path: root/gerbonara/gerber/
diff options
authorjaseg <>2022-01-30 20:11:38 +0100
committerjaseg <>2022-01-30 20:11:38 +0100
commitc3ca4f95bd59f69d45e582a4149327f57a360760 (patch)
tree5f43c61a261698e2f671b5238a7aa9a71a0f6d23 /gerbonara/gerber/
parent259a56186820923c78a5688f59bd8249cf958b5f (diff)
Rename gerbonara/gerber package to just gerbonara
Diffstat (limited to 'gerbonara/gerber/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 630 deletions
diff --git a/gerbonara/gerber/ b/gerbonara/gerber/
deleted file mode 100644
index dc3773b..0000000
--- a/gerbonara/gerber/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# copyright 2014 Hamilton Kibbe <>
-# Modified from by Paulo Henrique Silva <>
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-import math
-import re
-from enum import Enum
-import warnings
-from dataclasses import dataclass, KW_ONLY
-from pathlib import Path
-from .cam import CamFile, FileSettings
-from .utils import MM, Inch, LengthUnit, rotate_point
-class Netlist(CamFile):
- def __init__(self, test_records=None, conductors=None, outlines=None, comments=None, adjacency=None,
- params=None, import_settings=None, original_path=None, generator_hints=None):
- super().__init__(original_path=original_path, layer_name='netlist', import_settings=import_settings)
- self.test_records = test_records or []
- self.conductors = conductors or []
- self.outlines = outlines or []
- self.comments = comments or []
- self.adjacency = adjacency or {}
- self.params = params or {}
- self.generator_hints = generator_hints or []
- def merge(self, other, our_prefix=None, their_prefix=None):
- ''' Merge other netlist into this netlist. The respective net names are prefixed with the given prefixes
- (default: None). Garbles other. '''
- if other is None:
- return
- if not isinstance(other, Netlist):
- raise TypeError(f'Can only merge Netlist with other Netlist, not {type(other)}')
- self.prefix_nets(our_prefix)
- other.prefix_nets(our_prefix)
- self.test_records.extend(other.test_records)
- self.conductors.extend(other.conductors)
- self.outlines.extend(other.outlines)
- self.comments.extend(other.comments)
- self.adjacency.update(other.adjacency)
- self.params.update(other.params)
- self.params['JOB'] = 'Gerbonara IPC-356 merge'
- self.params['TITLE'] = 'Gerbonara IPC-356 merge'
- for key in 'CODE', 'NUM', 'REV', 'VER':
- if key in self.params:
- del self.params[key]
- def prefix_nets(self, prefix):
- if not prefix:
- return
- for record in self.test_records:
- if record.net_name:
- record.net_name = prefix + record.net_name
- for conductor in self.conductors:
- if conductor.net_name:
- conductor.net_name = prefix + conductor.net_name
- new_adjacency = {}
- for key in self.adjacency:
- new_adjacency[prefix + key] = [ prefix + name for name in self.adjacency[key] ]
- self.adjacency = new_adjacency
- def offset(self, dx=0, dy=0, unit=MM):
- for obj in self.objects:
- obj.offset(dx, dy, unit)
- def rotate(self, angle:'radian', center=(0,0), unit=MM):
- cx, cy = center
- for obj in self.objects:
- obj.rotate(angle, cx, cy, unit)
- @property
- def objects(self):
- yield from self.test_records
- yield from self.conductors
- yield from self.outlines
- @classmethod
- def open(kls, filename):
- path = Path(filename)
- parser = NetlistParser()
- return parser.parse(path.read_text(), path)
- @classmethod
- def from_string(kls, data, filename=None):
- parser = NetlistParser()
- return parser.parse(data, Path(filename))
- def save(self, filename, settings=None, drop_comments=True):
- with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- f.write(self.to_ipc356(settings, drop_comments=drop_comments))
- def to_ipc356(self, settings=None, drop_comments=True, job_name=None):
- if settings is None:
- settings = self.import_settings.copy() or FileSettings()
- settings.zeros = None
- settings.number_format = (5,6)
- return '\n'.join(self._generate_lines(settings, drop_comments=drop_comments))
- def _generate_lines(self, settings, drop_comments, job_name=None):
- yield 'C IPC-D-356 generated by Gerbonara'
- yield 'C'
- yield f'P JOB {self.params.get("JOB", "Gerbonara netlist export")}'
- yield 'P UNITS CUST 0' if settings.unit == Inch else 'P UNITS CUST 1'
- if not drop_comments:
- for comment in self.comments:
- yield f'C {comment}'
- for name, value in self.params.items():
- if name == 'JOB':
- continue
- yield f'P {name} {value!s}'
- net_name_map = {
- name: f'NNAME{i}' for i, name in enumerate(
- name for name in self.net_names() if len(name) > 14
- ) }
- yield 'C'
- yield 'C Net name mapping:'
- yield 'C'
- for name, alias in net_name_map.items():
- yield f'P {alias} {name}'
- yield 'C'
- yield 'C Test records:'
- yield 'C'
- for record in self.test_records:
- yield from record.format(settings, net_name_map)
- if self.conductors:
- yield 'C'
- yield 'C Conductors:'
- yield 'C'
- for conductor in self.conductors:
- yield from conductor.format(settings, net_name_map)
- if self.outlines:
- yield 'C'
- yield 'C Outlines:'
- yield 'C'
- for outline in self.outlines:
- yield from outline.format(settings)
- if self.adjacency:
- yield 'C'
- yield 'C Adjacency data:'
- yield 'C'
- done = set()
- for net, others in self.adjacency.items():
- others_filtered = [ other for other in others if (net, other) not in done and (other, net) not in done ]
- line = '379'
- for net in self.nets:
- if len(line) + 1 + len(net) > 80:
- yield line
- line = f'079 {net}'
- else:
- line += f' {net}'
- yield line
- def net_names(self):
- nets = { record.net_name for record in self.test_records }
- nets -= {None}
- return nets
- def vias(self):
- for record in self.test_records:
- if record.is_via:
- yield record
- def reference_designators(self):
- names = { record.ref_des for record in self.test_records }
- names -= {None}
- return names
- def records_by_reference(self, reference_designator):
- for record in self.test_records:
- if record.ref_des == reference_designator:
- yield record
- def records_by_net_name(self, net_name):
- for record in self.test_records:
- if record.net_name == net_name:
- yield record
- def conductors_by_net_name(self, net_name):
- for conductor in self.conductos:
- if conductor.net_name == net_name:
- yield conductor
- def conductors_by_layer(self, layer : int):
- for conductor in self.conductos:
- if conductor.layer == layer:
- yield conductor
-class NetlistParser(object):
- # Good resources on IPC-356 syntax are:
- #
- #
- def __init__(self):
- self.has_unit = False
- self.settings = FileSettings()
- self.net_names = {}
- self.params = {}
- self.comments = []
- self.test_records = []
- self.conductors = []
- self.adjacency = {}
- self.outlines = []
- self.eof = False
- self.generator_hints = []
- def warn(self, msg, kls=SyntaxWarning):
- warnings.warn(f'{self.filename}:{self.start_line}: {msg}', kls)
- def assert_unit(self):
- if not self.has_unit:
- raise SyntaxError('IPC-356 netlist file does not contain unit specification before first entry')
- def parse(self, data, path=None):
- self.filename =
- try:
- oldline = ''
- for lineno, line in enumerate(data.splitlines()):
- # Check for existing multiline data...
- if oldline:
- if line and line[0] == '0':
- oldline = oldline.rstrip('\r\n') + line[3:].rstrip()
- else:
- self._parse_line(oldline)
- self.start_line = lineno
- oldline = line
- else:
- self.start_line = lineno
- oldline = line
- self._parse_line(oldline)
- except Exception as e:
- raise SyntaxError(f'Error parsing {self.filename}:{lineno}: {e}') from e
- return Netlist(self.test_records, self.conductors, self.outlines, self.comments, self.adjacency,
- params=self.params, import_settings=self.settings, original_path=path,
- generator_hints=self.generator_hints)
- def _parse_line(self, line):
- if not line:
- return
- if self.eof:
- self.warn('Data following IPC-356 End Of File marker')
- if line[0] == 'C':
- line = line[2:].strip()
- # +-- sic!
- # v
- if 'Ouptut' in line and 'Allegro' in line:
- self.generator_hints.append('allegro')
- elif 'Ouptut' not in line and 'Allegro' in line:
- self.warn('This seems to be a file generated by a newer allegro version. Please raise an issue on our '
- 'issue tracker with your Allegro version and if possible please provide an example file '
- 'so we can improve Gerbonara!')
- elif 'EAGLE' in line and 'CadSoft' in line:
- self.generator_hints.append('eagle')
- if line.strip().startswith('NNAME'):
- name, *value = line.strip().split()
- value = ' '.join(value)
- self.warn('File contains non-standard Allegro-style net name alias definitions in comments.')
- if 'allegro' in self.generator_hints:
- # it's amazing how allegro always seems to have found a way to do the same thing everyone else is
- # doing just in a different, slightly more messed up, completely incompatible way.
- self.net_names[name] = value[5:] # strip NNAME because Allegro
- else:
- self.net_names[name] = value
- else:
- self.comments.append(line)
- elif line[0] == 'P':
- # Parameter
- name, *value = line[2:].split()
- value = ' '.join(value)
- if name == 'UNITS':
- if value in ('CUST', 'CUST 0'):
- self.settings.units = Inch
- self.settings.angle_unit = 'degree'
- self.has_unit = True
- elif value == 'CUST 1':
- self.settings.units = MM
- self.settings.angle_unit = 'degree'
- self.has_unit = True
- elif value == 'CUST 2':
- self.settings.units = Inch
- self.settings.angle_unit = 'radian'
- self.has_unit = True
- else:
- raise SyntaxError(f'Unsupported IPC-356 netlist unit specification "{line}"')
- elif name.startswith('NNAME'):
- if 'allegro' in self.generator_hints:
- self.net_names[name] = value[5:]
- else:
- self.net_names[name] = value
- else:
- self.params[name] = value
- elif line[0] == '9':
- self.eof = True
- elif line[0:3] in ('317', '327', '367'):
- self.assert_unit()
- self.test_records.append(TestRecord.parse(line, self.settings, self.net_names))
- elif line[0:3] == '378':
- self.assert_unit()
- self.conductors.append(Conductor.parse(line, self.settings, self.net_names))
- elif line[0:3] == '379':
- net, *adjacent = line[3:].strip().split()
- for other in adjacent:
- self.adjacency[net] = self.adjacency.get(net, set()) | {other}
- self.adjacency[other] = self.adjacency.get(other, set()) | {net}
- elif line[0:3] == '389':
- self.assert_unit()
- self.outlines.extend(Outline.parse(line, self.settings))
- else:
- self.warn(f'Unknown IPC-356 record type {line[0:3]}')
-class PadType(Enum):
- SMD_PAD = 2
-class SoldermaskInfo(Enum):
- NONE = 0
- BOTH = 3
-class TestRecord:
- __test__ = False # tell pytest to ignore this class
- pad_type : PadType = None
- net_name : str = None
- is_connected : bool = True # None, True or False.
- ref_des : str = None # part reference designator, e.g. "C1" or "U69"
- is_via : bool = False
- pin_num : int = None
- is_middle : bool = False # is this a point in the middle or at the end of a trace/net?
- hole_dia : float = None
- is_plated : bool = None # None, True, or False.
- access_layer : int = None
- x : float = None
- y : float = None
- w : float = None
- h : float = None
- rotation : float = 0
- solder_mask : SoldermaskInfo = None
- lefover : str = None
- _ : KW_ONLY
- unit : LengthUnit = None
- def __str__(self):
- x = self.unit.format(self.x)
- y = self.unit.format(self.y)
- return f'<IPC-356 test record @ {x},{y} {self.net_name} {} at {self.ref_des}, pin {self.pin_num}>'
- def rotate(self, angle, cx=0, cy=0, unit=None):
- cx = self.unit(cx, unit)
- cy = self.unit(cy, unit)
- self.angle += angle
- self.x, self.y = rotate_point(self.x, self.y, angle, center=(cx, cy))
- def offset(self, dx=0, dy=0, unit=None):
- dx = self.unit(dx, unit)
- dy = self.unit(dy, unit)
- self.x += dx
- self.y += dy
- @classmethod
- def parse(kls, line, settings, net_name_map={}):
- obj = kls()
- line = f'{line:<80}'
- obj.unit = settings.unit
- obj.pad_type = PadType(int(line[1]))
- net_name = line[3:17].strip() or None
- if net_name == 'N/C':
- obj.net_name = None
- obj.is_connected = False
- else:
- obj.net_name = net_name_map.get(net_name, net_name)
- obj.is_connected = True
- ref_des = line[20:26].strip() or None
- if ref_des == 'VIA':
- obj.is_via = True
- obj.ref_des = None
- else:
- obj.is_via = False
- obj.ref_des = ref_des
- = line[27:31].strip() or None
- if line[31] == 'M':
- obj.is_middle = True
- if line[32] == 'D':
- obj.hole_dia = settings.parse_ipc_length(line[33:37])
- if line[37] in ('P', 'U'):
- obj.is_plated = (line[37] == 'P')
- if line[38] == 'A':
- obj.access_layer = int(line[39:41])
- if line[41] == 'X':
- obj.x = settings.parse_ipc_length(line[42:49])
- if line[49] == 'Y':
- obj.y = settings.parse_ipc_length(line[50:57])
- if line[57] == 'X':
- obj.w = settings.parse_ipc_length(line[58:62])
- if line[62] == 'Y':
- obj.h = settings.parse_ipc_length(line[63:67])
- if line[67] == 'R':
- obj.rotation = math.radians(int(line[68:71]))
- else:
- obj.rotation = 0
- if line[72] == 'S':
- obj.solder_mask = SoldermaskInfo(int(line[73]))
- obj.leftover = line[74:].strip() or None
- return obj
- def format(self, settings, net_name_map={}):
- x = settings.unit(self.x, self.unit)
- y = settings.unit(self.y, self.unit)
- w = settings.unit(self.w, self.unit)
- h = settings.unit(self.h, self.unit)
- # TODO: raise warning if any string is too long
- ref_des = 'VIA' if self.is_via else (self.ref_des or '')
- if self.is_connected:
- net_name = net_name_map.get(self.net_name, self.net_name)
- else:
- net_name = 'N/C'
- yield ''.join((
- '3',
- str(self.pad_type.value),
- '7',
- f'{net_name or "":<14}'[:14],
- ' ',
- f'{ref_des or "":<6}'[:6],
- '-',
- f'{self.pin_num or "":<4}'[:4],
- 'M' if self.is_middle else ' ',
- settings.format_ipc_length(self.hole_dia, 4, 'D', self.unit),
- {True: 'P', False: 'U', None: ' '}[self.is_plated],
- settings.format_ipc_number(self.access_layer, 2, 'A'),
- settings.format_ipc_length(self.x, 6, 'X', self.unit, sign=True),
- settings.format_ipc_length(self.y, 6, 'Y', self.unit, sign=True),
- settings.format_ipc_length(self.w, 4, 'X', self.unit),
- settings.format_ipc_length(self.h, 4, 'Y', self.unit),
- settings.format_ipc_number(math.degrees(self.rotation) if self.rotation is not None else None, 3, 'R'),
- ' ',
- settings.format_ipc_number(self.solder_mask, 1, 'S'),
- f'{self.leftover or "":<6}'))
-class OutlineType(Enum):
-def parse_coord_chain(line, settings):
- x, y = None, None
- for segment in line.split('*'):
- coords = []
- for coord in segment.strip().split():
- if not (match := re.match(r'(X[+-]?[0-9]+)?(Y[+-]?[0-9]+)?', coord)):
- raise SyntaxError(f'Invalid IPC-356 coordinate {coord}')
- x = settings.parse_ipc_length(match[1], x)
- y = settings.parse_ipc_length(match[2], y)
- if x is None or y is None:
- raise SyntaxError('Outline or conductor coordinate chain is missing one coordinate in the beginning')
- coords.append((x, y))
- yield coords
-def format_coord_chain(line, settings, coords, cont, unit):
- for x, y in coords:
- coord = settings.format_ipc_length(x, 6, 'X', unit=unit, sign=True)
- coord += settings.format_ipc_length(y, 6, 'Y', unit=unit, sign=True)
- if len(line) + len(coord) <= 80:
- line = (line + coord + ' ')[:80]
- else:
- yield line
- line = f'{cont} {coord} '
- yield line
-class Outline:
- outline_type : OutlineType
- outline : [(float,)]
- _ : KW_ONLY
- unit : LengthUnit = None
- @classmethod
- def parse(kls, line, settings):
- print('parsing outline', line)
- outline_type = OutlineType[line[3:17].strip()]
- for outline in parse_coord_chain(line[22:], settings):
- print(' ->', outline)
- yield kls(outline_type, outline, unit=settings.unit)
- def format(self, settings):
- line = f'389{<14} '
- yield from format_coord_chain(line, settings, self.outline, '089', self.unit)
- def __str__(self):
- return f'<IPC-356 {} outline with {len(self.outline)} points>'
- def rotate(self, angle, cx=0, cy=0, unit=None):
- cx = self.unit(cx, unit)
- cy = self.unit(cy, unit)
- self.outline = [ rotate_point(x, y, angle, center=(cx, cy)) for x, y in self.outline ]
- def offset(self, dx=0, dy=0, unit=None):
- dx = self.unit(dx, unit)
- dy = self.unit(dy, unit)
- self.outline = [ (x+dx, y+dy) for x, y in self.outline ]
-class Conductor:
- net_name : str
- layer : int
- aperture : (float,)
- coords : [(float,)]
- _ : KW_ONLY
- unit : LengthUnit = None
- @classmethod
- def parse(kls, line, settings, net_name_map={}):
- net_name = line[3:17].strip() or None
- net_name = net_name_map.get(net_name, net_name)
- if line[18] != 'L':
- raise SytaxError(f'Invalid IPC-356 layer number specification for conductor in line "{line}"')
- layer = int(line[19:21])
- aperture_def, _, coords = line[22:].partition(' ')
- if not (m := re.match(r'(X[+-]?[0-9]+)(Y[+-]?[0-9]+)?', coord)):
- raise SyntaxError('Invalid IPC-356 aperture specification "{aperture_def"}')
- aperture = settings.parse_ipc_length(m[1]), settings.parse_ipc_length(m[2])
- for chain in parse_coord_chain(coords, settings):
- yield kls(net_name, layer, aperture, chain, unit=settings.unit)
- def format(self, settings, net_name_map):
- net_name = net_name_map.get(self.net_name, self.net_name)
- net_name = f'{net_name:<14}[:14]'
- line = f'378{net_name} L{self.layer:02d} '
- yield from format_coord_chain(line, settings, self.outline, '078', self.unit)
- def __str__(self):
- return f'<IPC-356 conductor {self.net_name} with {len(self.coords)} points>'
- def rotate(self, angle, cx=0, cy=0, unit=None):
- cx = self.unit(cx, unit)
- cy = self.unit(cy, unit)
- self.coords = [ rotate_point(x, y, angle, center=(cx, cy)) for x, y in self.coords ]
- def offset(self, dx=0, dy=0, unit=None):
- dx = self.unit(dx, unit)
- dy = self.unit(dy, unit)
- self.coords = [ (x+dx, y+dy) for x, y in self.coords ]