#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Hamilton Kibbe <ham@hamiltonkib.be> import pytest from ..am_statements import * from ..am_statements import inch, metric def test_AMPrimitive_ctor(): for exposure in ("on", "off", "ON", "OFF"): for code in (0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20, 21, 22): p = AMPrimitive(code, exposure) assert p.code == code assert p.exposure == exposure.lower() def test_AMPrimitive_validation(): pytest.raises(TypeError, AMPrimitive, "1", "off") pytest.raises(ValueError, AMPrimitive, 0, "exposed") pytest.raises(ValueError, AMPrimitive, 3, "off") def test_AMPrimitive_conversion(): p = AMPrimitive(4, "on") pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, p.to_inch) pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, p.to_metric) def test_AMCommentPrimitive_ctor(): c = AMCommentPrimitive(0, " This is a comment *") assert c.code == 0 assert c.comment == "This is a comment" def test_AMCommentPrimitive_validation(): pytest.raises(ValueError, AMCommentPrimitive, 1, "This is a comment") def test_AMCommentPrimitive_factory(): c = AMCommentPrimitive.from_gerber("0 Rectangle with rounded corners. *") assert c.code == 0 assert c.comment == "Rectangle with rounded corners." def test_AMCommentPrimitive_dump(): c = AMCommentPrimitive(0, "Rectangle with rounded corners.") assert c.to_gerber() == "0 Rectangle with rounded corners. *" def test_AMCommentPrimitive_conversion(): c = AMCommentPrimitive(0, "Rectangle with rounded corners.") ci = c cm = c ci.to_inch() cm.to_metric() assert c == ci assert c == cm def test_AMCommentPrimitive_string(): c = AMCommentPrimitive(0, "Test Comment") assert str(c) == "<Aperture Macro Comment: Test Comment>" def test_AMCirclePrimitive_ctor(): test_cases = ( (1, "on", 0, (0, 0)), (1, "off", 1, (0, 1)), (1, "on", 2.5, (0, 2)), (1, "off", 5.0, (3, 3)), ) for code, exposure, diameter, position in test_cases: c = AMCirclePrimitive(code, exposure, diameter, position) assert c.code == code assert c.exposure == exposure assert c.diameter == diameter assert c.position == position def test_AMCirclePrimitive_validation(): pytest.raises(ValueError, AMCirclePrimitive, 2, "on", 0, (0, 0)) def test_AMCirclePrimitive_factory(): c = AMCirclePrimitive.from_gerber("1,0,5,0,0*") assert c.code == 1 assert c.exposure == "off" assert c.diameter == 5 assert c.position == (0, 0) def test_AMCirclePrimitive_dump(): c = AMCirclePrimitive(1, "off", 5, (0, 0)) assert c.to_gerber() == "1,0,5,0,0*" c = AMCirclePrimitive(1, "on", 5, (0, 0)) assert c.to_gerber() == "1,1,5,0,0*" def test_AMCirclePrimitive_conversion(): c = AMCirclePrimitive(1, "off", 25.4, (25.4, 0)) c.to_inch() assert c.diameter == 1 assert c.position == (1, 0) c = AMCirclePrimitive(1, "off", 1, (1, 0)) c.to_metric() assert c.diameter == 25.4 assert c.position == (25.4, 0) def test_AMVectorLinePrimitive_validation(): pytest.raises( ValueError, AMVectorLinePrimitive, 3, "on", 0.1, (0, 0), (3.3, 5.4), 0 ) def test_AMVectorLinePrimitive_factory(): l = AMVectorLinePrimitive.from_gerber("20,1,0.9,0,0.45,12,0.45,0*") assert l.code == 20 assert l.exposure == "on" assert l.width == 0.9 assert l.start == (0, 0.45) assert l.end == (12, 0.45) assert l.rotation == 0 def test_AMVectorLinePrimitive_dump(): l = AMVectorLinePrimitive.from_gerber("20,1,0.9,0,0.45,12,0.45,0*") assert l.to_gerber() == "20,1,0.9,0.0,0.45,12.0,0.45,0.0*" def test_AMVectorLinePrimtive_conversion(): l = AMVectorLinePrimitive(20, "on", 25.4, (0, 0), (25.4, 25.4), 0) l.to_inch() assert l.width == 1 assert l.start == (0, 0) assert l.end == (1, 1) l = AMVectorLinePrimitive(20, "on", 1, (0, 0), (1, 1), 0) l.to_metric() assert l.width == 25.4 assert l.start == (0, 0) assert l.end == (25.4, 25.4) def test_AMOutlinePrimitive_validation(): pytest.raises( ValueError, AMOutlinePrimitive, 7, "on", (0, 0), [(3.3, 5.4), (4.0, 5.4), (0, 0)], 0, ) pytest.raises( ValueError, AMOutlinePrimitive, 4, "on", (0, 0), [(3.3, 5.4), (4.0, 5.4), (0, 1)], 0, ) def test_AMOutlinePrimitive_factory(): o = AMOutlinePrimitive.from_gerber("4,1,3,0,0,3,3,3,0,0,0,0*") assert o.code == 4 assert o.exposure == "on" assert o.start_point == (0, 0) assert o.points == [(3, 3), (3, 0), (0, 0)] assert o.rotation == 0 def test_AMOUtlinePrimitive_dump(): o = AMOutlinePrimitive(4, "on", (0, 0), [(3, 3), (3, 0), (0, 0)], 0) # New lines don't matter for Gerber, but we insert them to make it easier to remove # For test purposes we can ignore them assert o.to_gerber().replace("\n", "") == "4,1,3,0,0,3,3,3,0,0,0,0*" def test_AMOutlinePrimitive_conversion(): o = AMOutlinePrimitive(4, "on", (0, 0), [(25.4, 25.4), (25.4, 0), (0, 0)], 0) o.to_inch() assert o.start_point == (0, 0) assert o.points == ((1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0)) o = AMOutlinePrimitive(4, "on", (0, 0), [(1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0)], 0) o.to_metric() assert o.start_point == (0, 0) assert o.points == ((25.4, 25.4), (25.4, 0), (0, 0)) def test_AMPolygonPrimitive_validation(): pytest.raises(ValueError, AMPolygonPrimitive, 6, "on", 3, (3.3, 5.4), 3, 0) pytest.raises(ValueError, AMPolygonPrimitive, 5, "on", 2, (3.3, 5.4), 3, 0) pytest.raises(ValueError, AMPolygonPrimitive, 5, "on", 13, (3.3, 5.4), 3, 0) def test_AMPolygonPrimitive_factory(): p = AMPolygonPrimitive.from_gerber("5,1,3,3.3,5.4,3,0") assert p.code == 5 assert p.exposure == "on" assert p.vertices == 3 assert p.position == (3.3, 5.4) assert p.diameter == 3 assert p.rotation == 0 def test_AMPolygonPrimitive_dump(): p = AMPolygonPrimitive(5, "on", 3, (3.3, 5.4), 3, 0) assert p.to_gerber() == "5,1,3,3.3,5.4,3,0*" def test_AMPolygonPrimitive_conversion(): p = AMPolygonPrimitive(5, "off", 3, (25.4, 0), 25.4, 0) p.to_inch() assert p.diameter == 1 assert p.position == (1, 0) p = AMPolygonPrimitive(5, "off", 3, (1, 0), 1, 0) p.to_metric() assert p.diameter == 25.4 assert p.position == (25.4, 0) def test_AMMoirePrimitive_validation(): pytest.raises( ValueError, AMMoirePrimitive, 7, (0, 0), 5.1, 0.2, 0.4, 6, 0.1, 6.1, 0 ) def test_AMMoirePrimitive_factory(): m = AMMoirePrimitive.from_gerber("6,0,0,5,0.5,0.5,2,0.1,6,0*") assert m.code == 6 assert m.position == (0, 0) assert m.diameter == 5 assert m.ring_thickness == 0.5 assert m.gap == 0.5 assert m.max_rings == 2 assert m.crosshair_thickness == 0.1 assert m.crosshair_length == 6 assert m.rotation == 0 def test_AMMoirePrimitive_dump(): m = AMMoirePrimitive.from_gerber("6,0,0,5,0.5,0.5,2,0.1,6,0*") assert m.to_gerber() == "6,0,0,5.0,0.5,0.5,2,0.1,6.0,0.0*" def test_AMMoirePrimitive_conversion(): m = AMMoirePrimitive(6, (25.4, 25.4), 25.4, 25.4, 25.4, 6, 25.4, 25.4, 0) m.to_inch() assert m.position == (1.0, 1.0) assert m.diameter == 1.0 assert m.ring_thickness == 1.0 assert m.gap == 1.0 assert m.crosshair_thickness == 1.0 assert m.crosshair_length == 1.0 m = AMMoirePrimitive(6, (1, 1), 1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 0) m.to_metric() assert m.position == (25.4, 25.4) assert m.diameter == 25.4 assert m.ring_thickness == 25.4 assert m.gap == 25.4 assert m.crosshair_thickness == 25.4 assert m.crosshair_length == 25.4 def test_AMThermalPrimitive_validation(): pytest.raises(ValueError, AMThermalPrimitive, 8, (0.0, 0.0), 7, 5, 0.2, 0.0) pytest.raises(TypeError, AMThermalPrimitive, 7, (0.0, "0"), 7, 5, 0.2, 0.0) def test_AMThermalPrimitive_factory(): t = AMThermalPrimitive.from_gerber("7,0,0,7,6,0.2,45*") assert t.code == 7 assert t.position == (0, 0) assert t.outer_diameter == 7 assert t.inner_diameter == 6 assert t.gap == 0.2 assert t.rotation == 45 def test_AMThermalPrimitive_dump(): t = AMThermalPrimitive.from_gerber("7,0,0,7,6,0.2,30*") assert t.to_gerber() == "7,0,0,7.0,6.0,0.2,30.0*" def test_AMThermalPrimitive_conversion(): t = AMThermalPrimitive(7, (25.4, 25.4), 25.4, 25.4, 25.4, 0.0) t.to_inch() assert t.position == (1.0, 1.0) assert t.outer_diameter == 1.0 assert t.inner_diameter == 1.0 assert t.gap == 1.0 t = AMThermalPrimitive(7, (1, 1), 1, 1, 1, 0) t.to_metric() assert t.position == (25.4, 25.4) assert t.outer_diameter == 25.4 assert t.inner_diameter == 25.4 assert t.gap == 25.4 def test_AMCenterLinePrimitive_validation(): pytest.raises(ValueError, AMCenterLinePrimitive, 22, 1, 0.2, 0.5, (0, 0), 0) def test_AMCenterLinePrimtive_factory(): l = AMCenterLinePrimitive.from_gerber("21,1,6.8,1.2,3.4,0.6,0*") assert l.code == 21 assert l.exposure == "on" assert l.width == 6.8 assert l.height == 1.2 assert l.center == (3.4, 0.6) assert l.rotation == 0 def test_AMCenterLinePrimitive_dump(): l = AMCenterLinePrimitive.from_gerber("21,1,6.8,1.2,3.4,0.6,0*") assert l.to_gerber() == "21,1,6.8,1.2,3.4,0.6,0.0*" def test_AMCenterLinePrimitive_conversion(): l = AMCenterLinePrimitive(21, "on", 25.4, 25.4, (25.4, 25.4), 0) l.to_inch() assert l.width == 1.0 assert l.height == 1.0 assert l.center == (1.0, 1.0) l = AMCenterLinePrimitive(21, "on", 1, 1, (1, 1), 0) l.to_metric() assert l.width == 25.4 assert l.height == 25.4 assert l.center == (25.4, 25.4) def test_AMLowerLeftLinePrimitive_validation(): pytest.raises(ValueError, AMLowerLeftLinePrimitive, 23, 1, 0.2, 0.5, (0, 0), 0) def test_AMLowerLeftLinePrimtive_factory(): l = AMLowerLeftLinePrimitive.from_gerber("22,1,6.8,1.2,3.4,0.6,0*") assert l.code == 22 assert l.exposure == "on" assert l.width == 6.8 assert l.height == 1.2 assert l.lower_left == (3.4, 0.6) assert l.rotation == 0 def test_AMLowerLeftLinePrimitive_dump(): l = AMLowerLeftLinePrimitive.from_gerber("22,1,6.8,1.2,3.4,0.6,0*") assert l.to_gerber() == "22,1,6.8,1.2,3.4,0.6,0.0*" def test_AMLowerLeftLinePrimitive_conversion(): l = AMLowerLeftLinePrimitive(22, "on", 25.4, 25.4, (25.4, 25.4), 0) l.to_inch() assert l.width == 1.0 assert l.height == 1.0 assert l.lower_left == (1.0, 1.0) l = AMLowerLeftLinePrimitive(22, "on", 1, 1, (1, 1), 0) l.to_metric() assert l.width == 25.4 assert l.height == 25.4 assert l.lower_left == (25.4, 25.4) def test_AMUnsupportPrimitive(): u = AMUnsupportPrimitive.from_gerber("Test") assert u.primitive == "Test" u = AMUnsupportPrimitive("Test") assert u.to_gerber() == "Test" def test_AMUnsupportPrimitive_smoketest(): u = AMUnsupportPrimitive.from_gerber("Test") u.to_inch() u.to_metric() def test_inch(): assert inch(25.4) == 1 def test_metric(): assert metric(1) == 25.4