""" Library for handling KiCad's PCB files (`*.kicad_mod`). """ import math from pathlib import Path from dataclasses import field, KW_ONLY from itertools import chain import re import fnmatch from .sexp import * from .base_types import * from .primitives import * from .footprints import Footprint from . import graphical_primitives as gr from .. import primitives as cad_pr from ... import graphic_primitives as gp from ... import graphic_objects as go from ... import apertures as ap from ...layers import LayerStack from ...newstroke import Newstroke from ...utils import MM, rotate_point def match_filter(f, value): if isinstance(f, str) and re.fullmatch(f, value): return True return value in f def gn_side_to_kicad(side, layer='Cu'): if side == 'top': return f'F.{layer}' elif side == 'bottom': return f'B.{layer}' elif side.startswith('inner'): return f'In{int(side[5:])}.{layer}' else: raise ValueError(f'Cannot parse gerbonara side name "{side}"') def gn_layer_to_kicad(layer, flip=False): side = 'B' if flip else 'F' if layer == 'silk': return f'{side}.SilkS' elif layer == 'mask': return f'{side}.Mask' elif layer == 'paste': return f'{side}.Paste' elif layer == 'copper': return f'{side}.Cu' else: raise ValueError('Cannot translate gerbonara layer name "{layer}" to KiCad') @sexp_type('general') class GeneralSection: thickness: Named(float) = 1.60 @sexp_type('paper') class PageSettings: page_format: str = 'A4' width: float = None height: float = None portrait: Flag() = False @sexp_type('layers') class LayerSettings: index: int = 0 canonical_name: str = None layer_type: AtomChoice(Atom.jumper, Atom.mixed, Atom.power, Atom.signal, Atom.user) = Atom.signal custom_name: str = None @sexp_type('layer') class LayerStackupSettings: dielectric: Flag() = False name: str = None index: int = None layer_type: Named(str, name='type') = '' color: Color = None thickness: Named(float) = None material: Named(str) = None epsilon_r: Named(float) = None loss_tangent: Named(float) = None @sexp_type('stackup') class StackupSettings: layers: List(LayerStackupSettings) = field(default_factory=list) copper_finish: Named(str) = None dielectric_constraints: Named(YesNoAtom()) = None edge_connector: Named(AtomChoice(Atom.yes, Atom.bevelled)) = None castellated_pads: Named(YesNoAtom()) = None edge_plating: Named(YesNoAtom()) = None TFBool = YesNoAtom(yes=Atom.true, no=Atom.false) @sexp_type('pcbplotparams') class ExportSettings: layerselection: Named(Atom) = 0 plot_on_all_layers_selection: Named(Atom) = 0 disableapertmacros: Named(TFBool) = False usegerberextensions: Named(TFBool) = True usegerberattributes: Named(TFBool) = True usegerberadvancedattributes: Named(TFBool) = True creategerberjobfile: Named(TFBool) = True dashed_line_dash_ratio: Named(float) = 12.0 dashed_line_gap_ratio: Named(float) = 3.0 svguseinch: Named(TFBool) = False svgprecision: Named(float) = 4 excludeedgelayer: Named(TFBool) = False plotframeref: Named(TFBool) = False viasonmask: Named(TFBool) = False mode: Named(int) = 1 useauxorigin: Named(TFBool) = False hpglpennumber: Named(int) = 1 hpglpenspeed: Named(int) = 20 hpglpendiameter: Named(float) = 15.0 pdf_front_fp_property_popups: Named(TFBool) = True pdf_back_fp_property_popups: Named(TFBool) = True dxfpolygonmode: Named(TFBool) = True dxfimperialunits: Named(TFBool) = False dxfusepcbnewfont: Named(TFBool) = True psnegative: Named(TFBool) = False psa4output: Named(TFBool) = False plotreference: Named(TFBool) = True plotvalue: Named(TFBool) = True plotinvisibletext: Named(TFBool) = False sketchpadsonfab: Named(TFBool) = False subtractmaskfromsilk: Named(TFBool) = False outputformat: Named(int) = 1 mirror: Named(TFBool) = False drillshape: Named(int) = 0 scaleselection: Named(int) = 1 outputdirectory: Named(str) = "gerber" @sexp_type('setup') class BoardSetup: stackup: OmitDefault(StackupSettings) = field(default_factory=StackupSettings) pad_to_mask_clearance: Named(float) = None solder_mask_min_width: Named(float) = None pad_to_past_clearance: Named(float) = None pad_to_paste_clearance_ratio: Named(float) = None aux_axis_origin: Rename(XYCoord) = None grid_origin: Rename(XYCoord) = None export_settings: ExportSettings = field(default_factory=ExportSettings) @sexp_type('net') class Net: index: int = 0 name: str = '' @sexp_type('image') class Image: at: AtPos = field(default_factory=AtPos) scale: Named(float) = None layer: Named(str) = None uuid: UUID = field(default_factory=UUID) data: str = '' def offset(self, x=0, y=0): self.at = self.at.with_offset(x, y) @sexp_type('segment') class TrackSegment: start: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord) end: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord) width: Named(float) = 0.5 layer: Named(str) = 'F.Cu' locked: Flag() = False net: Named(int) = 0 tstamp: Timestamp = field(default_factory=Timestamp) def __post_init__(self): self.start = XYCoord(self.start) self.end = XYCoord(self.end) def render(self, variables=None, cache=None): if not self.width: return aperture = ap.CircleAperture(self.width, unit=MM) yield go.Line(self.start.x, self.start.y, self.end.x, self.end.y, aperture=aperture, unit=MM) def rotate(self, angle, cx=None, cy=None): if cx is None or cy is None: cx, cy = self.start.x, self.start.y self.start.x, self.start.y = rotate_point(self.start.x, self.start.y, angle, cx, cy) self.end.x, self.end.y = rotate_point(self.end.x, self.end.y, angle, cx, cy) def offset(self, x=0, y=0): self.start = self.start.with_offset(x, y) self.end = self.end.with_offset(x, y) @sexp_type('arc') class TrackArc: start: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord) mid: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord) end: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord) width: Named(float) = 0.5 layer: Named(str) = 'F.Cu' locked: Flag() = False net: Named(int) = 0 tstamp: Timestamp = field(default_factory=Timestamp) _: KW_ONLY center: XYCoord = None def __post_init__(self): self.start = XYCoord(self.start) self.end = XYCoord(self.end) if self.center is not None: # Convert normal p1/p2/center notation to the insanity that is kicad's midpoint notation center = XYCoord(self.center) cx, cy = center.x, center.y x1, y1 = self.start.x - cx, self.start.y - cy x2, y2 = self.end.x - cx, self.end.y - cy # Get a vector pointing towards the middle between "start" and "end" dx, dy = (x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2 # normalize vector, and multiply by radius to get final point r = math.hypot(x1, y1) l = math.hypot(dx, dy) mx = cx + dx / l * r my = cy + dy / l * r self.mid = XYCoord(mx, my) self.center = None else: self.mid = XYCoord(self.mid) def render(self, variables=None, cache=None): if not self.width: return aperture = ap.CircleAperture(self.width, unit=MM) cx, cy = self.mid.x, self.mid.y x1, y1 = self.start.x, self.start.y x2, y2 = self.end.x, self.end.y yield go.Arc(x1, y1, x2, y2, cx-x1, cy-y1, aperture=aperture, clockwise=True, unit=MM) def rotate(self, angle, cx=None, cy=None): if cx is None or cy is None: cx, cy = self.mid.x, self.mid.y self.start.x, self.start.y = rotate_point(self.start.x, self.start.y, angle, cx, cy) self.mid.x, self.mid.y = rotate_point(self.mid.x, self.mid.y, angle, cx, cy) self.end.x, self.end.y = rotate_point(self.end.x, self.end.y, angle, cx, cy) def offset(self, x=0, y=0): self.start = self.start.with_offset(x, y) self.mid = self.mid.with_offset(x, y) self.end = self.end.with_offset(x, y) @sexp_type('via') class Via: via_type: AtomChoice(Atom.blind, Atom.micro) = None locked: Flag() = False at: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord) size: Named(float) = 0.8 drill: Named(float) = 0.4 layers: Named(Array(str)) = field(default_factory=lambda: ['F.Cu', 'B.Cu']) remove_unused_layers: Flag() = False keep_end_layers: Flag() = False free: Wrap(Flag()) = False net: Named(int) = 0 tstamp: Timestamp = field(default_factory=Timestamp) @property def abs_pos(self): return self.at.x, self.at.y, 0, False def __post_init__(self): self.at = XYCoord(self.at) def render_drill(self): aperture = ap.ExcellonTool(self.drill, plated=True, unit=MM) yield go.Flash(self.at.x, self.at.y, aperture=aperture, unit=MM) def render(self, variables=None, cache=None): aperture = ap.CircleAperture(self.size, unit=MM) yield go.Flash(self.at.x, self.at.y, aperture, unit=MM) def rotate(self, angle, cx=None, cy=None): if cx is None or cy is None: return self.at.x, self.at.y = rotate_point(self.at.x, self.at.y, angle, cx, cy) def offset(self, x=0, y=0): self.at = self.at.with_offset(x, y) SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT_VERSIONS = [20210108, 20211014, 20221018, 20230517] @sexp_type('kicad_pcb') class Board: _version: Named(int, name='version') = 20210108 generator: Named(Atom) = Atom.gerbonara general: GeneralSection = field(default_factory=GeneralSection) page: PageSettings = field(default_factory=PageSettings) layers: Named(Array(Untagged(LayerSettings))) = field(default_factory=list) setup: BoardSetup = field(default_factory=BoardSetup) properties: List(Property) = field(default_factory=list) nets: List(Net) = field(default_factory=list) footprints: List(Footprint) = field(default_factory=list) # Graphical elements texts: List(gr.Text) = field(default_factory=list) text_boxes: List(gr.TextBox) = field(default_factory=list) lines: List(gr.Line) = field(default_factory=list) rectangles: List(gr.Rectangle) = field(default_factory=list) circles: List(gr.Circle) = field(default_factory=list) arcs: List(gr.Arc) = field(default_factory=list) polygons: List(gr.Polygon) = field(default_factory=list) curves: List(gr.Curve) = field(default_factory=list) dimensions: List(gr.Dimension) = field(default_factory=list) images: List(Image) = field(default_factory=list) # Tracks track_segments: List(TrackSegment) = field(default_factory=list) track_arcs: List(TrackArc) = field(default_factory=list) vias: List(Via) = field(default_factory=list) # Other stuff zones: List(Zone) = field(default_factory=list) groups: List(Group) = field(default_factory=list) _ : SEXP_END = None original_filename: str = None _bounding_box: tuple = None def __after_parse__(self, parent): self.properties = {prop.key: prop.value for prop in self.properties} for fp in self.footprints: fp.board = self self.nets = {net.index: net.name for net in self.nets} def __before_sexp__(self): self.properties = [Property(key, value) for key, value in self.properties.items()] self.nets = [Net(index, name) for index, name in self.nets.items()] def remove(self, obj): match obj: case gr.Text(): self.texts.remove(obj) case gr.TextBox(): self.text_boxes.remove(obj) case gr.Line(): self.lines.remove(obj) case gr.Rectangle(): self.rectangles.remove(obj) case gr.Circle(): self.circles.remove(obj) case gr.Arc(): self.arcs.remove(obj) case gr.Polygon(): self.polygons.remove(obj) case gr.Curve(): self.curves.remove(obj) case gr.Dimension(): self.dimensions.remove(obj) case Image(): self.images.remove(obj) case TrackSegment(): self.track_segments.remove(obj) case TrackArc(): self.track_arcs.remove(obj) case Via(): self.vias.remove(obj) case Zone(): self.zones.remove(obj) case Group(): self.groups.remove(obj) case Footprint(): self.footprints.remove(obj) case _: raise TypeError('Can only remove KiCad objects, cannot map generic gerbonara.cad objects for removal') def add(self, obj): match obj: case gr.Text(): self.texts.append(obj) case gr.TextBox(): self.text_boxes.append(obj) case gr.Line(): self.lines.append(obj) case gr.Rectangle(): self.rectangles.append(obj) case gr.Circle(): self.circles.append(obj) case gr.Arc(): self.arcs.append(obj) case gr.Polygon(): self.polygons.append(obj) case gr.Curve(): self.curves.append(obj) case gr.Dimension(): self.dimensions.append(obj) case Image(): self.images.append(obj) case TrackSegment(): self.track_segments.append(obj) case TrackArc(): self.track_arcs.append(obj) case Via(): self.vias.append(obj) case Zone(): self.zones.append(obj) case Group(): self.groups.append(obj) case Footprint(): self.footprints.append(obj) case _: for elem in self.map_gn_cad(obj): self.add(elem) def map_gn_cad(self, obj, locked=False, net_name=None): match obj: case cad_pr.Trace(): for elem in obj.to_graphic_objects(): elem.convert_to(MM) match elem: case go.Arc(x1, y1, x2, y2, xc, yc, cw, ap): yield TrackArc( start=XYCoord(x1, y1), mid=XYCoord(x1+xc, y1+yc), end=XYCoord(x2, y2), width=ap.equivalent_width(MM), layer=gn_side_to_kicad(obj.side), locked=locked, net=self.net_id(net_name)) case go.Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, ap): yield TrackSegment( start=XYCoord(x1, y1), end=XYCoord(x2, y2), width=ap.equivalent_width(MM), layer=gn_side_to_kicad(obj.side), locked=locked, net=self.net_id(net_name)) case cad_pr.Via(pad_stack=cad_pr.ThroughViaStack(hole, dia, unit=st_unit)): x, y, _a, _f = obj.abs_pos() x, y = MM(x, st_unit), MM(y, obj.unit) yield Via( locked=locked, at=XYCoord(x, y), size=MM(dia, st_unit), drill=MM(hole, st_unit), layers='*.Cu', net=self.net_id(net_name)) case cad_pr.Text(_x, _y, text, font_size, stroke_width, h_align, v_align, layer, dark): x, y, a, flip = obj.abs_pos() x, y = MM(x, st_unit), MM(y, st_unit) size = MM(size, unit) yield gr.Text( text, AtPos(x, y, -math.degrees(a)), layer=gr.TextLayer(gn_layer_to_kicad(layer, flip), not dark), effects=TextEffect(font=FontSpec( size=XYCoord(size, size), thickness=stroke_width), justify=Justify(h=Atom(h_align) if h_align != 'center' else None, v=Atom(v_align) if v_align != 'middle' else None, mirror=flip))) def unfill_zones(self): for zone in self.zones: zone.unfill() def find_pads(self, net=None): for fp in self.footprints: for pad in fp.pads: if net and not match_filter(net, pad.net.name): continue yield pad def find_footprints(self, value=None, reference=None, name=None, net=None, sheetname=None, sheetfile=None): for fp in self.footprints: if name and not match_filter(name, fp.name): continue if value and not match_filter(value, fp.properties.get('value', '')): continue if reference and not match_filter(reference, fp.properties.get('reference', '')): continue if net and not any(match_filter(net, pad.net.name) for pad in fp.pads): continue if sheetname and not match_filter(sheetname, fp.sheetname): continue if sheetfile and not match_filter(sheetfile, fp.sheetfile): continue yield fp @property def version(self): return self._version @version.setter def version(self, value): if value not in SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT_VERSIONS: raise FormatError(f'File format version {value} is not supported. Supported versions are {", ".join(map(str, SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT_VERSIONS))}.') def write(self, filename=None): with open(filename or self.original_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(self.serialize()) def serialize(self): return build_sexp(sexp(type(self), self)[0]) @classmethod def open(kls, pcb_file, *args, **kwargs): return kls.load(Path(pcb_file).read_text(), *args, **kwargs, original_filename=pcb_file) @classmethod def load(kls, data, *args, **kwargs): return kls.parse(data, *args, **kwargs) @property def single_sided(self): raise NotImplementedError() def net_id(self, name, create=True): if name is None: return None for i, n in self.nets.items(): if n == name: return i if create: index = max(self.nets.keys()) + 1 self.nets[index] = name return index else: raise IndexError(f'No such net: "{name}"') # FIXME vvv def graphic_objects(self, text=False, images=False): return chain( (self.texts if text else []), (self.text_boxes if text else []), self.lines, self.rectangles, self.circles, self.arcs, self.polygons, self.curves, (self.dimensions if text else []), (self.images if images else [])) def tracks(self, vias=True): return chain(self.track_segments, self.track_arcs, (self.vias if vias else [])) def objects(self, vias=True, text=False, images=False): return chain(self.graphic_objects(text=text, images=images), self.tracks(vias=vias), self.footprints, self.zones, self.groups) def render(self, layer_stack, layer_map, x=0, y=0, rotation=0, text=False, flip=False, variables={}, cache=None): for obj in self.objects(images=False, vias=False, text=text): if not (layer := layer_map.get(obj.layer)): continue for fe in obj.render(variables=variables): fe.rotate(rotation) fe.offset(x, y, MM) layer_stack[layer].objects.append(fe) for obj in self.vias: for glob in obj.layers or []: for layer in fnmatch.filter(layer_map, glob): for fe in obj.render(cache=cache): fe.rotate(rotation) fe.offset(x, y, MM) fe.aperture = fe.aperture.rotated(rotation) layer_stack[layer_map[layer]].objects.append(fe) for fe in obj.render_drill(): fe.rotate(rotation) fe.offset(x, y, MM) layer_stack.drill_pth.append(fe) def bounding_box(self, unit=MM): if not self._bounding_box: stack = LayerStack() layer_map = {kc_id: gn_id for kc_id, gn_id in LAYER_MAP_K2G.items() if gn_id in stack} self.render(stack, layer_map, x=0, y=0, rotation=0, flip=False, text=False, variables={}) self._bounding_box = stack.bounding_box(unit) return self._bounding_box @dataclass class BoardInstance(cad_pr.Positioned): sexp: Board = None variables: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {}) def render(self, layer_stack, cache=None): x, y, rotation, flip = self.abs_pos x, y = MM(x, self.unit), MM(y, self.unit) variables = dict(self.variables) layer_map = {kc_id: gn_id for kc_id, gn_id in LAYER_MAP_K2G.items() if gn_id in layer_stack} self.sexp.render(layer_stack, layer_map, x=x, y=y, rotation=rotation, flip=flip, variables=variables, cache=cache) def bounding_box(self, unit=MM): return offset_bounds(self.sexp.bounding_box(unit), unit(self.x, self.unit), unit(self.y, self.unit)) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys from ...layers import LayerStack fp = Board.open(sys.argv[1]) stack = LayerStack() BoardInstance(0, 0, fp, unit=MM).render(stack) print(stack.to_pretty_svg()) stack.save_to_directory('/tmp/testdir')