from .sexp import * from .sexp_mapper import * import time from dataclasses import field import math import uuid @sexp_type('color') class Color: r: int = None g: int = None b: int = None a: int = None @sexp_type('stroke') class Stroke: width: Named(float) = 0.254 type: Named(AtomChoice(Atom.dash,, Atom.dash_dot_dot, Atom.dash_dot, Atom.default, Atom.solid)) = Atom.default color: Color = None @property def width_mil(self): return mm_to_mil(self.width) @width_mil.setter def width_mil(self, value): self.width = mil_to_mm(value) @sexp_type('xy') class XYCoord: x: float = 0 y: float = 0 def isclose(self, other, tol=1e-6): return math.isclose(self.x, other.x, tol) and math.isclose(self.y, other.y, tol) @sexp_type('pts') class PointList: xy : List(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=list) @sexp_type('xyz') class XYZCoord: x: float = 0 y: float = 0 z: float = 0 @sexp_type('at') class AtPos(XYCoord): x: float = 0 # in millimeter y: float = 0 # in millimeter rotation: int = 0 # in degrees, can only be 0, 90, 180 or 270. unlocked: Flag() = False def __before_sexp__(self): self.rotation = int(round(self.rotation % 360)) @property def rotation_rad(self): return math.radians(self.rotation) @rotation_rad.setter def rotation_rad(self, value): self.rotation = math.degrees(value) @sexp_type('font') class FontSpec: face: Named(str) = None size: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=lambda: XYCoord(1.27, 1.27)) thickness: Named(float) = None bold: Flag() = False italic: Flag() = False line_spacing: Named(float) = None @sexp_type('justify') class Justify: h: AtomChoice(Atom.left, Atom.right) = None v: AtomChoice(, Atom.bottom) = None mirror: Flag() = False @sexp_type('effects') class TextEffect: font: FontSpec = field(default_factory=FontSpec) justify: OmitDefault(Justify) = field(default_factory=Justify) hide: Flag() = False @sexp_type('tstamp') class Timestamp: value: str = field(default_factory=uuid.uuid4) def __after_parse__(self, parent): self.value = str(self.value) def before_sexp(self): self.value = Atom(str(self.value)) def bump(self): self.value = uuid.uuid4() @sexp_type('tedit') class EditTime: value: str = field(default_factory=time.time) def __after_parse__(self, parent): self.value = int(str(self.value), 16) def __before_sexp__(self): self.value = Atom(f'{int(self.value):08X}') def bump(self): self.value = time.time()