#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 Hiroshi Murayama <opiopan@gmail.com> from gerber.cam import FileSettings import gerber.rs274x from gerber.gerber_statements import * from gerberex.gerber_statements import AMParamStmt, AMParamStmtEx, ADParamStmtEx from gerberex.utility import rotate import re def loads(data, filename=None): cls = gerber.rs274x.GerberParser cls.SF = \ r"(?P<param>SF)(A(?P<a>{decimal}))?(B(?P<b>{decimal}))?".format(decimal=cls.DECIMAL) cls.PARAMS = (cls.FS, cls.MO, cls.LP, cls.AD_CIRCLE, cls.AD_RECT, cls.AD_OBROUND, cls.AD_POLY, cls.AD_MACRO, cls.AM, cls.AS, cls.IF, cls.IN, cls.IP, cls.IR, cls.MI, cls.OF, cls.SF, cls.LN) cls.PARAM_STMT = [re.compile(r"%?{0}\*%?".format(p)) for p in cls.PARAMS] return cls().parse_raw(data, filename) def write_gerber_header(file, settings): file.write('%s\n%s\n%%IPPOS*%%\n' % ( MOParamStmt('MO', settings.units).to_gerber(settings), FSParamStmt('FS', settings.zero_suppression, settings.notation, settings.format).to_gerber(settings))) class GerberFile(gerber.rs274x.GerberFile): @classmethod def from_gerber_file(cls, gerber_file): if not isinstance(gerber_file, gerber.rs274x.GerberFile): raise Exception('only gerber.rs274x.GerberFile object is specified') return cls(gerber_file.statements, gerber_file.settings, gerber_file.primitives,\ gerber_file.apertures, gerber_file.filename) def __init__(self, statements, settings, primitives, apertures, filename=None): super(GerberFile, self).__init__(statements, settings, primitives, apertures, filename) self.context = GerberContext.from_settings(self.settings) self.aperture_macros = {} self.aperture_defs = [] self.main_statements = [] for stmt in self.statements: type, stmts = self.context.normalize_statement(stmt) if type == self.context.TYPE_AM: for mdef in stmts: self.aperture_macros[mdef.name] = mdef elif type == self.context.TYPE_AD: self.aperture_defs.extend(stmts) elif type == self.context.TYPE_MAIN: self.main_statements.extend(stmts) if self.context.angle != 0: self.rotate(self.context.angle) if self.context.is_negative: self.nagate_polarity() self.context.notation = 'absolute' self.context.zeros = 'trailing' def write(self, filename=None): self.context.notation = 'absolute' self.context.zeros = 'trailing' self.context.format = self.format self.units = self.units filename=filename if filename is not None else self.filename with open(filename, 'w') as f: write_gerber_header(f, self.context) for macro in self.aperture_macros: f.write(self.aperture_macros[macro].to_gerber(self.context) + '\n') for aperture in self.aperture_defs: f.write(aperture.to_gerber(self.context) + '\n') for statement in self.main_statements: f.write(statement.to_gerber(self.context) + '\n') f.write('M02*\n') def to_inch(self): if self.units == 'metric': for macro in self.aperture_macros: self.aperture_macros[macro].to_inch() for aperture in self.aperture_defs: aperture.to_inch() for statement in self.statements: statement.to_inch() self.units = 'inch' self.context.units = 'inch' def to_metric(self): if self.units == 'inch': for macro in self.aperture_macros: self.aperture_macros[macro].to_metric() for aperture in self.aperture_defs: aperture.to_metric() for statement in self.statements: statement.to_metric() self.units='metric' self.context.units='metric' def offset(self, x_offset=0, y_offset=0): for statement in self.main_statements: if isinstance(statement, CoordStmt): if statement.x is not None: statement.x += x_offset if statement.y is not None: statement.y += y_offset for primitive in self.primitives: primitive.offset(x_offset, y_offset) def rotate(self, angle, center=(0,0)): if angle % 360 == 0: return self._generalize_aperture() last_x = 0 last_y = 0 last_rx = 0 last_ry = 0 for name in self.aperture_macros: self.aperture_macros[name].rotate(angle, center) for statement in self.main_statements: if isinstance(statement, CoordStmt) and statement.x != None and statement.y != None: if statement.i != None and statement.j != None: cx = last_x + statement.i cy = last_y + statement.j cx, cy = rotate(cx, cy, angle, center) statement.i = cx - last_rx statement.j = cy - last_ry last_x = statement.x last_y = statement.y last_rx, last_ry = rotate(statement.x, statement.y, angle, center) statement.x = last_rx statement.y = last_ry def nagate_polarity(self): for statement in self.main_statements: if isinstance(statement, LPParamStmt): statement.lp = 'dark' if statement.lp == 'clear' else 'clear' def _generalize_aperture(self): RECTANGLE = 0 LANDSCAPE_OBROUND = 1 PORTRATE_OBROUND = 2 POLYGON = 3 macro_defs = [ ('MACR', AMParamStmtEx.rectangle), ('MACLO', AMParamStmtEx.landscape_obround), ('MACPO', AMParamStmtEx.portrate_obround), ('MACP', AMParamStmtEx.polygon) ] need_to_change = False for statement in self.aperture_defs: if isinstance(statement, ADParamStmt) and statement.shape in ['R', 'O', 'P']: need_to_change = True if need_to_change: for idx in range(0, len(macro_defs)): macro_def = macro_defs[idx] name = macro_def[0] num = 1 while name in self.aperture_macros: name = '%s_%d' % (macro_def[0], num) num += 1 self.aperture_macros[name] = macro_def[1](name, self.units) macro_defs[idx] = (name, macro_def[1]) for statement in self.aperture_defs: if isinstance(statement, ADParamStmt): if statement.shape == 'R': statement.shape = macro_defs[RECTANGLE][0] elif statement.shape == 'O': x = statement.modifiers[0][0] \ if len(statement.modifiers[0]) > 0 else 0 y = statement.modifiers[0][1] \ if len(statement.modifiers[0]) > 1 else 0 statement.shape = macro_defs[LANDSCAPE_OBROUND][0] \ if x > y else macro_defs[PORTRATE_OBROUND][0] elif statement.shape == 'P': statement.shape = macro_defs[POLYGON][0] class GerberContext(FileSettings): TYPE_NONE = 'none' TYPE_AM = 'am' TYPE_AD = 'ad' TYPE_MAIN = 'main' IP_LINEAR = 'lenear' IP_ARC = 'arc' DIR_CLOCKWISE = 'cw' DIR_COUNTERCLOCKWISE = 'ccw' ignored_stmt = ('FSParamStmt', 'MOParamStmt', 'ASParamStmt', 'INParamStmt', 'IPParamStmt', 'IRParamStmt', 'MIParamStmt', 'OFParamStmt', 'SFParamStmt', 'LNParamStmt', 'CommentStmt', 'EofStmt',) @classmethod def from_settings(cls, settings): return cls(settings.notation, settings.units, settings.zero_suppression, settings.format, settings.zeros, settings.angle_units) def __init__(self, notation='absolute', units='inch', zero_suppression=None, format=(2, 5), zeros=None, angle_units='degrees', name=None, mirror=(False, False), offset=(0., 0.), scale=(1., 1.), angle=0., axis='xy'): super(GerberContext, self).__init__(notation, units, zero_suppression, format, zeros, angle_units) self.name = name self.mirror = mirror self.offset = offset self.scale = scale self.angle = angle self.axis = axis self.matrix = (1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.is_negative = False self.is_first_coordinate = True self.no_polarity = True self.in_single_quadrant_mode = False self.op = None self.interpolation = self.IP_LINEAR self.direction = self.DIR_CLOCKWISE self.x = 0. self.y = 0. def normalize_statement(self, stmt): additional_stmts = None if isinstance(stmt, INParamStmt): self.name = stmt.name elif isinstance(stmt, MIParamStmt): self.mirror = (stmt.a, stmt.b) self._update_matrix() elif isinstance(stmt, OFParamStmt): self.offset = (stmt.a, stmt.b) self._update_matrix() elif isinstance(stmt, SFParamStmt): self.scale = (stmt.a, stmt.b) self._update_matrix() elif isinstance(stmt, ASParamStmt): self.axis = 'yx' if stmt.mode == 'AYBX' else 'xy' self._update_matrix() elif isinstance(stmt, IRParamStmt): self.angle = stmt.angle elif isinstance(stmt, AMParamStmt) and not isinstance(stmt, AMParamStmtEx): stmt = AMParamStmtEx.from_stmt(stmt) return (self.TYPE_AM, [stmt]) elif isinstance(stmt, ADParamStmt) and not isinstance(stmt, AMParamStmtEx): stmt = ADParamStmtEx.from_stmt(stmt) return (self.TYPE_AD, [stmt]) elif isinstance(stmt, QuadrantModeStmt): self.in_single_quadrant_mode = stmt.mode == 'single-quadrant' stmt.mode = 'multi-quadrant' elif isinstance(stmt, IPParamStmt): self.is_negative = stmt.ip == 'negative' elif isinstance(stmt, LPParamStmt): self.no_polarity = False elif isinstance(stmt, CoordStmt): self._normalize_coordinate(stmt) if self.is_first_coordinate: self.is_first_coordinate = False if self.no_polarity: additional_stmts = [LPParamStmt('LP', 'dark'), stmt] if type(stmt).__name__ in self.ignored_stmt: return (self.TYPE_NONE, None) elif additional_stmts is not None: return (self.TYPE_MAIN, additional_stmts) else: return (self.TYPE_MAIN, [stmt]) def _update_matrix(self): if self.axis == 'xy': mx = -1 if self.mirror[0] else 1 my = -1 if self.mirror[1] else 1 self.matrix = ( self.scale[0] * mx, self.offset[0], self.scale[1] * my, self.offset[1], self.scale[0] * mx, self.scale[1] * my) else: mx = -1 if self.mirror[1] else 1 my = -1 if self.mirror[0] else 1 self.matrix = ( self.scale[1] * mx, self.offset[1], self.scale[0] * my, self.offset[0], self.scale[1] * mx, self.scale[0] * my) def _normalize_coordinate(self, stmt): if stmt.function == 'G01' or stmt.function == 'G1': self.interpolation = self.IP_LINEAR elif stmt.function == 'G02' or stmt.function == 'G2': self.interpolation = self.IP_ARC self.direction = self.DIR_CLOCKWISE if self.mirror[0] != self.mirror[1]: stmt.function = 'G03' elif stmt.function == 'G03' or stmt.function == 'G3': self.interpolation = self.IP_ARC self.direction = self.DIR_COUNTERCLOCKWISE if self.mirror[0] != self.mirror[1]: stmt.function = 'G02' if stmt.only_function: return last_x = self.x last_y = self.y if self.notation == 'absolute': x = stmt.x if stmt.x is not None else self.x y = stmt.y if stmt.y is not None else self.y else: x = self.x + stmt.x if stmt.x is not None else 0 y = self.y + stmt.y if stmt.y is not None else 0 self.x, self.y = x, y self.op = stmt.op if stmt.op is not None else self.op stmt.op = self.op stmt.x = self.matrix[0] * x + self.matrix[1] stmt.y = self.matrix[2] * y + self.matrix[3] if stmt.op == 'D01' and self.interpolation == self.IP_ARC: qx, qy = 1, 1 if self.in_single_quadrant_mode: if self.direction == self.DIR_CLOCKWISE: qx = 1 if y > last_y else -1 qy = 1 if x < last_x else -1 else: qx = 1 if y < last_y else -1 qy = 1 if x > last_x else -1 if last_x == x and last_y == y: qx, qy = 0, 0 stmt.i = qx * self.matrix[4] * stmt.i if stmt.i is not None else 0 stmt.j = qy * self.matrix[5] * stmt.j if stmt.j is not None else 0