path: root/gerbonara/gerber/aperture_macros/
diff options
authorjaseg <>2021-11-11 11:46:08 +0100
committerjaseg <>2021-11-11 11:46:08 +0100
commitf833483b72cd4fdf56cd4130dc9174ebfac8673d (patch)
tree059c91e89fd15fd0a56fb949a3a31e731afc7e71 /gerbonara/gerber/aperture_macros/
parentd21a2e67ff34d3f29e37a01f926b9e8f72003637 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'gerbonara/gerber/aperture_macros/')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gerbonara/gerber/aperture_macros/ b/gerbonara/gerber/aperture_macros/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..809f60e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gerbonara/gerber/aperture_macros/
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2021 Jan Götte <>
+import operator
+import re
+class Expression(object):
+ @property
+ def value(self):
+ return self
+ def optimized(self):
+ return self
+class UnitExpression(Expression):
+ def __init__(self, expr, unit):
+ self._expr = expr
+ self.unit = unit
+ def to_gerber(self, unit=None):
+ return self.converted(unit).optimized().to_gerber()
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return type(other) == type(self) and \
+ self.unit == other.unit and\
+ self._expr == other._expr
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f'<{str(self.expr)[1:-1]} {self.unit}>'
+ def converted(self, unit):
+ if unit is None or self.unit == unit:
+ return self._expr
+ elif unit == 'mm':
+ return OperatorExpression.mul(self._expr, MILLIMETERS_PER_INCH)
+ elif unit == 'inch':
+ return OperatorExpression.div(self._expr, MILLIMETERS_PER_INCH)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('invalid unit, must be "inch" or "mm".')
+ def calculate(self, variable_binding={}, unit=None):
+ expr = self.converted(unit).optimized(variable_binding)
+ if not isinstance(expr, ConstantExpression):
+ raise IndexError(f'Cannot fully resolve expression due to unresolved variables: {expr} with variables {variable_binding}')
+class ConstantExpression(Expression):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self._value = value
+ @property
+ def value(self):
+ return self._value
+ def __float__(self):
+ return float(self._value)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return type(self) == type(other) and self._value == other._value
+ def to_gerber(self, _unit=None):
+ if isinstance(self._value, str):
+ return self._value
+ return f'{self.value:.6f}'.rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f'<{self._value}>'
+class VariableExpression(Expression):
+ def __init__(self, number):
+ self.number = number
+ def optimized(variable_binding={}):
+ if self.number in variable_binding:
+ return ConstantExpression(variable_binding[self.number])
+ return self
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return type(self) == type(other) and \
+ self.number == other.number
+ def to_gerber(self, _unit=None):
+ return f'${self.number}'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f'<@{self.number}>'
+class OperatorExpression(Expression):
+ def __init__(self, op, l, r):
+ super(OperatorExpression, self).__init__(Expression.OPERATOR)
+ self.op = op
+ self.l = ConstantExpression(l) if isinstance(l, (int, float)) else l
+ self.r = ConstantExpression(r) if isinstance(r, (int, float)) else r
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return type(self) == type(other) and \
+ self.op == other.op and \
+ self.lvalue == other.lvalue and \
+ self.rvalue == other.rvalue
+ def optimized(self, variable_binding={}):
+ l = self.lvalue.optimized(variable_binding)
+ r = self.rvalue.optimized(variable_binding)
+ if self.op in (operator.add, operator.mul):
+ if hash(r) < hash(l):
+ l, r = r, l
+ if isinstance(l, ConstantExpression) and isinstance(r, ConstantExpression):
+ return ConstantExpression(self.op(float(r), float(l)))
+ return OperatorExpression(self.op, l, r)
+ def to_gerber(self, unit=None):
+ lval = self.lvalue.to_gerber(unit)
+ rval = self.rvalue.to_gerber(unit)
+ op = {OperatorExpression.ADD: '+',
+ OperatorExpression.SUB: '-',
+ OperatorExpression.MUL: 'x',
+ OperatorExpression.DIV: '/'} [self.op]
+ return f'({lval}{op}{rval})'
+ def __str__(self):
+ op = {operator.add: '+', operator.sub: '-', operator.mul: '*', operator.truediv: '/'}[self.op]
+ return f'<{str(self.lvalue)[1:-1]} {op} {str(self.rvalue)[1:-1]}>'
+operator_map = {
+ '+': operator.add,
+ '-': operator.sub,
+ 'x': operator.mul,
+ 'X': operator.mul,
+ '/': operator.truediv,
+ }
+precedence_map = {
+ operator.add : 0,
+ operator.sub : 0,
+ operator.mul : 1,
+ operator.truediv : 1,
+ }
+def _parse_expression(expr_str):
+ output_stack = []
+ operator_stack = []
+ drop_unary = lambda s: (s[0] == '-', s[1:] if s[0] in '-+' else s)
+ negate = lambda expr: OperatorExpression(operator.sub, ConstantExpression(0), expr)
+ # See
+ # We handle the unary +/- operators by including them into variable/number/parenthesis tokens.
+ for variable, number, operator, parenthesis in re.findall(r'([-+]?\$[0-9]+)|([-+]?[0-9]+)|([-+]?\(|\))|([-+xX/])', expr_str):
+ if variable:
+ is_negative, variable = drop_unary(variable)
+ var_ex = VariableExpression(int(variable[1:]))
+ output_stack.append(negate(var_ex) if is_negative else var_ex)
+def _parse_expression(expr_str):
+ output_stack = []
+ operator_stack = []
+ drop_unary = lambda s: (s[0] == '-', s[1:] if s[0] in '-+' else s)
+ negate = lambda expr: OperatorExpression(operator.sub, ConstantExpression(0), expr)
+ # See
+ # We handle the unary +/- operators by including them into variable/number/parenthesis tokens.
+ for variable, number, operator, parenthesis in re.findall(r'([-+xX/])|([-+]?\$[0-9]+)|([-+]?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)|([()])', expr_str):
+ if variable:
+ is_negative, variable = drop_unary(variable)
+ var_ex = VariableExpression(int(variable[1:]))
+ output_stack.append(negate(var_ex) if is_negative else var_ex)
+ elif number:
+ output_stack.append(ConstantExpression(float(number)))
+ elif parenthesis[-1] == '(': # be careful, we might have a leading unary +/- here!
+ is_negative, parenthesis = drop_unary(parenthesis)
+ if is_negative:
+ operator_stack.push('-')
+ operator_stack.push('(')
+ elif parenthesis == ')': # here we cannot have a leading unary +/-
+ if not operator_stack:
+ raise SyntaxError('Unbalanced parenthesis in aperture macro expression')
+ while operator_stack and not operator_stack[-1] == '(':
+ op = operator_stack.pop()
+ l, r = output_stack.pop(), output_stack.pop()
+ output_stack.append(OperatorExpression(op, l, r))
+ assert output_stack.pop() == '('
+ if output_stack[-1] == '-':
+ output_stack.append(negate(output_stack.pop()))
+ elif operator:
+ operator = operator_map[operator]
+ if not operator_stack or operator_stack[-1] == '(':
+ operator_stack.push(operator)
+ else:
+ while operator_stack and operator_stack[-1] != '(' and\
+ precedence_map[operator] <= precedence_map[operator_stack[-1]]:
+ output_stack.append(OperatorExpression(operator_stack.pop(), output_stack.pop(), output_stack.pop()))
+ operator_stack.push(operator)
+ for operator in reversed(operator_stack):
+ if operator == '(':
+ raise SyntaxError('Unbalanced parenthesis in aperture macro expression')
+ output_stack.append(OperatorExpression(operator_stack.pop(), output_stack.pop(), output_stack.pop()))
+ print(output_stack, operator_stack)
+ if len(output_stack) != 1:
+ raise SyntaxError('Invalid aperture macro expression')
+ return output_stack[0]
+def parse_macro(macro, unit):
+ blocks = re.sub(r'\s', '', macro).split('*')
+ variables = {}
+ for block in blocks:
+ block = block.strip()
+ if block[0] == '$': # variable definition
+ name, expr = block.partition('=')
+ variables[int(name[1:])] = _parse_expression(expr)
+ else: # primitive
+ primitive, args = block.split(',')
+ yield PRIMITIVE_CLASSES[int(primitive)](unit=unit, args=list(map(_parse_expression, args)))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ for line in sys.stdin:
+ print(_parse_expression(line.strip()))