path: root/gerbonara/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gerbonara/')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/gerbonara/ b/gerbonara/
index 906997b..1cdfd42 100644
--- a/gerbonara/
+++ b/gerbonara/
@@ -1,71 +1,122 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import math
import click
import re
+import warnings
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
from .utils import MM, Inch
from .cam import FileSettings
from .rs274x import GerberFile
+from .layers import LayerStack, NamingScheme
from . import __version__
+NAMING_SCHEMES = [n for n in dir(NamingScheme) if not n.startswith('_')]
def print_version(ctx, param, value):
- click.echo(f'Version {__version__}')
+ if value and not ctx.resilient_parsing:
+ click.echo(f'Version {__version__}')
+ ctx.exit()
-@click.option('--version', is_flag=True, callback=print_version, expose_value=False, is_eager=True)
-def cli():
- pass
+def apply_transform(transform, unit, layer_or_stack):
+ def translate(x, y):
+ layer_or_stack.offset(x, y, unit)
+ def scale(factor):
+ """ Scale layer by a given factor, e.g. 1.0 for no change, 2.0 to double all coordinates in both axes. Note that
+ we only offer uniform scaling with a single factor applied along both coordinate axes because anything else
+ would not be possible with arbitrary Gerber apertures, and definitely mess up holes. We could still do this, but
+ the result would almost certainly not be what the user is looking for.
-@click.option('--version', is_flag=True, callback=print_version, expose_value=False, is_eager=True)
-@click.argument('infiles', nargs=-1, required=True)
-@click.argument('outfile', required=False)
-def render(infiles, outfile):
- """ Render one or more gerber files into an SVG file. Can process entire folders or zip files of gerber files, and
- can render individual files from zips using "[zip file]:[member]" syntax. To specify a layer mapping, use
- "[layer]=[file]" syntax, e.g. "". Layers get merged in the same order that they
- appear on the command line, and for each logical layer only the last given file is rendered."""
+ The main reason why this function might make sense is to fix up boards exported as G-code by programs that
+ aren't EDA tools and that for whatever reason ended up exporting in a weird unit."""
+ layer_or_stack.scale(factor)
+ def rotate(angle, cx=0, cy=0):
+ layer_or_stack.rotate(math.radians(angle), (cx, cy), unit)
-def apply_transform(transform, unit, layer):
- for name, args, garbage in re.finditer(r'\s*([a-z]+)\s*\([\s-.0-9]*\)\s*|.*'):
- if name not in ('translate', 'scale', 'rotate'):
- raise ValueError(f'Unsupported transform {name}. Supported transforms are "translate", "scale" and "rotate".')
+ (x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max) = layer_or_stack.bounding_box(unit, default=((0, 0), (0, 0)))
+ width, height = x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min
- args = [float(args) for arg in args.split()]
- if not args:
- raise ValueError('No transform arguments given')
+ def origin():
+ translate(-x_min, -y_min)
- if name == 'translate':
- if len(args) != 2:
- raise ValueError(f'transform "translate" requires exactly two coordinates (x, and y), not {len(args)}')
+ def center():
+ translate(-x_min-width/2, -y_min-height/2)
- x, y = args
- layer.offset(x, y, unit)
+ exec(transform, {key: value for key, value in math.__dict__.items() if not key.startswith('_')}, locals())
- elif name == 'scale':
- if len(args) > 1:
- # We don't support non-uniform scaling with scale_x != scale_y since that isn't possible with straight
- # Gerber polygon or circular apertures, or holes.
- raise ValueError(f'transform "scale" requires exactly one argument, not {len(args)}')
- layer.scale(*args)
+@click.option('--version', is_flag=True, callback=print_version, expose_value=False, is_eager=True)
+def cli():
+ pass
- elif name == 'rotate':
- if len(args) not in (1, 3):
- raise ValueError(f'transform "rotate" requires either one or three coordinates (angle, origin x, and origin y), not {len(args)}')
- angle = args[0]
- cx, cy = args[1:] or (0, 0)
- layer.rotate(angle, cx, cy, unit)
+@click.option('--format-warnings/--no-warnings', ' /-s', default=False, help='''Enable or disable file format warnings
+ during parsing (default: off)''')
+@click.option('--version', is_flag=True, callback=print_version, expose_value=False, is_eager=True)
+@click.option('-m', '--input-map', type=click.Path(exists=True, path_type=Path), help='''Extend or override layer name
+ mapping with name map from JSON file. The JSON file must contain a single JSON dict with an arbitrary
+ number of string: string entries. The keys are interpreted as regexes applied to the filenames via
+ re.fullmatch, and each value must either be the string "ignore" to remove this layer from previous
+ automatic guesses, or a gerbonara layer name such as "top copper", "inner_2 copper" or "bottom silk".''')
+@click.option('--use-builtin-name-rules/--no-builtin-name-rules', default=True, help='''Disable built-in layer name
+ rules and use only rules given by --input-map''')
+@click.option('--force-zip', is_flag=True, help='''Force treating input path as a zip file (default: guess file type
+ from extension and contents)''')
+@click.option('--top/--bottom', help='Which side of the board to render')
+@click.option('--command-line-units', type=click.Choice(['metric', 'us-customary']), default='metric', help='Units for values given in --transform. Default: millimeter')
+@click.option('--margin', type=float, default=0.0, help='Add space around the board inside the viewport')
+@click.option('--force-bounds', help='Force SVG bounding box to value given as "min_x,min_y,max_x,max_y"')
+@click.option('--inkscape/--standard-svg', default=True, help='Export in Inkscape SVG format with layers and stuff.')
+@click.option('--colorscheme', type=click.Path(exists=True, path_type=Path), help='''Load colorscheme from given JSON
+ file. The JSON file must contain a single dict with keys copper, silk, mask, paste, drill and outline.
+ Each key must map to a string containing either a normal 6-digit hex color with leading hash sign, or an
+ 8-digit hex color with leading hash sign, where the last two digits set the layer's alpha value (opacity),
+ with FF being completely opaque, and 00 being invisibly transparent.''')
+@click.argument('inpath', type=click.Path(exists=True))
+@click.argument('outfile', type=click.File('w'), default='-')
+def render(inpath, outfile, format_warnings, input_map, use_builtin_name_rules, force_zip, top, command_line_units,
+ margin, force_bounds, inkscape, colorscheme):
+ """ Render a gerber file, or a directory or zip of gerber files into an SVG file. """
+ overrides = json.loads(input_map.read_bytes()) if input_map else None
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter('default' if format_warnings else 'ignore')
+ if force_zip:
+ stack = LayerStack.open_zip(inpath, overrides=overrides, autoguess=use_builtin_name_rules)
+ else:
+ stack =, overrides=overrides, autoguess=use_builtin_name_rules)
+ unit = MM if command_line_units == 'metric' else Inch
+ if force_bounds:
+ min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = list(map(float, force_bounds.split(',')))
+ force_bounds = (min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y)
+ if colorscheme:
+ colorscheme = json.loads(colorscheme.read_text())
+ outfile.write(str(stack.to_pretty_svg(side='top' if top else 'bottom', margin=margin, arg_unit=unit, svg_unit=MM,
+ force_bounds=force_bounds, inkscape=inkscape, colors=colorscheme)))
@click.option('--version', is_flag=True, callback=print_version, expose_value=False, is_eager=True)
-@click.option('-t', '--transform', help='Apply transform given in pseudo-SVG syntax. Supported are "translate", "scale" and "rotate". Example: "translate(-10 0) rotate(45 0 5)"')
+@click.option('--format-warnings/--no-warnings', ' /-s', default=True, help='''Enable or disable file format warnings
+ during parsing (default: on)''')
+@click.option('-t', '--transform', help='''Execute python transformation script on input. You have access to the functions
+ translate(x, y), scale(factor) and rotate(angle, center_x?, center_y?), the bounding box variables x_min,
+ y_min, x_max, y_max, width and height, and everything from python\'s built-in math module (e.g. pi, sqrt,
+ sin). As convenience methods, center() and origin() are provided to center the board resp. move its
+ bottom-left corner to the origin. Coordinates are given in --command-line-units, angles in degrees, and
+ scale as a scale factor (as opposed to a percentage). Example: "translate(-10, 0); rotate(45, 0, 5)"''')
@click.option('--command-line-units', type=click.Choice(['metric', 'us-customary']), default='metric', help='Units for values given in --transform. Default: millimeter')
@click.option('-n', '--number-format', help='Override number format to use during export in "[integer digits].[decimal digits]" notation, e.g. "2.6".')
@click.option('-u', '--units', type=click.Choice(['metric', 'us-customary']), help='Override export file units')
@@ -78,7 +129,7 @@ def apply_transform(transform, unit, layer):
def rewrite(transform, command_line_units, number_format, units, zero_suppression, keep_comments, reuse_input_settings,
- input_number_format, input_units, input_zero_suppression, infile, outfile):
+ input_number_format, input_units, input_zero_suppression, infile, outfile, format_warnings):
""" Parse a gerber file, apply transformations, and re-serialize it into a new gerber file. Without transformations,
this command can be used to convert a gerber file to use different settings (e.g. units, precision), but can also be
used to "normalize" gerber files in a weird format into a more standards-compatible one as gerbonara's gerber parser
@@ -95,7 +146,9 @@ def rewrite(transform, command_line_units, number_format, units, zero_suppressio
if input_units:
input_settings.unit = MM if input_units == 'metric' else Inch
- f =, override_settings=input_settings)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter('default' if format_warnings else 'ignore')
+ f =, override_settings=input_settings)
if transform:
command_line_units = MM if command_line_units == 'metric' else Inch
@@ -104,10 +157,11 @@ def rewrite(transform, command_line_units, number_format, units, zero_suppressio
if reuse_input_settings:
output_settings = FileSettings()
- output_settings = FileSettings(unit=MM, number_format=(4,5), zeros=None)
+ output_settings = FileSettings.defaults()
if number_format:
- output_settings = number_format
+ a, _, b = number_format.partition('.')
+ output_settings.number_format = (int(a), int(b))
if units:
output_settings.unit = MM if units == 'metric' else Inch
@@ -120,12 +174,84 @@ def rewrite(transform, command_line_units, number_format, units, zero_suppressio
@click.option('--version', is_flag=True, callback=print_version, expose_value=False, is_eager=True)
+@click.option('-m', '--input-map', type=click.Path(exists=True, path_type=Path), help='''Extend or override layer name
+ mapping with name map from JSON file. The JSON file must contain a single JSON dict with an arbitrary
+ number of string: string entries. The keys are interpreted as regexes applied to the filenames via
+ re.fullmatch, and each value must either be the string "ignore" to remove this layer from previous
+ automatic guesses, or a gerbonara layer name such as "top copper", "inner_2 copper" or "bottom silk".''')
+@click.option('--use-builtin-name-rules/--no-builtin-name-rules', default=True, help='''Disable built-in layer name
+ rules and use only rules given by --input-map''')
+@click.option('--format-warnings/--no-warnings', ' /-s', default=True, help='''Enable or disable file format warnings
+ during parsing (default: on)''')
+@click.option('--units', type=click.Choice(['metric', 'us-customary']), default='metric', help='''Units for values given
+ in transform script. Default: millimeter''')
+@click.option('-n', '--number-format', help='''Override number format to use during export in
+ "[integer digits].[decimal digits]" notation, e.g. "2.6".''')
+@click.option('-u', '--units', type=click.Choice(['metric', 'us-customary']), help='Override export file units')
+@click.option('-z', '--zero-suppression', type=click.Choice(['off', 'leading', 'trailing']), help='''Override export zero
+ suppression setting for exported Gerber files. Note: This does not affect Excellon output, which *always*
+ uses explicit decimal points to avoid mismatches between output format and metadata in job files untouched
+ by gerbonara.''')
+@click.option('--reuse-input-settings/--default-settings,', default=False, help='''Use the same export settings as the
+ input file instead of sensible defaults.''')
+@click.option('--force-zip', is_flag=True, help='''Force treating input path as a zip file (default: guess file type
+ from extension and contents)''')
+@click.option('--output-naming-scheme', type=click.Choice(NAMING_SCHEMES), help=f'''Name output files according to the
+ selected naming scheme instead of keeping the old file names. Supported values are:
+ {", ".join(NAMING_SCHEMES)}''')
+def transform(transform, units, number_format, zero_suppression, reuse_input_settings, inpath, outpath,
+ format_warnings, input_map, use_builtin_name_rules):
+ """ Transform all gerber files in a given directory or zip file using the given python transformation script.
+ In the python transformation script you have access to the functions translate(x, y), scale(factor) and
+ rotate(angle, center_x?, center_y?), the bounding box variables x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, width and height,
+ and everything from python\'s built-in math module (e.g. pi, sqrt, sin). As convenience methods, center() and
+ origin() are provided to center the board resp. move its bottom-left corner to the origin. Coordinates are given
+ in --command-line-units, angles in degrees, and scale as a scale factor (as opposed to a percentage). Example:
+ "translate(-10, 0); rotate(45, 0, 5)"''')
+ """
+ overrides = json.loads(input_map.read_bytes()) if input_map else None
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter('default' if format_warnings else 'ignore')
+ if force_zip:
+ stack = LayerStack.open_zip(path, overrides=overrides, autoguess=use_builtin_name_rules)
+ else:
+ stack =, overrides=overrides, autoguess=use_builtin_name_rules)
+ units = MM if units == 'metric' else Inch
+ apply_transform(transform, units, stack)
+ output_settings = FileSettings() if reuse_input_settings else FileSettings.defaults()
+ if number_format:
+ a, _, b = number_format.partition('.')
+ output_settings.number_format = (int(a), int(b))
+ if units:
+ output_settings.unit = MM if units == 'metric' else Inch
+ if zero_suppression:
+ output_settings.zeros = None if zero_suppression == 'off' else zero_suppression
+ stack.save_to_directory(outpath, naming_scheme=naming_scheme,
+ gerber_settings=output_settings,
+ excellon_settings=output_settings.replace(zeros=None))
+@click.option('--version', is_flag=True, callback=print_version, expose_value=False, is_eager=True)
+@click.option('--format-warnings/--no-warnings', ' /-s', default=True, help='''Enable or disable file format warnings
+ during parsing (default: on)''')
@click.option('--units', type=click.Choice(['us-customary', 'metric']), default='metric', help='Output bounding box in this unit (default: millimeter)')
@click.option('--input-number-format', help='Override number format of input file (mostly useful for Excellon files)')
@click.option('--input-units', type=click.Choice(['us-customary', 'metric']), help='Override units of input file')
@click.option('--input-zero-suppression', type=click.Choice(['off', 'leading', 'trailing']), help='Override zero suppression setting of input file')
-def bounding_box(infile, input_number_format, input_units, input_zero_suppression, units):
+def bounding_box(infile, format_warnings, input_number_format, input_units, input_zero_suppression, units):
""" Print the bounding box of a gerber file in "[x_min] [y_min] [x_max] [y_max]" format. The bounding box contains
all graphic objects in this file, so e.g. a 100 mm by 100 mm square drawn with a 1mm width circular aperture will
result in an 101 mm by 101 mm bounding box.
@@ -142,12 +268,105 @@ def bounding_box(infile, input_number_format, input_units, input_zero_suppressio
if input_units:
input_settings.unit = MM if input_units == 'metric' else Inch
- f =, override_settings=input_settings)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter('default' if format_warnings else 'ignore')
+ f =, override_settings=input_settings)
units = MM if units == 'metric' else Inch
(x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max) = f.bounding_box(unit=units)
print(f'{x_min:.6f} {y_min:.6f} {x_max:.6f} {y_max:.6f} [{units}]')
+@click.option('--format-warnings/--no-warnings', ' /-s', default=True, help='''Enable or disable file format warnings
+ during parsing (default: on)''')
+@click.option('--force-zip', is_flag=True, help='Force treating input path as zip file (default: guess file type from extension and contents)')
+@click.argument('path', type=click.Path(exists=True))
+def layers(path, force_zip, format_warnings):
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter('default' if format_warnings else 'ignore')
+ if force_zip:
+ stack = LayerStack.open_zip(path)
+ else:
+ stack =
+ print(f'Detected board name: {stack.board_name}')
+ print(f'Probably exported by: {stack.generator or "Unknown"}')
+ print(f'Board bounding box: {stack.bounding_box()} [mm]')
+ if stack.netlist:
+ print(f'Found netlist at {stack.netlist.original_path}')
+ else:
+ print('No netlist found')
+ print('Graphical layers:')
+ for (side, function), layer in stack.graphic_layers.items():
+ print(f'{side} {function}: {layer}')
+ if not stack.graphic_layers:
+ print('(no graphical layers)')
+ print('Drill layers:')
+ for layer in stack.drill_layers:
+ print(layer)
+ if not stack.drill_layers:
+ print('(no drill layers)')
+@click.option('--format-warnings/--no-warnings', ' /-s', default=False, help='''Enable or disable file format warnings
+ during parsing (default: off)''')
+@click.option('--force-zip', is_flag=True, help='Force treating input path as zip file (default: guess file type from extension and contents)')
+@click.argument('path', type=click.Path(exists=True))
+def meta(path, force_zip, format_warnings):
+ """ Extract layer mapping and print it along with layer metadata as JSON to stdout. A machine-readable variant of
+ the "layers" command. All lengths in the JSON are given in millimeter. """
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter('default' if format_warnings else 'ignore')
+ if force_zip:
+ stack = LayerStack.open_zip(path)
+ else:
+ stack =
+ out = {}
+ out['board_name'] = stack.board_name
+ out['generator'] = stack.generator
+ (min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y) = stack.bounding_box(default=((None, None), (None, None)))
+ out['bounding_box'] = {'min_x': min_x, 'min_y': min_y, 'max_x': max_x, 'max_y': max_y}
+ out['path'] = str(stack.original_path)
+ if stack.netlist:
+ out['netlist'] = {
+ 'format': 'IPC-356',
+ 'path': str(stack.netlist.original_path),
+ 'records': len(stack.netlist.test_records),
+ 'conductors': len(stack.netlist.conductors),
+ 'outlines': len(stack.netlist.outlines),
+ }
+ out['graphical_layers'] = {}
+ for (side, function), layer in stack.graphic_layers.items():
+ d = out['graphical_layers'][side] = out['graphical_layers'].get(side, {})
+ (min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y) = layer.bounding_box(default=((None, None), (None, None)))
+ d[function] = {
+ 'format': 'Gerber',
+ 'path': str(layer.original_path),
+ 'apertures': len(layer.apertures),
+ 'objects': len(layer.objects),
+ 'bounding_box': {'min_x': min_x, 'min_y': min_y, 'max_x': max_x, 'max_y': max_y},
+ }
+ out['drill_layers'] = []
+ for layer in stack.drill_layers:
+ out['drill_layers'].append({
+ 'format': 'Excellon',
+ 'path': str(layer.original_path),
+ 'plating': layer.plating_type,
+ })
+ print(json.dumps(out))
if __name__ == '__main__':