path: root/gerbonara/gerber/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gerbonara/gerber/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 302 deletions
diff --git a/gerbonara/gerber/ b/gerbonara/gerber/
deleted file mode 100644
index ccf1d2a..0000000
--- a/gerbonara/gerber/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# copyright 2014 Hamilton Kibbe <>
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import math
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from copy import deepcopy
-from enum import Enum
-import string
-from .utils import LengthUnit, MM, Inch, Tag
-from . import graphic_primitives as gp
-from . import graphic_objects as go
-class FileSettings:
- '''
- .. note::
- Format and zero suppression are configurable. Note that the Excellon
- and Gerber formats use opposite terminology with respect to leading
- and trailing zeros. The Gerber format specifies which zeros are
- suppressed, while the Excellon format specifies which zeros are
- included. This function uses the Gerber-file convention, so an
- Excellon file in LZ (leading zeros) mode would use
- `zeros='trailing'`
- '''
- notation : str = 'absolute'
- unit : LengthUnit = MM
- angle_unit : str = 'degree'
- zeros : bool = None
- number_format : tuple = (2, 5)
- # input validation
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- if name == 'unit' and value not in [MM, Inch]:
- raise ValueError(f'Unit must be either Inch or MM, not {value}')
- elif name == 'notation' and value not in ['absolute', 'incremental']:
- raise ValueError(f'Notation must be either "absolute" or "incremental", not {value}')
- elif name == 'angle_unit' and value not in ('degree', 'radian'):
- raise ValueError(f'Angle unit may be "degree" or "radian", not {value}')
- elif name == 'zeros' and value not in [None, 'leading', 'trailing']:
- raise ValueError(f'zeros must be either "leading" or "trailing" or None, not {value}')
- elif name == 'number_format':
- if len(value) != 2:
- raise ValueError(f'Number format must be a (integer, fractional) tuple of integers, not {value}')
- if value != (None, None) and (value[0] > 6 or value[1] > 7):
- raise ValueError(f'Requested precision of {value} is too high. Only up to 6.7 digits are supported by spec.')
- super().__setattr__(name, value)
- def to_radian(self, value):
- value = float(value)
- return math.radians(value) if self.angle_unit == 'degree' else value
- def parse_ipc_length(self, value, default=None):
- if value is None or not str(value).strip():
- return default
- if isinstance(value, str) and value[0].isalpha():
- value = value[1:]
- value = int(value)
- value *= 0.0001 if self.is_inch else 0.001
- return value
- def format_ipc_number(self, value, digits, key='', sign=False):
- if value is None:
- return ' ' * (digits + int(bool(sign)) + len(key))
- if isinstance(value, Enum):
- value = value.value
- num = format(round(value), f'{"+" if sign else ""}0{digits+int(bool(sign))}d')
- if len(num) > digits + int(bool(sign)):
- raise ValueError('Error: Number {num} to wide for IPC-356 field of width {digits}')
- return key + num
- def format_ipc_length(self, value, digits, key='', unit=None, sign=False):
- if value is not None:
- value = self.unit(value, unit)
- value /= 0.0001 if self.is_inch else 0.001
- return self.format_ipc_number(value, digits, key, sign=sign)
- @property
- def is_metric(self):
- return self.unit == MM
- @property
- def is_inch(self):
- return self.unit == Inch
- def copy(self):
- return deepcopy(self)
- def __str__(self):
- return f'<File settings: unit={self.unit}/{self.angle_unit} notation={self.notation} zeros={self.zeros} number_format={self.number_format}>'
- @property
- def incremental(self):
- return self.notation == 'incremental'
- @property
- def absolute(self):
- return not self.incremental # default to absolute
- def parse_gerber_value(self, value):
- if not value:
- return None
- # Handle excellon edge case with explicit decimal. "That was easy!"
- if '.' in value:
- return float(value)
- # TARGET3001! exports zeros as "00" even when it uses an explicit decimal point everywhere else.
- if int(value) == 0:
- return 0
- # Format precision
- integer_digits, decimal_digits = self.number_format
- if integer_digits is None or decimal_digits is None:
- raise SyntaxError('No number format set and value does not contain a decimal point. If this is an Allegro '
- 'Excellon drill file make sure either nc_param.txt or ncdrill.log ends up in the same folder as '
- 'it, because Allegro does not include this critical information in their Excellon output. If you '
- 'call this through ExcellonFile.from_string, you must manually supply from_string with a '
- 'FileSettings object from excellon.parse_allegro_ncparam.')
- # Remove extraneous information
- sign = '-' if value[0] == '-' else ''
- value = value.lstrip('+-')
- if self.zeros == 'leading':
- value = '0'*decimal_digits + value # pad with zeros to ensure we have enough decimals
- out = float(sign + value[:-decimal_digits] + '.' + value[-decimal_digits:])
- else: # no or trailing zero suppression
- value = value + '0'*integer_digits
- out = float(sign + value[:integer_digits] + '.' + value[integer_digits:])
- return out
- def write_gerber_value(self, value, unit=None):
- """ Convert a floating point number to a Gerber/Excellon-formatted string. """
- if unit is not None:
- value = self.unit(value, unit)
- integer_digits, decimal_digits = self.number_format
- if integer_digits is None:
- integer_digits = 3
- if decimal_digits is None:
- decimal_digits = 3
- # negative sign affects padding, so deal with it at the end...
- sign = '-' if value < 0 else ''
- # FIXME never use exponential notation here
- num = format(abs(value), f'0{integer_digits+decimal_digits+1}.{decimal_digits}f').replace('.', '')
- # Suppression...
- if self.zeros == 'trailing':
- num = num.rstrip('0')
- elif self.zeros == 'leading':
- num = num.lstrip('0')
- # Edge case. Per Gerber spec if the value is 0 we should return a single '0' in all cases, see page 77.
- elif not num.strip('0'):
- num = '0'
- return sign + (num or '0')
- def write_excellon_value(self, value, unit=None):
- if unit is not None:
- value = self.unit(value, unit)
- integer_digits, decimal_digits = self.number_format
- if integer_digits is None:
- integer_digits = 2
- if decimal_digits is None:
- decimal_digits = 6
- return format(value, f'0{integer_digits+decimal_digits+1}.{decimal_digits}f')
-class CamFile:
- def __init__(self, original_path=None, layer_name=None, import_settings=None):
- self.original_path = original_path
- self.layer_name = layer_name
- self.import_settings = import_settings
- def to_svg(self, tag=Tag, margin=0, arg_unit=MM, svg_unit=MM, force_bounds=None, fg='black', bg='white'):
- if force_bounds is None:
- (min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y) = self.bounding_box(svg_unit, default=((0, 0), (0, 0)))
- else:
- (min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y) = force_bounds
- min_x = svg_unit(min_x, arg_unit)
- min_y = svg_unit(min_y, arg_unit)
- max_x = svg_unit(max_x, arg_unit)
- max_y = svg_unit(max_y, arg_unit)
- content_min_x, content_min_y = min_x, min_y
- content_w, content_h = max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y
- if margin:
- margin = svg_unit(margin, arg_unit)
- min_x -= margin
- min_y -= margin
- max_x += margin
- max_y += margin
- w, h = max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y
- w = 1.0 if math.isclose(w, 0.0) else w
- h = 1.0 if math.isclose(h, 0.0) else h
- view = tag('sodipodi:namedview', [], id='namedview1', pagecolor=bg,
- inkscape__document_units=svg_unit.shorthand)
- tags = []
- polyline = None
- for i, obj in enumerate(self.objects):
- #if isinstance(obj, go.Flash):
- # if polyline:
- # tags.append(polyline.to_svg(tag, fg, bg))
- # polyline = None
- # mask_tags = [ prim.to_svg(tag, 'white', 'black') for prim in obj.to_primitives(unit=svg_unit) ]
- # mask_tags.insert(0, tag('rect', width='100%', height='100%', fill='black'))
- # mask_id = f'mask{i}'
- # tag('mask', mask_tags, id=mask_id)
- # tag('rect', width='100%', height='100%', mask='url(#{mask_id})', fill=fg)
- #else:
- for primitive in obj.to_primitives(unit=svg_unit):
- if isinstance(primitive, gp.Line):
- if not polyline:
- polyline = gp.Polyline(primitive)
- else:
- if not polyline.append(primitive):
- tags.append(polyline.to_svg(tag, fg, bg))
- polyline = gp.Polyline(primitive)
- else:
- if polyline:
- tags.append(polyline.to_svg(tag, fg, bg))
- polyline = None
- tags.append(primitive.to_svg(tag, fg, bg))
- if polyline:
- tags.append(polyline.to_svg(tag, fg, bg))
- # setup viewport transform flipping y axis
- xform = f'translate({content_min_x} {content_min_y+content_h}) scale(1 -1) translate({-content_min_x} {-content_min_y})'
- svg_unit = 'in' if svg_unit == 'inch' else 'mm'
- # TODO export apertures as <uses> where reasonable.
- return tag('svg', [view, tag('g', tags, transform=xform)],
- width=f'{w}{svg_unit}', height=f'{h}{svg_unit}',
- viewBox=f'{min_x} {min_y} {w} {h}',
- xmlns="",
- xmlns__xlink="",
- xmlns__sodipodi='',
- xmlns__inkscape='',
- root=True)
- def size(self, unit=MM):
- (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = self.bounding_box(unit, default=((0, 0), (0, 0)))
- return (x1 - x0, y1 - y0)
- def bounding_box(self, unit=MM, default=None):
- """ Calculate bounding box of file. Returns value given by 'default' argument when there are no graphical
- objects (default: None)
- """
- bounds = [ p.bounding_box(unit) for p in self.objects ]
- if not bounds:
- return default
- min_x = min(x0 for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in bounds)
- min_y = min(y0 for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in bounds)
- max_x = max(x1 for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in bounds)
- max_y = max(y1 for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in bounds)
- #for p in self.objects:
- # bb = (o_min_x, o_min_y), (o_max_x, o_max_y) = p.bounding_box(unit)
- # if o_min_x == min_x or o_min_y == min_y or o_max_x == max_x or o_max_y == max_y:
- # print('\033[91m bounds\033[0m', bb, p)
- return ((min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y))