path: root/gerbonara/cad/kicad/
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authorjaseg <>2023-04-15 17:09:20 +0200
committerjaseg <>2023-04-15 17:09:20 +0200
commit2400ff8e5fea41c1f8c6251d37a02209ec253f93 (patch)
tree395968d05156c094709fda605a9fe572aed32b1d /gerbonara/cad/kicad/
parentb43e4e2eec99b92a1e87f6388703db1ca33518d1 (diff)
cad: Add KiCad symbol/footprint parser
Diffstat (limited to 'gerbonara/cad/kicad/')
1 files changed, 446 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gerbonara/cad/kicad/ b/gerbonara/cad/kicad/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de1d23d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gerbonara/cad/kicad/
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+Library for processing KiCad's symbol files.
+import json
+import string
+import math
+import re
+import sys
+import itertools
+from fnmatch import fnmatch
+from collections import defaultdict
+from dataclasses import field
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
+from .sexp import *
+from .sexp_mapper import *
+from .base_types import *
+PIN_ETYPE = AtomChoice(Atom.input, Atom.output, Atom.bidirectional, Atom.tri_state, Atom.passive,,
+ Atom.unspecified, Atom.power_in, Atom.power_out, Atom.open_collector, Atom.open_emitter,
+ Atom.no_connect)
+PIN_STYLE = AtomChoice(Atom.line, Atom.inverted, Atom.clock, Atom.inverted_clock, Atom.input_low, Atom.clock_low,
+ Atom.output_low, Atom.edge_clock_high, Atom.non_logic)
+class AltFunction:
+ name: str = None
+ etype: PIN_ETYPE = Atom.unspecified
+ shape: PIN_STYLE = Atom.line
+class StyledText:
+ value: str = None
+ effects: TextEffect = field(default_factory=TextEffect)
+class Pin:
+ etype: PIN_ETYPE = Atom.unspecified
+ style: PIN_STYLE = Atom.line
+ at: AtPos = field(default_factory=AtPos)
+ length: Named(float) = 2.54
+ hide: Flag() = False
+ name: Rename(StyledText) = field(default_factory=StyledText)
+ number: Rename(StyledText) = field(default_factory=StyledText)
+ alternates: List(AltFunction) = field(default_factory=list)
+ @property
+ def direction(self):
+ return {0: 'R', 90: 'U', 180: 'L', 270: 'D'}.get(, 'R')
+ @direction.setter
+ def direction(self, value):
+ = {0: 'R', 90: 'U', 180: 'L', 270: 'D'}[value[0].upper()]
+class Fill:
+ type: Named(AtomChoice(Atom.none, Atom.outline, Atom.background)) = Atom.none
+class Circle:
+ center: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord)
+ radius: Named(float) = 0.0
+ stroke: Stroke = field(default_factory=Stroke)
+ fill: Fill = field(default_factory=Fill)
+class Arc:
+ start: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord)
+ mid: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord)
+ end: Rename(XYCoord) = field(default_factory=XYCoord)
+ stroke: Stroke = field(default_factory=Stroke)
+ fill: Fill = field(default_factory=Fill)
+ # TODO add function to calculate center, bounding box
+class Polyline:
+ pts: PointList = field(default_factory=PointList)
+ stroke: Stroke = field(default_factory=Stroke)
+ fill: Fill = field(default_factory=Fill)
+ @property
+ def points(self):
+ return self.pts.xy
+ @points.setter
+ def points(self, value):
+ self.pts.xy = value
+ @property
+ def closed(self):
+ # if the last and first point are the same, we consider the polyline closed
+ # a closed triangle will have 4 points (A-B-C-A) stored in the list of points
+ return len(self.points) > 3 and self.points[0] == self.points[-1]
+ @property
+ def bbox(self):
+ if not self.points:
+ return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ return (min(p.x for p in self.points),
+ min(p.y for p in self.points),
+ max(p.x for p in self.points),
+ max(p.y for p in self.points))
+ def as_rectangle(self):
+ (maxx, maxy, minx, miny) = self.get_boundingbox()
+ return Rectangle(
+ minx,
+ maxy,
+ maxx,
+ miny,
+ self.stroke_width,
+ self.stroke_color,
+ self.fill_type,
+ self.fill_color,
+ unit=self.unit,
+ demorgan=self.demorgan,
+ )
+ def get_center_of_boundingbox(self):
+ (maxx, maxy, minx, miny) = self.get_boundingbox()
+ return ((minx + maxx) / 2, ((miny + maxy) / 2))
+ def is_rectangle(self):
+ # a rectangle has 5 points and is closed
+ if len(self.points) != 5 or not self.is_closed():
+ return False
+ # construct lines between the points
+ p0 = self.points[0]
+ for p1_idx in range(1, len(self.points)):
+ p1 = self.points[p1_idx]
+ dx = p1.x - p0.x
+ dy = p1.y - p0.y
+ if dx != 0 and dy != 0:
+ # if a line is neither horizontal or vertical its not
+ # part of a rectangle
+ return False
+ # select next point
+ p0 = p1
+ return True
+class TextPos(XYCoord):
+ x: float = 0 # in millimeter
+ y: float = 0 # in millimeter
+ rotation: int = 0 # in degrees
+ def __after_parse__(self, parent):
+ self.rotation = self.rotation / 10
+ def __before_sexp__(self):
+ self.rotation = round((self.rotation % 360) * 10)
+ @property
+ def rotation_rad(self):
+ return math.radians(self.rotation)
+ @rotation_rad.setter
+ def rotation_rad(self, value):
+ self.rotation = math.degrees(value)
+class Text:
+ text: str = None
+ at: TextPos = field(default_factory=TextPos)
+ rotation: float = None
+ effects: TextEffect = field(default_factory=TextEffect)
+class Rectangle:
+ """
+ Some v6 symbols use rectangles, newer ones encode them as polylines.
+ At some point in time we can most likely remove this class since its not used anymore
+ """
+ start: Rename(XYCoord) = None
+ end: Rename(XYCoord) = None
+ stroke: Stroke = field(default_factory=Stroke)
+ fill: Fill = field(default_factory=Fill)
+ def as_polyline(self):
+ x1, y1 = self.start
+ x2, y2 = self.end
+ return Polyline([Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y1), Point(x2, y2), Point(x1, y2), Point(x1, y1)],
+ self.stroke, self.fill)
+class Property:
+ name: str = None
+ value: str = None
+ id: Named(int) = None
+ at: AtPos = field(default_factory=AtPos)
+ effects: TextEffect = field(default_factory=TextEffect)
+class PinNumberSpec:
+ hide: Flag() = False
+class PinNameSpec:
+ offset: OmitDefault(Named(float)) = 0.508
+ hide: Flag() = False
+class Unit:
+ name: str = None
+ circles: List(Circle) = field(default_factory=list)
+ arcs: List(Arc) = field(default_factory=list)
+ polylines: List(Polyline) = field(default_factory=list)
+ rectangles: List(Rectangle) = field(default_factory=list)
+ texts: List(Text) = field(default_factory=list)
+ pins: List(Pin) = field(default_factory=list)
+ unit_name: Named(str) = None
+ _ : SEXP_END = None
+ global_units: list = field(default_factory=list)
+ unit_global: Flag() = False
+ style_global: Flag() = False
+ demorgan_style: int = 1
+ unit_index: int = 1
+ symbol = None
+ def __after_parse__(self, parent):
+ self.symbol = parent
+ if not (m := re.fullmatch(r'(.*)_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)',
+ raise FormatError(f'Invalid unit name "{}"')
+ sym_name, unit_index, demorgan_style = m.groups()
+ if sym_name !=
+ raise FormatError(f'Unit name "{}" does not match symbol name "{}"')
+ self.demorgan_style = int(demorgan_style)
+ self.unit_index = int(unit_index)
+ self.style_global = self._demorgan_style == 0
+ self.unit_global = self.unit_index == 0
+ def __before_sexp__(self):
+ = f'{}_{self.unit_index}_{self.demorgan_style}'
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name.startswith('all_'):
+ name = name[4:]
+ return itertools.chain(getattr(self.global_units, name, []), getattr(self, name, []))
+ def pin_stacks(self):
+ stacks = defaultdict(lambda: set())
+ for pin in self.all_pins():
+ stacks[(,].add(pin)
+ return stacks
+class Symbol:
+ name: str = None
+ extends: Named(str) = None
+ power: Wrap(Flag()) = False
+ pin_numbers: OmitDefault(PinNumberSpec) = field(default_factory=PinNumberSpec)
+ pin_names: OmitDefault(PinNameSpec) = field(default_factory=PinNameSpec)
+ in_bom: Named(YesNoAtom()) = True
+ on_board: Named(YesNoAtom()) = True
+ properties: List(Property) = field(default_factory=list)
+ raw_units: List(Unit) = field(default_factory=list)
+ _ : SEXP_END = None
+ styles: {str: {str: Unit}} = None
+ global_units: {str: {str: Unit}} = None
+ library = None
+ def __after_parse__(self, parent):
+ self.library = parent
+ self.global_units = {}
+ self.styles = {}
+ if self.extends:
+ self.in_bom = None
+ self.on_board = None
+ = { prop for prop in}
+ if (prop :='ki_fp_filters')):
+ prop.value = prop.value.split() if prop.value else []
+ for unit in self.raw_units:
+ if unit.unit_global or unit.style_global:
+ d = self.global_units.get(unit.demorgan_style, {})
+ d[] = unit
+ self.global_units[unit.demorgan_style] = d
+ for other in self.raw_units:
+ if other.unit_global or other.style_global or other == unit:
+ continue
+ if not (unit.unit_global or ==
+ continue
+ if not (unit.style_global or other.demorgan_style == unit.demorgan_style):
+ continue
+ other.global_units.append(unit)
+ else:
+ d = self.styles.get(unit.demorgan_style, {})
+ d[] = unit
+ self.styles[unit.demorgan_style] = d
+ def __before_sexp__(self):
+ self.raw_units = ([unit for style in self.global_units.values() for unit in style.values()] +
+ [unit for style in self.styles.values() for unit in style.values()])
+ if (prop :='ki_fp_filters')):
+ if not isinstance(prop.value, str):
+ prop.value = ' '.join(prop.value)
+ = list(
+ def default_properties(self):
+ for i, (name, value, hide) in enumerate([
+ ('Reference', 'U', False),
+ ('Value', None, False),
+ ('Footprint', None, True),
+ ('Datasheet', None, True),
+ ('ki_locked', None, True),
+ ('ki_keywords', None, True),
+ ('ki_description', None, True),
+ ('ki_fp_filters', None, False),
+ ]):
+[name] = Property(name=name, value=value, id=i, effects=TextEffect(hide=hide))
+ def units(self, demorgan_style=None):
+ if self.extends:
+ return self.library[self.extends].units(demorgan_style)
+ else:
+ return self.styles.get(demorgan_style or 'default', {})
+ def get_center_rectangle(self, units):
+ # return a polyline for the requested unit that is a rectangle
+ # and is closest to the center
+ candidates = {}
+ # building a dict with floats as keys.. there needs to be a rule against that^^
+ pl_rects = [i.as_polyline() for i in self.rectangles]
+ pl_rects.extend(pl for pl in self.polylines if pl.is_rectangle())
+ for pl in pl_rects:
+ if pl.unit in units:
+ # extract the center, calculate the distance to origin
+ (x, y) = pl.get_center_of_boundingbox()
+ dist = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
+ candidates[dist] = pl
+ if candidates:
+ # sort the list return the first (smallest) item
+ return candidates[sorted(candidates.keys())[0]]
+ return None
+ def is_graphic_symbol(self):
+ return self.extends is None and (
+ not self.pins or self.get_property("Reference").value == "#SYM"
+ )
+ def pins_by_name(self, demorgan_style=None):
+ pins = defaultdict(lambda: set())
+ for unit in self.units(demorgan_style):
+ for pin in unit.all_pins:
+ pins[].add(pin)
+ return pins
+ def pins_by_number(self, demorgan_style=None):
+ pins = defaultdict(lambda: set())
+ for unit in self.units(demorgan_style):
+ for pin in unit.all_pins:
+ pins[pin.number].add(pin)
+ return pins
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name.startswith('all_'):
+ return itertools.chain(getattr(unit, name) for unit in self.raw_units)
+ def filter_pins(self, name=None, direction=None, electrical_type=None):
+ for pin in self.all_pins:
+ if name and not fnmatch(, name):
+ continue
+ if direction and not pin.direction in direction:
+ continue
+ if electrical_type and not pin.etype in electical_type:
+ continue
+ yield pin
+ def heuristically_small(self):
+ """ Heuristically try to determine whether this is a "small" component like a resistor, capacitor, LED, diode,
+ or transistor etc. When we have at most two pins, or there is no filled rectangle as symbol outline and we have
+ 3 or 4 pins, we assume this is a small symbol.
+ """
+ if len(self.all_pins) <= 2:
+ return True
+ if len(self.all_pins) > 4:
+ return False
+ return bool(self.get_center_rectangle(range(self.unit_count)))
+SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT_VERSIONS = [20211014, 20220914]
+class Library:
+ _version: Named(int, name='version') = 20211014
+ generator: Named(Atom) = Atom.kicad_library_utils
+ symbols: List(Symbol) = field(default_factory=list)
+ _ : SEXP_END = None
+ original_filename: str = None
+ @property
+ def version(self):
+ return self._version
+ @version.setter
+ def version(self, value):
+ raise FormatError(f'File format version {value} is not supported. Supported versions are {", ".join(map(str, SUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT_VERSIONS))}.')
+ @classmethod
+ def open(cls, filename: str):
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ return cls.parse(
+ def write(self, filename=None):
+ with open(filename or self.original_filename, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(build_sexp(sexp(self)))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
+ a =[1])
+ print(build_sexp(sexp(a)))
+ else:
+ print("pass a .kicad_sym file please")