G04 Test circular interpolation* G04 Hand coded by Julian Lamb * %MOIN*% %FSLAX23Y23*% %ADD10C,0.050*% G54D10* G04 Recenter to 0,0* G01X0Y0D02* G04 Turn on multi-quadrant mode* G75* G03X0Y00200I0J00100D01* G04 Switch to quadrant mode, draw ccwise* G74* G01X00400Y0D02* G03X00470Y00080I0J00100D01* G04 Draw things clockwise on the top two objects* G04 Turn on multi-quadrant mode* G75* G01X00100Y00300D02* G02X00100Y00500I0J00100D01* G04 Switch to quadrant mode, draw clockwise* G04 Note: since this is single quadrant mode, I and J must be* G04 positive, and the parser should automatically negate the J value* G04 to make the curve travel in the clockwise direction* G74* G01X00400Y00300D02* G02X00500Y00300I00150J00300D01* M02*