#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # copyright 2014 Hamilton Kibbe # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Excellon module ============ **Excellon file classes** This module provides Excellon file classes and parsing utilities """ import re from .excellon_statements import * from .utils import parse_gerber_value from .cnc import CncFile, FileSettings def read(filename): """ Read data from filename and return an ExcellonFile """ return ExcellonParser().parse(filename) class ExcellonFile(CncFile): """ A class representing a single excellon file The ExcellonFile class represents a single excellon file. Parameters ---------- tools : list list of gerber file statements hits : list of tuples list of drill hits as (, (x, y)) settings : dict Dictionary of gerber file settings filename : string Filename of the source gerber file Attributes ---------- units : string either 'inch' or 'metric'. """ def __init__(self, statements, tools, hits, settings, filename=None): super(ExcellonFile, self).__init__(statements, settings, filename) self.tools = tools self.hits = hits def report(self): """ Print drill report """ pass def render(self, filename, ctx): """ Generate image of file """ for tool, pos in self.hits: ctx.drill(pos[0], pos[1], tool.diameter) ctx.dump(filename) def write(self, filename): with open(filename, 'w') as f: for statement in self.statements: f.write(statement.to_excellon() + '\n') class ExcellonParser(object): """ Excellon File Parser """ def __init__(self, ctx=None): self.ctx = ctx self.notation = 'absolute' self.units = 'inch' self.zero_suppression = 'trailing' self.format = (2, 5) self.state = 'INIT' self.statements = [] self.tools = {} self.hits = [] self.active_tool = None self.pos = [0., 0.] if ctx is not None: self.ctx.set_coord_format(zero_suppression='trailing', format=(2, 5), notation='absolute') def parse(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: self._parse(line) return ExcellonFile(self.statements, self.tools, self.hits, self._settings(), filename) def dump(self, filename): if self.ctx is not None: self.ctx.dump(filename) def _parse(self, line): zs = self._settings()['zero_suppression'] fmt = self._settings()['format'] if line[0] == ';': self.statements.append(CommentStmt.from_excellon(line)) elif line[:3] == 'M48': self.statements.append(HeaderBeginStmt()) self.state = 'HEADER' elif line[0] == '%': self.statements.append(RewindStopStmt()) if self.state == 'HEADER': self.state = 'DRILL' elif line[:3] == 'M95': self.statements.append(HeaderEndStmt()) if self.state == 'HEADER': self.state = 'DRILL' elif line[:3] == 'G00': self.state = 'ROUT' elif line[:3] == 'G05': self.state = 'DRILL' elif ('INCH' in line or 'METRIC' in line) and ('LZ' in line or 'TZ' in line): stmt = UnitStmt.from_excellon(line) self.units = stmt.units self.zero_suppression = stmt.zero_suppression self.statements.append(stmt) elif line[:3] == 'M71' or line [:3] == 'M72': stmt = MeasuringModeStmt.from_excellon(line) self.units = stmt.units self.statements.append(stmt) elif line[:3] == 'ICI': stmt = IncrementalModeStmt.from_excellon(line) self.notation = 'incremental' if stmt.mode == 'on' else 'absolute' self.statements.append(stmt) # tool definition elif line[0] == 'T' and self.state == 'HEADER': tool = ExcellonTool.from_excellon(line, self._settings()) self.tools[tool.number] = tool self.statements.append(tool) elif line[0] == 'T' and self.state != 'HEADER': stmt = ToolSelectionStmt.from_excellon(line) self.active_tool = self.tools[stmt.tool] #self.active_tool = self.tools[int(line.strip().split('T')[1])] self.statements.append(stmt) elif line[0] in ['X', 'Y']: stmt = CoordinateStmt.from_excellon(line, fmt, zs) x = stmt.x y = stmt.y self.statements.append(stmt) #x = None #y = None #if line[0] == 'X': # splitline = line.strip('X').split('Y') # x = parse_gerber_value(splitline[0].strip(), fmt, zs) # if len(splitline) == 2: # y = parse_gerber_value(splitline[1].strip(), fmt, zs) #else: # y = parse_gerber_value(line.strip(' Y'), fmt, zs) if self.notation == 'absolute': if x is not None: self.pos[0] = x if y is not None: self.pos[1] = y else: if x is not None: self.pos[0] += x if y is not None: self.pos[1] += y if self.state == 'DRILL': self.hits.append((self.active_tool, self.pos)) self.active_tool._hit() if self.ctx is not None: self.ctx.drill(self.pos[0], self.pos[1], self.active_tool.diameter) else: self.statements.append(UnknownStmt.from_excellon(line)) def _settings(self): return FileSettings(units=self.units, format=self.format, zero_suppression=self.zero_suppression, notation=self.notation) if __name__ == '__main__': p = ExcellonParser() parsed = p.parse('examples/ncdrill.txt')