path: root/gerbonara
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gerbonara')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gerbonara/cad/kicad/ b/gerbonara/cad/kicad/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb608bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gerbonara/cad/kicad/
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+Library for handling KiCad's PCB files (`*.kicad_mod`).
+from pathlib import Path
+from dataclasses import field
+from itertools import chain
+import fnmatch
+from .sexp import *
+from .base_types import *
+from .primitives import *
+from .footprints import Footprint
+from . import graphical_primitives as gr
+from ..primitives import Positioned
+from ... import graphic_primitives as gp
+from ... import graphic_objects as go
+from ... import apertures as ap
+from ...layers import LayerStack
+from ...newstroke import Newstroke
+from ...utils import MM
+class GeneralSection:
+ thickness: Named(float) = 1.60
+class PageSettings:
+ page_format: str = 'A4'
+ width: float = None
+ height: float = None
+ portrait: bool = False
+class LayerSettings:
+ index: int = None
+ canonical_name: str = None
+ layer_type: AtomChoice(Atom.jumper, Atom.mixed, Atom.power, Atom.signal, Atom.user) = Atom.signal
+ custom_name: str = None
+class LayerStackupSettings:
+ dielectric: bool = False
+ name: str = None
+ index: int = None
+ layer_type: Named(str, name='type') = ''
+ color: Color = None
+ thickness: Named(float) = None
+ material: Named(str) = None
+ epsilon_r: Named(float) = None
+ loss_tangent: Named(float) = None
+class StackupSettings:
+ layers: List(LayerStackupSettings) = field(default_factory=list)
+ copper_finish: Named(str) = None
+ dielectric_constraints: Named(YesNoAtom()) = None
+ edge_connector: Named(AtomChoice(Atom.yes, Atom.bevelled)) = None
+ castellated_pads: Named(bool) = None
+ edge_plating: Named(bool) = None
+TFBool = YesNoAtom(yes=Atom.true, no=Atom.false)
+class ExportSettings:
+ layerselection: Named(Atom) = 0
+ plot_on_all_layers_selection: Named(Atom) = 0
+ disableapertmacros: Named(TFBool) = False
+ usegerberextensions: Named(TFBool) = True
+ usegerberattributes: Named(TFBool) = True
+ usegerberadvancedattributes: Named(TFBool) = True
+ creategerberjobfile: Named(TFBool) = True
+ dashed_line_dash_ratio: Named(float) = 12.0
+ dashed_line_gap_ratio: Named(float) = 3.0
+ svguseinch: Named(TFBool) = False
+ svgprecision: Named(float) = 4
+ excludeedgelayer: Named(TFBool) = False
+ plotframeref: Named(TFBool) = False
+ viasonmask: Named(TFBool) = False
+ mode: Named(int) = 1
+ useauxorigin: Named(TFBool) = False
+ hpglpennumber: Named(int) = 1
+ hpglpenspeed: Named(int) = 20
+ hpglpendiameter: Named(float) = 15.0
+ pdf_front_fp_property_popups: Named(TFBool) = True
+ pdf_back_fp_property_popups: Named(TFBool) = True
+ dxfpolygonmode: Named(TFBool) = True
+ dxfimperialunits: Named(TFBool) = False
+ dxfusepcbnewfont: Named(TFBool) = True
+ psnegative: Named(TFBool) = False
+ psa4output: Named(TFBool) = False
+ plotreference: Named(TFBool) = True
+ plotvalue: Named(TFBool) = True
+ plotinvisibletext: Named(TFBool) = False
+ sketchpadsonfab: Named(TFBool) = False
+ subtractmaskfromsilk: Named(TFBool) = False
+ outputformat: Named(int) = 1
+ mirror: Named(TFBool) = False
+ drillshape: Named(int) = 0
+ scaleselection: Named(int) = 1
+ outputdirectory: Named(str) = "gerber"
+class BoardSetup:
+ stackup: OmitDefault(StackupSettings) = field(default_factory=StackupSettings)
+ pad_to_mask_clearance: Named(float) = None
+ solder_mask_min_width: Named(float) = None
+ pad_to_past_clearance: Named(float) = None
+ pad_to_paste_clearance_ratio: Named(float) = None
+ aux_axis_origin: Rename(XYCoord) = None
+ grid_origin: Rename(XYCoord) = None
+ export_settings: ExportSettings = field(default_factory=ExportSettings)
+class Net:
+ index: int = 0
+ name: str = ''
+class Image:
+ at: AtPos = field(default_factory=AtPos)
+ scale: Named(float) = None
+ layer: Named(str) = None
+ uuid: UUID = field(default_factory=UUID)
+ data: str = ''
+class TrackSegment:
+ start: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord)
+ end: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord)
+ width: Named(float) = 0.5
+ layer: Named(str) = 'F.Cu'
+ locked: bool = False
+ net: Named(int) = 0
+ tstamp: Timestamp = field(default_factory=Timestamp)
+ def render(self, variables=None, cache=None):
+ if not self.width:
+ return
+ aperture = ap.CircleAperture(self.width, unit=MM)
+ yield go.Line(self.start.x, self.start.y, self.end.x, self.end.y, aperture=aperture, unit=MM)
+class TrackArc:
+ start: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord)
+ mid: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord)
+ end: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord)
+ width: Named(float) = 0.5
+ layer: Named(str) = 'F.Cu'
+ locked: bool = False
+ net: Named(int) = 0
+ tstamp: Timestamp = field(default_factory=Timestamp)
+ def render(self, variables=None, cache=None):
+ if not self.width:
+ return
+ aperture = ap.CircleAperture(self.width, unit=MM)
+ cx, cy = self.mid.x, self.mid.y
+ x1, y1 = self.start.x, self.start.y
+ x2, y2 = self.end.x, self.end.y
+ yield go.Arc(x1, y1, x2, y2, cx-x1, cy-y1, aperture=aperture, clockwise=True, unit=MM)
+class Via:
+ via_type: AtomChoice(Atom.blind, Atom.micro) = None
+ locked: bool = False
+ at: AtPos = field(default_factory=AtPos)
+ size: Named(float) = 0.8
+ drill: Named(float) = 0.4
+ layers: Named(Array(str)) = field(default_factory=list)
+ remove_unused_layers: bool = False
+ keep_end_layers: bool = False
+ free: Wrap(Flag()) = False
+ net: Named(int) = 0
+ tstamp: Timestamp = field(default_factory=Timestamp)
+ def render_drill(self):
+ aperture = ap.ExcellonTool(self.drill, plated=True, unit=MM)
+ yield go.Flash(,, aperture=aperture, unit=MM)
+ def render(self, variables=None, cache=None):
+ aperture = ap.CircleAperture(self.size, unit=MM)
+ yield go.Flash(,, aperture, unit=MM)
+SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT_VERSIONS = [20210108, 20211014, 20221018, 20230517]
+class Board:
+ _version: Named(int, name='version') = 20210108
+ generator: Named(Atom) = Atom.gerbonara
+ general: GeneralSection = field(default_factory=GeneralSection)
+ page: PageSettings = field(default_factory=PageSettings)
+ layers: Named(Array(LayerSettings)) = field(default_factory=list)
+ setup: BoardSetup = field(default_factory=BoardSetup)
+ properties: List(Property) = field(default_factory=list)
+ nets: List(Net) = field(default_factory=list)
+ footprints: List(Footprint) = field(default_factory=list)
+ # Graphical elements
+ texts: List(gr.Text) = field(default_factory=list)
+ text_boxes: List(gr.TextBox) = field(default_factory=list)
+ lines: List(gr.Line) = field(default_factory=list)
+ rectangles: List(gr.Rectangle) = field(default_factory=list)
+ circles: List(gr.Circle) = field(default_factory=list)
+ arcs: List(gr.Arc) = field(default_factory=list)
+ polygons: List(gr.Polygon) = field(default_factory=list)
+ curves: List(gr.Curve) = field(default_factory=list)
+ dimensions: List(gr.Dimension) = field(default_factory=list)
+ images: List(Image) = field(default_factory=list)
+ # Tracks
+ track_segments: List(TrackSegment) = field(default_factory=list)
+ vias: List(Via) = field(default_factory=list)
+ track_arcs: List(TrackArc) = field(default_factory=list)
+ # Other stuff
+ zones: List(Zone) = field(default_factory=list)
+ groups: List(Group) = field(default_factory=list)
+ _ : SEXP_END = None
+ original_filename: str = None
+ _bounding_box: tuple = None
+ @property
+ def version(self):
+ return self._version
+ @version.setter
+ def version(self, value):
+ raise FormatError(f'File format version {value} is not supported. Supported versions are {", ".join(map(str, SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT_VERSIONS))}.')
+ def write(self, filename=None):
+ with open(filename or self.original_filename, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(build_sexp(sexp(self)))
+ @classmethod
+ def open(kls, pcb_file, *args, **kwargs):
+ return kls.load(Path(pcb_file).read_text(), *args, **kwargs, original_filename=pcb_file)
+ @classmethod
+ def load(kls, data, *args, **kwargs):
+ return kls.parse(data, *args, **kwargs)
+ @property
+ def single_sided(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+# FIXME vvv
+ def graphic_objects(self, text=False, images=False):
+ return chain(
+ (self.texts if text else []),
+ (self.text_boxes if text else []),
+ self.lines,
+ self.rectangles,
+ self.circles,
+ self.arcs,
+ self.polygons,
+ self.curves,
+ (self.dimensions if text else []),
+ (self.images if images else []))
+ def tracks(self, vias=True):
+ return chain(self.track_segments, self.track_arcs, (self.vias if vias else []))
+ def objects(self, vias=True, text=False, images=False):
+ return chain(self.graphic_objects(text=text, images=images), self.tracks(vias=vias))
+ def render(self, layer_stack, layer_map, x=0, y=0, rotation=0, text=False, flip=False, variables={}, cache=None):
+ for obj in self.objects(images=False, vias=False, text=text):
+ if not (layer := layer_map.get(obj.layer)):
+ continue
+ for fe in obj.render(variables=variables):
+ fe.rotate(rotation)
+ fe.offset(x, y, MM)
+ layer_stack[layer].objects.append(fe)
+ for obj in self.vias:
+ for glob in obj.layers or []:
+ for layer in fnmatch.filter(layer_map, glob):
+ for fe in obj.render(cache=cache):
+ fe.rotate(rotation)
+ fe.offset(x, y, MM)
+ fe.aperture = fe.aperture.rotated(rotation)
+ layer_stack[layer_map[layer]].objects.append(fe)
+ for fe in obj.render_drill():
+ fe.rotate(rotation)
+ fe.offset(x, y, MM)
+ layer_stack.drill_pth.append(fe)
+ def bounding_box(self, unit=MM):
+ if not self._bounding_box:
+ stack = LayerStack()
+ layer_map = {kc_id: gn_id for kc_id, gn_id in LAYER_MAP_K2G.items() if gn_id in stack}
+ self.render(stack, layer_map, x=0, y=0, rotation=0, flip=False, text=False, variables={})
+ self._bounding_box = stack.bounding_box(unit)
+ return self._bounding_box
+class BoardInstance(Positioned):
+ sexp: Board = None
+ variables: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
+ def render(self, layer_stack, cache=None):
+ x, y, rotation, flip = self.abs_pos
+ x, y = MM(x, self.unit), MM(y, self.unit)
+ variables = dict(self.variables)
+ layer_map = {kc_id: gn_id for kc_id, gn_id in LAYER_MAP_K2G.items() if gn_id in layer_stack}
+ self.sexp.render(layer_stack, layer_map,
+ x=x, y=y, rotation=rotation,
+ flip=flip,
+ variables=variables, cache=cache)
+ def bounding_box(self, unit=MM):
+ return offset_bounds(self.sexp.bounding_box(unit), unit(self.x, self.unit), unit(self.y, self.unit))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ from ...layers import LayerStack
+ fp =[1])
+ stack = LayerStack()
+ BoardInstance(0, 0, fp, unit=MM).render(stack)
+ print(stack.to_pretty_svg())
+ stack.save_to_directory('/tmp/testdir')