path: root/gerbonara/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gerbonara/')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gerbonara/ b/gerbonara/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f475a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gerbonara/
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+import math
+from dataclasses import dataclass, KW_ONLY, astuple, replace, field, fields
+from .utils import MM, InterpMode
+from . import graphic_primitives as gp
+def convert(value, src, dst):
+ if src == dst or src is None or dst is None or value is None:
+ return value
+ elif dst == MM:
+ return value * 25.4
+ else:
+ return value / 25.4
+class Length:
+ def __init__(self, obj_type):
+ self.type = obj_type
+class GerberObject:
+ _ : KW_ONLY
+ polarity_dark : bool = True
+ unit : str = None
+ attrs : dict = field(default_factory=dict)
+ def converted(self, unit):
+ return replace(self,
+ **{ self.unit.convert_to(unit, getattr(self,
+ for f in fields(self) if type(f.type) is Length })
+ def with_offset(self, dx, dy, unit=MM):
+ dx, dy = self.unit(dx, unit), self.unit(dy, unit)
+ return self._with_offset(dx, dy)
+ def rotate(self, rotation, cx=0, cy=0, unit=MM):
+ cx, cy = self.unit(cx, unit), self.unit(cy, unit)
+ self._rotate(rotation, cx, cy)
+ def bounding_box(self, unit=None):
+ bboxes = [ p.bounding_box() for p in self.to_primitives(unit) ]
+ min_x = min(min_x for (min_x, _min_y), _ in bboxes)
+ min_y = min(min_y for (_min_x, min_y), _ in bboxes)
+ max_x = max(max_x for _, (max_x, _max_y) in bboxes)
+ max_y = max(max_y for _, (_max_x, max_y) in bboxes)
+ return ((min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y))
+ def to_primitives(self, unit=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class Flash(GerberObject):
+ x : Length(float)
+ y : Length(float)
+ aperture : object
+ @property
+ def tool(self):
+ return self.aperture
+ @tool.setter
+ def tool(self, value):
+ self.aperture = value
+ @property
+ def plated(self):
+ return self.tool.plated
+ def _with_offset(self, dx, dy):
+ return replace(self, x=self.x+dx, y=self.y+dy)
+ def _rotate(self, rotation, cx=0, cy=0):
+ self.x, self.y = gp.rotate_point(self.x, self.y, rotation, cx, cy)
+ def to_primitives(self, unit=None):
+ conv = self.converted(unit)
+ yield from self.aperture.flash(conv.x, conv.y, unit, self.polarity_dark)
+ def to_statements(self, gs):
+ yield from gs.set_polarity(self.polarity_dark)
+ yield from gs.set_aperture(self.aperture)
+ x = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(self.x, self.unit)
+ y = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(self.y, self.unit)
+ yield f'X{x}Y{y}D03*'
+ gs.update_point(self.x, self.y, unit=self.unit)
+ def to_xnc(self, ctx):
+ yield from ctx.select_tool(self.tool)
+ yield from ctx.drill_mode()
+ x = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(self.x, self.unit)
+ y = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(self.y, self.unit)
+ yield f'X{x}Y{y}'
+ ctx.set_current_point(self.unit, self.x, self.y)
+ def curve_length(self, unit=MM):
+ return 0
+class Region(GerberObject):
+ def __init__(self, outline=None, arc_centers=None, *, unit, polarity_dark):
+ super().__init__(unit=unit, polarity_dark=polarity_dark)
+ outline = [] if outline is None else outline
+ arc_centers = [] if arc_centers is None else arc_centers
+ self.poly = gp.ArcPoly(outline, arc_centers)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.poly)
+ def __bool__(self):
+ return bool(self.poly)
+ def _with_offset(self, dx, dy):
+ return Region([ (x+dx, y+dy) for x, y in self.poly.outline ],
+ self.poly.arc_centers,
+ polarity_dark=self.polarity_dark,
+ unit=self.unit)
+ def _rotate(self, angle, cx=0, cy=0):
+ self.poly.outline = [ gp.rotate_point(x, y, angle, cx, cy) for x, y in self.poly.outline ]
+ self.poly.arc_centers = [
+ (arc[0], gp.rotate_point(*arc[1], angle, cx-p[0], cy-p[1])) if arc else None
+ for p, arc in zip(self.poly.outline, self.poly.arc_centers) ]
+ def append(self, obj):
+ if obj.unit != self.unit:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot append Polyline with "{obj.unit}" coords to Region with "{self.unit}" coords.')
+ if not self.poly.outline:
+ self.poly.outline.append(obj.p1)
+ self.poly.outline.append(obj.p2)
+ if isinstance(obj, Arc):
+ self.poly.arc_centers.append((obj.clockwise, obj.center_relative))
+ else:
+ self.poly.arc_centers.append(None)
+ def to_primitives(self, unit=None):
+ self.poly.polarity_dark = self.polarity_dark # FIXME: is this the right spot to do this?
+ if unit == self.unit:
+ yield self.poly
+ else:
+ to = lambda value: self.unit.convert_to(unit, value)
+ conv_outline = [ (to(x), to(y)) for x, y in self.poly.outline ]
+ convert_entry = lambda entry: (entry[0], (to(entry[1][0]), to(entry[1][1])))
+ conv_arc = [ None if entry is None else convert_entry(entry) for entry in self.poly.arc_centers ]
+ yield gp.ArcPoly(conv_outline, conv_arc, polarity_dark=self.polarity_dark)
+ def to_statements(self, gs):
+ yield from gs.set_polarity(self.polarity_dark)
+ yield 'G36*'
+ # Repeat interpolation mode at start of region statement to work around gerbv bug. Without this, gerbv will
+ # not display a region consisting of only a single arc.
+ # TODO report gerbv issue upstream
+ yield gs.interpolation_mode_statement() + '*'
+ yield from gs.set_current_point(self.poly.outline[0], unit=self.unit)
+ for point, arc_center in zip(self.poly.outline[1:], self.poly.arc_centers):
+ if arc_center is None:
+ yield from gs.set_interpolation_mode(InterpMode.LINEAR)
+ x = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(point[0], self.unit)
+ y = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(point[1], self.unit)
+ yield f'X{x}Y{y}D01*'
+ gs.update_point(*point, unit=self.unit)
+ else:
+ clockwise, (cx, cy) = arc_center
+ x2, y2 = point
+ yield from gs.set_interpolation_mode(InterpMode.CIRCULAR_CW if clockwise else InterpMode.CIRCULAR_CCW)
+ x = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(x2, self.unit)
+ y = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(y2, self.unit)
+ # TODO are these coordinates absolute or relative now?!
+ i = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(cx, self.unit)
+ j = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(cy, self.unit)
+ yield f'X{x}Y{y}I{i}J{j}D01*'
+ gs.update_point(x2, y2, unit=self.unit)
+ yield 'G37*'
+class Line(GerberObject):
+ # Line with *round* end caps.
+ x1 : Length(float)
+ y1 : Length(float)
+ x2 : Length(float)
+ y2 : Length(float)
+ aperture : object
+ def _with_offset(self, dx, dy):
+ return replace(self, x1=self.x1+dx, y1=self.y1+dy, x2=self.x2+dx, y2=self.y2+dy)
+ def _rotate(self, rotation, cx=0, cy=0):
+ self.x1, self.y1 = gp.rotate_point(self.x1, self.y1, rotation, cx, cy)
+ self.x2, self.y2 = gp.rotate_point(self.x2, self.y2, rotation, cx, cy)
+ @property
+ def p1(self):
+ return self.x1, self.y1
+ @property
+ def p2(self):
+ return self.x2, self.y2
+ @property
+ def end_point(self):
+ return self.p2
+ @property
+ def tool(self):
+ return self.aperture
+ @tool.setter
+ def tool(self, value):
+ self.aperture = value
+ @property
+ def plated(self):
+ return self.tool.plated
+ def to_primitives(self, unit=None):
+ conv = self.converted(unit)
+ w = self.aperture.equivalent_width(unit) if self.aperture else 0.1 # for debugging
+ yield gp.Line(*conv.p1, *conv.p2, w, polarity_dark=self.polarity_dark)
+ def to_statements(self, gs):
+ yield from gs.set_polarity(self.polarity_dark)
+ yield from gs.set_aperture(self.aperture)
+ yield from gs.set_interpolation_mode(InterpMode.LINEAR)
+ yield from gs.set_current_point(self.p1, unit=self.unit)
+ x = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(self.x2, self.unit)
+ y = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(self.y2, self.unit)
+ yield f'X{x}Y{y}D01*'
+ gs.update_point(*self.p2, unit=self.unit)
+ def to_xnc(self, ctx):
+ yield from ctx.select_tool(self.tool)
+ yield from ctx.route_mode(self.unit, *self.p1)
+ x = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(self.x2, self.unit)
+ y = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(self.y2, self.unit)
+ yield f'G01X{x}Y{y}'
+ ctx.set_current_point(self.unit, *self.p2)
+ def curve_length(self, unit=MM):
+ return self.unit.convert_to(unit, math.dist(self.p1, self.p2))
+class Arc(GerberObject):
+ x1 : Length(float)
+ y1 : Length(float)
+ x2 : Length(float)
+ y2 : Length(float)
+ # relative to (x1, x2)
+ cx : Length(float)
+ cy : Length(float)
+ clockwise : bool
+ aperture : object
+ def _with_offset(self, dx, dy):
+ return replace(self, x1=self.x1+dx, y1=self.y1+dy, x2=self.x2+dx, y2=self.y2+dy)
+ def numeric_error(self, unit=None):
+ conv = self.converted(unit)
+ cx, cy = + conv.x1, + conv.y1
+ r1 = math.dist((cx, cy), conv.p1)
+ r2 = math.dist((cx, cy), conv.p2)
+ return abs(r1 - r2)
+ def sweep_angle(self):
+ cx, cy = + self.x1, + self.y1
+ x1, y1 = self.x1 - cx, self.y1 - cy
+ x2, y2 = self.x2 - cx, self.y2 - cy
+ a1, a2 = math.atan2(y1, x1), math.atan2(y2, x2)
+ f = abs(a2 - a1)
+ if not self.clockwise:
+ if a2 > a1:
+ return a2 - a1
+ else:
+ return 2*math.pi - abs(a2 - a1)
+ else:
+ if a1 > a2:
+ return a1 - a2
+ else:
+ return 2*math.pi - abs(a1 - a2)
+ @property
+ def p1(self):
+ return self.x1, self.y1
+ @property
+ def p2(self):
+ return self.x2, self.y2
+ @property
+ def center(self):
+ return + self.x1, + self.y1
+ @property
+ def center_relative(self):
+ return,
+ @property
+ def end_point(self):
+ return self.p2
+ @property
+ def tool(self):
+ return self.aperture
+ @tool.setter
+ def tool(self, value):
+ self.aperture = value
+ @property
+ def plated(self):
+ return self.tool.plated
+ def _rotate(self, rotation, cx=0, cy=0):
+ # rotate center first since we need old x1, y1 here
+ new_cx, new_cy = gp.rotate_point(*, rotation, cx, cy)
+ self.x1, self.y1 = gp.rotate_point(self.x1, self.y1, rotation, cx, cy)
+ self.x2, self.y2 = gp.rotate_point(self.x2, self.y2, rotation, cx, cy)
+, = new_cx - self.x1, new_cy - self.y1
+ def to_primitives(self, unit=None):
+ conv = self.converted(unit)
+ w = self.aperture.equivalent_width(unit) if self.aperture else 0.1 # for debugging
+ yield gp.Arc(x1=conv.x1, y1=conv.y1,
+ x2=conv.x2, y2=conv.y2,
+ clockwise=self.clockwise,
+ width=w,
+ polarity_dark=self.polarity_dark)
+ def to_statements(self, gs):
+ yield from gs.set_polarity(self.polarity_dark)
+ yield from gs.set_aperture(self.aperture)
+ # TODO is the following line correct?
+ yield from gs.set_interpolation_mode(InterpMode.CIRCULAR_CW if self.clockwise else InterpMode.CIRCULAR_CCW)
+ yield from gs.set_current_point(self.p1, unit=self.unit)
+ x = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(self.x2, self.unit)
+ y = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(self.y2, self.unit)
+ i = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(, self.unit)
+ j = gs.file_settings.write_gerber_value(, self.unit)
+ yield f'X{x}Y{y}I{i}J{j}D01*'
+ gs.update_point(*self.p2, unit=self.unit)
+ def to_xnc(self, ctx):
+ yield from ctx.select_tool(self.tool)
+ yield from ctx.route_mode(self.unit, self.x1, self.y1)
+ code = 'G02' if self.clockwise else 'G03'
+ x = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(self.x2, self.unit)
+ y = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(self.y2, self.unit)
+ i = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(, self.unit)
+ j = ctx.settings.write_excellon_value(, self.unit)
+ yield f'{code}X{x}Y{y}I{i}J{j}'
+ ctx.set_current_point(self.unit, self.x2, self.y2)
+ def curve_length(self, unit=MM):
+ return self.unit.convert_to(unit, math.hypot(, * self.sweep_angle)