#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import json def red(s): return '\033[1;31m{0}\033[0;m'.format(s) class Statement: def __init__(self, type): self.type = type class ParamStmt(Statement): def __init__(self, param): Statement.__init__(self, "PARAM") self.param = param class FSParamStmt(ParamStmt): def __init__(self, param, zero, notation, x, y): ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.zero = zero self.notation = notation self.x = x self.y = y class MOParamStmt(ParamStmt): def __init__(self, param, mo): ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.mo = mo class IPParamStmt(ParamStmt): def __init__(self, param, ip): ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.ip = ip class OFParamStmt(ParamStmt): def __init__(self, param, a, b): ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.a = a self.b = b class LPParamStmt(ParamStmt): def __init__(self, param, lp): ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.lp = lp class ADParamStmt(ParamStmt): def __init__(self, param, d, aperture, modifiers): ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.d = d self.aperture = aperture self.modifiers = [[x for x in m.split("X")] for m in modifiers.split(",")] class AMParamStmt(ParamStmt): def __init__(self, param, name, macro): ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.name = name self.macro = macro class INParamStmt(ParamStmt): def __init__(self, param, name): ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.name = name class LNParamStmt(ParamStmt): def __init__(self, param, name): ParamStmt.__init__(self, param) self.name = name class CoordStmt(Statement): def __init__(self, function, x, y, i, j, op): Statement.__init__(self, "COORD") self.function = function self.x = x self.y = y self.i = i self.j = j self.op = op class ApertureStmt(Statement): def __init__(self, d): Statement.__init__(self, "APERTURE") self.d = int(d) class CommentStmt(Statement): def __init__(self, comment): Statement.__init__(self, "COMMENT") self.comment = comment class EofStmt(Statement): def __init__(self): Statement.__init__(self, "EOF") class UnknownStmt(Statement): def __init__(self, line): Statement.__init__(self, "UNKNOWN") self.line = line IMAGE_POLARITY_POSITIVE = 1 IMAGE_POLARITY_NEGATIVE = 2 LEVEL_POLARITY_DARK = 1 LEVEL_POLARITY_CLEAR = 2 NOTATION_ABSOLUTE = 1 NOTATION_INCREMENTAL = 2 class GerberCoordFormat: def __init__(self, zeroes, x, y): self.omit_leading_zeroes = True if zeroes == "L" else False self.omit_trailing_zeroes = True if zeroes == "T" else False self.x_int_digits, self.x_dec_digits = [int(d) for d in x] self.y_int_digits, self.y_dec_digits = [int(d) for d in y] def resolve(self, x, y): return x, y class GerberContext: coord_format = None coord_notation = NOTATION_ABSOLUTE unit = None x = 0 y = 0 current_aperture = 0 interpolation = None region_mode = False quadrant_mode = False image_polarity = IMAGE_POLARITY_POSITIVE level_polarity = LEVEL_POLARITY_DARK steps = (1, 1) repeat = (None, None) def __init__(self): pass def set_coord_format(self, zeroes, x, y): self.coord_format = GerberCoordFormat(zeroes, x, y) def set_coord_notation(self, notation): self.coord_notation = NOTATION_ABSOLUTE if notation == "A" else NOTATION_INCREMENTAL def set_image_polarity(self, polarity): self.image_polarity = IMAGE_POLARITY_POSITIVE if polarity == "POS" else IMAGE_POLARITY_NEGATIVE def set_level_polarity(self, polarity): self.level_polarity = LEVEL_POLARITY_DARK if polarity == "D" else LEVEL_POLARITY_CLEAR def move(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def aperture(self, d): self.current_aperture = d class Gerber: NUMBER = r"[\+-]?\d+" DECIMAL = r"[\+-]?\d+([.]?\d+)?" STRING = r"[a-zA-Z0-9_+\-/!?<>”’(){}.\|&@# :]+" NAME = "[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]+" FUNCTION = r"G\d{2}" COORD_OP = r"D[0]?[123]" FS = r"(?PFS)(?P(L|T))(?P(A|I))X(?P[0-7][0-7])Y(?P[0-7][0-7])" MO = r"(?PMO)(?P(MM|IN))" IP = r"(?PIP)(?P(POS|NEG))" LP = r"(?PLP)(?P(D|C))" AD_CIRCLE = r"(?PAD)D(?P\d+)(?PC)[,](?P[^,]*)" AD_RECT = r"(?PAD)D(?P\d+)(?PR)[,](?P[^,]*)" AD_OBROUND = r"(?PAD)D(?P\d+)(?PO)[,](?P[^,]*)" AD_POLY = r"(?PAD)D(?P\d+)(?PP)[,](?P[^,]*)" AD_MACRO = r"(?PAD)D(?P\d+)+(?P{name})[,](?P[^,]*)".format(name=NAME) AM = r"(?PAM)(?P{name})\*(?P.*)".format(name=NAME) # begin deprecated OF = r"(?POF)(A(?P{decimal}))?(B(?P{decimal}))?".format(decimal=DECIMAL) IN = r"(?PIN)(?P.*)" LN = r"(?PLN)(?P.*)" # end deprecated PARAMS = (FS, MO, IP, LP, AD_CIRCLE, AD_RECT, AD_OBROUND, AD_MACRO, AD_POLY, AM, OF, IN, LN) PARAM_STMT = [re.compile(r"%{0}\*%".format(p)) for p in PARAMS] COORD_STMT = re.compile(( r"(?P{function})?" r"(X(?P{number}))?(Y(?P{number}))?" r"(I(?P{number}))?(J(?P{number}))?" r"(?P{op})?\*".format(number=NUMBER, function=FUNCTION, op=COORD_OP))) APERTURE_STMT = re.compile(r"(G54)?D(?P\d+)\*") COMMENT_STMT = re.compile(r"G04(?P{string})(\*)?".format(string=STRING)) EOF_STMT = re.compile(r"(?PM02)\*") def __init__(self): self.statements = [] self.ctx = GerberContext() def parse(self, filename): fp = open(filename, "r") data = fp.readlines() for stmt in self._parse(data): self.statements.append(stmt) self._evaluate(stmt) def dump(self): stmts = {"statements": [stmt.__dict__ for stmt in self.statements]} return json.dumps(stmts) def _parse(self, data): multiline = None for i, line in enumerate(data): # remove EOL if multiline: line = multiline + line.strip() else: line = line.strip() # skip empty lines if not len(line): continue # deal with multi-line parameters if line.startswith("%") and not line.endswith("%"): multiline = line continue else: multiline = None # coord coords = self._match_many(self.COORD_STMT, line) if coords: for coord in coords: yield CoordStmt(**coord) continue # aperture selection aperture = self._match_one(self.APERTURE_STMT, line) if aperture: yield ApertureStmt(**aperture) continue # comment comment = self._match_one(self.COMMENT_STMT, line) if comment: yield CommentStmt(comment["comment"]) continue # parameter param = self._match_one_from_many(self.PARAM_STMT, line) if param: if param["param"] == "FS": yield FSParamStmt(**param) elif param["param"] == "MO": yield MOParamStmt(**param) elif param["param"] == "IP": yield IPParamStmt(**param) elif param["param"] == "LP": yield LPParamStmt(**param) elif param["param"] == "AD": yield ADParamStmt(**param) elif param["param"] == "AM": yield AMParamStmt(**param) elif param["param"] == "OF": yield OFParamStmt(**param) elif param["param"] == "IN": yield INParamStmt(**param) elif param["param"] == "LN": yield LNParamStmt(**param) else: yield UnknownStmt(line) continue # eof eof = self._match_one(self.EOF_STMT, line) if eof: yield EofStmt() continue if False: print self.COORD_STMT.pattern print self.APERTURE_STMT.pattern print self.COMMENT_STMT.pattern print self.EOF_STMT.pattern for i in self.PARAM_STMT: print i.pattern yield UnknownStmt(line) def _match_one(self, expr, data): match = expr.match(data) if match is None: return {} else: return match.groupdict() def _match_one_from_many(self, exprs, data): for expr in exprs: match = expr.match(data) if match: return match.groupdict() return {} def _match_many(self, expr, data): result = [] pos = 0 while True: match = expr.match(data, pos) if match: result.append(match.groupdict()) pos = match.endpos else: break return result def _evaluate(self, stmt): if isinstance(stmt, (CommentStmt, UnknownStmt, EofStmt)): return elif isinstance(stmt, ParamStmt): self._evaluate_param(stmt) elif isinstance(stmt, CoordStmt): self._evaluate_coord(stmt) elif isinstance(stmt, ApertureStmt): self._evaluate_aperture(stmt) else: raise Exception("Invalid statement to evaluate") def _evaluate_param(self, stmt): if stmt.param == "FS": self.ctx.set_coord_format(stmt.zero, stmt.x, stmt.y) self.ctx.set_coord_notation(stmt.notation) def _evaluate_coord(self, stmt): self.ctx.move(stmt.x, stmt.y) def _evaluate_aperture(self, stmt): self.ctx.aperture(stmt.d) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys for f in sys.argv[1:]: g = Gerber() g.parse(f) print g.dump()