import sys import math import warnings from copy import copy from itertools import zip_longest, chain from dataclasses import dataclass, field, replace, KW_ONLY from collections import defaultdict from ..utils import LengthUnit, MM, rotate_point, svg_arc, sum_bounds, bbox_intersect, Tag, offset_bounds from ..layers import LayerStack from ..graphic_objects import Line, Arc, Flash from ..apertures import Aperture, CircleAperture, ObroundAperture, RectangleAperture, ExcellonTool from ..newstroke import Newstroke class UNDEFINED: pass def sgn(x): return -1 if x < 0 else 1 class KeepoutError(ValueError): def __init__(self, obj, keepout, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.obj = obj self.keepout = keepout newstroke_font = None class Board: def __init__(self, w=None, h=None, corner_radius=1.5, center=False, default_via_hole=0.4, default_via_diameter=0.8, x=0, y=0, rotation=0, unit=MM): self.x, self.y = x, y self.rotation = 0 self.objects = [] self.outline = [] self.extra_silk_top = [] self.extra_silk_bottom = [] self.keepouts = [] self.default_via_hole = MM(default_via_hole, unit) self.default_via_diameter = MM(default_via_diameter, unit) self.unit = unit if w or h: if w and h: self.rounded_rect_outline(w, h, r=corner_radius, center=center) self.w, self.h = w, h else: raise ValueError('Either both, w and h, or neither of them must be given.') else: self.w = self.h = None @property def abs_pos(self): return self.x, self.y, self.rotation, False def add_silk(self, side, obj): if side not in ('top', 'bottom'): raise ValueError('side must be one of "top" or "bottom".') if side == 'top': self.extra_silk_top.append(obj) else: self.extra_silk_bottom.append(obj) def add_text(self, *args, **kwargs): self.objects.append(Text(*args, **kwargs)) def add_keepout(self, bbox, unit=MM): ((_x_min, _y_min), (_x_max, _y_max)) = bbox self.keepouts.append(MM.convert_bounds_from(unit, bbox)) def add(self, obj, keepout_errors='raise'): if keepout_errors not in ('ignore', 'raise', 'warn', 'skip'): raise ValueError('keepout_errors must be one of "ignore", "raise", "warn" or "skip".') if keepout_errors != 'ignore': for ko in self.keepouts: if obj.overlaps(ko, unit=MM): if keepout_errors == 'warn': warnings.warn(f'Object with bounds {obj.bounding_box(MM)} [mm] hits one or more keepout areas') elif keepout_errors == 'raise': raise KeepoutError(obj, ko, msg) return obj.parent = self self.objects.append(obj) def via(self, x, y, diameter=None, hole=None, keepout_errors='raise', unit=MM): diameter = diameter or unit(self.default_via_dia, MM) hole = hole or unit(self.default_via_hole, MM) obj = Via(x, y, diameter, hole, unit=unit, keepout_errors=keepout_errors) self.add(obj) return obj def rounded_rect_outline(self, w, h, r=0, x0=None, y0=None, center=False, unit=MM): if x0 is None: x0 = -w/2 if center else 0 if y0 is None: y0 = -h/2 if center else 0 ap = CircleAperture(0.05, unit=MM) self.outline.append(Line(x0+r, y0, x0+w-r, y0, ap, unit=unit)) if r: self.outline.append(Arc(x0+w-r, y0, x0+w, y0+r, 0, r, False, ap, unit=unit)) self.outline.append(Line(x0+w, y0+r, x0+w, y0+h-r, ap, unit=unit)) if r: self.outline.append(Arc(x0+w, y0+h-r, x0+w-r, y0+h, -r, 0, False, ap, unit=unit)) self.outline.append(Line(x0+w-r, y0+h, x0+r, y0+h, ap, unit=unit)) if r: self.outline.append(Arc(x0+r, y0+h, x0, y0+h-r, 0, -r, False, ap, unit=unit)) self.outline.append(Line(x0, y0+h-r, x0, y0+r, ap, unit=unit)) if r: self.outline.append(Arc(x0, y0+r, x0+r, y0, r, 0, False, ap, unit=unit)) def layer_stack(self, layer_stack=None): if layer_stack is None: layer_stack = LayerStack() cache = {} for obj in chain(self.objects): obj.render(layer_stack, cache) layer_stack['mechanical', 'outline'].objects.extend(self.outline) layer_stack['top', 'silk'].objects.extend(self.extra_silk_top) layer_stack['bottom', 'silk'].objects.extend(self.extra_silk_bottom) return layer_stack def svg(self, margin=0, arg_unit=MM, svg_unit=MM, force_bounds=None): return self.layer_stack().to_svg(margin=margin, arg_unit=arg_unit, svg_unit=svg_unit, force_bounds=force_bounds) def pretty_svg(self, side='top', margin=0, arg_unit=MM, svg_unit=MM, force_bounds=None, inkscape=False, colors=None): return self.layer_stack().to_pretty_svg(side=side, margin=margin, arg_unit=arg_unit, svg_unit=svg_unit, force_bounds=force_bounds, inkscape=inkscape, colors=colors) @dataclass class Positioned: x: float y: float _: KW_ONLY rotation: float = 0.0 flip: bool = False unit: LengthUnit = MM parent: object = None @property def abs_pos(self): if self.parent is None: px, py, pa, pf = 0, 0, 0, False else: px, py, pa, pf = self.parent.abs_pos return self.x+px, self.y+py, self.rotation+pa, (bool(self.flip) != bool(pf)) def bounding_box(self, unit=MM): stack = LayerStack() self.render(stack) objects = chain(*(l.objects for l in stack.graphic_layers.values()), stack.drill_pth.objects, stack.drill_npth.objects) objects = list(objects) #print('foo', type(self).__name__, # [(type(obj).__name__, [prim.bounding_box() for prim in obj.to_primitives(unit)]) for obj in objects], file=sys.stderr) return sum_bounds(prim.bounding_box() for obj in objects for prim in obj.to_primitives(unit)) def overlaps(self, bbox, unit=MM): return bbox_intersect(self.bounding_box(unit), bbox) @property def single_sided(self): return True # The dataclass API is slightly idiotic here, so we have to duplicate the entire thing. @dataclass(frozen=True) class FrozenPositioned: x: float y: float _: KW_ONLY rotation: float = 0.0 flip: bool = False unit: LengthUnit = MM parent: object = None @property def abs_pos(self): if self.parent is None: px, py, pa, pf = 0, 0, 0, False else: px, py, pa, pf = self.parent.abs_pos return self.x+px, self.y+py, self.rotation+pa, (bool(self.flip) != bool(pf)) def bounding_box(self, unit=MM): stack = LayerStack() self.render(stack) objects = chain(*(l.objects for l in stack.graphic_layers.values()), stack.drill_pth.objects, stack.drill_npth.objects) objects = list(objects) #print('foo', type(self).__name__, # [(type(obj).__name__, [prim.bounding_box() for prim in obj.to_primitives(unit)]) for obj in objects], file=sys.stderr) return sum_bounds(prim.bounding_box() for obj in objects for prim in obj.to_primitives(unit)) def overlaps(self, bbox, unit=MM): return bbox_intersect(self.bounding_box(unit), bbox) @property def single_sided(self): return True @dataclass class Graphics(Positioned): top_copper: list = field(default_factory=list) top_mask: list = field(default_factory=list) top_silk: list = field(default_factory=list) top_paste: list = field(default_factory=list) bottom_copper: list = field(default_factory=list) bottom_mask: list = field(default_factory=list) bottom_silk: list = field(default_factory=list) bottom_paste: list = field(default_factory=list) drill_npth: list = field(default_factory=list) drill_pth: list = field(default_factory=list) def render(self, layer_stack, cache=None): x, y, rotation, flip = self.abs_pos top, bottom = ('bottom', 'top') if flip else ('top', 'bottom') for target, source in [ (layer_stack[top, 'copper'], self.top_copper), (layer_stack[top, 'mask'], self.top_mask), (layer_stack[top, 'silk'], self.top_silk), (layer_stack[top, 'paste'], self.top_paste), (layer_stack[bottom, 'copper'], self.bottom_copper), (layer_stack[bottom, 'mask'], self.bottom_mask), (layer_stack[bottom, 'silk'], self.bottom_silk), (layer_stack[bottom, 'paste'], self.bottom_paste), (layer_stack.drill_pth, self.drill_pth), (layer_stack.drill_npth, self.drill_npth)]: for fe in source: fe = copy(fe) fe.rotate(rotation) fe.offset(x, y, self.unit) target.objects.append(fe) def bounding_box(self, unit=MM): if math.isclose(self.rotation, 0, abs_tol=1e-3): return offset_bounds(sum_bounds((obj.bounding_box(unit=unit) for obj in chain( self.top_copper, self.top_mask, self.top_silk, self.top_paste, self.bottom_copper, self.bottom_mask, self.bottom_silk, self.bottom_paste, self.drill_npth, self.drill_pth, ))), unit(self.x, self.unit), unit(self.y, self.unit)) else: return super().bounding_box(unit) @property def single_sided(self): any_top = self.top_copper or self.top_mask or self.top_paste or self.top_silk any_bottom = self.bottom_copper or self.bottom_mask or self.bottom_paste or self.bottom_silk any_drill = self.drill_npth or self.drill_pth return not (any_drill or (any_top and any_bottom)) @dataclass class ObjectGroup(Positioned): objects: list = field(default_factory=list) def render(self, layer_stack, cache=None): for obj in self.objects: if not isinstance(obj, Positioned): raise ValueError(f'ObjectGroup members must be children of Positioned, not {type(obj)}') obj.parent = self obj.render(layer_stack, cache=cache) def bounding_box(self, unit=MM): if math.isclose(self.rotation, 0, abs_tol=1e-3): return offset_bounds(sum_bounds((obj.bounding_box(unit=unit) for obj in self.objects)), unit(self.x, self.unit), unit(self.y, self.unit)) else: return super().bounding_box(unit) @property def single_sided(self): return all(obj.single_sided for obj in self.objects) @dataclass class Text(Positioned): text: str font_size: float = 2.5 stroke_width: float = 0.25 h_align: str = 'left' v_align: str = 'bottom' layer: str = 'silk' polarity_dark: bool = True def render(self, layer_stack, cache=None): obj_x, obj_y, rotation, flip = self.abs_pos global newstroke_font if newstroke_font is None: newstroke_font = Newstroke() strokes = list(newstroke_font.render(self.text, size=self.font_size)) if not strokes: return xs = [x for points in strokes for x, _y in points] ys = [y for points in strokes for _x, y in points] min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys) if self.h_align == 'left': x0 = 0 elif self.h_align == 'center': x0 = -max_x/2 elif self.h_align == 'right': x0 = -max_x else: raise ValueError('h_align must be one of "left", "center", or "right".') if self.v_align == 'bottom': y0 = -(max_y - min_y) elif self.v_align == 'middle': y0 = (max_y - min_y)/2 elif self.v_align == 'top': y0 = 0 else: raise ValueError('v_align must be one of "top", "middle", or "bottom".') if self.flip: x0 += min_x + max_x x_sign = -1 else: x_sign = 1 ap = CircleAperture(self.stroke_width, unit=self.unit) for stroke in strokes: for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in zip(stroke[:-1], stroke[1:]): obj = Line(x0+x_sign*x1, y0+y1, x0+x_sign*x2, y0+y2, aperture=ap, unit=self.unit, polarity_dark=self.polarity_dark) obj.rotate(rotation) obj.offset(obj_x, obj_y) layer_stack['bottom' if flip else 'top', self.layer].objects.append(obj) def bounding_box(self, unit=MM): approx_w = len(self.text)*self.font_size*0.75 + self.stroke_width approx_h = self.font_size + self.stroke_width if self.h_align == 'left': x0 = 0 elif self.h_align == 'center': x0 = -approx_w/2 elif self.h_align == 'right': x0 = -approx_w if self.v_align == 'top': y0 = 0 elif self.v_align == 'middle': y0 = -approx_h/2 elif self.v_align == 'bottom': y0 = -approx_h return (self.x+x0, self.y+y0), (self.x+x0+approx_w, self.y+y0+approx_h) @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class PadStackAperture: aperture: Aperture side: str layer: str offset_x: float = 0 # in PadStack units offset_y: float = 0 rotation: float = 0 invert: bool = False @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class PadStack: _: KW_ONLY unit: LengthUnit = MM @property def apertures(self): raise NotImplementedError() def flashes(self, x, y, rotation: float = 0, flip: bool = False): for ap in self.apertures: aperture = ap.aperture.rotated(ap.rotation + rotation) fl = Flash(ap.offset_x, ap.offset_y, aperture, polarity_dark=not ap.invert, unit=self.unit) fl.rotate(rotation) fl.offset(x, y) side = ap.side if flip: side = {'top': 'bottom', 'bottom': 'top'}.get(side, side) yield side, ap.layer, fl def render(self, layer_stack, x, y, rotation: float = 0, flip: bool = False): for side, layer, flash in self.flashes(x, y, rotation, flip): if side == 'drill' and layer == 'plated': layer_stack.drill_pth.objects.append(flash) elif side == 'drill' and layer == 'nonplated': layer_stack.drill_npth.objects.append(flash) elif (side, layer) in layer_stack: layer_stack[side, layer].objects.append(flash) @property def single_sided(self): return len({ap.side for ap in self.apertures}) <= 1 @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class SMDStack(PadStack): aperture: Aperture mask_expansion: float = 0.0 paste_expansion: float = 0.0 paste: bool = True flip: bool = False @property def side(self): return 'bottom' if self.flip else 'top' @property def apertures(self): yield PadStackAperture(self.aperture, self.side, 'copper') yield PadStackAperture(self.aperture.dilated(self.mask_expansion, self.unit), self.side, 'mask') if self.paste: yield PadStackAperture(self.aperture.dilated(self.paste_expansion, self.unit), self.side, 'paste') @classmethod def rect(kls, w, h, rotation=0, mask_expansion=0.0, paste_expansion=0.0, paste=True, flip=False, unit=MM): ap = RectangleAperture(w, h, unit=unit).rotated(rotation) return kls(ap, mask_expansion, paste_expansion, paste, flip, unit=unit) @classmethod def circle(kls, dia, mask_expansion=0.0, paste_expansion=0.0, paste=True, flip=False, unit=MM): return kls(CircleAperture(dia, unit=unit), mask_expansion, paste_expansion, paste, flip, unit=unit) @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class MechanicalHoleStack(PadStack): drill_dia: float mask_expansion: float = 0.0 mask_aperture = None @property def apertures(self): mask_aperture = self.mask_aperture or CircleAperture(self.drill_dia + self.mask_expansion, unit=self.unit) yield PadStackAperture(mask_aperture, 'top', 'mask') yield PadStackAperture(mask_aperture, 'bottom', 'mask') @property def single_sided(self): return False @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class THTPad(PadStack): drill_dia: float pad_top: SMDStack pad_bottom: SMDStack = None aperture_inner: Aperture = UNDEFINED plated: bool = True def __post_init__(self): if self.pad_bottom is None: object.__setattr__(self, 'pad_bottom', replace(self.pad_top, flip=True)) if self.aperture_inner is UNDEFINED: object.__setattr__(self, 'aperture_inner', self.pad_top.aperture) if self.pad_top.flip: raise ValueError('top pad cannot be flipped') @property def plating(self): return 'plated' if self.plated else 'nonplated' @property def apertures(self): yield from self.pad_top.apertures yield from self.pad_bottom.apertures if self.aperture_inner is not None: yield PadStackAperture(self.aperture_inner, 'inner', 'copper') yield PadStackAperture(ExcellonTool(self.drill_dia, plated=self.plated, unit=self.unit), 'drill', self.plating) @property def single_sided(self): return False @classmethod def rect(kls, drill_dia, w, h, rotation=0, mask_expansion=0.0, paste_expansion=0.0, paste=True, plated=True, unit=MM): pad = SMDStack.rect(w, h, rotation, mask_expansion, paste_expansion, paste, unit=unit) return kls(drill_dia, pad, plated=plated) @classmethod def circle(kls, drill_dia, dia, rotation=0, mask_expansion=0.0, paste_expansion=0.0, paste=True, plated=True, unit=MM): pad =, rotation, mask_expansion, paste_expansion, paste, unit=unit) return kls(drill_dia, pad, plated=plated) @classmethod def obround(kls, drill_dia, w, h, rotation=0, mask_expansion=0.0, paste_expansion=0.0, paste=True, plated=True, unit=MM): ap = ObroundAperture(w, h, unit=unit).rotated(rotation) pad = SMDStack(ap, mask_expansion, paste_expansion, paste, unit=unit) return kls(drill_dia, pad, plated=plated) @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class ThroughViaStack(PadStack): hole: float dia: float = None tented: bool = True def __post_init__(self): if self.dia == None: object.__setattr__(self, 'dia', self.hole*2) @property def single_sided(self): return False @property def apertures(self): copper_aperture = CircleAperture(self.dia, unit=self.unit) yield PadStackAperture(copper_aperture, 'top', 'copper') yield PadStackAperture(copper_aperture, 'bottom', 'copper') yield PadStackAperture(copper_aperture, 'inner', 'copper') if self.tented: yield PadStackAperture(copper_aperture, 'top', 'mask') yield PadStackAperture(copper_aperture, 'bottom', 'mask') yield PadStackAperture(ExcellonTool(self.hole, plated=True, unit=self.unit), 'drill', 'plated') @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class Via(FrozenPositioned): pad_stack: PadStack def render(self, layer_stack, cache=None): x, y, rotation, flip = self.abs_pos self.pad_stack.render(layer_stack, x, y, rotation, flip) @classmethod def at(kls, x, y, hole, dia=None, tented=True, unit=MM): return kls(x, y, ThroughViaStack(hole, dia, tented, unit=unit), unit=unit) @dataclass class Pad(Positioned): pad_stack: PadStack def render(self, layer_stack, cache=None): x, y, rotation, flip = self.abs_pos self.pad_stack.render(layer_stack, x, y, rotation, flip) @property def single_sided(self): return self.pad_stack.single_sided @dataclass class Trace: width: float start: object = None end: object = None waypoints: [(float, float)] = field(default_factory=list) style: str = 'oblique' orientation: [str] = tuple() # 'cw' or 'ccw' roundover: float = 0 side: str = 'top' unit: LengthUnit = MM parent: object = None DIRECT = 'direct' OBLIQUE = 'oblique' ORTHO = 'ortho' CW = 'cw' CCW = 'ccw' def _route(self, p1, p2, orientation): x1, y1 = p1 x2, y2 = p2 dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 yield p1 if == 'direct' or \ math.isclose(x1, x2, abs_tol=1e-6) or math.isclose(y1, y2, abs_tol=1e-6) or \ ( == 'oblique' and math.isclose(dx, dy, abs_tol=1e-6)): return p = (abs(dy) > abs(dx)) == ((dx >= 0) == (dy >= 0)) if == 'oblique': if p == (orientation == 'cw'): if abs(dy) > abs(dx): yield (x1, y1+sgn(dy)*(abs(dy)-abs(dx))) else: yield (x1+sgn(dx)*(abs(dx)-abs(dy)), y1) else: if abs(dy) > abs(dx): yield (x2, y1+sgn(dy)*abs(dx)) else: yield (x1+sgn(dx)*abs(dy), y2) else: # == 'ortho' if p == (orientation == 'cw'): if abs(dy) > abs(dx): yield (x1, y2) else: yield (x2, y1) else: if abs(dy) > abs(dx): yield (x2, y1) else: yield (x1, y2) @classmethod def _midpoint(kls, p1, p2): x1, y1 = p1 x2, y2 = p2 dx = x2 - x1 dy = y2 - y1 xm = x1 + dx / 2 ym = y1 + dy / 2 return (xm, ym) @classmethod def _point_on_line(kls, p1, p2, dist_from_p1): x1, y1 = p1 x2, y2 = p2 dx = x2 - x1 dy = y2 - y1 dist = math.dist(p1, p2) if math.isclose(dist, 0, abs_tol=1e-6): return p2 xm = x1 + dx / dist * dist_from_p1 ym = y1 + dy / dist * dist_from_p1 return (xm, ym) @classmethod def _angle_between(kls, p1, p2, p3): x1, y1 = p1 x2, y2 = p2 x3, y3 = p3 x1, y1 = x1 - x2, y1 - y2 x3, y3 = x3 - x2, y3 - y2 dot_product = x1*x3 + y1*y3 l1 = math.hypot(x1, y1) l2 = math.hypot(x3, y3) norm = dot_product / l1 / l2 return math.acos(min(1, max(-1, norm))) def _round_over(self, points, aperture): if math.isclose(self.roundover, 0, abs_tol=1e-6) or len(points) <= 2: import sys for p1, p2 in zip(points[:-1], points[1:]): yield Line(*p1, *p2, aperture=aperture, unit=self.unit) return # here: len(points) >= 3 line_b = Line(*points[0], *self._midpoint(points[0], points[1]), aperture=aperture, unit=self.unit) for p1, p2, p3 in zip(points[:-2], points[1:-1], points[2:]): x1, y1 = p1 x2, y2 = p2 x3, y3 = p3 xa, ya = pa = self._midpoint(p1, p2) xb, yb = pb = self._midpoint(p2, p3) la = math.dist(pa, p2) lb = math.dist(p2, pb) alpha = self._angle_between(p1, p2, p3) if alpha == 0: l = Line(line_b.x1, line_b.y1, *p2, aperture=aperture, unit=self.unit) line_b = Line(*p2, *pb, aperture=aperture, unit=self.unit) yield l continue tr = self.roundover/math.tan(alpha/2) t = min(la, lb, tr) r = t*math.tan(alpha/2) xs, ys = ps = self._point_on_line(p2, pa, t) xe, ye = pe = self._point_on_line(p2, pb, t) if math.isclose(t, la, abs_tol=1e-6): if not math.isclose(line_b.curve_length(), 0, abs_tol=1e-6): yield line_b xs, ys = ps = pa else: yield Line(line_b.x1, line_b.y1, xs, ys, aperture=aperture, unit=self.unit) if math.isclose(t, lb, abs_tol=1e-6): xe, ye = pe = pb line_b = Line(*pe, *pb, aperture=aperture, unit=self.unit) if math.isclose(r, 0, abs_tol=1e-6): continue xc = -(y2 - ys) / t * r yc = +(x2 - xs) / t * r xsr = xs - x2 ysr = ys - y2 xer = xe - x2 yer = ye - y2 cross_product_z = xsr * yer - ysr * xer clockwise = cross_product_z > 0 if clockwise: xc, yc = -xc, -yc yield Arc(*ps, *pe, xc, yc, clockwise, aperture=aperture, unit=self.unit) yield Line(line_b.x1, line_b.y1, x3, y3, aperture=aperture, unit=self.unit) def to_graphic_objects(self): start, end = self.start, self.end if not isinstance(start, tuple): *start, _rotation, _flip = start.abs_pos if not isinstance(end, tuple): *end, _rotation, _flip = end.abs_pos aperture = CircleAperture(diameter=self.width, unit=self.unit) points_in = [start, *self.waypoints, end] points = [] for p1, p2, orientation in zip_longest(points_in[:-1], points_in[1:], self.orientation): points.extend(self._route(p1, p2, orientation)) points.append(p2) return self._round_over(points, aperture) def render(self, layer_stack, cache=None): layer_stack[self.side, 'copper'].objects.extend(self.to_graphic_objects()) def _route_demo(): from ..utils import setup_svg, Tag def pd_obj(objs): objs = list(objs) yield f'M {objs[0].x1}, {objs[0].y1}' for obj in objs: if isinstance(obj, Line): yield f'L {obj.x2}, {obj.y2}' else: assert isinstance(obj, Arc) yield svg_arc(obj.p1, obj.p2, obj.center_relative, obj.clockwise) pd = lambda points: f'M {points[0][0]}, {points[0][1]} ' + ' '.join(f'L {x}, {y}' for x, y in points[1:]) font = Newstroke() tags = [] for n in range(0, 8*6): theta = 2*math.pi / (8*6) * n dx, dy = math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta) strokes = list(font.render(f'α={n/(8*6)*360}', size=0.2)) xs = [x for st in strokes for x, _y in st] ys = [y for st in strokes for _x, y in st] min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys) xf = f'translate({n//6*1.1 + 0.1} {n%6*1.3 + 0.3}) scale(0.5 0.5) translate(1 1)' txf = f'{xf} translate(0 -1.2) translate({-(max_x-min_x)/2} {-max_y})' tags.append(Tag('circle', cx='0', cy='0', r='1', fill='none', stroke='black', opacity='0.5', stroke_width='0.01', transform=xf)) tags.append(Tag('path', fill='none', stroke='black', opacity='0.5', stroke_width='0.02', stroke_linejoin='round', stroke_linecap='round', transform=txf, d=' '.join(pd(points) for points in strokes))) #for r in [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]: for r in [0, 0.2]: #tr = Trace(0.1, style='ortho', roundover=r, start=(0, 0), end=(dx, dy)) tr = Trace(0.1, style='oblique', roundover=r, start=(dx, dy), end=(0, 0)) #points_cw = list(tr._route((0, 0), (dx, dy), 'cw')) + [(dx, dy)] #points_ccw = list(tr._route((0, 0), (dx, dy), 'ccw')) + [(dx, dy)] tr.orientation = ['cw'] objs_cw = tr._to_graphic_objects() tr.orientation = ['ccw'] objs_ccw = tr._to_graphic_objects() tags.append(Tag('path', fill='none', stroke='red', stroke_width='0.01', stroke_linecap='round', transform=xf, d=' '.join(pd_obj(objs_cw)))) tags.append(Tag('path', fill='none', stroke='blue', stroke_width='0.01', stroke_linecap='round', transform=xf, d=' '.join(pd_obj(objs_ccw)))) #tags.append(Tag('path', # fill='none', # stroke='red', stroke_width='0.01', stroke_linecap='round', # transform=xf, d=pd(points_cw))) #tags.append(Tag('path', # fill='none', # stroke='blue', stroke_width='0.01', stroke_linecap='round', # transform=xf, d=pd(points_ccw))) print(setup_svg([Tag('g', tags, transform='scale(20 20)')], [(0, 0), (20*10*1.1 + 0.1, 20*10*1.3 + 0.1)])) def _board_demo(): b = Board(100, 80) p1 = THTPad.rect(10, 10, 0.9, 1.8) b.add(p1) p2 = THTPad.rect(20, 15, 0.9, 1.8) b.add(p2) b.add(Trace(0.5, p1, p2, style='ortho', roundover=1.5)) b.add_text(50, 50, 'Foobar') print(b.pretty_svg()) b.layer_stack().save_to_directory('/tmp/testdir') if __name__ == '__main__': _board_demo() #_route_demo()