path: root/gerber/
diff options
authorPaulo Henrique Silva <>2014-02-05 00:34:57 +0100
committerPaulo Henrique Silva <>2014-02-05 00:34:57 +0100
commit7ee1866b607f5a7227c0fb949fd909f49c1b6334 (patch)
tree631bbe4bce63567d1bbf3cb0287d38dd4dcbc8ae /gerber/
parentaad4fe368f5c5fb86b2c64fb0a2d0987f444d375 (diff)
N w modular organization.
* parser and render separeted on its own modules. * svn made optional. * PEP-8 compiant.
Diffstat (limited to 'gerber/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 567 deletions
diff --git a/gerber/ b/gerber/
deleted file mode 100644
index ee7fcbc..0000000
--- a/gerber/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import re
-import json
-import traceback
-import svgwrite
-def red(s):
- return '\033[1;31m{0}\033[0;m'.format(s)
-class Statement(object):
- def __init__(self, type):
- self.type = type
- def __str__(self):
- s = "<{0} ".format(self.__class__.__name__)
- for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
- s += "{0}={1} ".format(key, value)
- s = s.rstrip() + ">"
- return s
-class ParamStmt(Statement):
- def __init__(self, param):
- Statement.__init__(self, "PARAM")
- self.param = param
-class FSParamStmt(ParamStmt):
- def __init__(self, param, zero = "L", notation = "A", x = "24", y = "24"):
- ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
- = zero
- self.notation = notation
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
-class MOParamStmt(ParamStmt):
- def __init__(self, param, mo):
- ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
- = mo
-class IPParamStmt(ParamStmt):
- def __init__(self, param, ip):
- ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
- self.ip = ip
-class OFParamStmt(ParamStmt):
- def __init__(self, param, a, b):
- ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
- self.a = a
- self.b = b
-class LPParamStmt(ParamStmt):
- def __init__(self, param, lp):
- ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
- self.lp = lp
-class ADParamStmt(ParamStmt):
- def __init__(self, param, d, shape, modifiers):
- ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
- self.d = d
- self.shape = shape
- self.modifiers = [[x for x in m.split("X")] for m in modifiers.split(",")]
-class AMParamStmt(ParamStmt):
- def __init__(self, param, name, macro):
- ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
- = name
- self.macro = macro
-class INParamStmt(ParamStmt):
- def __init__(self, param, name):
- ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
- = name
-class LNParamStmt(ParamStmt):
- def __init__(self, param, name):
- ParamStmt.__init__(self, param)
- = name
-class CoordStmt(Statement):
- def __init__(self, function, x, y, i, j, op):
- Statement.__init__(self, "COORD")
- self.function = function
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
- self.i = i
- self.j = j
- self.op = op
-class ApertureStmt(Statement):
- def __init__(self, d):
- Statement.__init__(self, "APERTURE")
- self.d = int(d)
-class CommentStmt(Statement):
- def __init__(self, comment):
- Statement.__init__(self, "COMMENT")
- self.comment = comment
-class EofStmt(Statement):
- def __init__(self):
- Statement.__init__(self, "EOF")
-class UnknownStmt(Statement):
- def __init__(self, line):
- Statement.__init__(self, "UNKNOWN")
- self.line = line
-UNIT_MM = 2
-class GerberCoordFormat(object):
- def __init__(self, zeroes, x, y):
- self.omit_leading_zeroes = True if zeroes == "L" else False
- self.omit_trailing_zeroes = True if zeroes == "T" else False
- self.x_int_digits, self.x_dec_digits = [int(d) for d in x]
- self.y_int_digits, self.y_dec_digits = [int(d) for d in y]
- def resolve(self, x, y):
- new_x = x
- new_y = y
- if new_x is not None:
- negative = "-" in new_x
- new_x = new_x.replace("-", "")
- missing_zeroes = (self.x_int_digits + self.x_dec_digits) - len(new_x)
- if missing_zeroes and self.omit_leading_zeroes:
- new_x = (missing_zeroes * "0") + new_x
- elif missing_zeroes and self.omit_trailing_zeroes:
- new_x += missing_zeroes * "0"
- new_x = float("{0}{1}.{2}".format("-" if negative else "", new_x[:self.x_int_digits], new_x[self.x_int_digits:]))
- if new_y is not None:
- negative = "-" in new_y
- new_y = new_y.replace("-", "")
- missing_zeroes = (self.y_int_digits + self.y_dec_digits) - len(new_y)
- if missing_zeroes and self.omit_leading_zeroes:
- new_y = (missing_zeroes * "0") + new_y
- elif missing_zeroes and self.omit_trailing_zeroes:
- new_y += missing_zeroes * "0"
- new_y = float("{0}{1}.{2}".format("-" if negative else "", new_y[:self.y_int_digits], new_y[self.y_int_digits:]))
- return new_x, new_y
-class GerberContext(object):
- coord_format = None
- coord_notation = NOTATION_ABSOLUTE
- coord_unit = None
- x = 0
- y = 0
- aperture = 0
- interpolation = INTERPOLATION_LINEAR
- image_polarity = IMAGE_POLARITY_POSITIVE
- level_polarity = LEVEL_POLARITY_DARK
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def set_coord_format(self, zeroes, x, y):
- self.coord_format = GerberCoordFormat(zeroes, x, y)
- def set_coord_notation(self, notation):
- self.coord_notation = NOTATION_ABSOLUTE if notation == "A" else NOTATION_INCREMENTAL
- def set_coord_unit(self, unit):
- self.coord_unit = UNIT_INCH if unit == "IN" else UNIT_MM
- def set_image_polarity(self, polarity):
- self.image_polarity = IMAGE_POLARITY_POSITIVE if polarity == "POS" else IMAGE_POLARITY_NEGATIVE
- def set_level_polarity(self, polarity):
- self.level_polarity = LEVEL_POLARITY_DARK if polarity == "D" else LEVEL_POLARITY_CLEAR
- def set_interpolation(self, interpolation):
- self.interpolation = INTERPOLATION_LINEAR if interpolation in ("G01", "G1") else INTERPOLATION_ARC
- def set_aperture(self, d):
- self.aperture = d
- def resolve(self, x, y):
- x, y = self.coord_format.resolve(x, y)
- return x or self.x, y or self.y
- def define_aperture(self, d, shape, modifiers):
- pass
- def move(self, x, y, resolve=True):
- if resolve:
- self.x, self.y = self.resolve(x, y)
- else:
- self.x, self.y = x, y
- def stroke(self, x, y):
- pass
- def line(self, x, y):
- pass
- def arc(self, x, y):
- pass
- def flash(self, x, y):
- pass
-class Shape(object):
- pass
-class Circle(Shape):
- def __init__(self, diameter=0):
- self.diameter = diameter
- def draw(self, ctx, x, y):
- return ctx.dwg.line(start=(ctx.x*300, ctx.y*300), end=(x*300, y*300), stroke="rgb(184, 115, 51)", stroke_width=2,
- stroke_linecap="round")
- def flash(self, ctx, x, y):
- return*300, y*300), r=300*(self.diameter/2.0), fill="rgb(184, 115, 51)")
-class Rect(Shape):
- def __init__(self, size=0):
- self.size = size
- def draw(self, ctx, x, y):
- return ctx.dwg.line(start=(ctx.x*300, ctx.y*300), end=(x*300, y*300), stroke="rgb(184, 115, 51)", stroke_width=2,
- stroke_linecap="butt")
- def flash(self, ctx, x, y):
- return ctx.dwg.rect(insert=(300*x, 300*y), size=(300*float(self.size[0]), 300*float(self.size[1])), fill="rgb(184, 115, 51)")
-class SvgContext(GerberContext):
- def __init__(self):
- GerberContext.__init__(self)
- self.apertures = {}
- self.dwg = svgwrite.Drawing()
- self.dwg.add(self.dwg.rect(insert=(0, 0), size=(2000, 2000), fill="black"))
- def define_aperture(self, d, shape, modifiers):
- aperture = None
- if shape == "C":
- aperture = Circle(diameter=float(modifiers[0][0]))
- elif shape == "R":
- aperture = Rect(size=modifiers[0][0:2])
- self.apertures[d] = aperture
- def stroke(self, x, y):
- super(SvgContext, self).stroke(x, y)
- if self.interpolation == INTERPOLATION_LINEAR:
- self.line(x, y)
- elif self.interpolation == INTERPOLATION_ARC:
- self.arc(x, y)
- def line(self, x, y):
- super(SvgContext, self).line(x, y)
- x, y = self.resolve(x, y)
- ap = self.apertures.get(str(self.aperture), None)
- if ap is None:
- return
- self.dwg.add(ap.draw(self, x, y))
- self.move(x, y, resolve=False)
- def arc(self, x, y):
- super(SvgContext, self).arc(x, y)
- def flash(self, x, y):
- super(SvgContext, self).flash(x, y)
- x, y = self.resolve(x, y)
- ap = self.apertures.get(str(self.aperture), None)
- if ap is None:
- return
- self.dwg.add(ap.flash(self, x, y))
- self.move(x, y, resolve=False)
- def dump(self):
- self.dwg.saveas("teste.svg")
-class Gerber(object):
- NUMBER = r"[\+-]?\d+"
- DECIMAL = r"[\+-]?\d+([.]?\d+)?"
- STRING = r"[a-zA-Z0-9_+\-/!?<>”’(){}.\|&@# :]+"
- NAME = "[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]+"
- FUNCTION = r"G\d{2}"
- COORD_OP = r"D[0]?[123]"
- FS = r"(?P<param>FS)(?P<zero>(L|T))?(?P<notation>(A|I))X(?P<x>[0-7][0-7])Y(?P<y>[0-7][0-7])"
- MO = r"(?P<param>MO)(?P<mo>(MM|IN))"
- IP = r"(?P<param>IP)(?P<ip>(POS|NEG))"
- LP = r"(?P<param>LP)(?P<lp>(D|C))"
- AD_CIRCLE = r"(?P<param>AD)D(?P<d>\d+)(?P<shape>C)[,](?P<modifiers>[^,]*)"
- AD_RECT = r"(?P<param>AD)D(?P<d>\d+)(?P<shape>R)[,](?P<modifiers>[^,]*)"
- AD_OBROUND = r"(?P<param>AD)D(?P<d>\d+)(?P<shape>O)[,](?P<modifiers>[^,]*)"
- AD_POLY = r"(?P<param>AD)D(?P<d>\d+)(?P<shape>P)[,](?P<modifiers>[^,]*)"
- AD_MACRO = r"(?P<param>AD)D(?P<d>\d+)+(?P<shape>{name})[,](?P<modifiers>[^,]*)".format(name=NAME)
- AM = r"(?P<param>AM)(?P<name>{name})\*(?P<macro>.*)".format(name=NAME)
- # begin deprecated
- OF = r"(?P<param>OF)(A(?P<a>{decimal}))?(B(?P<b>{decimal}))?".format(decimal=DECIMAL)
- IN = r"(?P<param>IN)(?P<name>.*)"
- LN = r"(?P<param>LN)(?P<name>.*)"
- # end deprecated
- PARAM_STMT = [re.compile(r"%{0}\*%".format(p)) for p in PARAMS]
- COORD_STMT = re.compile((
- r"(?P<function>{function})?"
- r"(X(?P<x>{number}))?(Y(?P<y>{number}))?"
- r"(I(?P<i>{number}))?(J(?P<j>{number}))?"
- r"(?P<op>{op})?\*".format(number=NUMBER, function=FUNCTION, op=COORD_OP)))
- APERTURE_STMT = re.compile(r"(G54)?D(?P<d>\d+)\*")
- COMMENT_STMT = re.compile(r"G04(?P<comment>{string})(\*)?".format(string=STRING))
- EOF_STMT = re.compile(r"(?P<eof>M02)\*")
- def __init__(self):
- self.statements = []
- self.ctx = SvgContext()
- def parse(self, filename):
- fp = open(filename, "r")
- data = fp.readlines()
- for stmt in self._parse(data):
- self.statements.append(stmt)
- self._evaluate(stmt)
- def dump_json(self):
- stmts = {"statements": [stmt.__dict__ for stmt in self.statements]}
- return json.dumps(stmts)
- def dump_str(self):
- s = ""
- for stmt in self.statements:
- s += str(stmt) + "\n"
- return s
- def dump(self):
- self.ctx.dump()
- def _parse(self, data):
- multiline = None
- for i, line in enumerate(data):
- # remove EOL
- if multiline:
- line = multiline + line.strip()
- else:
- line = line.strip()
- # skip empty lines
- if not len(line):
- continue
- # deal with multi-line parameters
- if line.startswith("%") and not line.endswith("%"):
- multiline = line
- continue
- else:
- multiline = None
- # coord
- coords = self._match_many(self.COORD_STMT, line)
- if coords:
- for coord in coords:
- yield CoordStmt(**coord)
- continue
- # aperture selection
- aperture = self._match_one(self.APERTURE_STMT, line)
- if aperture:
- yield ApertureStmt(**aperture)
- continue
- # comment
- comment = self._match_one(self.COMMENT_STMT, line)
- if comment:
- yield CommentStmt(comment["comment"])
- continue
- # parameter
- param = self._match_one_from_many(self.PARAM_STMT, line)
- if param:
- if param["param"] == "FS":
- yield FSParamStmt(**param)
- elif param["param"] == "MO":
- yield MOParamStmt(**param)
- elif param["param"] == "IP":
- yield IPParamStmt(**param)
- elif param["param"] == "LP":
- yield LPParamStmt(**param)
- elif param["param"] == "AD":
- yield ADParamStmt(**param)
- elif param["param"] == "AM":
- yield AMParamStmt(**param)
- elif param["param"] == "OF":
- yield OFParamStmt(**param)
- elif param["param"] == "IN":
- yield INParamStmt(**param)
- elif param["param"] == "LN":
- yield LNParamStmt(**param)
- else:
- yield UnknownStmt(line)
- continue
- # eof
- eof = self._match_one(self.EOF_STMT, line)
- if eof:
- yield EofStmt()
- continue
- if False:
- print self.COORD_STMT.pattern
- print self.APERTURE_STMT.pattern
- print self.COMMENT_STMT.pattern
- print self.EOF_STMT.pattern
- for i in self.PARAM_STMT:
- print i.pattern
- yield UnknownStmt(line)
- def _match_one(self, expr, data):
- match = expr.match(data)
- if match is None:
- return {}
- else:
- return match.groupdict()
- def _match_one_from_many(self, exprs, data):
- for expr in exprs:
- match = expr.match(data)
- if match:
- return match.groupdict()
- return {}
- def _match_many(self, expr, data):
- result = []
- pos = 0
- while True:
- match = expr.match(data, pos)
- if match:
- result.append(match.groupdict())
- pos = match.endpos
- else:
- break
- return result
- def _evaluate(self, stmt):
- if isinstance(stmt, (CommentStmt, UnknownStmt, EofStmt)):
- return
- elif isinstance(stmt, ParamStmt):
- self._evaluate_param(stmt)
- elif isinstance(stmt, CoordStmt):
- self._evaluate_coord(stmt)
- elif isinstance(stmt, ApertureStmt):
- self._evaluate_aperture(stmt)
- else:
- raise Exception("Invalid statement to evaluate")
- def _evaluate_param(self, stmt):
- if stmt.param == "FS":
- self.ctx.set_coord_format(, stmt.x, stmt.y)
- self.ctx.set_coord_notation(stmt.notation)
- elif stmt.param == "MO:":
- self.ctx.set_coord_unit(
- elif stmt.param == "IP:":
- self.ctx.set_image_polarity(stmt.ip)
- elif stmt.param == "LP:":
- self.ctx.set_level_polarity(stmt.lp)
- elif stmt.param == "AD":
- self.ctx.define_aperture(stmt.d, stmt.shape, stmt.modifiers)
- def _evaluate_coord(self, stmt):
- if stmt.function in ("G01", "G1", "G02", "G2", "G03", "G3"):
- self.ctx.set_interpolation(stmt.function)
- if stmt.op == "D01":
- self.ctx.stroke(stmt.x, stmt.y)
- elif stmt.op == "D02":
- self.ctx.move(stmt.x, stmt.y)
- elif stmt.op == "D03":
- self.ctx.flash(stmt.x, stmt.y)
- def _evaluate_aperture(self, stmt):
- self.ctx.set_aperture(stmt.d)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import sys
- for f in sys.argv[1:]:
- print "parsing: %s" % f
- try:
- g = Gerber()
- g.parse(f)
- except Exception, e:
- traceback.print_exc()