""" Library for processing KiCad's symbol files. """ import json import string import math import re import sys import itertools from fnmatch import fnmatch from collections import defaultdict from dataclasses import field from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from .sexp import * from .sexp_mapper import * from .base_types import * from ...utils import rotate_point, Tag, arc_bounds from ...newstroke import Newstroke from .schematic_colors import * PIN_ETYPE = AtomChoice(Atom.input, Atom.output, Atom.bidirectional, Atom.tri_state, Atom.passive, Atom.free, Atom.unspecified, Atom.power_in, Atom.power_out, Atom.open_collector, Atom.open_emitter, Atom.no_connect) PIN_STYLE = AtomChoice(Atom.line, Atom.inverted, Atom.clock, Atom.inverted_clock, Atom.input_low, Atom.clock_low, Atom.output_low, Atom.edge_clock_high, Atom.non_logic) @sexp_type('alternate') class AltFunction: name: str = None etype: PIN_ETYPE = Atom.unspecified shape: PIN_STYLE = Atom.line @sexp_type('__styled_text') class StyledText: value: str = None effects: TextEffect = field(default_factory=TextEffect) @sexp_type('pin') class Pin: etype: PIN_ETYPE = Atom.unspecified style: PIN_STYLE = Atom.line at: AtPos = field(default_factory=AtPos) length: Named(float) = 2.54 hide: Flag() = False name: Rename(StyledText) = field(default_factory=StyledText) number: Rename(StyledText) = field(default_factory=StyledText) alternates: List(AltFunction) = field(default_factory=list) _: SEXP_END = None unit: object = None def __after_parse__(self, parent=None): self.unit = parent @property def direction(self): return {0: 'R', 90: 'U', 180: 'L', 270: 'D'}.get(self.at.rotation, 'R') @direction.setter def direction(self, value): self.at.rotation = {0: 'R', 90: 'U', 180: 'L', 270: 'D'}[value[0].upper()] def bounding_box(self, default=None): font = Newstroke.load() strokes = list(font.render(self.name, size=2.54)) min_x = min(x for st in strokes for x, y in st) min_y = min(y for st in strokes for x, y in st) max_x = max(x for st in strokes for x, y in st) max_y = max(y for st in strokes for x, y in st) w, h = max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y l = self.length + 0.2 + w x1, y1 = x2, y2 = self.at.x, self.at.y if self.at.rotation == 0: x2 += w y1 -= h/2 y2 += h/2 if self.at.rotation == 90: y2 += w x1 -= h/2 x2 += h/2 if self.at.rotation == 180: x1 -= w y1 -= h/2 y2 += h/2 if self.at.rotation == 270: y1 -= w x1 -= h/2 x2 += h/2 else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid pin rotation {self.at.rotation}') return (x1, y1), (x2, y2) def to_svg(self, colorscheme, p_mirror, p_rotation): if self.hide: return psx, psy = (-1 if p_mirror.x else 1), (-1 if p_mirror.y else 1) x1, y1 = self.at.x, self.at.y x2, y2 = self.at.x+self.length, self.at.y if p_mirror.y: p_xf = f'scale(-1 -1)' elif p_mirror.x: p_xf = f'scale(1 1)' else: p_xf = f'scale(1 -1)' p_xf += f'rotate({p_rotation})' xform = {'transform': f'{p_xf} translate({self.at.x:.3f} {self.at.y:.3f}) rotate({self.at.rotation})'} style = {'stroke_width': 0.254, 'stroke': colorscheme.lines, 'stroke_linecap': 'round'} yield Tag('path', **xform, **style, d=f'M 0 0 L {self.length:.3f} 0') eps = 1 for tag in { 'line': [], 'inverted': [ Tag('circle', **xform, **style, cx=x2-eps/3-0.2, cy=y2, r=eps/3)], 'clock': [ Tag('path', **xform, **style, d=f'M {x2} {y2-eps/2} L {x2+eps/2} {y2} L {x2} {y2+eps/2}')], 'inverted_clock': [ Tag('circle', **xform, **style, cx=x2-eps/3-0.2, cy=y2, r=eps/3), Tag('path', **xform, **style, d=f'M {x2} {y2-eps/2} L {x2+eps/2} {y2} L {x2} {y2+eps/2}')], 'input_low': [ Tag('path', **xform, **style, d=f'M {x2} {y2} L {x2-eps} {y2-eps} L {x2-eps} {y2}')], 'clock_low': [ Tag('path', **xform, **style, d=f'M {x2} {y2} L {x2-eps} {y2-eps} L {x2-eps} {y2}'), Tag('path', **xform, **style, d=f'M {x2} {y2-eps/2} L {x2+eps/2} {y2} L {x2} {y2+eps/2}')], 'output_low': [ Tag('path', **xform, **style, d=f'M {x2} {y2-eps} L {x2-eps} {y2}')], 'edge_clock_high': [ Tag('path', **xform, **style, d=f'M {x2} {y2} L {x2-eps} {y2-eps} L {x2-eps} {y2}'), Tag('path', **xform, **style, d=f'M {x2} {y2-eps/2} L {x2+eps/2} {y2} L {x2} {y2+eps/2}')], 'non_logic': [ Tag('path', **xform, **style, d=f'M {x2-eps/2} {y2-eps/2} L {x2+eps/2} {y2+eps/2}'), Tag('path', **xform, **style, d=f'M {x2-eps/2} {y2+eps/2} L {x2+eps/2} {y2-eps/2}')], # FIXME... }.get(self.style, []): yield tag rot = self.at.rotation + p_rotation trot = self.at.rotation ax, ay = self.length+0.2, 0 ax, ay = rotate_point(ax, ay, math.radians(-self.at.rotation)) #lx, ly = self.at.x, -self.at.y #lx, ly = rotate_point(lx, ly, math.radians(p_rotation)) #if p_mirror.y: # lx, ly = -lx, ly #elif p_mirror.x: # lx, ly = lx, -ly #yield Tag('circle', cx=lx, cy=ly, r='0.5', stroke='blue', stroke_width='0.1', fill='none', z_index='100') lx, ly = self.at.x + ax, -self.at.y - ay lx, ly = rotate_point(lx, ly, math.radians(p_rotation)) if p_mirror.y: lx, ly = -lx, ly elif p_mirror.x: lx, ly = lx, -ly #yield Tag('circle', cx=lx, cy=ly, r='0.5', stroke='red', stroke_width='0.1', fill='none', z_index='100') h_align = 'left' if p_mirror.y: if trot in (0, 180): trot = 180 - trot elif p_mirror.x: if p_rotation == 0: if trot in (90, 270): trot = 360-trot else: if trot in (0, 180): trot = 180 - trot frot = (trot + p_rotation)%360 sx, sy = 1, 1 if frot == 180: frot = 0 h_align = 'right' elif frot == 270: frot = 90 h_align = 'right' font = Newstroke.load() if self.name.value != '~' and not self.unit.symbol.pin_names.hide: yield font.render_svg(self.name.value, size=self.name.effects.font.size.y or 1.27, x0=0, y0=0, h_align=h_align, v_align='middle', rotation=-frot, stroke=colorscheme.text, transform=f'translate({lx:.3f} {ly:.3f})', scale=(sx, sy), mirror=(False, False), ) if self.number.value != '~' and not self.unit.symbol.pin_numbers.hide: yield font.render_svg(self.number.value, size=self.number.effects.font.size.y or 1.27, x0=-0.4 if h_align == 'left' else 0.4, y0=-0.4, h_align={'left': 'right', 'right': 'left'}[h_align], v_align='bottom', rotation=-frot, stroke=colorscheme.text, scale=(sx, sy), transform=f'translate({lx:.3f} {ly:.3f})', mirror=(False, False), ) @sexp_type('fill') class Fill: type: Named(AtomChoice(Atom.none, Atom.outline, Atom.background)) = Atom.none def svg(self, fg, bg): if self.type == 'outline': return fg elif self.type == 'background': return bg else: return 'none' @sexp_type('circle') class Circle: center: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord) radius: Named(float) = 0.0 stroke: Stroke = field(default_factory=Stroke) fill: Fill = field(default_factory=Fill) def bounding_box(self, default=None): x, y, r = self.center.x, self.center.y, self.radius return (x-r, y-r), (x+r, y+r) def to_svg(self, colorscheme=Colorscheme.KiCad): yield Tag('circle', cx=f'{self.center.x:.3f}', cy=f'{self.center.y:.3f}', r=f'{self.radius:.3f}', fill=self.fill.svg(colorscheme.lines, colorscheme.fill), **self.stroke.svg_attrs(colorscheme.lines)) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28910718/give-3-points-and-a-plot-circle def define_circle(p1, p2, p3): """ Returns the center and radius of the circle passing the given 3 points. In case the 3 points form a line, raises a ValueError. """ temp = p2[0] * p2[0] + p2[1] * p2[1] bc = (p1[0] * p1[0] + p1[1] * p1[1] - temp) / 2 cd = (temp - p3[0] * p3[0] - p3[1] * p3[1]) / 2 det = (p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p2[1] - p3[1]) - (p2[0] - p3[0]) * (p1[1] - p2[1]) if abs(det) < 1.0e-6: raise ValueError() # Center of circle cx = (bc*(p2[1] - p3[1]) - cd*(p1[1] - p2[1])) / det cy = ((p1[0] - p2[0]) * cd - (p2[0] - p3[0]) * bc) / det radius = math.sqrt((cx - p1[0])**2 + (cy - p1[1])**2) return ((cx, cy), radius) @sexp_type('arc') class Arc: start: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord) mid: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord) end: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord) stroke: Stroke = field(default_factory=Stroke) fill: Fill = field(default_factory=Fill) def bounding_box(self, default=None): (cx, cy), r = define_circle((self.start.x, self.start.y), (self.mid.x, self.mid.y), (self.end.x, self.end.y)) x1, y1 = self.start.x, self.start.y x2, y2 = self.mid.x-x1, self.mid.y-x2 x3, y3 = (self.end.x - x1)/2, (self.end.y - y1)/2 clockwise = math.atan2(x2*y3-x3*y2, x2*x3+y2*y3) > 0 return arc_bounds(x1, y1, self.end.x, self.end.y, cx-x1, cy-y1, clockwise) def to_svg(self, colorscheme=Colorscheme.KiCad): (cx, cy), r = define_circle((self.start.x, self.start.y), (self.mid.x, self.mid.y), (self.end.x, self.end.y)) x1r = self.start.x - cx y1r = self.start.y - cy x2r = self.end.x - cx y2r = self.end.y - cy a1 = math.atan2(x1r, y1r) a2 = math.atan2(x2r, y2r) da = (a2 - a1 + math.pi) % (2*math.pi) - math.pi large_arc = int(da > math.pi) d = f'M {self.start.x:.3f} {self.start.y:.3f} A {r:.3f} {r:.3f} 0 {large_arc} 0 {self.end.x:.3f} {self.end.y:.3f}' yield Tag('path', d=d, fill=self.fill.svg(colorscheme.lines, colorscheme.fill), **self.stroke.svg_attrs(colorscheme.lines)) @sexp_type('polyline') class Polyline: pts: PointList = field(default_factory=PointList) stroke: Stroke = field(default_factory=Stroke) fill: Fill = field(default_factory=Fill) @property def points(self): return self.pts.xy @points.setter def points(self, value): self.pts.xy = value @property def closed(self): # if the last and first point are the same, we consider the polyline closed # a closed triangle will have 4 points (A-B-C-A) stored in the list of points return len(self.points) > 3 and self.points[0].isclose(self.points[-1]) def bounding_box(self, default=None): if not self.points: return default return (min(p.x for p in self.points), min(p.y for p in self.points)), \ (max(p.x for p in self.points), max(p.y for p in self.points)) def as_rectangle(self): (maxx, maxy, minx, miny) = self.bbox() return Rectangle(minx, maxy, maxx, miny, self.stroke, self.fill) def to_svg(self, colorscheme=Colorscheme.KiCad): p0, *rest = self.points if not rest: return d = ' '.join([f'M {p0.x:.3f} {p0.y:.3f}', *(f'L {pn.x:.3f} {pn.y:.3f}' for pn in rest)]) yield Tag('path', d=d, fill=self.fill.svg(colorscheme.lines, colorscheme.fill), **self.stroke.svg_attrs(colorscheme.lines)) def is_rectangle(self): # A rectangle has 5 points and is closed if len(self.points) != 5 or not self.is_closed(): return False # Check that we have all four corners present (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = self.bbox() if not all(any(cand.isclose(pt) for cand in self.points[:-1]) for pt in [(x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y2), (x2, y1)]): return False # Check that we only have horizontal or vertical lines if any(x2-x1 and y2-y1 for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in zip(self.points[:-1], self.points[1:])): return False return True @sexp_type('at') class TextPos(XYCoord): x: float = 0 # in millimeter y: float = 0 # in millimeter rotation: int = 0 # in degrees def __after_parse__(self, parent): self.rotation = self.rotation / 10 def __before_sexp__(self): self.rotation = round((self.rotation % 360) * 10) @property def rotation_rad(self): return math.radians(self.rotation) @rotation_rad.setter def rotation_rad(self, value): self.rotation = math.degrees(value) @sexp_type('text') class Text(TextMixin): text: str = None at: TextPos = field(default_factory=TextPos) rotation: float = None effects: TextEffect = field(default_factory=TextEffect) def to_svg(self, colorscheme=Colorscheme.KiCad): yield from TextMixin.to_svg(self, colorscheme.text) @sexp_type('rectangle') class Rectangle: # Some v6 symbols use rectangles, newer ones encode them as polylines. # At some point in time we can most likely remove this class since its not used anymore start: Rename(XYCoord) = None end: Rename(XYCoord) = None stroke: Stroke = field(default_factory=Stroke) fill: Fill = field(default_factory=Fill) def to_polyline(self): x1, y1 = self.start.x, self.start.y x2, y2 = self.end.x, self.end.y return Polyline(PointList([XYCoord(x1, y1), XYCoord(x2, y1), XYCoord(x2, y2), XYCoord(x1, y2), XYCoord(x1, y1)]), self.stroke, self.fill) def to_svg(self, colorscheme=Colorscheme.KiCad): return self.to_polyline().to_svg(colorscheme) @sexp_type('property') class Property(TextMixin): name: str = None value: str = None id: Named(int) = None at: AtPos = field(default_factory=AtPos) effects: TextEffect = field(default_factory=TextEffect) # Alias value for text mixin @property def text(self): return self.value @text.setter def text(self, value): self.value = value def to_svg(self, colorscheme=Colorscheme.KiCad): yield from TextMixin.to_svg(self, colorscheme.text) @sexp_type('pin_numbers') class PinNumberSpec: hide: Flag() = False @sexp_type('pin_names') class PinNameSpec: offset: OmitDefault(Named(float)) = 0.508 hide: Flag() = False @sexp_type('symbol') class Unit: name: str = None circles: List(Circle) = field(default_factory=list) arcs: List(Arc) = field(default_factory=list) polylines: List(Polyline) = field(default_factory=list) rectangles: List(Rectangle) = field(default_factory=list) texts: List(Text) = field(default_factory=list) pins: List(Pin) = field(default_factory=list) unit_name: Named(str) = None _ : SEXP_END = None unit_global: Flag() = False style_global: Flag() = False demorgan_style: int = 1 unit_index: int = 1 symbol = None def __after_parse__(self, parent): self.symbol = parent if not (m := re.fullmatch(r'(.*)_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)', self.name)): raise FormatError(f'Invalid unit name "{self.name}"') sym_name, unit_index, demorgan_style = m.groups() if sym_name != self.symbol.raw_name.rpartition(':')[2]: raise FormatError(f'Unit name "{self.name}" does not match symbol name "{self.symbol.name}"') self.demorgan_style = int(demorgan_style) self.unit_index = int(unit_index) self.style_global = self.demorgan_style == 0 self.unit_global = self.unit_index == 0 @property def graphical_elements(self): yield from self.circles yield from self.arcs yield from self.polylines yield from self.rectangles yield from self.texts def __before_sexp__(self): self.name = f'{self.symbol.name}_{self.unit_index}_{self.demorgan_style}' def pin_stacks(self): stacks = defaultdict(lambda: set()) for pin in self.all_pins(): stacks[(pin.at.x, pin.at.y)].add(pin) return stacks @sexp_type('symbol') class Symbol: raw_name: str = None extends: Named(str) = None power: Wrap(Flag()) = False pin_numbers: OmitDefault(PinNumberSpec) = field(default_factory=PinNumberSpec) pin_names: OmitDefault(PinNameSpec) = field(default_factory=PinNameSpec) in_bom: Named(YesNoAtom()) = True on_board: Named(YesNoAtom()) = True properties: List(Property) = field(default_factory=list) units: List(Unit) = field(default_factory=list) _ : SEXP_END = None library = None name: str = None library_name: str = None def __after_parse__(self, parent): self.library = parent self.library_name, _, self.name = self.raw_name.rpartition(':') if self.extends: self.in_bom = None self.on_board = None self.properties = {prop.name: prop for prop in self.properties} if (prop := self.properties.get('ki_fp_filters')): prop.value = prop.value.split() if prop.value else [] def __before_sexp__(self): if (prop := self.properties.get('ki_fp_filters')): if not isinstance(prop.value, str): prop.value = ' '.join(prop.value) self.properties = list(self.properties.values()) def default_properties(self): for i, (name, value, hide) in enumerate([ ('Reference', 'U', False), ('Value', None, False), ('Footprint', None, True), ('Datasheet', None, True), ('ki_locked', None, True), ('ki_keywords', None, True), ('ki_description', None, True), ('ki_fp_filters', None, False), ]): self.properties[name] = Property(name=name, value=value, id=i, effects=TextEffect(hide=hide)) def resolve(self): if self.extends: return self.library[self.extends] else: return self def is_graphic_symbol(self): return self.extends is None and ( not self.pins or self.get_property("Reference").value == "#SYM" ) def pins_by_name(self, demorgan_style=None): pins = defaultdict(lambda: set()) for unit in self.units(demorgan_style): for pin in unit.all_pins: pins[pin.name].add(pin) return pins def pins_by_number(self, demorgan_style=None): pins = defaultdict(lambda: set()) for unit in self.units(demorgan_style): for pin in unit.all_pins: pins[pin.number].add(pin) return pins def filter_pins(self, name=None, direction=None, electrical_type=None): for pin in self.all_pins: if name and not fnmatch(pin.name, name): continue if direction and not pin.direction in direction: continue if electrical_type and not pin.etype in electical_type: continue yield pin def heuristically_small(self): """ Heuristically try to determine whether this is a "small" component like a resistor, capacitor, LED, diode, or transistor etc. When we have at most two pins, or there is no filled rectangle as symbol outline and we have 3 or 4 pins, we assume this is a small symbol. """ if len(self.all_pins) <= 2: return True if len(self.all_pins) > 4: return False return bool(self.get_center_rectangle(range(self.unit_count))) SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT_VERSIONS = [20211014, 20220914] @sexp_type('kicad_symbol_lib') class Library: _version: Named(int, name='version') = 20211014 generator: Named(Atom) = Atom.gerbonara symbols: List(Symbol) = field(default_factory=list) _ : SEXP_END = None original_filename: str = None @property def version(self): return self._version @version.setter def version(self, value): if value not in SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT_VERSIONS: raise FormatError(f'File format version {value} is not supported. Supported versions are {", ".join(map(str, SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT_VERSIONS))}.') @classmethod def open(cls, filename: str): with open(filename) as f: return cls.parse(f.read()) def write(self, filename=None): with open(filename or self.original_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(build_sexp(sexp(self))) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) >= 2: a = Library.open(sys.argv[1]) print(build_sexp(sexp(a))) else: print("pass a .kicad_sym file please")