path: root/gerbonara/
diff options
authorjaseg <>2022-01-30 20:11:38 +0100
committerjaseg <>2022-01-30 20:11:38 +0100
commitc3ca4f95bd59f69d45e582a4149327f57a360760 (patch)
tree5f43c61a261698e2f671b5238a7aa9a71a0f6d23 /gerbonara/
parent259a56186820923c78a5688f59bd8249cf958b5f (diff)
Rename gerbonara/gerber package to just gerbonara
Diffstat (limited to 'gerbonara/')
1 files changed, 887 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gerbonara/ b/gerbonara/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3382ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gerbonara/
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2014 Hamilton Kibbe <>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import math
+import operator
+import warnings
+import functools
+import dataclasses
+import re
+from enum import Enum
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from collections import Counter
+from pathlib import Path
+from .cam import CamFile, FileSettings
+from .graphic_objects import Flash, Line, Arc
+from .apertures import ExcellonTool
+from .utils import Inch, MM, to_unit, InterpMode, RegexMatcher
+class ExcellonContext:
+ def __init__(self, settings, tools):
+ self.settings = settings
+ = tools
+ self.mode = None
+ self.current_tool = None
+ self.x, self.y = None, None
+ self.drill_down = False
+ def select_tool(self, tool):
+ if self.current_tool != tool:
+ if self.drill_down:
+ yield 'M16' # drill up
+ self.drill_down = False
+ self.current_tool = tool
+ yield f'T{[id(tool)]:02d}'
+ def drill_mode(self):
+ if self.mode != ProgramState.DRILLING:
+ self.mode = ProgramState.DRILLING
+ if self.drill_down:
+ yield 'M16' # drill up
+ self.drill_down = False
+ yield 'G05' # drill mode
+ def route_mode(self, unit, x, y):
+ x, y = self.settings.unit(x, unit), self.settings.unit(y, unit)
+ if self.mode == ProgramState.ROUTING and (self.x, self.y) == (x, y):
+ return # nothing to do
+ if self.drill_down:
+ yield 'M16' # drill up
+ # route mode
+ yield 'G00' + 'X' + self.settings.write_excellon_value(x) + 'Y' + self.settings.write_excellon_value(y)
+ yield 'M15' # drill down
+ self.drill_down = True
+ self.mode = ProgramState.ROUTING
+ self.x, self.y = x, y
+ def set_current_point(self, unit, x, y):
+ self.x, self.y = self.settings.unit(x, unit), self.settings.unit(y, unit)
+def parse_allegro_ncparam(data, settings=None):
+ # This function parses data from allegro's nc_param.txt and ncdrill.log files. We have to parse these files because
+ # allegro Excellon files omit crucial information such as the *number format*. nc_param.txt really is the file we
+ # want to parse, but sometimes due to user error it doesn't end up in the gerber package. In this case, we want to
+ # still be able to extract the same information from the human-readable ncdrill.log.
+ if settings is None:
+ settings = FileSettings(number_format=(None, None), zeros='leading')
+ lz_supp, tz_supp = False, False
+ nf_int, nf_frac = settings.number_format
+ for line in data.splitlines():
+ line = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', line.strip())
+ if (match := re.fullmatch(r'FORMAT ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)', line)):
+ x, _, y = match[1].partition('.')
+ nf_int, nf_frac = int(x), int(y)
+ elif (match := re.fullmatch(r'INTEGER-PLACES ([0-9]+)', line)):
+ nf_int = int(match[1])
+ elif (match := re.fullmatch(r'DECIMAL-PLACES ([0-9]+)', line)):
+ nf_frac = int(match[1])
+ elif (match := re.fullmatch(r'COORDINATES (ABSOLUTE|.*)', line)):
+ # I have not been able to find a single incremental-notation allegro file. Probably that is for the better.
+ settings.notation = match[1].lower()
+ elif (match := re.fullmatch(r'OUTPUT-UNITS (METRIC|ENGLISH|INCHES)', line)):
+ # I have no idea wth is the difference between "ENGLISH" and "INCHES". I think one might just be the one
+ # Allegro uses in footprint files, with the other one being used in gerber exports.
+ settings.unit = MM if match[1] == 'METRIC' else Inch
+ elif (match := re.fullmatch(r'SUPPRESS-LEAD-ZEROES (YES|NO)', line)):
+ lz_supp = (match[1] == 'YES')
+ elif (match := re.fullmatch(r'SUPPRESS-TRAIL-ZEROES (YES|NO)', line)):
+ tz_supp = (match[1] == 'YES')
+ if lz_supp and tz_supp:
+ raise SyntaxError('Allegro Excellon parameters specify both leading and trailing zero suppression. We do not '
+ 'know how to parse this. Please raise an issue on our issue tracker and provide an example file.')
+ settings.number_format = nf_int, nf_frac
+ settings.zeros = 'leading' if lz_supp else 'trailing'
+ return settings
+def parse_allegro_logfile(data):
+ found_tools = {}
+ unit = None
+ for line in data.splitlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ line = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', line)
+ if (m := re.match(r'OUTPUT-UNITS (METRIC|ENGLISH|INCHES)', line)):
+ # I have no idea wth is the difference between "ENGLISH" and "INCHES". I think one might just be the one
+ # Allegro uses in footprint files, with the other one being used in gerber exports.
+ unit = MM if m[1] == 'METRIC' else Inch
+ elif (m := re.match(r'T(?P<index1>[0-9]+) (?P<index2>[0-9]+)\. (?P<diameter>[0-9/.]+) [0-9. /+-]* (?P<plated>PLATED|NON_PLATED|OPTIONAL) [0-9]+', line)):
+ index1, index2 = int(m['index1']), int(m['index2'])
+ if index1 != index2:
+ return {}
+ diameter = float(m['diameter'])
+ if unit == Inch:
+ diameter /= 1000
+ is_plated = None if m['plated'] is None else (m['plated'] in ('PLATED', 'OPTIONAL'))
+ found_tools[index1] = ExcellonTool(diameter=diameter, plated=is_plated, unit=unit)
+ return found_tools
+class ExcellonFile(CamFile):
+ def __init__(self, objects=None, comments=None, import_settings=None, original_path=None, generator_hints=None):
+ super().__init__(original_path=original_path)
+ self.objects = objects or []
+ self.comments = comments or []
+ self.import_settings = import_settings
+ self.generator_hints = generator_hints or [] # This is a purely informational goodie from the parser. Use it as you wish.
+ def __str__(self):
+ name = f'{} ' if self.original_path else ''
+ if self.is_plated:
+ plating = 'plated'
+ elif self.is_nonplated:
+ plating = 'nonplated'
+ elif self.is_mixed_plating:
+ plating = 'mixed plating'
+ else:
+ plating = 'unknown plating'
+ return f'<ExcellonFile {name}{plating} with {len(list(self.drills()))} drills, {len(list(self.slots()))} slots using {len(self.drill_sizes())} tools>'
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(self)
+ def __bool__(self):
+ return not self.is_empty
+ @property
+ def is_plated(self):
+ return all(obj.plated for obj in self.objects)
+ @property
+ def is_nonplated(self):
+ return all(obj.plated == False for obj in self.objects) # False, not None
+ @property
+ def is_plating_unknown(self):
+ return all(obj.plated is None for obj in self.objects) # False, not None
+ @property
+ def is_mixed_plating(self):
+ return len({obj.plated for obj in self.objects}) > 1
+ def append(self, obj_or_comment):
+ if isinstnace(obj_or_comment, str):
+ self.comments.append(obj_or_comment)
+ else:
+ self.objects.append(obj_or_comment)
+ def to_gerber(self):
+ apertures = {}
+ out = GerberFile()
+ out.comments = self.comments
+ for obj in self.objects:
+ if id(obj.tool) not in apertures:
+ apertures[id(obj.tool)] = CircleAperture(obj.tool.diameter)
+ out.objects.append(dataclasses.replace(obj, aperture=apertures[id(obj.tool)]))
+ out.apertures = list(apertures.values())
+ @property
+ def generator(self):
+ return self.generator_hints[0] if self.generator_hints else None
+ def merge(self, other):
+ if other is None:
+ return
+ self.objects += other.objects
+ self.comments += other.comments
+ self.generator_hints = None
+ self.import_settings = None
+ @classmethod
+ def open(kls, filename, plated=None, settings=None):
+ filename = Path(filename)
+ logfile_tools = None
+ # Parse allegro parameter files.
+ # Prefer nc_param.txt over ncparam.log since the txt is the machine-readable one.
+ if settings is None:
+ for fn in 'nc_param.txt', 'ncdrill.log':
+ if (param_file := filename.parent / fn).is_file():
+ settings = parse_allegro_ncparam(param_file.read_text())
+ warnings.warn(f'Loaded allegro-style excellon settings file {param_file}')
+ break
+ # TODO add try/except aronud this
+ log_file = filename.parent / 'ncdrill.log'
+ if log_file.is_file():
+ logfile_tools = parse_allegro_logfile(log_file.read_text())
+ return kls.from_string(filename.read_text(), settings=settings,
+ filename=filename, plated=plated, logfile_tools=logfile_tools)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_string(kls, data, settings=None, filename=None, plated=None, logfile_tools=None):
+ parser = ExcellonParser(settings, logfile_tools=logfile_tools)
+ parser.do_parse(data, filename=filename)
+ return kls(objects=parser.objects, comments=parser.comments, import_settings=settings,
+ generator_hints=parser.generator_hints, original_path=filename)
+ def _generate_statements(self, settings, drop_comments=True):
+ yield '; XNC file generated by gerbonara'
+ if self.comments and not drop_comments:
+ yield '; Comments found in original file:'
+ for comment in self.comments:
+ yield ';' + comment
+ yield 'M48'
+ yield 'METRIC' if settings.unit == MM else 'INCH'
+ # Build tool index
+ tool_map = { id(obj.tool): obj.tool for obj in self.objects }
+ tools = sorted(tool_map.items(), key=lambda id_tool: (id_tool[1].plated, id_tool[1].diameter, id_tool[1].depth_offset))
+ tools = { tool_id: index for index, (tool_id, _tool) in enumerate(tools, start=1) }
+ # FIXME dedup tools
+ mixed_plating = (len({ tool.plated for tool in tool_map.values() }) > 1)
+ if mixed_plating:
+ warnings.warn('Multiple plating values in same file. Will use non-standard Altium comment syntax to indicate hole plating.')
+ if tools and max(tools.values()) >= 100:
+ warnings.warn('More than 99 tools defined. Some programs may not like three-digit tool indices.', SyntaxWarning)
+ for tool_id, index in tools.items():
+ tool = tool_map[tool_id]
+ if mixed_plating:
+ yield ';TYPE=PLATED' if tool.plated else ';TYPE=NON_PLATED'
+ yield f'T{index:02d}' + tool.to_xnc(settings)
+ yield '%'
+ ctx = ExcellonContext(settings, tools)
+ # Export objects
+ for obj in self.objects:
+ yield from obj.to_xnc(ctx)
+ yield 'M30'
+ def to_excellon(self, settings=None, drop_comments=True):
+ ''' Export to Excellon format. This function always generates XNC, which is a well-defined subset of Excellon.
+ '''
+ if settings is None:
+ if self.import_settings:
+ settings = self.import_settings.copy()
+ else:
+ settings = FileSettings()
+ settings.zeros = None
+ settings.number_format = (3,5)
+ return '\n'.join(self._generate_statements(settings, drop_comments=drop_comments))
+ def save(self, filename, settings=None, drop_comments=True):
+ with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(self.to_excellon(settings, drop_comments=drop_comments))
+ def offset(self, x=0, y=0, unit=MM):
+ self.objects = [ obj.with_offset(x, y, unit) for obj in self.objects ]
+ def rotate(self, angle, cx=0, cy=0, unit=MM):
+ if math.isclose(angle % (2*math.pi), 0):
+ return
+ for obj in self.objects:
+ obj.rotate(angle, cx, cy, unit=unit)
+ @property
+ def has_mixed_plating(self):
+ return len(set(obj.plated for obj in self.objects)) > 1
+ @property
+ def is_plated(self):
+ return all(obj.plated for obj in self.objects)
+ @property
+ def is_nonplated(self):
+ return not any(obj.plated for obj in self.objects)
+ @property
+ def is_empty(self):
+ return not self.objects
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.objects)
+ def split_by_plating(self):
+ plated = ExcellonFile(
+ comments = self.comments.copy(),
+ import_settings = self.import_settings.copy(),
+ objects = [ obj for obj in self.objects if obj.plated ],
+ filename = self.filename)
+ nonplated = ExcellonFile(
+ comments = self.comments.copy(),
+ import_settings = self.import_settings.copy(),
+ objects = [ obj for obj in self.objects if not obj.plated ],
+ filename = self.filename)
+ return nonplated, plated
+ def path_lengths(self, unit):
+ """ Calculate path lengths per tool.
+ Returns: dict { tool: float(path length) }
+ This function only sums actual cut lengths, and ignores travel lengths that the tool is doing without cutting to
+ get from one object to another. Travel lengths depend on the CAM program's path planning, which highly depends
+ on panelization and other factors. Additionally, an EDA tool will not even attempt to minimize travel distance
+ as that's not its job.
+ """
+ lengths = {}
+ tool = None
+ for obj in sorted(self.objects, key=lambda obj: obj.tool):
+ if tool != obj.tool:
+ tool = obj.tool
+ lengths[tool] = 0
+ lengths[tool] += obj.curve_length(unit)
+ return lengths
+ def hit_count(self):
+ return Counter(obj.tool for obj in self.objects)
+ def drill_sizes(self):
+ return sorted({ obj.tool.diameter for obj in self.objects })
+ def drills(self):
+ return (obj for obj in self.objects if isinstance(obj, Flash))
+ def slots(self):
+ return (obj for obj in self.objects if not isinstance(obj, Flash))
+ @property
+ def bounds(self):
+ if not self.objects:
+ return None
+ (x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max) = self.objects[0].bounding_box()
+ for obj in self.objects:
+ (obj_x_min, obj_y_min), (obj_x_max, obj_y_max) = self.objects[0].bounding_box()
+ x_min, y_min = min(x_min, obj_x_min), min(y_min, obj_y_min)
+ x_max, y_max = max(x_max, obj_x_max), max(y_max, obj_y_max)
+ return ((x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max))
+class ProgramState(Enum):
+ HEADER = 0
+class ExcellonParser(object):
+ def __init__(self, settings=None, logfile_tools=None):
+ # NOTE XNC files do not contain an explicit number format specification, but all values have decimal points.
+ # Thus, we set the default number format to (None, None). If the file does not contain an explicit specification
+ # and FileSettings.parse_gerber_value encounters a number without an explicit decimal point, it will throw a
+ # SyntaxError. In case of e.g. Allegro files where the number format and other options are specified separately
+ # from the excellon file, the caller must pass in an already filled-out FileSettings object.
+ if settings is None:
+ self.settings = FileSettings(number_format=(None, None), zeros='leading')
+ else:
+ self.settings = settings
+ self.program_state = None
+ self.interpolation_mode = InterpMode.LINEAR
+ = {}
+ self.objects = []
+ self.active_tool = None
+ self.pos = 0, 0
+ self.drill_down = False
+ self.is_plated = None
+ self.comments = []
+ self.generator_hints = []
+ self.lineno = None
+ self.filename = None
+ self.logfile_tools = logfile_tools or {}
+ def warn(self, msg):
+ warnings.warn(f'{self.filename}:{self.lineno} "{self.line}": {msg}', SyntaxWarning)
+ def do_parse(self, data, filename=None):
+ # filename arg is for error messages
+ self.filename = filename = filename or '<unknown>'
+ leftover = None
+ for lineno, line in enumerate(data.splitlines(), start=1):
+ line = line.strip()
+ self.lineno, self.line = lineno, line # for warnings
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ # Coordinates of G00 and G01 may be on the next line
+ if line == 'G00' or line == 'G01':
+ if leftover:
+ self.warn('Two consecutive G00/G01 commands without coordinates. Ignoring first.')
+ leftover = line
+ continue
+ if leftover:
+ line = leftover + line
+ leftover = None
+ if line and self.program_state == ProgramState.FINISHED:
+ self.warn('Commands found following end of program statement.')
+ # TODO check first command in file is "start of header" command.
+ try:
+ print(f'{self.settings.number_format} {lineno} "{line}"')
+ if not self.exprs.handle(self, line):
+ raise ValueError('Unknown excellon statement:', line)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise SyntaxError(f'{filename}:{lineno} "{line}": {e}') from e
+ exprs = RegexMatcher()
+ # NOTE: These must be kept before the generic comment handler at the end of this class so they match first.
+ @exprs.match(r';T(?P<index1>[0-9]+) Holesize (?P<index2>[0-9]+)\. = (?P<diameter>[0-9/.]+) Tolerance = \+[0-9/.]+/-[0-9/.]+ (?P<plated>PLATED|NON_PLATED|OPTIONAL) (?P<unit>MILS|MM) Quantity = [0-9]+')
+ def parse_allegro_tooldef(self, match):
+ # NOTE: We ignore the given tolerances here since they are non-standard.
+ self.program_state = ProgramState.HEADER # TODO is this needed? we need a test file.
+ self.generator_hints.append('allegro')
+ if (index := int(match['index1'])) != int(match['index2']): # index1 has leading zeros, index2 not.
+ raise SyntaxError('BUG: Allegro excellon tool def has mismatching tool indices. Please file a bug report on our issue tracker and provide this file!')
+ if index in
+ self.warn('Re-definition of tool index {index}, overwriting old definition.')
+ # NOTE: We map "optionally" plated holes to plated holes for API simplicity. If you hit a case where that's a
+ # problem, please raise an issue on our issue tracker, explain why you need this and provide an example file.
+ is_plated = None if match['plated'] is None else (match['plated'] in ('PLATED', 'OPTIONAL'))
+ diameter = float(match['diameter'])
+ if match['unit'] == 'MILS':
+ diameter /= 1000
+ unit = Inch
+ else:
+ unit = MM
+ if unit != self.settings.unit:
+ self.warn('Allegro Excellon drill file tool definitions in {}, but file parameters say the '
+ 'file should be in {}. Please double-check that this is correct, and if it is, '
+ 'please raise an issue on our issue tracker.')
+[index] = ExcellonTool(diameter=diameter, plated=is_plated, unit=unit)
+ # Searching Github I found that EasyEDA has two different variants of the unit specification here.
+ @exprs.match(';Holesize (?P<index>[0-9]+) = (?P<diameter>[.0-9]+) (?P<unit>INCH|inch|METRIC|mm)')
+ def parse_easyeda_tooldef(self, match):
+ unit = Inch if match['unit'].lower() == 'inch' else MM
+ tool = ExcellonTool(diameter=float(match['diameter']), unit=unit, plated=self.is_plated)
+ if (index := int(match['index'])) in
+ self.warn('Re-definition of tool index {index}, overwriting old definition.')
+[index] = tool
+ self.generator_hints.append('easyeda')
+ @exprs.match('T([0-9]+)(([A-Z][.0-9]+)+)') # Tool definition: T** with at least one parameter
+ def parse_normal_tooldef(self, match):
+ # We ignore parameters like feed rate or spindle speed that are not used for EDA -> CAM file transfer. This is
+ # not a parser for the type of Excellon files a CAM program sends to the machine.
+ if (index := int(match[1])) in
+ self.warn('Re-definition of tool index {index}, overwriting old definition.')
+ params = { m[0]: self.settings.parse_gerber_value(m[1:]) for m in re.findall('[BCFHSTZ][.0-9]+', match[2]) }
+[index] = ExcellonTool(diameter=params.get('C'), depth_offset=params.get('Z'), plated=self.is_plated,
+ unit=self.settings.unit)
+ if set(params.keys()) == set('TFSC'):
+ self.generator_hints.append('target3001') # target files look like altium files without the comments
+ if len( >= 3 and list( == reversed(sorted(
+ self.generator_hints.append('geda')
+ @exprs.match('T([0-9]+)')
+ def parse_tool_selection(self, match):
+ index = int(match[1])
+ if index == 0: # T0 is used as END marker, just ignore
+ return
+ elif index not in
+ if not and index in self.logfile_tools:
+ # allegro is just wonderful.
+ self.warn(f'Undefined tool index {index} selected. We found an allegro drill log file next to this, so '
+ 'we will use tool definitions from there.')
+ self.active_tool = self.logfile_tools[index]
+ else:
+ raise SyntaxError(f'Undefined tool index {index} selected.')
+ else:
+ self.active_tool =[index]
+ coord = lambda name, key=None: fr'({name}(?P<{key or name}>[+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*))?'
+ xy_coord = coord('X') + coord('Y')
+ xyaij_coord = xy_coord + coord('A') + coord('I') + coord('J')
+ @exprs.match(r'R(?P<count>[0-9]+)' + xy_coord)
+ def handle_repeat_hole(self, match):
+ if self.program_state == ProgramState.HEADER:
+ return
+ dx = int(match['X'] or '0')
+ dy = int(match['Y'] or '0')
+ for i in range(int(match['count'])):
+ self.pos = (self.pos[0] + dx, self.pos[1] + dy)
+ # FIXME fix API below
+ if not self.ensure_active_tool():
+ return
+ self.objects.append(Flash(*self.pos, self.active_tool, unit=self.settings.unit))
+ def header_command(name):
+ def wrap(fun):
+ @functools.wraps(fun)
+ def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ nonlocal name
+ if self.program_state is None:
+ self.warn(f'{name} header statement found before start of header')
+ elif self.program_state != ProgramState.HEADER:
+ self.warn(f'{name} header statement found after end of header')
+ fun(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapper
+ return wrap
+ @exprs.match('M48')
+ def handle_begin_header(self, match):
+ if self.program_state == ProgramState.HEADER:
+ # It seems that only fritzing puts both a '%' start of header thingy and an M48 statement at the beginning
+ # of the file.
+ self.generator_hints.append('fritzing')
+ elif self.program_state is not None:
+ self.warn(f'M48 "header start" statement found in the middle of the file, currently in {self.program_state}')
+ self.program_state = ProgramState.HEADER
+ @exprs.match('M95')
+ @header_command('M95')
+ def handle_end_header(self, match):
+ self.program_state = ProgramState.DRILLING
+ @exprs.match('M00')
+ def handle_next_tool(self, match):
+ #FIXME is this correct? Shouldn't this be "end of program"?
+ if self.active_tool:
+ self.active_tool =[ + 1]
+ else:
+ self.warn('M00 statement found before first tool selection statement.')
+ @exprs.match('M15')
+ def handle_drill_down(self, match):
+ self.drill_down = True
+ @exprs.match('M16|M17')
+ def handle_drill_up(self, match):
+ self.drill_down = False
+ @exprs.match('M30')
+ def handle_end_of_program(self, match):
+ if self.program_state in (None, ProgramState.HEADER):
+ self.warn('M30 statement found before end of header.')
+ self.program_state = ProgramState.FINISHED
+ # ignore.
+ # TODO: maybe add warning if this is followed by other commands.
+ def do_move(self, match=None, x='X', y='Y'):
+ x = self.settings.parse_gerber_value(match['X'])
+ y = self.settings.parse_gerber_value(match['Y'])
+ old_pos = self.pos
+ if self.settings.absolute:
+ if x is not None:
+ self.pos = (x, self.pos[1])
+ if y is not None:
+ self.pos = (self.pos[0], y)
+ else: # incremental
+ if x is not None:
+ self.pos = (self.pos[0]+x, self.pos[1])
+ if y is not None:
+ self.pos = (self.pos[0], self.pos[1]+y)
+ return old_pos, self.pos
+ @exprs.match('G00' + xy_coord)
+ def handle_start_routing(self, match):
+ if self.program_state is None:
+ self.warn('Routing mode command found before header.')
+ self.program_state = ProgramState.ROUTING
+ self.do_move(match)
+ @exprs.match('%')
+ def handle_rewind_shorthand(self, match):
+ if self.program_state is None:
+ self.program_state = ProgramState.HEADER
+ elif self.program_state is ProgramState.HEADER:
+ self.program_state = ProgramState.DRILLING
+ # FIXME handle rewind start
+ @exprs.match('G05')
+ def handle_drill_mode(self, match):
+ self.drill_down = False
+ self.program_state = ProgramState.DRILLING
+ def ensure_active_tool(self):
+ if self.active_tool:
+ return self.active_tool
+ self.warn('Routing command found before first tool definition.')
+ return None
+ @exprs.match('(?P<mode>G01|G02|G03)' + xyaij_coord)
+ def handle_linear_mode(self, match):
+ if match['mode'] == 'G01':
+ self.interpolation_mode = InterpMode.LINEAR
+ else:
+ clockwise = (match['mode'] == 'G02')
+ self.interpolation_mode = InterpMode.CIRCULAR_CW if clockwise else InterpMode.CIRCULAR_CCW
+ self.do_interpolation(match)
+ def do_interpolation(self, match):
+ x, y, a, i, j = match['X'], match['Y'], match['A'], match['I'], match['J']
+ start, end = self.do_move(match)
+ if self.program_state != ProgramState.ROUTING:
+ return
+ if not self.drill_down or not (match['X'] or match['Y']) or not self.ensure_active_tool():
+ return
+ if self.interpolation_mode == InterpMode.LINEAR:
+ if a or i or j:
+ self.warn('A/I/J arc coordinates found in linear mode.')
+ self.objects.append(Line(*start, *end, self.active_tool, unit=self.settings.unit))
+ else:
+ if (x or y) and not (a or i or j):
+ self.warn('Arc without radius found.')
+ clockwise = (self.interpolation_mode == InterpMode.CIRCULAR_CW)
+ if a: # radius given
+ if i or j:
+ self.warn('Arc without both radius and center specified.')
+ # Convert endpoint-radius-endpoint notation to endpoint-center-endpoint notation. We always use the
+ # smaller arc here.
+ # from
+ r = settings.parse_gerber_value(a)
+ x1, y1 = start
+ x2, y2 = end
+ dx, dy = (x2-x1)/2, (y2-y1)/2
+ x0, y0 = x1+dx, y1+dy
+ f = math.hypot(dx, dy) / math.sqrt(r**2 - a**2)
+ if clockwise:
+ cx = x0 + f*dy
+ cy = y0 - f*dx
+ else:
+ cx = x0 - f*dy
+ cy = y0 + f*dx
+ i, j = cx-start[0], cy-start[1]
+ else: # explicit center given
+ i = settings.parse_gerber_value(i)
+ j = settings.parse_gerber_value(j)
+ self.objects.append(Arc(*start, *end, i, j, True, self.active_tool, unit=self.settings.unit))
+ @exprs.match(r'(M71|METRIC|M72|INCH)(,LZ|,TZ)?(,0*\.0*)?')
+ def parse_easyeda_format(self, match):
+ metric = match[1] in ('METRIC', 'M71')
+ self.settings.unit = MM if metric else Inch
+ if match[2]:
+ self.settings.zeros = 'trailing' if match[2] == ',LZ' else 'leading'
+ # Newer EasyEDA exports have this in an altium-like FILE_FORMAT comment instead. Some files even have both.
+ # This is used by newer autodesk eagles, fritzing and diptrace
+ if match[3]:
+ integer, _, fractional = match[3][1:].partition('.')
+ self.settings.number_format = len(integer), len(fractional)
+ elif self.settings.number_format == (None, None) and not metric:
+ self.warn('Using implicit number format from bare "INCH" statement. This is normal for Fritzing, Diptrace, Geda and pcb-rnd.')
+ self.settings.number_format = (2,4)
+ @exprs.match('G90')
+ @header_command('G90')
+ def handle_absolute_mode(self, match):
+ self.settings.notation = 'absolute'
+ @exprs.match('G93' + xy_coord)
+ def handle_absolute_mode(self, match):
+ if int(match['X'] or 0) != 0 or int(match['Y'] or 0) != 0:
+ # Siemens tooling likes to include a meaningless G93X0Y0 after its header.
+ raise NotImplementedError('G93 zero set command is not supported.')
+ self.generator_hints.append('siemens')
+ @exprs.match('ICI,?(ON|OFF)')
+ def handle_incremental_mode(self, match):
+ self.settings.notation = 'absolute' if match[1] == 'OFF' else 'incremental'
+ @exprs.match('(FMAT|VER),?([0-9]*)')
+ def handle_command_format(self, match):
+ # We do not support integer/fractional decimals specification via FMAT because that's stupid. If you need this,
+ # please raise an issue on our issue tracker, provide a sample file and tell us where on earth you found that
+ # file.
+ if match[2] not in ('', '2'):
+ raise SyntaxError(f'Unsupported FMAT format version {match["version"]}')
+ @exprs.match(r'G40|G41|G42|F[0-9]+')
+ def handle_unhandled(self, match):
+ self.warn(f'{match[0]} excellon command intended for CAM tools found in EDA file.')
+ @exprs.match(coord('X', 'x1') + coord('Y', 'y1') + 'G85' + coord('X', 'x2') + coord('Y', 'y2'))
+ def handle_slot_dotted(self, match):
+ self.warn('Weird G85 excellon slot command used. Please raise an issue on our issue tracker and provide this file for testing.')
+ self.do_move(match, 'X1', 'Y1')
+ start, end = self.do_move(match, 'X2', 'Y2')
+ if self.program_state in (ProgramState.DRILLING, ProgramState.HEADER): # FIXME should we realy handle this in header?
+ if self.ensure_active_tool():
+ # We ignore whether a slot is a "routed" G00/G01 slot or a "drilled" G85 slot and export both as routed
+ # slots.
+ self.objects.append(Line(*start, *end, self.active_tool, unit=self.settings.unit))
+ @exprs.match(xyaij_coord)
+ def handle_bare_coordinate(self, match):
+ # Yes, drills in the header doesn't follow the specification, but it there are many files like this.
+ if self.program_state in (ProgramState.DRILLING, ProgramState.HEADER):
+ _start, end = self.do_move(match)
+ if not self.ensure_active_tool():
+ return
+ self.objects.append(Flash(*end, self.active_tool, unit=self.settings.unit))
+ elif self.program_state == ProgramState.ROUTING:
+ # Bare coordinates for routing also seem illegal, but Siemens actually uses these.
+ # Example file: siemens/80101_0125_F200_ContourPlated.ncd
+ self.do_interpolation(match)
+ else:
+ self.warn('Bare coordinate after end of file')
+ @exprs.match(r'; Format\s*: ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+) / (Absolute|Incremental) / (Inch|MM) / (Leading|Trailing)')
+ def parse_siemens_format(self, match):
+ x, _, y = match[1].partition('.')
+ self.settings.number_format = int(x), int(y)
+ # NOTE: Siemens files seem to always contain both this comment and an explicit METRIC/INC statement. However,
+ # the meaning of "leading" and "trailing" is swapped in both: When this comment says leading, we get something
+ # like "INCH,TZ".
+ self.settings.notation = match[2].lower()
+ self.settings.unit = to_unit(match[3])
+ self.settings.zeros = {'Leading': 'trailing', 'Trailing': 'leading'}[match[4]]
+ self.generator_hints.append('siemens')
+ @exprs.match('; Contents: (Thru|.*) / (Drill|Mill) / (Plated|Non-Plated)')
+ def parse_siemens_meta(self, match):
+ self.is_plated = (match[3] == 'Plated')
+ self.generator_hints.append('siemens')
+ @exprs.match(';FILE_FORMAT=([0-9]:[0-9])')
+ def parse_altium_easyeda_number_format_comment(self, match):
+ # Altium or newer EasyEDA exports
+ x, _, y = match[1].partition(':')
+ self.settings.number_format = int(x), int(y)
+ @exprs.match(';Layer: (.*)')
+ def parse_easyeda_layer_name(self, match):
+ # EasyEDA embeds the layer name in a comment. EasyEDA uses separate files for plated/non-plated. The (default?)
+ # layer names are: "Drill PTH", "Drill NPTH"
+ self.is_plated = 'NPTH' not in match[1]
+ self.generator_hints.append('easyeda')
+ @exprs.match(';TYPE=(PLATED|NON_PLATED)')
+ def parse_altium_composite_plating_comment(self, match):
+ # These can happen both before a tool definition and before a tool selection statement.
+ # FIXME make sure we do the right thing in both cases.
+ self.is_plated = (match[1] == 'PLATED')
+ @exprs.match(';(Layer_Color=[-+0-9a-fA-F]*)')
+ def parse_altium_layer_color(self, match):
+ self.generator_hints.append('altium')
+ self.comments.append(match[1])
+ @exprs.match(';HEADER:')
+ def parse_allegro_start_of_header(self, match):
+ self.program_state = ProgramState.HEADER
+ self.generator_hints.append('allegro')
+ @exprs.match(r';GenerationSoftware,Autodesk,EAGLE,.*\*%')
+ def parse_eagle_version_header(self, match):
+ # NOTE: Only newer eagles export drills as XNC files. Older eagles produce an aperture-only gerber file called
+ # "profile.gbr" instead.
+ self.generator_hints.append('eagle')
+ @exprs.match(';EasyEDA .*')
+ def parse_easyeda_version_header(self, match):
+ self.generator_hints.append('easyeda')
+ @exprs.match(';DRILL .*KiCad .*')
+ def parse_kicad_version_header(self, match):
+ self.generator_hints.append('kicad')
+ @exprs.match(';FORMAT={([-0-9]+:[-0-9]+) ?/ (.*) / (inch|.*) / decimal}')
+ def parse_kicad_number_format_comment(self, match):
+ x, _, y = match[1].partition(':')
+ x = None if x == '-' else int(x)
+ y = None if y == '-' else int(y)
+ self.settings.number_format = x, y
+ self.settings.notation = match[2]
+ self.settings.unit = Inch if match[3] == 'inch' else MM
+ @exprs.match(';(.*)')
+ def parse_comment(self, match):
+ self.comments.append(match[1].strip())
+ if all(cmt.startswith(marker)
+ for cmt, marker in zip(reversed(self.comments), ['Version', 'Job', 'User', 'Date'])):
+ self.generator_hints.append('siemens')