path: root/gerbonara/cad/kicad/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gerbonara/cad/kicad/')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gerbonara/cad/kicad/ b/gerbonara/cad/kicad/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9312489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gerbonara/cad/kicad/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+import math
+import re
+import functools
+from typing import Any, Optional
+import uuid
+from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, field
+from copy import deepcopy
+class SexpError(ValueError):
+ """ Low-level error parsing S-Expression format """
+ pass
+class FormatError(ValueError):
+ """ Semantic error in S-Expression structure """
+ pass
+class AtomType(type):
+ def __getattr__(cls, key):
+ return cls(key)
+class Atom(metaclass=AtomType):
+ def __init__(self, obj=''):
+ if isinstance(obj, str):
+ self.value = obj
+ elif isinstance(obj, Atom):
+ self.value = obj.value
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(f'Atom argument must be str, not {type(obj)}')
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.value
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f'@{self.value}'
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.value)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, (Atom, str)):
+ return self.value == other
+ return self.value == str(other)
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, (Atom, str)):
+ raise TypeError(f'Cannot compare Atom and {type(other)}')
+ return self.value < str(other)
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, (Atom, str)):
+ raise TypeError(f'Cannot compare Atom and {type(other)}')
+ return self.value > str(other)
+term_regex = r"""(?mx)
+ \s*(?:
+ "((?:\\\\|\\"|[^"])*)"|
+ (\()|
+ (\))|
+ ([+-]?\d+\.\d+(?=[\s\)]))|
+ (\-?\d+(?=[\s\)]))|
+ ([^0-9"\s()][^"\s)]*)
+ )"""
+def parse_sexp(sexp: str) -> Any:
+ re_iter = re.finditer(term_regex, sexp)
+ rv = list(_parse_sexp_internal(re_iter))
+ for leftover in re_iter:
+ quoted_str, lparen, rparen, *rest = leftover.groups()
+ if quoted_str or lparen or any(rest):
+ raise SexpError(f'Leftover garbage after end of expression at position {leftover.start()}') # noqa: E501
+ elif rparen:
+ raise SexpError(f'Unbalanced closing parenthesis at position {leftover.start()}')
+ if len(rv) == 0:
+ raise SexpError('No or empty expression')
+ if len(rv) > 1:
+ print(rv[0])
+ print(rv[1])
+ raise SexpError('Missing initial opening parenthesis')
+ return rv[0]
+def _parse_sexp_internal(re_iter) -> Any:
+ for match in re_iter:
+ quoted_str, lparen, rparen, float_num, integer_num, bare_str = match.groups()
+ if lparen:
+ yield list(_parse_sexp_internal(re_iter))
+ elif rparen:
+ break
+ elif bare_str is not None:
+ yield Atom(bare_str)
+ elif quoted_str is not None:
+ yield quoted_str.replace('\\"', '"')
+ elif float_num:
+ yield float(float_num)
+ elif integer_num:
+ yield int(integer_num)
+def build_sexp(exp, indent=' ') -> str:
+ # Special case for multi-values
+ if isinstance(exp, (list, tuple)):
+ joined = '('
+ for i, elem in enumerate(exp):
+ if 1 <= i <= 5 and len(joined) < 120 and not isinstance(elem, (list, tuple)):
+ joined += ' '
+ elif i >= 1:
+ joined += '\n' + indent
+ joined += build_sexp(elem, indent=f'{indent} ')
+ return joined + ')'
+ if exp == '':
+ return '""'
+ if isinstance(exp, str):
+ exp = exp.replace('"', r'\"')
+ return f'"{exp}"'
+ if isinstance(exp, float):
+ # python whyyyy
+ val = f'{exp:.6f}'
+ val = val.rstrip('0')
+ if val[-1] == '.':
+ val += '0'
+ return val
+ else:
+ return str(exp)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sexp = """ ( ( Winson_GM-402B_5x5mm_P1.27mm data "quoted data" 123 4.5)
+ (data "with \\"escaped quotes\\"")
+ (data (123 (4.5) "(more" "data)")))"""
+ print("Input S-expression:")
+ print(sexp)
+ parsed = parse_sexp(sexp)
+ print("\nParsed to Python:", parsed)
+ print("\nThen back to: '%s'" % build_sexp(parsed))