#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Garret Fick <garret@ficksworkshop.com> import io import os from ..render.cairo_backend import GerberCairoContext from ..rs274x import read, GerberFile from .tests import * TWO_BOXES_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources/example_two_square_boxes.gbr') TWO_BOXES_EXPECTED = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'golden/example_two_square_boxes.png') def test_render_polygon(): _test_render(TWO_BOXES_FILE, TWO_BOXES_EXPECTED) def _test_render(gerber_path, png_expected_path, create_output_path = None): """Render the gerber file and compare to the expected PNG output. Parameters ---------- gerber_path : string Path to Gerber file to open png_expected_path : string Path to the PNG file to compare to create_output : string|None If not None, write the generated PNG to the specified path. This is primarily to help with """ gerber = read(gerber_path) # Create PNG image to the memory stream ctx = GerberCairoContext() gerber.render(ctx) actual_bytes = ctx.dump(None) # If we want to write the file bytes, do it now. This happens if create_output_path: with open(create_output_path, 'wb') as out_file: out_file.write(actual_bytes) # Creating the output is dangerous - it could overwrite the expected result. # So if we are creating the output, we make the test fail on purpose so you # won't forget to disable this assert_false(True, 'Test created the output %s. This needs to be disabled to make sure the test behaves correctly' % (create_output_path,)) # Read the expected PNG file with open(png_expected_path, 'rb') as expected_file: expected_bytes = expected_file.read() assert_equal(expected_bytes, actual_bytes)