#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ gerber.statements ================= **Gerber file statement classes ** """ from .utils import parse_gerber_value, write_gerber_value, decimal_string __all__ = ['FSParamStmt', 'MOParamStmt','IPParamStmt', 'OFParamStmt', 'LPParamStmt', 'ADParamStmt', 'AMParamStmt', 'INParamStmt', 'LNParamStmt', 'CoordStmt', 'ApertureStmt', 'CommentStmt', 'EofStmt', 'UnknownStmt'] class Statement(object): def __init__(self, type): self.type = type def __str__(self): s = "<{0} ".format(self.__class__.__name__) for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): s += "{0}={1} ".format(key, value) s = s.rstrip() + ">" return s class ParamStmt(Statement): def __init__(self, param): Statement.__init__(self, "PARAM") self.param = param class FSParamStmt(ParamStmt): """ FS - Gerber Format Specification Statement """ @classmethod def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict): """ """ param = stmt_dict.get('param').strip() zeros = 'leading' if stmt_dict.get('zero') == 'L' else 'trailing' notation = 'absolute' if stmt_dict.get('notation') == 'A' else 'incremental' x = map(int,stmt_dict.get('x').strip()) format = (x[0], x[1]) if notation == 'incremental': print('This file uses incremental notation. To quote the gerber \ file specification:\nIncremental notation is a source of \ endless confusion. Always use absolute notation.\n\nYou \ have been warned') return cls(param, zeros, notation, format) def __init__(self, param, zero_suppression='leading', notation='absolute', format=(2,4)): """ Initialize FSParamStmt class .. note:: The FS command specifies the format of the coordinate data. It must only be used once at the beginning of a file. It must be specified before the first use of coordinate data. Parameters ---------- param : string Parameter. zero_suppression : string Zero-suppression mode. May be either 'leading' or 'trailing' notation : string Notation mode. May be either 'absolute' or 'incremental' format : tuple (int, int) Gerber precision format expressed as a tuple containing: (number of integer-part digits, number of decimal-part digits) Returns ------- ParamStmt : FSParamStmt Initialized FSParamStmt class. """ ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.zero_suppression = zero_suppression self.notation = notation self.format = format def to_gerber(self): zero_suppression = 'L' if self.zero_suppression == 'leading' else 'T' notation = 'A' if self.notation == 'absolute' else 'I' format = ''.join(map(str,self.format)) return '%FS{0}{1}X{2}Y{3}*%'.format(zero_suppression, notation, format, format) def __str__(self): return ('<Format Spec: %d:%d %s zero suppression %s notation>' % (self.format[0], self.format[1], self.zero_suppression, self.notation)) class MOParamStmt(ParamStmt): """ MO - Gerber Mode (measurement units) Statement. """ @classmethod def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict): param = stmt_dict.get('param') mo = 'inch' if stmt_dict.get('mo') == 'IN' else 'metric' return cls(param, mo) def __init__(self, param, mo): """ Initialize MOParamStmt class Parameters ---------- param : string Parameter. mo : string Measurement units. May be either 'inch' or 'metric' Returns ------- ParamStmt : MOParamStmt Initialized MOParamStmt class. """ ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.mode = mo def to_gerber(self): mode = 'MM' if self.mode == 'metric' else 'IN' return '%MO{0}*%'.format(mode) def __str__(self): mode_str = 'millimeters' if self.mode == 'metric' else 'inches' return ('<Mode: %s>' % mode_str) class IPParamStmt(ParamStmt): """ IP - Gerber Image Polarity Statement. (Deprecated) """ @classmethod def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict): param = stmt_dict.get('param') ip = 'positive' if stmt_dict.get('ip') == 'POS' else 'negative' return cls(param, ip) def __init__(self, param, ip): """ Initialize IPParamStmt class Parameters ---------- param : string Parameter string. ip : string Image polarity. May be either'positive' or 'negative' Returns ------- ParamStmt : IPParamStmt Initialized IPParamStmt class. """ ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.ip = ip def to_gerber(self): ip = 'POS' if self.ip == 'positive' else 'negative' return '%IP{0}*%'.format(ip) def __str__(self): return ('<Image Polarity: %s>' % self.ip) class OFParamStmt(ParamStmt): """ OF - Gerber Offset statement (Deprecated) """ @classmethod def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict): param = stmt_dict.get('param') a = float(stmt_dict.get('a')) b = float(stmt_dict.get('b')) return cls(param, a, b) def __init__(self, param, a, b): """ Initialize OFParamStmt class Parameters ---------- param : string Parameter a : float Offset along the output device A axis b : float Offset along the output device B axis Returns ------- ParamStmt : OFParamStmt Initialized OFParamStmt class. """ ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.a = a self.b = b def to_gerber(self, settings): stmt = '%OF' if self.a: ret += 'A' + decimal_string(self.a, precision=6) if self.b: ret += 'B' + decimal_string(self.b, precision=6) return ret + '*%' def __str__(self): offset_str = '' if self.a: offset_str += ('X: %f' % self.a) if self.b: offset_str += ('Y: %f' % self.b) return ('<Offset: %s>' % offset_str) class LPParamStmt(ParamStmt): """ LP - Gerber Level Polarity statement """ @classmethod def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict): param = stmt_dict.get('lp') lp = 'clear' if stmt_dict.get('lp') == 'C' else 'dark' return cls(param, lp) def __init__(self, param, lp): """ Initialize LPParamStmt class Parameters ---------- param : string Parameter lp : string Level polarity. May be either 'clear' or 'dark' Returns ------- ParamStmt : LPParamStmt Initialized LPParamStmt class. """ ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.lp = lp def to_gerber(self, settings): lp = 'C' if self.lp == 'clear' else 'dark' return '%LP{0}*%'.format(self.lp) def __str__(self): return '<Level Polarity: %s>' % self.lp class ADParamStmt(ParamStmt): """ AD - Gerber Aperture Definition Statement """ @classmethod def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict): param = stmt_dict.get('param') d = int(stmt_dict.get('d')) shape = stmt_dict.get('shape') modifiers = stmt_dict.get('modifiers') if modifiers is not None: modifiers = [[float(x) for x in m.split('X')] for m in modifiers.split(',')] return cls(param, d, shape, modifiers) def __init__(self, param, d, shape, modifiers): """ Initialize ADParamStmt class Parameters ---------- param : string Parameter code d : int Aperture D-code shape : string aperture name modifiers : list of lists of floats Shape modifiers Returns ------- ParamStmt : LPParamStmt Initialized LPParamStmt class. """ ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.d = d self.shape = shape self.modifiers = modifiers def to_gerber(self, settings): return '%ADD{0}{1},{2}*%'.format(self.d, self.shape, ','.join(['X'.join(e) for e in self.modifiers])) def __str__(self): if self.shape == 'C': shape = 'circle' elif self.shape == 'R': shape = 'rectangle' elif self.shape == 'O': shape = 'oblong' else: shape = self.shape return '<Aperture Definition: %d: %s>' % (self.d, shape) class AMParamStmt(ParamStmt): """ AM - Aperture Macro Statement """ @classmethod def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict): return cls(**stmt_dict) def __init__(self, param, name, macro): """ Initialize AMParamStmt class Parameters ---------- param : string Parameter code name : string Aperture macro name macro : string Aperture macro string Returns ------- ParamStmt : AMParamStmt Initialized AMParamStmt class. """ ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.name = name self.macro = macro def to_gerber(self): return '%AM{0}*{1}*%'.format(self.name, self.macro) def __str__(self): return '<Aperture Macro %s: %s>' % (self.name, macro) class INParamStmt(ParamStmt): """ IN - Image Name Statement """ @classmethod def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict): return cls(**stmt_dict) def __init__(self, param, name): """ Initialize INParamStmt class Parameters ---------- param : string Parameter code name : string Image name Returns ------- ParamStmt : INParamStmt Initialized INParamStmt class. """ ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.name = name def to_gerber(self): return '%IN{0}*%'.format(self.name) def __str__(self): return '<Image Name: %s>' % self.name class LNParamStmt(ParamStmt): """ LN - Level Name Statement (Deprecated) """ @classmethod def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict): return cls(**stmt_dict) def __init__(self, param, name): """ Initialize LNParamStmt class Parameters ---------- param : string Parameter code name : string Level name Returns ------- ParamStmt : LNParamStmt Initialized LNParamStmt class. """ ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.name = name def to_gerber(self): return '%LN{0}*%'.format(self.name) def __str__(self): return '<Level Name: %s>' % self.name class CoordStmt(Statement): """ Coordinate Data Block """ @classmethod def from_dict(cls, stmt_dict, settings): zeros = settings['zero_suppression'] format = settings['format'] function = stmt_dict.get('function') x = stmt_dict.get('x') y = stmt_dict.get('y') i = stmt_dict.get('i') j = stmt_dict.get('j') op = stmt_dict.get('op') if x is not None: x = parse_gerber_value(stmt_dict.get('x'), format, zeros) if y is not None: y = parse_gerber_value(stmt_dict.get('y'), format, zeros) if i is not None: i = parse_gerber_value(stmt_dict.get('i'), format, zeros) if j is not None: j = parse_gerber_value(stmt_dict.get('j'), format, zeros) return cls(function, x, y, i, j, op, settings) def __init__(self, function, x, y, i, j, op, settings): """ Initialize CoordStmt class Parameters ---------- function : string function x : float X coordinate y : float Y coordinate i : float Coordinate offset in the X direction j : float Coordinate offset in the Y direction op : string Operation code settings : dict {'zero_suppression', 'format'} Gerber file coordinate format Returns ------- Statement : CoordStmt Initialized CoordStmt class. """ Statement.__init__(self, "COORD") self.zero_suppression = settings['zero_suppression'] self.format = settings['format'] self.function = function self.x = x self.y = y self.i = i self.j = j self.op = op def to_gerber(self): ret = '' if self.function: ret += self.function if self.x: ret += 'X{0}'.format(write_gerber_value(self.x, self.zeros, self.format)) if self.y: ret += 'Y{0}'.format(write_gerber_value(self.y,self. zeros, self.format)) if self.i: ret += 'I{0}'.format(write_gerber_value(self.i, self.zeros, self.format)) if self.j: ret += 'J{0}'.format(write_gerber_value(self.j, self.zeros, self.format)) if self.op: ret += self.op return ret + '*' def __str__(self): coord_str = '' if self.function: coord_str += 'Fn: %s ' % self.function if self.x: coord_str += 'X: %f ' % self.x if self.y: coord_str += 'Y: %f ' % self.y if self.i: coord_str += 'I: %f ' % self.i if self.j: coord_str += 'J: %f ' % self.j if self.op: if self.op == 'D01': op = 'Lights On' elif self.op == 'D02': op = 'Lights Off' elif self.op == 'D03': op = 'Flash' else: op = self.op coord_str += 'Op: %s' % op return '<Coordinate Statement: %s>' % coord_str class ApertureStmt(Statement): """ Aperture Statement """ def __init__(self, d): Statement.__init__(self, "APERTURE") self.d = int(d) def to_gerber(self): return 'G54D{0}*'.format(self.d) def __str__(self): return '<Aperture: %d>' % self.d class CommentStmt(Statement): """ Comment Statment """ def __init__(self, comment): Statement.__init__(self, "COMMENT") self.comment = comment def to_gerber(self): return 'G04{0}*'.format(self.comment) def __str__(self): return '<Comment: %s>' % self.comment class EofStmt(Statement): """ EOF Statement """ def __init__(self): Statement.__init__(self, "EOF") def to_gerber(self): return 'M02*' def __str__(self): return '<EOF Statement>' class UnknownStmt(Statement): """ Unknown Statement """ def __init__(self, line): Statement.__init__(self, "UNKNOWN") self.line = line