import sys import re import math from copy import copy, deepcopy import warnings from .primitives import * from ..graphic_objects import Region from ..apertures import RectangleAperture, CircleAperture class ProtoBoard(Board): def __init__(self, w, h, content, margin=None, corner_radius=None, mounting_hole_dia=None, mounting_hole_offset=None, unit=MM): corner_radius = corner_radius or unit(1.5, MM) super().__init__(w, h, corner_radius, unit=unit) self.margin = margin or unit(2, MM) self.content = content if mounting_hole_dia: mounting_hole_offset = mounting_hole_offset or mounting_hole_dia*2 ko = mounting_hole_offset*2 self.add(Hole(mounting_hole_offset, mounting_hole_offset, mounting_hole_dia, unit=unit)) self.add(Hole(w-mounting_hole_offset, mounting_hole_offset, mounting_hole_dia, unit=unit)) self.add(Hole(mounting_hole_offset, h-mounting_hole_offset, mounting_hole_dia, unit=unit)) self.add(Hole(w-mounting_hole_offset, h-mounting_hole_offset, mounting_hole_dia, unit=unit)) self.keepouts.append(((0, 0), (ko, ko))) self.keepouts.append(((w-ko, 0), (w, ko))) self.keepouts.append(((0, h-ko), (ko, h))) self.keepouts.append(((w-ko, h-ko), (w, h))) self.generate() def generate(self, unit=MM): bbox = ((self.margin, self.margin), (self.w-self.margin, self.h-self.margin)) bbox = unit.convert_bounds_from(self.unit, bbox) for obj in self.content.generate(bbox, unit): self.add(obj, keepout_errors='skip') class PropLayout: def __init__(self, content, direction, proportions): self.content = list(content) if direction not in ('h', 'v'): raise ValueError('direction must be one of "h", or "v".') self.direction = direction self.proportions = list(proportions) if len(content) != len(proportions): raise ValueError('proportions and content must have same length') def generate(self, bbox, unit=MM): for bbox, child in self.layout_2d(bbox, unit): yield from child.generate(bbox, unit) def fit_size(self, w, h, unit=MM): widths = [] heights = [] for ((x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max)), child in self.layout_2d(((0, 0), (w, h)), unit): if not isinstance(child, EmptyProtoArea): widths.append(x_max - x_min) heights.append(y_max - y_min) if self.direction == 'h': return sum(widths), max(heights) else: return max(widths), sum(heights) def layout_2d(self, bbox, unit=MM): (x, y), (w, h) = bbox w, h = w-x, h-y actual_l = 0 target_l = 0 for l, child in zip(self.layout(w if self.direction == 'h' else h, unit), self.content): this_x, this_y = x, y this_w, this_h = w, h target_l += l if self.direction == 'h': this_w = target_l - actual_l else: this_h = target_l - actual_l this_w, this_h = child.fit_size(this_w, this_h, unit) if self.direction == 'h': x += this_w actual_l += this_w this_h = h else: y += this_h actual_l += this_h this_w = w yield ((this_x, this_y), (this_x+this_w, this_y+this_h)), child def layout(self, length, unit=MM): out = [ eval_value(value, MM(length, unit)) for value in self.proportions ] total_length = sum(value for value in out if value is not None) if length - total_length < -1e-6: raise ValueError(f'Proportions sum to {total_length} mm, which is greater than the available space of {length} mm.') leftover = length - total_length sum_props = sum( (value or 1.0) for value in self.proportions if not isinstance(value, str) ) return [ unit(leftover * (value or 1.0) / sum_props if not isinstance(value, str) else calculated, MM) for value, calculated in zip(self.proportions, out) ] def __str__(self): children = ', '.join( f'{elem}:{width}' for elem, width in zip(self.content, self.proportions)) return f'PropLayout[{self.direction.upper()}]({children})' class TwoSideLayout: def __init__(self, top, bottom):, self.bottom = top, bottom if not top.single_sided or not bottom.single_sided: warnings.warn('Two-sided pattern used on one side of a TwoSideLayout') def fit_size(self, w, h, unit=MM): w1, h1 =, h, unit) w2, h2 = self.bottom.fit_size(w, h, unit) if isinstance(, EmptyProtoArea): if isinstance(self.bottom, EmptyProtoArea): return w1, h1 return w2, h2 if isinstance(self.bottom, EmptyProtoArea): return w1, h1 return max(w1, w2), max(h1, h2) def generate(self, bbox, unit=MM): yield from, unit) for obj in self.bottom.generate(bbox, unit): obj.side = 'bottom' yield obj class PatternProtoArea: def __init__(self, pitch_x, pitch_y=None, obj=None, unit=MM): self.pitch_x = pitch_x self.pitch_y = pitch_y or pitch_x self.obj = obj self.unit = unit def fit_size(self, w, h, unit=MM): (min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y) = self.fit_rect(((0, 0), (w, h))) return max_x-min_x, max_y-min_y def fit_rect(self, bbox, unit=MM): (x, y), (w, h) = bbox w, h = w-x, h-y w_mod = round((w + 5e-7) % unit(self.pitch_x, self.unit), 6) h_mod = round((h + 5e-7) % unit(self.pitch_y, self.unit), 6) w_fit, h_fit = round(w - w_mod, 6), round(h - h_mod, 6) x = x + (w-w_fit)/2 y = y + (h-h_fit)/2 return (x, y), (x+w_fit, y+h_fit) def generate(self, bbox, unit=MM): (x, y), (w, h) = bbox w, h = w-x, h-y n_x = int(w//unit(self.pitch_x, self.unit)) n_y = int(h//unit(self.pitch_y, self.unit)) off_x = (w % unit(self.pitch_x, self.unit)) / 2 off_y = (h % unit(self.pitch_y, self.unit)) / 2 for i in range(n_x): for j in range(n_y): if hasattr(self.obj, 'inst'): inst = self.obj.inst(i, j, i == n_x-1, j == n_y-1) else: inst = copy(self.obj) inst.x = inst.unit(off_x + x, unit) + (i + 0.5) * inst.unit(self.pitch_x, self.unit) inst.y = inst.unit(off_y + y, unit) + (j + 0.5) * inst.unit(self.pitch_y, self.unit) yield inst @property def single_sided(self): return self.obj.single_sided class EmptyProtoArea: def __init__(self, copper_fill=False): self.copper_fill = copper_fill def fit_size(self, w, h, unit=MM): return w, h def generate(self, bbox, unit=MM): if self.copper: (min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y) = bbox yield ObjectGroup(top_copper=[Region([(min_x, min_y), (max_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y), (min_x, max_y)], unit=unit, polarity_dark=True)]) @property def single_sided(self): return True class ManhattanPads(ObjectGroup): def __init__(self, w, h=None, gap=0.2, unit=MM): super().__init__(0, 0) h = h or w = gap self.unit = unit p = (w-2*gap)/2 q = (h-2*gap)/2 small_ap = RectangleAperture(p, q, unit=unit) s = min(w, h) / 2 / math.sqrt(2) large_ap = RectangleAperture(s, s, rotation=math.pi/4, unit=unit) large_ap_neg = RectangleAperture(s+2*gap, s+2*gap, rotation=math.pi/4, unit=unit) a = gap/2 + p/2 b = gap/2 + q/2 self.top_copper.append(Flash(-a, -b, aperture=small_ap, unit=unit)) self.top_copper.append(Flash(-a, b, aperture=small_ap, unit=unit)) self.top_copper.append(Flash( a, -b, aperture=small_ap, unit=unit)) self.top_copper.append(Flash( a, b, aperture=small_ap, unit=unit)) self.top_copper.append(Flash(0, 0, aperture=large_ap_neg, polarity_dark=False, unit=unit)) self.top_copper.append(Flash(0, 0, aperture=large_ap, unit=unit)) self.top_mask = self.top_copper class RFGroundProto(ObjectGroup): def __init__(self, pitch=None, drill=None, clearance=None, via_dia=None, via_drill=None, pad_dia=None, trace_width=None, unit=MM): super().__init__(0, 0) self.unit = unit self.pitch = pitch = pitch or unit(2.54, MM) self.drill = drill = drill or unit(0.9, MM) self.clearance = clearance = clearance or unit(0.3, MM) self.via_drill = via_drill = via_drill or unit(0.4, MM) self.via_dia = via_dia = via_dia or unit(0.8, MM) if pad_dia is None: self.trace_width = trace_width = trace_width or unit(0.3, MM) pad_dia = pitch - trace_width - 2*clearance elif trace_width is None: trace_width = pitch - pad_dia - 2*clearance self.pad_dia = pad_dia via_ap = RectangleAperture(via_dia, via_dia, rotation=math.pi/4, unit=unit) pad_ap = CircleAperture(pad_dia, unit=unit) pad_neg_ap = CircleAperture(pad_dia+2*clearance, unit=unit) ground_ap = RectangleAperture(pitch + unit(0.01, MM), pitch + unit(0.01, MM), unit=unit) pad_drill = ExcellonTool(drill, plated=True, unit=unit) via_drill = ExcellonTool(via_drill, plated=True, unit=unit) self.top_copper.append(Flash(0, 0, aperture=ground_ap, unit=unit)) self.top_copper.append(Flash(0, 0, aperture=pad_neg_ap, polarity_dark=False, unit=unit)) self.top_copper.append(Flash(0, 0, aperture=pad_ap, unit=unit)) self.top_mask.append(Flash(0, 0, aperture=pad_ap, unit=unit)) self.top_copper.append(Flash(pitch/2, pitch/2, aperture=via_ap, unit=unit)) self.top_mask.append(Flash(pitch/2, pitch/2, aperture=via_ap, unit=unit)) self.drill_pth.append(Flash(0, 0, aperture=pad_drill, unit=unit)) self.drill_pth.append(Flash(pitch/2, pitch/2, aperture=via_drill, unit=unit)) self.bottom_copper = self.top_copper self.bottom_mask = self.top_mask def inst(self, x, y, border_x, border_y): inst = copy(self) if border_x or border_y: inst.drill_pth = inst.drill_pth[:-1] inst.top_copper = inst.bottom_copper = inst.top_copper[:-1] inst.top_mask = inst.bottom_mask = inst.top_mask[:-1] return inst class PoweredProto(ObjectGroup): def __init__(self, pitch=None, drill=None, clearance=None, power_pad_dia=None, via_size=None, trace_width=None, unit=MM): super().__init__(0, 0) self.unit = unit self.pitch = pitch = pitch or unit(2.54, MM) self.drill = drill = drill or unit(0.9, MM) self.clearance = clearance = clearance or unit(0.3, MM) self.trace_width = trace_width = trace_width or unit(0.3, MM) self.via_size = via_size = via_size or unit(0.4, MM) main_pad_dia = pitch - trace_width - 2*clearance power_pad_dia_max = math.sqrt(2)*pitch - main_pad_dia - 2*clearance if power_pad_dia is None: power_pad_dia = power_pad_dia_max - clearance # reduce some more to give the user more room elif power_pad_dia > power_pad_dia_max: warnings.warn(f'Power pad diameter {power_pad_dia} > {power_pad_dia_max} violates pad-to-pad clearance') self.power_pad_dia = power_pad_dia main_ap = CircleAperture(main_pad_dia, unit=unit) power_ap = CircleAperture(self.power_pad_dia, unit=unit) for l in [self.top_copper, self.bottom_copper]: l.append(Flash(0, 0, aperture=main_ap, unit=unit)) l.append(Flash(-pitch/2, -pitch/2, aperture=power_ap, unit=unit)) l.append(Flash(-pitch/2, pitch/2, aperture=power_ap, unit=unit)) l.append(Flash( pitch/2, -pitch/2, aperture=power_ap, unit=unit)) l.append(Flash( pitch/2, pitch/2, aperture=power_ap, unit=unit)) self.drill_pth.append(Flash(0, 0, ExcellonTool(drill, plated=True, unit=unit), unit=unit)) self.drill_pth.append(Flash(-pitch/2, -pitch/2, ExcellonTool(via_size, plated=True, unit=unit), unit=unit)) self.top_mask = copy(self.top_copper) self.bottom_mask = copy(self.bottom_copper) self.line_ap = CircleAperture(trace_width, unit=unit) self.top_copper.append(Line(-pitch/2, -pitch/2, -pitch/2, pitch/2, aperture=self.line_ap, unit=unit)) self.top_copper.append(Line(pitch/2, -pitch/2, pitch/2, pitch/2, aperture=self.line_ap, unit=unit)) self.bottom_copper.append(Line(-pitch/2, -pitch/2, pitch/2, -pitch/2, aperture=self.line_ap, unit=unit)) self.bottom_copper.append(Line(-pitch/2, pitch/2, pitch/2, pitch/2, aperture=self.line_ap, unit=unit)) def inst(self, x, y, border_x, border_y): inst = copy(self) if (x + y) % 2 == 0: inst.drill_pth = inst.drill_pth[:-1] c = self.power_pad_dia/2 + self.clearance p = self.pitch/2 if x == 1: inst.top_silk = [Line(-p, -p+c, -p, p-c, aperture=self.line_ap, unit=self.unit)] elif x % 2 == 0: inst.top_silk = [Line(p, -p+c, p, p-c, aperture=self.line_ap, unit=self.unit)] if y == 0: inst.bottom_silk = [Line(-p+c, -p, p-c, -p, aperture=self.line_ap, unit=self.unit)] elif y % 2 == 1: inst.bottom_silk = [Line(-p+c, p, p-c, p, aperture=self.line_ap, unit=self.unit)] return inst def bounding_box(self, unit=MM): x, y, rotation = self.abs_pos p = self.pitch/2 return unit.convert_bounds_from(self.unit, ((x-p, y-p), (x+p, y+p))) def convert_to_mm(value, unit): unitl = unit.lower() if unitl == 'mm': return value elif unitl == 'cm': return value*10 elif unitl == 'in': return value*25.4 elif unitl == 'mil': return value/1000*25.4 else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid unit {unit}, allowed units are mm, cm, in, and mil.') _VALUE_RE = re.compile('([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)(cm|mm|in|mil|%)') def eval_value(value, total_length=None): if not isinstance(value, str): return None m = _VALUE_RE.match(value.lower()) number, unit = m.groups() if unit == '%': if total_length is None: raise ValueError('Percentages are not allowed for this value') return total_length * float(number) / 100 return convert_to_mm(float(number), unit) def _demo(): #pattern1 = PatternProtoArea(2.54,, 0, 0.9, 1.8, paste=False)) #pattern2 = PatternProtoArea(1.2, 2.0, obj=SMDPad.rect(0, 0, 1.0, 1.8, paste=False)) #pattern3 = PatternProtoArea(2.54, 1.27, obj=SMDPad.rect(0, 0, 2.3, 1.0, paste=False)) #stack = TwoSideLayout(pattern2, pattern3) #layout = PropLayout([pattern1, stack], 'h', [0.5, 0.5]) #pattern = PatternProtoArea(2.54, obj=ManhattanPads(2.54)) #pattern = PatternProtoArea(2.54, obj=PoweredProto()) pattern = PatternProtoArea(2.54, obj=RFGroundProto()) pb = ProtoBoard(100, 80, pattern, mounting_hole_dia=3.2, mounting_hole_offset=5) print(pb.pretty_svg()) pb.layer_stack().save_to_directory('/tmp/testdir') if __name__ == '__main__': _demo()