#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014 Hamilton Kibbe <ham@hamiltonkib.be> # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from .render import GerberContext from .apertures import Circle, Rect, Obround, Polygon import cairo import math SCALE = 200. class CairoCircle(Circle): def line(self, ctx, x, y, color=(184/255., 115/255., 51/255.)): ctx.set_source_rgb (*color) ctx.set_line_width(self.diameter * SCALE) ctx.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_CAP_ROUND) ctx.line_to(x * SCALE, y * SCALE) ctx.stroke() def arc(self, ctx, x, y, i, j, direction, color=(184/255., 115/255., 51/255.)): ctx_x, ctx_y = ctx.get_current_point() # Do the math center = ((x + i) * SCALE, (y + j) * SCALE) radius = math.sqrt(math.pow(ctx_x - center[0], 2) + math.pow(ctx_y - center[1], 2)) delta_x0 = (ctx_x - center[0]) delta_y0 = (ctx_y - center[1]) delta_x1 = (x * SCALE - center[0]) delta_y1 = (y * SCALE - center[1]) theta0 = math.atan2(delta_y0, delta_x0) theta1 = math.atan2(delta_y1, delta_x1) # Draw the arc ctx.set_source_rgb (*color) ctx.set_line_width(self.diameter * SCALE) ctx.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_CAP_ROUND) if direction == 'clockwise': ctx.arc_negative(center[0], center[1], radius, theta0, theta1) else: ctx.arc(center[0], center[1], radius, theta0, theta1) ctx.stroke() def flash(self, ctx, x, y, color=(184/255., 115/255., 51/255.)): ctx.set_source_rgb (*color) ctx.set_line_width(0) ctx.arc(x * SCALE, y * SCALE, (self.diameter/2.) * SCALE, 0, 2 * math.pi) ctx.fill() class CairoRect(Rect): def line(self, ctx, x, y, color=(184/255., 115/255., 51/255.)): ctx.set_source_rgb (*color) ctx.set_line_width(self.diameter * SCALE) ctx.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_CAP_SQUARE) ctx.line_to(x * SCALE, y * SCALE) ctx.stroke() def flash(self, ctx, x, y, color=(184/255., 115/255., 51/255.)): xsize, ysize = self.size ctx.set_source_rgb (*color) ctx.set_line_width(0) x0 = SCALE * (x - (xsize / 2.)) y0 = SCALE * (y - (ysize / 2.)) ctx.rectangle(x0,y0,SCALE * xsize, SCALE * ysize) ctx.fill() class GerberCairoContext(GerberContext): def __init__(self, surface=None, size=(1000, 1000), color='rgb(184, 115, 51)', drill_color='gray'): GerberContext.__init__(self) if surface is None: self.surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, size[0], size[1]) else: self.surface = surface self.ctx = cairo.Context(self.surface) self.size = size self.ctx.translate(0, self.size[1]) self.ctx.scale(1,-1) self.apertures = {} self.color = color self.drill_color = drill_color self.background = False def set_bounds(self, bounds): xbounds, ybounds = bounds self.ctx.rectangle(SCALE * xbounds[0], SCALE * ybounds[0], SCALE * (xbounds[1]- xbounds[0]), SCALE * (ybounds[1] - ybounds[0])) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(0,0,0) self.ctx.fill() def define_aperture(self, d, shape, modifiers): aperture = None if shape == 'C': aperture = CairoCircle(diameter=float(modifiers[0][0])) elif shape == 'R': aperture = CairoRect(size=modifiers[0][0:2]) self.apertures[d] = aperture def stroke(self, x, y, i, j): super(GerberCairoContext, self).stroke(x, y, i, j) if self.interpolation == 'linear': self.line(x, y) elif self.interpolation == 'arc': self.arc(x, y, i, j) self.move(x,y) def line(self, x, y): x, y = self.resolve(x, y) ap = self.apertures.get(self.aperture, None) if ap is None: return ap.line(self.ctx, x, y) def arc(self, x, y, i, j): super(GerberCairoContext, self).arc(x, y, i, j) ap = self.apertures.get(self.aperture, None) if ap is None: return ap.arc(self.ctx, x, y, i, j, self.direction) def flash(self, x, y): x, y = self.resolve(x, y) ap = self.apertures.get(self.aperture, None) if ap is None: return ap.flash(self.ctx, x, y) self.move(x, y, resolve=False) def move(self, x, y, resolve=True): super(GerberCairoContext, self).move(x, y, resolve) if x is None: x = self.x if y is None: y = self.y if self.x is not None and self.y is not None: self.ctx.move_to(x * SCALE, y * SCALE) def dump(self, filename): self.surface.write_to_png(filename)