#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Hamilton Kibbe <ham@hamiltonkib.be> from ..primitives import * from .tests import * def test_primitive_smoketest(): p = Primitive() assert_raises(NotImplementedError, p.bounding_box) p.to_metric() p.to_inch() p.offset(1, 1) def test_line_angle(): """ Test Line primitive angle calculation """ cases = [((0, 0), (1, 0), math.radians(0)), ((0, 0), (1, 1), math.radians(45)), ((0, 0), (0, 1), math.radians(90)), ((0, 0), (-1, 1), math.radians(135)), ((0, 0), (-1, 0), math.radians(180)), ((0, 0), (-1, -1), math.radians(225)), ((0, 0), (0, -1), math.radians(270)), ((0, 0), (1, -1), math.radians(315)),] for start, end, expected in cases: l = Line(start, end, 0) line_angle = (l.angle + 2 * math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) assert_almost_equal(line_angle, expected) def test_line_bounds(): """ Test Line primitive bounding box calculation """ cases = [((0, 0), (1, 1), ((-1, 2), (-1, 2))), ((-1, -1), (1, 1), ((-2, 2), (-2, 2))), ((1, 1), (-1, -1), ((-2, 2), (-2, 2))), ((-1, 1), (1, -1), ((-2, 2), (-2, 2))),] c = Circle((0, 0), 2) r = Rectangle((0, 0), 2, 2) for shape in (c, r): for start, end, expected in cases: l = Line(start, end, shape) assert_equal(l.bounding_box, expected) # Test a non-square rectangle r = Rectangle((0, 0), 3, 2) cases = [((0, 0), (1, 1), ((-1.5, 2.5), (-1, 2))), ((-1, -1), (1, 1), ((-2.5, 2.5), (-2, 2))), ((1, 1), (-1, -1), ((-2.5, 2.5), (-2, 2))), ((-1, 1), (1, -1), ((-2.5, 2.5), (-2, 2))),] for start, end, expected in cases: l = Line(start, end, r) assert_equal(l.bounding_box, expected) def test_line_vertices(): c = Circle((0, 0), 2) l = Line((0, 0), (1, 1), c) assert_equal(l.vertices, None) # All 4 compass points, all 4 quadrants and the case where start == end test_cases = [((0, 0), (1, 0), ((-1, -1), (-1, 1), (2, 1), (2, -1))), ((0, 0), (1, 1), ((-1, -1), (-1, 1), (0, 2), (2, 2), (2, 0), (1,-1))), ((0, 0), (0, 1), ((-1, -1), (-1, 2), (1, 2), (1, -1))), ((0, 0), (-1, 1), ((-1, -1), (-2, 0), (-2, 2), (0, 2), (1, 1), (1, -1))), ((0, 0), (-1, 0), ((-2, -1), (-2, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1))), ((0, 0), (-1, -1), ((-2, -2), (1, -1), (1, 1), (-1, 1), (-2, 0), (0,-2))), ((0, 0), (0, -1), ((-1, -2), (-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, -2))), ((0, 0), (1, -1), ((-1, -1), (0, -2), (2, -2), (2, 0), (1, 1), (-1, 1))), ((0, 0), (0, 0), ((-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1))),] r = Rectangle((0, 0), 2, 2) for start, end, vertices in test_cases: l = Line(start, end, r) assert_equal(set(vertices), set(l.vertices)) def test_line_conversion(): c = Circle((0, 0), 25.4) l = Line((2.54, 25.4), (254.0, 2540.0), c) l.to_inch() assert_equal(l.start, (0.1, 1.0)) assert_equal(l.end, (10.0, 100.0)) assert_equal(l.aperture.diameter, 1.0) c = Circle((0, 0), 1.0) l = Line((0.1, 1.0), (10.0, 100.0), c) l.to_metric() assert_equal(l.start, (2.54, 25.4)) assert_equal(l.end, (254.0, 2540.0)) assert_equal(l.aperture.diameter, 25.4) r = Rectangle((0, 0), 25.4, 254.0) l = Line((2.54, 25.4), (254.0, 2540.0), r) l.to_inch() assert_equal(l.start, (0.1, 1.0)) assert_equal(l.end, (10.0, 100.0)) assert_equal(l.aperture.width, 1.0) assert_equal(l.aperture.height, 10.0) r = Rectangle((0, 0), 1.0, 10.0) l = Line((0.1, 1.0), (10.0, 100.0), r) l.to_metric() assert_equal(l.start, (2.54, 25.4)) assert_equal(l.end, (254.0, 2540.0)) assert_equal(l.aperture.width, 25.4) assert_equal(l.aperture.height, 254.0) def test_line_offset(): c = Circle((0, 0), 1) l = Line((0, 0), (1, 1), c) l.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(l.start,(1., 0.)) assert_equal(l.end, (2., 1.)) l.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(l.start,(1., 1.)) assert_equal(l.end, (2., 2.)) def test_arc_radius(): """ Test Arc primitive radius calculation """ cases = [((-3, 4), (5, 0), (0, 0), 5), ((0, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0), 1),] for start, end, center, radius in cases: a = Arc(start, end, center, 'clockwise', 0) assert_equal(a.radius, radius) def test_arc_sweep_angle(): """ Test Arc primitive sweep angle calculation """ cases = [((1, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0), 'counterclockwise', math.radians(90)), ((1, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0), 'clockwise', math.radians(270)), ((1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 0), 'clockwise', math.radians(180)), ((1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 0), 'counterclockwise', math.radians(180)),] for start, end, center, direction, sweep in cases: c = Circle((0,0), 1) a = Arc(start, end, center, direction, c) assert_equal(a.sweep_angle, sweep) def test_arc_bounds(): """ Test Arc primitive bounding box calculation """ cases = [((1, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0), 'clockwise', ((-1.5, 1.5), (-1.5, 1.5))), ((1, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0), 'counterclockwise', ((-0.5, 1.5), (-0.5, 1.5))), #TODO: ADD MORE TEST CASES HERE ] for start, end, center, direction, bounds in cases: c = Circle((0,0), 1) a = Arc(start, end, center, direction, c) assert_equal(a.bounding_box, bounds) def test_arc_conversion(): c = Circle((0, 0), 25.4) a = Arc((2.54, 25.4), (254.0, 2540.0), (25400.0, 254000.0),'clockwise', c) a.to_inch() assert_equal(a.start, (0.1, 1.0)) assert_equal(a.end, (10.0, 100.0)) assert_equal(a.center, (1000.0, 10000.0)) assert_equal(a.aperture.diameter, 1.0) c = Circle((0, 0), 1.0) a = Arc((0.1, 1.0), (10.0, 100.0), (1000.0, 10000.0),'clockwise', c) a.to_metric() assert_equal(a.start, (2.54, 25.4)) assert_equal(a.end, (254.0, 2540.0)) assert_equal(a.center, (25400.0, 254000.0)) assert_equal(a.aperture.diameter, 25.4) def test_arc_offset(): c = Circle((0, 0), 1) a = Arc((0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), 'clockwise', c) a.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(a.start,(1., 0.)) assert_equal(a.end, (2., 1.)) assert_equal(a.center, (3., 2.)) a.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(a.start,(1., 1.)) assert_equal(a.end, (2., 2.)) assert_equal(a.center, (3., 3.)) def test_circle_radius(): """ Test Circle primitive radius calculation """ c = Circle((1, 1), 2) assert_equal(c.radius, 1) def test_circle_bounds(): """ Test Circle bounding box calculation """ c = Circle((1, 1), 2) assert_equal(c.bounding_box, ((0, 2), (0, 2))) def test_circle_conversion(): c = Circle((2.54, 25.4), 254.0) c.to_inch() assert_equal(c.position, (0.1, 1.)) assert_equal(c.diameter, 10.) c = Circle((0.1, 1.0), 10.0) c.to_metric() assert_equal(c.position, (2.54, 25.4)) assert_equal(c.diameter, 254.) def test_circle_offset(): c = Circle((0, 0), 1) c.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(c.position,(1., 0.)) c.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(c.position,(1., 1.)) def test_ellipse_ctor(): """ Test ellipse creation """ e = Ellipse((2, 2), 3, 2) assert_equal(e.position, (2, 2)) assert_equal(e.width, 3) assert_equal(e.height, 2) def test_ellipse_bounds(): """ Test ellipse bounding box calculation """ e = Ellipse((2, 2), 4, 2) assert_equal(e.bounding_box, ((0, 4), (1, 3))) e = Ellipse((2, 2), 4, 2, rotation=90) assert_equal(e.bounding_box, ((1, 3), (0, 4))) e = Ellipse((2, 2), 4, 2, rotation=180) assert_equal(e.bounding_box, ((0, 4), (1, 3))) e = Ellipse((2, 2), 4, 2, rotation=270) assert_equal(e.bounding_box, ((1, 3), (0, 4))) def test_ellipse_conversion(): e = Ellipse((2.54, 25.4), 254.0, 2540.) e.to_inch() assert_equal(e.position, (0.1, 1.)) assert_equal(e.width, 10.) assert_equal(e.height, 100.) e = Ellipse((0.1, 1.), 10.0, 100.) e.to_metric() assert_equal(e.position, (2.54, 25.4)) assert_equal(e.width, 254.) assert_equal(e.height, 2540.) def test_ellipse_offset(): e = Ellipse((0, 0), 1, 2) e.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(e.position,(1., 0.)) e.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(e.position,(1., 1.)) def test_rectangle_ctor(): """ Test rectangle creation """ test_cases = (((0,0), 1, 1), ((0, 0), 1, 2), ((1,1), 1, 2)) for pos, width, height in test_cases: r = Rectangle(pos, width, height) assert_equal(r.position, pos) assert_equal(r.width, width) assert_equal(r.height, height) def test_rectangle_bounds(): """ Test rectangle bounding box calculation """ r = Rectangle((0,0), 2, 2) xbounds, ybounds = r.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (-1, 1)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (-1, 1)) r = Rectangle((0,0), 2, 2, rotation=45) xbounds, ybounds = r.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (-math.sqrt(2), math.sqrt(2))) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (-math.sqrt(2), math.sqrt(2))) def test_rectangle_conversion(): r = Rectangle((2.54, 25.4), 254.0, 2540.0) r.to_inch() assert_equal(r.position, (0.1, 1.0)) assert_equal(r.width, 10.0) assert_equal(r.height, 100.0) r = Rectangle((0.1, 1.0), 10.0, 100.0) r.to_metric() assert_equal(r.position, (2.54,25.4)) assert_equal(r.width, 254.0) assert_equal(r.height, 2540.0) def test_rectangle_offset(): r = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 2) r.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(r.position,(1., 0.)) r.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(r.position,(1., 1.)) def test_diamond_ctor(): """ Test diamond creation """ test_cases = (((0,0), 1, 1), ((0, 0), 1, 2), ((1,1), 1, 2)) for pos, width, height in test_cases: d = Diamond(pos, width, height) assert_equal(d.position, pos) assert_equal(d.width, width) assert_equal(d.height, height) def test_diamond_bounds(): """ Test diamond bounding box calculation """ d = Diamond((0,0), 2, 2) xbounds, ybounds = d.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (-1, 1)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (-1, 1)) d = Diamond((0,0), math.sqrt(2), math.sqrt(2), rotation=45) xbounds, ybounds = d.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (-1, 1)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (-1, 1)) def test_diamond_conversion(): d = Diamond((2.54, 25.4), 254.0, 2540.0) d.to_inch() assert_equal(d.position, (0.1, 1.0)) assert_equal(d.width, 10.0) assert_equal(d.height, 100.0) d = Diamond((0.1, 1.0), 10.0, 100.0) d.to_metric() assert_equal(d.position, (2.54, 25.4)) assert_equal(d.width, 254.0) assert_equal(d.height, 2540.0) def test_diamond_offset(): d = Diamond((0, 0), 1, 2) d.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(d.position,(1., 0.)) d.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(d.position,(1., 1.)) def test_chamfer_rectangle_ctor(): """ Test chamfer rectangle creation """ test_cases = (((0,0), 1, 1, 0.2, (True, True, False, False)), ((0, 0), 1, 2, 0.3, (True, True, True, True)), ((1,1), 1, 2, 0.4, (False, False, False, False))) for pos, width, height, chamfer, corners in test_cases: r = ChamferRectangle(pos, width, height, chamfer, corners) assert_equal(r.position, pos) assert_equal(r.width, width) assert_equal(r.height, height) assert_equal(r.chamfer, chamfer) assert_array_almost_equal(r.corners, corners) def test_chamfer_rectangle_bounds(): """ Test chamfer rectangle bounding box calculation """ r = ChamferRectangle((0,0), 2, 2, 0.2, (True, True, False, False)) xbounds, ybounds = r.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (-1, 1)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (-1, 1)) r = ChamferRectangle((0,0), 2, 2, 0.2, (True, True, False, False), rotation=45) xbounds, ybounds = r.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (-math.sqrt(2), math.sqrt(2))) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (-math.sqrt(2), math.sqrt(2))) def test_chamfer_rectangle_conversion(): r = ChamferRectangle((2.54, 25.4), 254.0, 2540.0, 0.254, (True, True, False, False)) r.to_inch() assert_equal(r.position, (0.1, 1.0)) assert_equal(r.width, 10.0) assert_equal(r.height, 100.0) assert_equal(r.chamfer, 0.01) r = ChamferRectangle((0.1, 1.0), 10.0, 100.0, 0.01, (True, True, False, False)) r.to_metric() assert_equal(r.position, (2.54,25.4)) assert_equal(r.width, 254.0) assert_equal(r.height, 2540.0) assert_equal(r.chamfer, 0.254) def test_chamfer_rectangle_offset(): r = ChamferRectangle((0, 0), 1, 2, 0.01, (True, True, False, False)) r.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(r.position,(1., 0.)) r.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(r.position,(1., 1.)) def test_round_rectangle_ctor(): """ Test round rectangle creation """ test_cases = (((0,0), 1, 1, 0.2, (True, True, False, False)), ((0, 0), 1, 2, 0.3, (True, True, True, True)), ((1,1), 1, 2, 0.4, (False, False, False, False))) for pos, width, height, radius, corners in test_cases: r = RoundRectangle(pos, width, height, radius, corners) assert_equal(r.position, pos) assert_equal(r.width, width) assert_equal(r.height, height) assert_equal(r.radius, radius) assert_array_almost_equal(r.corners, corners) def test_round_rectangle_bounds(): """ Test round rectangle bounding box calculation """ r = RoundRectangle((0,0), 2, 2, 0.2, (True, True, False, False)) xbounds, ybounds = r.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (-1, 1)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (-1, 1)) r = RoundRectangle((0,0), 2, 2, 0.2, (True, True, False, False), rotation=45) xbounds, ybounds = r.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (-math.sqrt(2), math.sqrt(2))) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (-math.sqrt(2), math.sqrt(2))) def test_round_rectangle_conversion(): r = RoundRectangle((2.54, 25.4), 254.0, 2540.0, 0.254, (True, True, False, False)) r.to_inch() assert_equal(r.position, (0.1, 1.0)) assert_equal(r.width, 10.0) assert_equal(r.height, 100.0) assert_equal(r.radius, 0.01) r = RoundRectangle((0.1, 1.0), 10.0, 100.0, 0.01, (True, True, False, False)) r.to_metric() assert_equal(r.position, (2.54,25.4)) assert_equal(r.width, 254.0) assert_equal(r.height, 2540.0) assert_equal(r.radius, 0.254) def test_round_rectangle_offset(): r = RoundRectangle((0, 0), 1, 2, 0.01, (True, True, False, False)) r.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(r.position,(1., 0.)) r.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(r.position,(1., 1.)) def test_obround_ctor(): """ Test obround creation """ test_cases = (((0,0), 1, 1), ((0, 0), 1, 2), ((1,1), 1, 2)) for pos, width, height in test_cases: o = Obround(pos, width, height) assert_equal(o.position, pos) assert_equal(o.width, width) assert_equal(o.height, height) def test_obround_bounds(): """ Test obround bounding box calculation """ o = Obround((2,2),2,4) xbounds, ybounds = o.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (1, 3)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (0, 4)) o = Obround((2,2),4,2) xbounds, ybounds = o.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (0, 4)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (1, 3)) def test_obround_orientation(): o = Obround((0, 0), 2, 1) assert_equal(o.orientation, 'horizontal') o = Obround((0, 0), 1, 2) assert_equal(o.orientation, 'vertical') def test_obround_subshapes(): o = Obround((0,0), 1, 4) ss = o.subshapes assert_array_almost_equal(ss['rectangle'].position, (0, 0)) assert_array_almost_equal(ss['circle1'].position, (0, 1.5)) assert_array_almost_equal(ss['circle2'].position, (0, -1.5)) o = Obround((0,0), 4, 1) ss = o.subshapes assert_array_almost_equal(ss['rectangle'].position, (0, 0)) assert_array_almost_equal(ss['circle1'].position, (1.5, 0)) assert_array_almost_equal(ss['circle2'].position, (-1.5, 0)) def test_obround_conversion(): o = Obround((2.54,25.4), 254.0, 2540.0) o.to_inch() assert_equal(o.position, (0.1, 1.0)) assert_equal(o.width, 10.0) assert_equal(o.height, 100.0) o= Obround((0.1, 1.0), 10.0, 100.0) o.to_metric() assert_equal(o.position, (2.54, 25.4)) assert_equal(o.width, 254.0) assert_equal(o.height, 2540.0) def test_obround_offset(): o = Obround((0, 0), 1, 2) o.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(o.position,(1., 0.)) o.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(o.position,(1., 1.)) def test_polygon_ctor(): """ Test polygon creation """ test_cases = (((0,0), 3, 5), ((0, 0), 5, 6), ((1,1), 7, 7)) for pos, sides, radius in test_cases: p = Polygon(pos, sides, radius) assert_equal(p.position, pos) assert_equal(p.sides, sides) assert_equal(p.radius, radius) def test_polygon_bounds(): """ Test polygon bounding box calculation """ p = Polygon((2,2), 3, 2) xbounds, ybounds = p.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (0, 4)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (0, 4)) p = Polygon((2,2),3, 4) xbounds, ybounds = p.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (-2, 6)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (-2, 6)) def test_polygon_conversion(): p = Polygon((2.54, 25.4), 3, 254.0) p.to_inch() assert_equal(p.position, (0.1, 1.0)) assert_equal(p.radius, 10.0) p = Polygon((0.1, 1.0), 3, 10.0) p.to_metric() assert_equal(p.position, (2.54, 25.4)) assert_equal(p.radius, 254.0) def test_polygon_offset(): p = Polygon((0, 0), 5, 10) p.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(p.position,(1., 0.)) p.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(p.position,(1., 1.)) def test_region_ctor(): """ Test Region creation """ points = ((0, 0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)) r = Region(points) for i, point in enumerate(points): assert_array_almost_equal(r.points[i], point) def test_region_bounds(): """ Test region bounding box calculation """ points = ((0, 0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)) r = Region(points) xbounds, ybounds = r.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (0, 1)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (0, 1)) def test_region_conversion(): points = ((2.54, 25.4), (254.0,2540.0), (25400.0,254000.0), (2.54,25.4)) r = Region(points) r.to_inch() assert_equal(set(r.points), {(0.1, 1.0), (10.0, 100.0), (1000.0, 10000.0)}) points = ((0.1, 1.0), (10.0, 100.0), (1000.0, 10000.0), (0.1, 1.0)) r = Region(points) r.to_metric() assert_equal(set(r.points), {(2.54, 25.4), (254.0, 2540.0), (25400.0, 254000.0)}) def test_region_offset(): points = ((0, 0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)) r = Region(points) r.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(set(r.points), {(1, 0), (2, 0), (2,1), (1, 1)}) r.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(set(r.points), {(1, 1), (2, 1), (2,2), (1, 2)}) def test_round_butterfly_ctor(): """ Test round butterfly creation """ test_cases = (((0,0), 3), ((0, 0), 5), ((1,1), 7)) for pos, diameter in test_cases: b = RoundButterfly(pos, diameter) assert_equal(b.position, pos) assert_equal(b.diameter, diameter) assert_equal(b.radius, diameter/2.) def test_round_butterfly_ctor_validation(): """ Test RoundButterfly argument validation """ assert_raises(TypeError, RoundButterfly, 3, 5) assert_raises(TypeError, RoundButterfly, (3,4,5), 5) def test_round_butterfly_conversion(): b = RoundButterfly((2.54, 25.4), 254.0) b.to_inch() assert_equal(b.position, (0.1, 1.0)) assert_equal(b.diameter, 10.0) b = RoundButterfly((0.1, 1.0), 10.0) b.to_metric() assert_equal(b.position, (2.54, 25.4)) assert_equal(b.diameter, (254.0)) def test_round_butterfly_offset(): b = RoundButterfly((0, 0), 1) b.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(b.position,(1., 0.)) b.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(b.position,(1., 1.)) def test_round_butterfly_bounds(): """ Test RoundButterfly bounding box calculation """ b = RoundButterfly((0, 0), 2) xbounds, ybounds = b.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (-1, 1)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (-1, 1)) def test_square_butterfly_ctor(): """ Test SquareButterfly creation """ test_cases = (((0,0), 3), ((0, 0), 5), ((1,1), 7)) for pos, side in test_cases: b = SquareButterfly(pos, side) assert_equal(b.position, pos) assert_equal(b.side, side) def test_square_butterfly_ctor_validation(): """ Test SquareButterfly argument validation """ assert_raises(TypeError, SquareButterfly, 3, 5) assert_raises(TypeError, SquareButterfly, (3,4,5), 5) def test_square_butterfly_bounds(): """ Test SquareButterfly bounding box calculation """ b = SquareButterfly((0, 0), 2) xbounds, ybounds = b.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (-1, 1)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (-1, 1)) def test_squarebutterfly_conversion(): b = SquareButterfly((2.54, 25.4), 254.0) b.to_inch() assert_equal(b.position, (0.1, 1.0)) assert_equal(b.side, 10.0) b = SquareButterfly((0.1, 1.0), 10.0) b.to_metric() assert_equal(b.position, (2.54, 25.4)) assert_equal(b.side, (254.0)) def test_square_butterfly_offset(): b = SquareButterfly((0, 0), 1) b.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(b.position,(1., 0.)) b.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(b.position,(1., 1.)) def test_donut_ctor(): """ Test Donut primitive creation """ test_cases = (((0,0), 'round', 3, 5), ((0, 0), 'square', 5, 7), ((1,1), 'hexagon', 7, 9), ((2, 2), 'octagon', 9, 11)) for pos, shape, in_d, out_d in test_cases: d = Donut(pos, shape, in_d, out_d) assert_equal(d.position, pos) assert_equal(d.shape, shape) assert_equal(d.inner_diameter, in_d) assert_equal(d.outer_diameter, out_d) def test_donut_ctor_validation(): assert_raises(TypeError, Donut, 3, 'round', 5, 7) assert_raises(TypeError, Donut, (3, 4, 5), 'round', 5, 7) assert_raises(ValueError, Donut, (0, 0), 'triangle', 3, 5) assert_raises(ValueError, Donut, (0, 0), 'round', 5, 3) def test_donut_bounds(): d = Donut((0, 0), 'round', 0.0, 2.0) assert_equal(d.lower_left, (-1.0, -1.0)) assert_equal(d.upper_right, (1.0, 1.0)) xbounds, ybounds = d.bounding_box assert_equal(xbounds, (-1., 1.)) assert_equal(ybounds, (-1., 1.)) def test_donut_conversion(): d = Donut((2.54, 25.4), 'round', 254.0, 2540.0) d.to_inch() assert_equal(d.position, (0.1, 1.0)) assert_equal(d.inner_diameter, 10.0) assert_equal(d.outer_diameter, 100.0) d = Donut((0.1, 1.0), 'round', 10.0, 100.0) d.to_metric() assert_equal(d.position, (2.54, 25.4)) assert_equal(d.inner_diameter, 254.0) assert_equal(d.outer_diameter, 2540.0) def test_donut_offset(): d = Donut((0, 0), 'round', 1, 10) d.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(d.position,(1., 0.)) d.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(d.position,(1., 1.)) def test_drill_ctor(): """ Test drill primitive creation """ test_cases = (((0, 0), 2), ((1, 1), 3), ((2, 2), 5)) for position, diameter in test_cases: d = Drill(position, diameter) assert_equal(d.position, position) assert_equal(d.diameter, diameter) assert_equal(d.radius, diameter/2.) def test_drill_ctor_validation(): """ Test drill argument validation """ assert_raises(TypeError, Drill, 3, 5) assert_raises(TypeError, Drill, (3,4,5), 5) def test_drill_bounds(): d = Drill((0, 0), 2) xbounds, ybounds = d.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (-1, 1)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (-1, 1)) d = Drill((1, 2), 2) xbounds, ybounds = d.bounding_box assert_array_almost_equal(xbounds, (0, 2)) assert_array_almost_equal(ybounds, (1, 3)) def test_drill_conversion(): d = Drill((2.54, 25.4), 254.) d.to_inch() assert_equal(d.position, (0.1, 1.0)) assert_equal(d.diameter, 10.0) d = Drill((0.1, 1.0), 10.) d.to_metric() assert_equal(d.position, (2.54, 25.4)) assert_equal(d.diameter, 254.0) def test_drill_offset(): d = Drill((0, 0), 1.) d.offset(1, 0) assert_equal(d.position,(1., 0.)) d.offset(0, 1) assert_equal(d.position,(1., 1.)) def test_drill_equality(): d = Drill((2.54, 25.4), 254.) d1 = Drill((2.54, 25.4), 254.) assert_equal(d, d1) d1 = Drill((2.54, 25.4), 254.2) assert_not_equal(d, d1)