#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # copyright 2014 Hamilton Kibbe <ham@hamiltonkib.be> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Gerber (RS-274X) Statements =========================== **Gerber RS-274X file statement classes** """ from .utils import (parse_gerber_value, write_gerber_value, decimal_string, inch, metric) from .am_statements import * from .am_read import read_macro from .am_primitive import eval_macro from .primitives import AMGroup class Statement: pass def update_graphics_state(self, _state): pass def render_primitives(self, _state): pass class ParamStmt(Statement): pass class FormatSpecStmt(ParamStmt): """ FS - Gerber Format Specification Statement """ def to_gerber(self, settings): zeros = 'L' if settings.zero_suppression == 'leading' else 'T' notation = 'A' if settings.notation == 'absolute' else 'I' number_format = str(settings.number_format[0]) + str(settings.number_format[1]) return f'%FS{zeros}{notation}X{number_format}Y{number_format}*%' def __str__(self): return '<FS Format Specification>' class UnitStmt(ParamStmt): """ MO - Coordinate unit mode statement """ def to_gerber(self, settings): return '%MOMM*%' if settings.units == 'mm' else '%MOIN*%' def __str__(self): return ('<MO Coordinate unit mode statement>' % mode_str) class LoadPolarityStmt(ParamStmt): """ LP - Gerber Load Polarity statement """ def __init__(self, dark): self.dark = dark def to_gerber(self, settings=None): lp = 'D' if self.dark else 'C' return f'%LP{lp}*%' def __str__(self): lp = 'dark' if self.dark else 'clear' return f'<LP Level Polarity: {lp}>' def update_graphics_state(self, state): state.polarity_dark = self.dark class ApertureDefStmt(ParamStmt): """ AD - Aperture Definition Statement """ @classmethod def rect(cls, dcode, width, height, hole_diameter=None, hole_width=None, hole_height=None): '''Create a rectangular aperture definition statement''' if hole_diameter is not None and hole_diameter > 0: return cls('AD', dcode, 'R', ([width, height, hole_diameter],)) elif (hole_width is not None and hole_width > 0 and hole_height is not None and hole_height > 0): return cls('AD', dcode, 'R', ([width, height, hole_width, hole_height],)) return cls('AD', dcode, 'R', ([width, height],)) @classmethod def circle(cls, dcode, diameter, hole_diameter=None, hole_width=None, hole_height=None): '''Create a circular aperture definition statement''' if hole_diameter is not None and hole_diameter > 0: return cls('AD', dcode, 'C', ([diameter, hole_diameter],)) elif (hole_width is not None and hole_width > 0 and hole_height is not None and hole_height > 0): return cls('AD', dcode, 'C', ([diameter, hole_width, hole_height],)) return cls('AD', dcode, 'C', ([diameter],)) @classmethod def obround(cls, dcode, width, height, hole_diameter=None, hole_width=None, hole_height=None): '''Create an obround aperture definition statement''' if hole_diameter is not None and hole_diameter > 0: return cls('AD', dcode, 'O', ([width, height, hole_diameter],)) elif (hole_width is not None and hole_width > 0 and hole_height is not None and hole_height > 0): return cls('AD', dcode, 'O', ([width, height, hole_width, hole_height],)) return cls('AD', dcode, 'O', ([width, height],)) @classmethod def polygon(cls, dcode, diameter, num_vertices, rotation, hole_diameter=None, hole_width=None, hole_height=None): '''Create a polygon aperture definition statement''' if hole_diameter is not None and hole_diameter > 0: return cls('AD', dcode, 'P', ([diameter, num_vertices, rotation, hole_diameter],)) elif (hole_width is not None and hole_width > 0 and hole_height is not None and hole_height > 0): return cls('AD', dcode, 'P', ([diameter, num_vertices, rotation, hole_width, hole_height],)) return cls('AD', dcode, 'P', ([diameter, num_vertices, rotation],)) @classmethod def macro(cls, dcode, name): return cls('AD', dcode, name, '') @classmethod def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict): param = stmt_dict.get('param') d = int(stmt_dict.get('d')) shape = stmt_dict.get('shape') modifiers = stmt_dict.get('modifiers') return cls(param, d, shape, modifiers) def __init__(self, param, d, shape, modifiers): """ Initialize ADParamStmt class Parameters ---------- param : string Parameter code d : int Aperture D-code shape : string aperture name modifiers : list of lists of floats Shape modifiers Returns ------- ParamStmt : ADParamStmt Initialized ADParamStmt class. """ ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.d = d self.shape = shape if isinstance(modifiers, tuple): self.modifiers = modifiers elif modifiers: self.modifiers = [tuple([float(x) for x in m.split("X") if len(x)]) for m in modifiers.split(",") if len(m)] else: self.modifiers = [tuple()] def to_inch(self): if self.units == 'metric': self.units = 'inch' self.modifiers = [tuple([inch(x) for x in modifier]) for modifier in self.modifiers] def to_metric(self): if self.units == 'inch': self.units = 'metric' self.modifiers = [tuple([metric(x) for x in modifier]) for modifier in self.modifiers] def to_gerber(self, settings=None): if any(self.modifiers): return '%ADD{0}{1},{2}*%'.format(self.d, self.shape, ','.join(['X'.join(["%.4g" % x for x in modifier]) for modifier in self.modifiers])) else: return '%ADD{0}{1}*%'.format(self.d, self.shape) def __str__(self): if self.shape == 'C': shape = 'circle' elif self.shape == 'R': shape = 'rectangle' elif self.shape == 'O': shape = 'obround' else: shape = self.shape return '<Aperture Definition: %d: %s>' % (self.d, shape) class AMParamStmt(ParamStmt): """ AM - Aperture Macro Statement """ @classmethod def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict, units): return cls(**stmt_dict, units=units) def __init__(self, param, name, macro, units): """ Initialize AMParamStmt class Parameters ---------- param : string Parameter code name : string Aperture macro name macro : string Aperture macro string Returns ------- ParamStmt : AMParamStmt Initialized AMParamStmt class. """ ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.name = name self.macro = macro self.units = units self.primitives = list(eval_macro(read_macro(macro), units)) @classmethod def circle(cls, name, units): return cls('AM', name, '1,1,$1,0,0,0*1,0,$2,0,0,0', units) @classmethod def rectangle(cls, name, units): return cls('AM', name, '21,1,$1,$2,0,0,0*1,0,$3,0,0,0', units) @classmethod def landscape_obround(cls, name, units): return cls( 'AM', name, '$4=$1-$2*' '$5=$1-$4*' '21,1,$5,$2,0,0,0*' '1,1,$4,$4/2,0,0*' '1,1,$4,-$4/2,0,0*' '1,0,$3,0,0,0', units) @classmethod def portrate_obround(cls, name, units): return cls( 'AM', name, '$4=$2-$1*' '$5=$2-$4*' '21,1,$1,$5,0,0,0*' '1,1,$4,0,$4/2,0*' '1,1,$4,0,-$4/2,0*' '1,0,$3,0,0,0', units) @classmethod def polygon(cls, name, units): return cls('AM', name, '5,1,$2,0,0,$1,$3*1,0,$4,0,0,0', units) def to_gerber(self, unit=None): primitive_defs = '\n'.join(primitive.to_gerber(unit=unit) for primitive in self.primitives) return f'%AM{self.name}*\n{primitive_defs}%' def rotate(self, angle, center=None): for primitive_def in self.primitives: primitive_def.rotate(angle, center) def __str__(self): return '<AM Aperture Macro %s: %s>' % (self.name, self.macro) class ImagePolarityStmt(ParamStmt): """ IP - Image Polarity Statement. (Deprecated) """ def to_gerber(self, settings): ip = 'POS' if settings.image_polarity == 'positive' else 'NEG' return f'%IP{ip}*%' def __str__(self): return '<IP Image Polarity>' class CoordStmt(Statement): """ D01 - D03 operation statements """ def __init__(self, x, y, i, j): self.x, self.y, self.i, self.j = x, y, i, j def to_gerber(self, settings=None): ret = '' for var in 'xyij': val = getattr(self, var) if val is not None: ret += var.upper() + write_gerber_value(val, settings.number_format, settings.zero_suppression) return ret + self.code + '*' def offset(self, x=0, y=0): if self.x is not None: self.x += x if self.y is not None: self.y += y def __str__(self): if self.i is None: return f'<{self.__name__.strip()} x={self.x} y={self.y}>' else return f'<{self.__name__.strip()} x={self.x} y={self.y} i={self.i} j={self.j]>' def render_primitives(self, state): if state.interpolation_mode == InterpolateStmt: yield Line(state.current_point, (self.x, self.y)) class InterpolateStmt(Statement): """ D01 Interpolation """ code = 'D01' class MoveStmt(CoordStmt): """ D02 Move """ code = 'D02' class FlashStmt(CoordStmt): """ D03 Flash """ code = 'D03' class InterpolationModeStmt(Statement): """ G01 / G02 / G03 interpolation mode statement """ def to_gerber(self, **_kwargs): return self.code + '*' def __str__(self): return f'<{self.__doc__.strip()}>' class LinearModeStmt(InterpolationModeStmt): """ G01 linear interpolation mode statement """ code = 'G01' class CircularCWModeStmt(InterpolationModeStmt): """ G02 circular interpolation mode statement """ code = 'G02' class CircularCCWModeStmt(InterpolationModeStmt): """ G03 circular interpolation mode statement """ code = 'G03' class SingleQuadrantModeStmt(InterpolationModeStmt): """ G75 single-quadrant arc interpolation mode statement """ code = 'G75' class RegionStartStatement(InterpolationModeStmt): """ G36 Region Mode Start Statement. """ code = 'G36' class RegionEndStatement(InterpolationModeStmt): """ G37 Region Mode End Statement. """ code = 'G37' class RegionGroup: def __init__(self): self.outline = [] class ApertureStmt(Statement): def __init__(self, d): self.d = int(d) self.deprecated = True if deprecated is not None and deprecated is not False else False def to_gerber(self, settings=None): if self.deprecated: return 'G54D{0}*'.format(self.d) else: return 'D{0}*'.format(self.d) def __str__(self): return '<Aperture: %d>' % self.d class CommentStmt(Statement): """ G04 Comment Statment """ def __init__(self, comment): self.comment = comment if comment is not None else "" def to_gerber(self, settings=None): return f'G04{self.comment}*' def __str__(self): return f'<G04 Comment: {self.comment}>' class EofStmt(Statement): """ M02 EOF Statement """ def __init__(self): Statement.__init__(self, "EOF") def to_gerber(self, settings=None): return 'M02*' def __str__(self): return '<M02 EOF Statement>' class UnknownStmt(Statement): def __init__(self, line): self.line = line def to_gerber(self, settings): return self.line def __str__(self): return f'<Unknown Statement: "{self.line}">'