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# gerbonara

Tools to handle Gerber and Excellon files in Python.

This repository is a friendly fork of [phsilva's pcb-tools](https://github.com/curtacircuitos/pcb-tools) with
[extensions from opiopan](https://github.com/opiopan/pcb-tools-extension) integrated. We decided to fork pcb-tools since
we need it as a dependency for [gerbolyze](https://gitlab.com/gerbolyze/gerbolyze) and pcb-tools was sometimes very
behind on bug fixes.

# Installation

Arch Linux:

yay -S python-gerbonara


pipx install gerbonara

# Documentation and Examples

Documentation can be found at:


# Issues

Please file any bugs at our issue tracker:



Made with ❤️ and 🐍.