path: root/gerbonara/cad
diff options
authorjaseg <>2023-04-04 01:31:19 +0200
committerjaseg <>2023-04-10 23:57:15 +0200
commitd0894b252225b89054db379a5f328885f7b046ea (patch)
treee7ffa29b28885eda81c01d976447b02d2d5d1455 /gerbonara/cad
parentdcb31f313147e471a8a225e964e61296f52096b2 (diff)
Add beginnings of CAD module
Diffstat (limited to 'gerbonara/cad')
2 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gerbonara/cad/ b/gerbonara/cad/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gerbonara/cad/
diff --git a/gerbonara/cad/ b/gerbonara/cad/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f757e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gerbonara/cad/
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+import math
+from copy import copy
+from itertools import zip_longest
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field, KW_ONLY
+from ..utils import LengthUnit, MM, rotate_point
+from ..layers import LayerStack
+from ..graphic_objects import Line, Arc, Flash
+from ..apertures import Aperture, CircleAperture, RectangleAperture, ExcellonTool
+def sgn(x):
+ return -1 if x < 0 else 1
+class Board:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.objects = set()
+ def to_layer_stack(self, layer_stack):
+ if layer_stack is None:
+ layer_stack = LayerStack()
+ for obj in self.objects:
+ obj.render(stack)
+class Positioned:
+ x: float
+ y: float
+ _: KW_ONLY
+ rotation: float = 0.0
+ unit: LengthUnit = MM
+ parent: object = None
+ @property
+ def abs_pos(self, dx, dy, da):
+ x, y = rotate_point(self.x, self.y, da)
+ if self.parent is None:
+ px, py, pa = dx, dy, 0
+ else:
+ px, py, pa = self.parent.abs_pos(dx, dy, da)
+ return x+px, y+py, self.rotation+da+pa
+class Pad(Positioned):
+ pass
+class SMDPad(Pad):
+ copper_aperture: Aperture
+ mask_aperture: Aperture
+ paste_aperture: Aperture
+ silk_features: list
+ side: str = 'top'
+ def to_layer_stack(self, layer_stack):
+ x, y, rotation = self.abs_pos
+ stack[self.side, 'copper'].objects.append(Flash(x, y, self.copper_aperture.rotated(rotation), unit=self.unit))
+ stack[self.side, 'mask' ].objects.append(Flash(x, y, self.mask_aperture.rotated(rotation), unit=self.unit))
+ stack[self.side, 'paste' ].objects.append(Flash(x, y, self.paste_aperture.rotated(rotation), unit=self.unit))
+ stack[self.side, 'silk' ].objects.extend([copy(feature).rotate(rotation).offset(x, y, self.unit)
+ for feature in self.silk_features])
+ def flip(self):
+ self.side = 'top' if self.side == 'bottom' else 'top'
+class THTPad(Pad):
+ drill_dia: float
+ pad_top: SMDPad
+ pad_bottom: SMDPad = None
+ aperture_inner: Aperture = None
+ plated: bool = True
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ if self.pad_bottom is None:
+ self.pad_bottom = copy(self.pad_top)
+ self.pad_bottom.flip()
+ self.pad_top.parent = self.pad_bottom.parent = self
+ if (self.pad_top.side, self.pad_bottom.side) != ('top', 'bottom'):
+ raise ValueError(f'The top and bottom pads must have side set to top and bottom, respectively. Currently, the top pad side is set to {self.pad_top.side} and the bottom pad side to {self.pad_bottom.side}.')
+ def to_layer_stack(self, layer_stack, x, y, rotation):
+ x, y, rotation = self.abs_pos
+ self.top_pad.to_layer_stack(layer_stack)
+ self.bottom_pad.to_layer_stack(layer_stack)
+ for (side, use), layer in layer_stack.inner_layers:
+ layer.objects.append(Flash(x, y, self.aperture_inner.rotated(rotation), unit=self.unit))
+ hole = Flash(self.x, self.y, ExcellonTool(self.drill_dia, plated=self.plated, unit=self.unit), unit=self.unit)
+ if self.plated:
+ layer_stack.drill_pth.objects.append(hole)
+ else:
+ layer_stack.drill_npth.objects.append(hole)
+class Via(Positioned):
+ diameter: float
+ hole: float
+ def to_layer_stack(self, layer_stack):
+ x, y, rotation = self.abs_pos
+ aperture = CircleAperture(diameter=self.diameter, unit=self.unit)
+ tool = ExcellonTool(diameter=self.hole, unit=self.unit)
+ for (side, use), layer in layer_stack.copper_layers:
+ layer.objects.append(Flash(x, y, aperture, unit=self.unit))
+ layer_stack.drill_pth.objects.append(Flash(x, y, tool, unit=self.unit))
+class Trace:
+ width: float
+ start: object = None
+ end: object = None
+ side: str = 'top'
+ waypoints: [(float, float)] = field(default_factory=list)
+ style: str = 'direct'
+ orientation: [str] = tuple() # 'top' or 'bottom'
+ roundover: float = 0
+ unit: LengthUnit = MM
+ parent: object = None
+ DIRECT = 'direct'
+ OBLIQUE = 'oblique'
+ ORTHO = 'ortho'
+ CW = 'cw'
+ CCW = 'ccw'
+ def _route(self, p1, p2, orientation):
+ x1, y1 = p1
+ x2, y2 = p2
+ dx = x2-x1
+ dy = y2-y1
+ yield p1
+ if == 'direct' or \
+ math.isclose(x1, x2, abs_tol=1e-6) or math.isclose(y1, y2, abs_tol=1e-6) or \
+ ( == 'oblique' and math.isclose(dx, dy, abs_tol=1e-6)):
+ yield p2
+ return
+ p = (abs(dy) > abs(dx)) == ((dx >= 0) == (dy >= 0))
+ if == 'oblique':
+ if p == (orientation == 'cw'):
+ if abs(dy) > abs(dx):
+ yield (0, sgn(dy)*(abs(dy)-abs(dx)))
+ else:
+ yield (sgn(dx)*(abs(dx)-abs(dy)), 0)
+ else:
+ if abs(dy) > abs(dx):
+ yield (dx, sgn(dy)*abs(dx))
+ else:
+ yield (sgn(dx)*abs(dy), dy)
+ else: # == 'ortho'
+ pass
+ #if p == (orientation == 'cw'):
+ #else:
+ yield p2
+ def to_layer_stack(self, layer_stack, x, y, rotation):
+ start, end = self.start, self.end
+ if not isinstance(start, tuple):
+ start = start.abs_pos
+ if not isinstance(end, tuple):
+ end = end.abs_pos
+ points = [start, *self.waypoints, end]
+ aperture = CircleAperture(diameter=self.width, unit=self.unit)
+ for p1, p2, orientation in zip_longest(points[:-1], points[1:], self.orientation):
+ layer_stack[self.side, 'copper'].extend(self._route(p1, p2, orientation, aperture))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from ..utils import setup_svg, Tag
+ from ..newstroke import Newstroke
+ font = Newstroke()
+ tags = []
+ for n in range(0, 8*6):
+ theta = 2*math.pi / (8*6) * n
+ dx, dy = math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta)
+ tr = Trace(0.1, style='oblique')
+ points_cw = list(tr._route((0, 0), (dx, dy), 'cw'))
+ points_ccw = list(tr._route((0, 0), (dx, dy), 'ccw'))
+ pd = lambda points: f'M {points[0][0]}, {points[0][1]} ' + ' '.join(f'L {x}, {y}' for x, y in points[1:])
+ strokes = list(font.render(f'α={n/(8*6)*360}', size=0.2))
+ xs = [x for st in strokes for x, _y in st]
+ ys = [y for st in strokes for _x, y in st]
+ min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys)
+ xf = f'translate({n//6*1.1 + 0.1} {n%6*1.3 + 0.3}) scale(0.5 0.5) translate(1 1)'
+ txf = f'{xf} translate(0 -1.2) translate({-(max_x-min_x)/2} {-max_y})'
+ tags.append(Tag('circle', cx='0', cy='0', r='1',
+ fill='none', stroke='black', opacity='0.5', stroke_width='0.05',
+ transform=xf))
+ tags.append(Tag('path',
+ fill='none',
+ stroke='red', opacity='0.5', stroke_width='0.05', stroke_linecap='round',
+ transform=xf, d=pd(points_cw)))
+ tags.append(Tag('path',
+ fill='none',
+ stroke='blue', opacity='0.5', stroke_width='0.05', stroke_linecap='round',
+ transform=xf, d=pd(points_ccw)))
+ tags.append(Tag('path',
+ fill='none',
+ stroke='black', opacity='0.5', stroke_width='0.02', stroke_linejoin='round', stroke_linecap='round',
+ transform=txf, d=' '.join(pd(points) for points in strokes)))
+ print(setup_svg([Tag('g', tags, transform='scale(20 20)')], [(0, 0), (20*10*1.1 + 0.1, 20*10*1.3 + 0.1)]))