#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 Hiroshi Murayama <opiopan@gmail.com> # Copyright 2022 Jan Sebastian Götte <gerbonara@jaseg.de> import warnings import contextlib import math from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, replace from .expression import Expression, UnitExpression, ConstantExpression, expr from .. import graphic_primitives as gp from .. import graphic_objects as go from ..utils import rotate_point, LengthUnit, MM def point_distance(a, b): x1, y1 = a x2, y2 = b return math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) # we make our own here instead of using math.degrees to make sure this works with expressions, too. def deg_to_rad(a): return a * (math.pi / 180) def rad_to_deg(a): return a * (180 / math.pi) @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class Primitive: unit: LengthUnit def __post_init__(self): for field in fields(self): if field.type == UnitExpression: value = getattr(self, field.name) if not isinstance(value, UnitExpression): value = UnitExpression(expr(value), self.unit) object.__setattr__(self, field.name, value) elif field.type == Expression: object.__setattr__(self, field.name, expr(getattr(self, field.name))) def to_gerber(self, register_variable=None, settings=None): return f'{self.code},' + ','.join( getattr(self, field.name).optimized().to_gerber(register_variable, settings.unit) for field in fields(self) if issubclass(field.type, Expression)) def substitute_params(self, binding, unit): out = replace(self, unit=unit, **{ field.name: getattr(self, field.name).calculate(binding, unit) for field in fields(self) if issubclass(field.type, Expression)}) return out def __str__(self): attrs = ','.join(str(getattr(self, name)).strip('<>') for name in type(self).__annotations__) return f'<{type(self).__name__} {attrs}>' def __repr__(self): return str(self) @classmethod def from_arglist(kls, unit, arglist): return kls(unit, *arglist) def parameters(self): for field in fields(self): if issubclass(field.type, Expression): yield from getattr(self, field.name).parameters() class Calculator: def __init__(self, instance, variable_binding={}, unit=None): self.instance = instance self.variable_binding = variable_binding self.unit = unit def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _traceback): pass def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.instance, name).calculate(self.variable_binding, self.unit) def __call__(self, expr): return expr.calculate(self.variable_binding, self.unit) @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class Circle(Primitive): code = 1 exposure : Expression diameter : UnitExpression # center x/y x : UnitExpression = 0 y : UnitExpression = 0 rotation : Expression = 0 def to_graphic_primitives(self, offset, rotation, variable_binding={}, unit=None, polarity_dark=True): with self.Calculator(self, variable_binding, unit) as calc: x, y = rotate_point(calc.x, calc.y, -(deg_to_rad(calc.rotation) + rotation), 0, 0) x, y = x+offset[0], y+offset[1] return [ gp.Circle(x, y, calc.diameter/2, polarity_dark=(bool(calc.exposure) == polarity_dark)) ] def substitute_params(self, binding, unit): with self.Calculator(self, binding, unit) as calc: x, y = rotate_point(calc.x, calc.y, -deg_to_rad(calc.rotation), 0, 0) new = Circle(unit, self.exposure, calc.diameter, x, y) return new def dilated(self, offset, unit): return replace(self, diameter=self.diameter + UnitExpression(offset, unit)) def scaled(self, scale): return replace(self, x=self.x * UnitExpression(scale), y=self.y * UnitExpression(scale), diameter=self.diameter * UnitExpression(scale)) @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class VectorLine(Primitive): code = 20 exposure : Expression width : UnitExpression start_x : UnitExpression start_y : UnitExpression end_x : UnitExpression end_y : UnitExpression rotation : Expression = 0 def to_graphic_primitives(self, offset, rotation, variable_binding={}, unit=None, polarity_dark=True): with self.Calculator(self, variable_binding, unit) as calc: center_x = (calc.end_x + calc.start_x) / 2 center_y = (calc.end_y + calc.start_y) / 2 delta_x = calc.end_x - calc.start_x delta_y = calc.end_y - calc.start_y length = point_distance((calc.start_x, calc.start_y), (calc.end_x, calc.end_y)) center_x, center_y = rotate_point(center_x, center_y, -(deg_to_rad(calc.rotation) + rotation), 0, 0) center_x, center_y = center_x+offset[0], center_y+offset[1] rotation += deg_to_rad(calc.rotation) + math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x) return [ gp.Rectangle(center_x, center_y, length, calc.width, rotation=rotation, polarity_dark=(bool(calc.exposure) == polarity_dark)) ] def substitute_params(self, binding, unit): with self.Calculator(self, binding, unit) as calc: x1, y1 = rotate_point(calc.start_x, calc.start_y, -deg_to_rad(calc.rotation), 0, 0) x2, y2 = rotate_point(calc.end_x, calc.end_y, -deg_to_rad(calc.rotation), 0, 0) return VectorLine(unit, calc.exposure, calc.width, x1, y1, x2, y2) def dilated(self, offset, unit): return replace(self, width=self.width + UnitExpression(2*offset, unit)) def scaled(self, scale): return replace(self, start_x=self.start_x * UnitExpression(scale), start_y=self.start_y * UnitExpression(scale), end_x=self.end_x * UnitExpression(scale), end_y=self.end_y * UnitExpression(scale)) @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class CenterLine(Primitive): code = 21 exposure : Expression width : UnitExpression height : UnitExpression # center x/y x : UnitExpression = 0 y : UnitExpression = 0 rotation : Expression = 0 def to_graphic_primitives(self, offset, rotation, variable_binding={}, unit=None, polarity_dark=True): with self.Calculator(self, variable_binding, unit) as calc: rotation += deg_to_rad(calc.rotation) x, y = gp.rotate_point(calc.x, calc.y, -rotation, 0, 0) x, y = x+offset[0], y+offset[1] w, h = calc.width, calc.height return [ gp.Rectangle(x, y, w, h, rotation, polarity_dark=(bool(calc.exposure) == polarity_dark)) ] def substitute_params(self, binding, unit): with self.Calculator(self, binding, unit) as calc: x1, y1 = rotate_point(calc.x, calc.y-calc.height/2, -deg_to_rad(calc.rotation), 0, 0) x2, y2 = rotate_point(calc.x, calc.y+calc.height/2, -deg_to_rad(calc.rotation), 0, 0) return VectorLine(unit, calc.exposure, calc.width, x1, y1, x2, y2) def dilated(self, offset, unit): return replace(self, width=self.width + UnitExpression(2*offset, unit)) def scaled(self, scale): return replace(self, width=self.width * UnitExpression(scale), height=self.height * UnitExpression(scale), x=self.x * UnitExpression(scale), y=self.y * UnitExpression(scale)) @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class Polygon(Primitive): code = 5 exposure : Expression n_vertices : Expression # center x/y x : UnitExpression y : UnitExpression diameter : UnitExpression rotation : Expression = 0 def to_graphic_primitives(self, offset, rotation, variable_binding={}, unit=None, polarity_dark=True): with self.Calculator(self, variable_binding, unit) as calc: rotation += deg_to_rad(calc.rotation) x, y = rotate_point(calc.x, calc.y, -rotation, 0, 0) x, y = x+offset[0], y+offset[1] return [ gp.ArcPoly.from_regular_polygon(calc.x, calc.y, calc.diameter/2, calc.n_vertices, rotation, polarity_dark=(bool(calc.exposure) == polarity_dark)) ] def dilated(self, offset, unit): return replace(self, diameter=self.diameter + UnitExpression(2*offset, unit)) def scale(self, scale): return replace(self, diameter=self.diameter * UnitExpression(scale), x=self.x * UnitExpression(scale), y=self.y * UnitExpression(scale)) @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class Moire(Primitive): """ Deprecated, but still found in some really old gerber files. """ code = 6 # center x/y x : UnitExpression y : UnitExpression d_outer : UnitExpression line_thickness : UnitExpression gap_w : UnitExpression num_circles : Expression crosshair_thickness : UnitExpression = 0 crosshair_length : UnitExpression =0 rotation : Expression = 0 def to_graphic_primitives(self, offset, rotation, variable_binding={}, unit=None, polarity_dark=True): with self.Calculator(self, variable_binding, unit) as calc: rotation += deg_to_rad(calc.rotation) x, y = rotate_point(calc.x, calc.y, -rotation, 0, 0) x, y = x+offset[0], y+offset[1] pitch = calc.line_thickness + calc.gap_w for i in range(int(round(calc.num_circles))): yield gp.Circle(x, y, calc.d_outer/2 - i*pitch, polarity_dark=True) yield gp.Circle(x, y, calc.d_inner/2 - i*pitch - calc.line_thickness, polarity_dark=False) if math.isclose(calc.crosshair_thickness, 0, abs_tol=1e-6) or\ math.isclose(calc.crosshair_length, 0, abs_tol=1e-6): return yield gp.Rectangle(x, y, crosshair_length, crosshair_thickness, rotation=rotation, polarity_dark=True) yield gp.Rectangle(x, y, crosshair_thickness, crosshair_length, rotation=rotation, polarity_dark=True) def dilate(self, offset, unit): # I'd rather print a warning and produce graphically slightly incorrect output in these few cases here than # producing macros that may evaluate to primitives with negative values. warnings.warn('Attempted dilation of macro aperture thermal primitive. This is not supported.') def scale(self, scale): return replace(self, d_outer=self.d_outer * UnitExpression(scale), d_inner=self.d_inner * UnitExpression(scale), gap_w=self.gap_w * UnitExpression(scale), x=self.x * UnitExpression(scale), y=self.y * UnitExpression(scale)) @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class Thermal(Primitive): code = 7 exposure : Expression # center x/y x : UnitExpression y : UnitExpression d_outer : UnitExpression d_inner : UnitExpression gap_w : UnitExpression rotation : Expression = 0 def to_graphic_primitives(self, offset, rotation, variable_binding={}, unit=None, polarity_dark=True): with self.Calculator(self, variable_binding, unit) as calc: rotation += deg_to_rad(calc.rotation) x, y = rotate_point(calc.x, calc.y, -rotation, 0, 0) x, y = x+offset[0], y+offset[1] dark = (bool(calc.exposure) == polarity_dark) return [ gp.Circle(x, y, calc.d_outer/2, polarity_dark=dark), gp.Circle(x, y, calc.d_inner/2, polarity_dark=not dark), gp.Rectangle(x, y, d_outer, gap_w, rotation=rotation, polarity_dark=not dark), gp.Rectangle(x, y, gap_w, d_outer, rotation=rotation, polarity_dark=not dark), ] def dilate(self, offset, unit): # I'd rather print a warning and produce graphically slightly incorrect output in these few cases here than # producing macros that may evaluate to primitives with negative values. warnings.warn('Attempted dilation of macro aperture thermal primitive. This is not supported.') def scale(self, scale): return replace(self, d_outer=self.d_outer * UnitExpression(scale), d_inner=self.d_inner * UnitExpression(scale), gap_w=self.gap_w * UnitExpression(scale), x=self.x * UnitExpression(scale), y=self.y * UnitExpression(scale)) @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class Outline(Primitive): code = 4 exposure : Expression length: Expression coords: tuple rotation: Expression = 0 def __post_init__(self): if self.length is None: object.__setattr__(self, 'length', expr(len(self.coords)//2-1)) else: object.__setattr__(self, 'length', expr(self.length)) object.__setattr__(self, 'rotation', expr(self.rotation)) object.__setattr__(self, 'exposure', expr(self.exposure)) if self.length.calculate() != len(self.coords)//2-1: raise ValueError('length must exactly equal number of segments, which is the number of points minus one') if self.coords[-2:] != self.coords[:2]: raise ValueError('Last point must equal first point') object.__setattr__(self, 'coords', tuple( UnitExpression(coord, self.unit) for coord in self.coords)) @property def points(self): for x, y in zip(self.coords[0::2], self.coords[1::2]): yield x, y @classmethod def from_arglist(kls, unit, arglist): if len(arglist[2:]) % 2 == 0: return kls(unit=unit, exposure=arglist[0], length=arglist[1], coords=arglist[2:], rotation=0) else: return kls(unit=unit, exposure=arglist[0], length=arglist[1], coords=arglist[2:-1], rotation=arglist[-1]) def __str__(self): return f'<Outline {len(self.coords)} points>' def to_gerber(self, register_variable=None, settings=None): rotation = self.rotation.optimized() coords = ','.join(coord.optimized().to_gerber(register_variable, settings.unit) for coord in self.coords) return f'{self.code},{self.exposure.optimized().to_gerber(register_variable)},{len(self.coords)//2-1},{coords},{rotation.to_gerber(register_variable)}' def substitute_params(self, binding, unit): with self.Calculator(self, binding, unit) as calc: rotation = calc.rotation coords = [ rotate_point(x.calculate(binding, unit), y.calculate(binding, unit), -deg_to_rad(rotation), 0, 0) for x, y in self.points ] coords = [ e for point in coords for e in point ] return Outline(unit, calc.exposure, calc.length, coords) def parameters(self): yield from Primitive.parameters(self) for expr in self.coords: yield from expr.parameters() def to_graphic_primitives(self, offset, rotation, variable_binding={}, unit=None, polarity_dark=True): with self.Calculator(self, variable_binding, unit) as calc: rotation += deg_to_rad(calc.rotation) bound_coords = [ rotate_point(calc(x), calc(y), -rotation, 0, 0) for x, y in self.points ] bound_coords = [ (x+offset[0], y+offset[1]) for x, y in bound_coords ] bound_radii = [None] * len(bound_coords) return [gp.ArcPoly(bound_coords, bound_radii, polarity_dark=(bool(calc.exposure) == polarity_dark))] def dilated(self, offset, unit): # we would need a whole polygon offset/clipping library here warnings.warn('Attempted dilation of macro aperture outline primitive. This is not supported.') def scaled(self, scale): return replace(self, coords=tuple(x*scale for x in self.coords)) @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class Comment: code = 0 comment: str def to_gerber(self, register_variable=None, settings=None): return f'0 {self.comment}' def dilated(self, offset, unit): return self def scaled(self, scale): return self PRIMITIVE_CLASSES = { **{cls.code: cls for cls in [ Comment, Circle, VectorLine, CenterLine, Outline, Polygon, Moire, Thermal, ]}, # alternative codes 2: VectorLine, }