About PCB Tools =============== PCB CAM Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PCB design (artwork) files are most often stored in `Gerber` files. This is a generic term that may refer to `RS-274X (Gerber) `_, `ODB++ `_ , or `Excellon `_ files. These file formats are used by the CNC equipment used to manufacutre PCBs. PCB Tools provides a set of utilities for visualizing and working with PCB design files in a variety of formats. PCB Tools currently supports the following file formats: - Gerber (RS-274X) - Excellon with planned support for IPC-2581, IPC-D-356 Netlists, ODB++ and more. Visualization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: ../../examples/composite_top.png :alt: Rendering Example The PCB Tools module provides tools to visualize PCBs and export images in a variety of formats, including SVG and PNG. Future Plans ~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are working on adding the following features to PCB Tools: - Design Rules Checking - Editing - Panelization