PCB tools extension
PCB tools extension is a Python library to panelize gerber files.
This library is designed based on [PCB tools](https://github.com/curtacircuitos/pcb-tools) which provides cool functionality to handle PCB such as generationg PCB image from gerber files.
PCB tools extension adds following function to PCB tools.
- Rotate PCB data (imprementation is not completed)
- Save loding PCB data
- Merge multiple PCB data
- Translate DXF file to gerber data
Only RS-274x format and Excellon drill format data can be handled by current version of this library.
## How to panelize
Following code is a example to panelize two top metal layer files.
``` python
import gerberex
ctx = gerberex.GerberComposition()
metal1 = gerberex.read('board1.gtl')
metal2 = gerberex.read('board2.gtl')
metal2.offset(30, 0)
In case of Excellon drill data, you have to use ```DrillCompositon``` instead of ```GerberComposition```.
import gerberex
ctx = gerberex.DrillComposition()
drill1 = gerberex.read('board1.txt')
drill2 = gerberex.read('board2.txt')
drill2.offset(30, 0)
## DXF file translation
You can also load a dxf file and handle that as same as RX-274x gerber file.
This function is useful to generate outline data of pnanelized PCB boad.
import gerberex
ctx = gerberex.GerberComposition()
dxf = gerberex.read('outline.dxf')
## Panelized board image Example
This image is generated by original [PCB tools](https://github.com/curtacircuitos/pcb-tools) fucntion.