): def to_inch(self): self.start = tuple(map(inch, self.start)) self.end = tuple(map(inch, self.end)) def to_metric(self): self.start = tuple(map(metric, self.start)) self.end = tuple(map(metric, self.end)) def rotate(self, angle, center=(0,0)): self.start = rotate(*self.start, angle, center) self.end = rotate(*self.end, angle, center) def to_excellon(self, settings): return SlotStmt(*self.start, *self.end).to_excellon(settings) class DrillRout(object): MODE_ROUT = 'G00' MODE_LINEAR = 'G01' MODE_CIRCULER_CW = 'G02' MODE_CIRCULER_CCW = 'G03' class Node(object): def __init__(self, mode, x, y, radius=None, center_offset=None): self.mode = mode self.position = (x, y) self.radius = radius self.center_offset = center_offset def to_excellon(self, settings): center_offset = self.center_offset \ if self.center_offset is not None else (None, None) return self.mode + CoordinateStmtEx( *self.position, self.radius, *center_offset).to_excellon(settings) def __init__(self, tool, nodes): self.tool = tool self.nodes = nodes self.nodes[0].mode = self.MODE_ROUT def to_excellon(self, settings): excellon = self.nodes[0].to_excellon(settings) + '\nM15\n' for node in self.nodes[1:]: excellon += node.to_excellon(settings) + '\n' excellon += 'M16\nG05' return excellon def to_inch(self): for node in self.nodes: node.position = tuple(map(inch, node.position)) node.radius = inch( node.radius) if node.radius is not None else None if node.center_offset is not None: node.center_offset = tuple(map(inch, node.center_offset)) def to_metric(self): for node in self.nodes: node.position = tuple(map(metric, node.position)) node.radius = metric( node.radius) if node.radius is not None else None if node.center_offset is not None: node.center_offset = tuple(map(metric, node.center_offset)) def offset(self, x_offset=0, y_offset=0): for node in self.nodes: node.position = tuple(map(operator.add, node.position, (x_offset, y_offset))) def rotate(self, angle, center=(0, 0)): for node in self.nodes: node.position = rotate(*node.position, angle, center) if node.center_offset is not None: node.center_offset = rotate(*node.center_offset, angle, (0., 0.)) class UnitStmtEx(UnitStmt): @classmethod def from_statement(cls, stmt): return cls(units=stmt.units, zeros=stmt.zeros, format=stmt.format, id=stmt.id) def __init__(self, units='inch', zeros='leading', format=None, **kwargs): super(UnitStmtEx, self).__init__(units, zeros, format, **kwargs) def to_excellon(self, settings=None): format = settings.format if settings else self.format stmt = None if self.units == 'inch' and format == (2, 4): stmt = 'INCH,%s' % ('LZ' if self.zeros == 'leading' else 'TZ') else: stmt = '%s,%s,%s.%s' % ('INCH' if self.units == 'inch' else 'METRIC', 'LZ' if self.zeros == 'leading' else 'TZ', '0' * format[0], '0' * format[1]) return stmt class CircularCWModeStmt(ExcellonStatement): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(CircularCWModeStmt, self).__init__(**kwargs) def to_excellon(self, settings=None): return 'G02' class CircularCCWModeStmt(ExcellonStatement): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(CircularCCWModeStmt, self).__init__(**kwargs) def to_excellon(self, settings=None): return 'G02' class CoordinateStmtEx(CoordinateStmt): @classmethod def from_statement(cls, stmt): newStmt = cls(x=stmt.x, y=stmt.y) newStmt.radius = stmt.radius if isinstance(stmt, CoordinateStmtEx) else None return newStmt @classmethod def from_excellon(cls, line, settings, **kwargs): stmt = None if 'A' in line: parts = line.split('A') stmt = cls.from_statement(CoordinateStmt.from_excellon(parts[0], settings)) \ if parts[0] != '' else cls() stmt.radius = parse_gerber_value( parts[1], settings.format, settings.zero_suppression) elif 'I' in line: jparts = line.split('J') iparts = jparts[0].split('I') stmt = cls.from_statement(CoordinateStmt.from_excellon(iparts[0], settings)) \ if iparts[0] != '' else cls() stmt.i = parse_gerber_value( iparts[1], settings.format, settings.zero_suppression) stmt.j = parse_gerber_value( jparts[1], settings.format, settings.zero_suppression) else: stmt = cls.from_statement(CoordinateStmt.from_excellon(line, settings)) return stmt def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, radius=None, i=None, j=None, **kwargs): super(CoordinateStmtEx, self).__init__(x, y, **kwargs) self.radius = radius self.i = i self.j = j def to_excellon(self, settings): stmt = '' if self.x is not None: stmt += 'X%s' % write_gerber_value(self.x, settings.format, settings.zero_suppression) if self.y is not None: stmt += 'Y%s' % write_gerber_value(self.y, settings.format, settings.zero_suppression) if self.radius is not None: stmt += 'A%s' % write_gerber_value(self.radius, settings.format, settings.zero_suppression) elif self.i is not None and self.j is not None: stmt += 'I%sJ%s' % (write_gerber_value(self.i, settings.format, settings.zero_suppression), write_gerber_value(self.j, settings.format, settings.zero_suppression)) return stmt def __str__(self): coord_str = '' if self.x is not None: coord_str += 'X: %g ' % self.x if self.y is not None: coord_str += 'Y: %g ' % self.y if self.radius is not None: coord_str += 'A: %g ' % self.radius if self.i is not None: coord_str += 'I: %g ' % self.i if self.j is not None: coord_str += 'J: %g ' % self.j return '<Coordinate Statement: %s>' % (coord_str)