path: root/
diff options
authorjaseg <>2023-10-26 00:48:52 +0200
committerjaseg <>2023-10-26 00:48:52 +0200
commit9624e46147755d221c8e7cf519e9ecd416381857 (patch)
tree50d903f8d62eb17bfb3e41ebc7c236351b639bbd /
parenta35125b123bb0c645f6e06c97287e2fb6ef2d6cb (diff)
Move coil stuff to separate repo
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 595 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index d759bd0..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import math
-from pathlib import Path
-import multiprocessing
-import re
-import tempfile
-import fnmatch
-import shutil
-import numpy as np
-from pyelmer import elmer
-import subprocess_tee
-import click
-from scipy import constants
-def enumerate_mesh_bodies(msh_file):
- with open(msh_file, 'r') as f:
- for line in f:
- if line.startswith('$PhysicalNames'):
- break
- else:
- raise ValueError('No physcial bodies found in mesh file.')
- _num_names = next(f)
- for line in f:
- if line.startswith('$EndPhysicalNames'):
- break
- dim, _, line = line.strip().partition(' ')
- tag, _, name = line.partition(' ')
- yield name.strip().strip('"'), (int(dim), int(tag))
-SI_PREFIX = 'QRYZEPTGMk mµnpfazyrq'
-def format_si(value, unit='', fractional_digits=1):
- mag = int(math.log10(abs(value))//3)
- value /= 1000**mag
- prefix = SI_PREFIX[SI_PREFIX.find(' ') - mag].strip()
- value = f'{{:.{fractional_digits}f}}'.format(value)
- return f'{value} {prefix}{unit}'
- '.grd': 1,
- '.mesh*': 2,
- '.ep': 3,
- '.ansys': 4,
- '.inp': 5,
- '.fil': 6,
- '.FDNEUT': 7,
- '.unv': 8,
- '.mphtxt': 9,
- '.dat': 10,
- '.node': 11,
- '.ele': 11,
- '.mesh': 12,
- '.msh': 14,
- '.ep.i': 15,
- '.2dm': 16}
- '.grd': 1,
- '.mesh*': 2,
- '.ep': 3,
- '.msh': 4,
- '.vtu': 5}
-def elmer_grid(infile, outfile=None, intype=None, outtype=None, cwd=None, stdout_log=None, stderr_log=None, **kwargs):
- infile = Path(infile)
- if outfile is not None:
- outfile = Path(outfile)
- if intype is None:
- intype = str(INPUT_EXT_MAP[infile.suffix])
- if outtype is None:
- if outfile is not None and outfile.suffix:
- outtype = str(OUTPUT_EXT_MAP[outfile.suffix])
- else:
- outtype = '2'
- if outfile is not None:
- kwargs['out'] = str(outfile)
- args = ['ElmerGrid', intype, outtype, str(infile)]
- for key, value in kwargs.items():
- args.append(f'-{key}')
- if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
- args.extend(str(v) for v in value)
- else:
- args.append(str(value))
- result =, cwd=cwd, check=True)
- if stdout_log:
- Path(stdout_log).write_text(result.stdout or '')
- if stderr_log:
- Path(stderr_log).write_text(result.stderr or '')
-def elmer_solver(cwd, stdout_log=None, stderr_log=None):
- result =['ElmerSolver'], cwd=cwd, check=True)
- if stdout_log:
- Path(stdout_log).write_text(result.stdout or '')
- if stderr_log:
- Path(stderr_log).write_text(result.stderr or '')
- return result
-def cli():
- pass
-@click.option('-d', '--sim-dir', type=click.Path(dir_okay=True, file_okay=False, path_type=Path))
-@click.option('-o', '--output', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, writable=True, path_type=Path), help='Capacitance matrix output file')
-@click.argument('mesh_file', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, path_type=Path))
-def capacitance_matrix(mesh_file, sim_dir, output):
- physical = dict(enumerate_mesh_bodies(mesh_file))
- if sim_dir is not None:
- sim_dir = Path(sim_dir)
- sim_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
- sim = elmer.load_simulation('3D_steady', 'coil_parasitics_sim.yml')
- mesh_dir = '.'
- mesh_fn = 'mesh'
- sim.header['Mesh DB'] = f'"{mesh_dir}" "{mesh_fn}"'
- sim.constants.update({
- 'Permittivity of Vacuum': str(constants.epsilon_0),
- 'Gravity(4)': f'0 -1 0 {constants.g}',
- 'Boltzmann Constant': str(constants.Boltzmann),
- 'Unit Charge': str(constants.elementary_charge)})
- air = elmer.load_material('air', sim, 'coil_parasitics_materials.yml')
- fr4 = elmer.load_material('fr4', sim, 'coil_parasitics_materials.yml')
- solver_electrostatic = elmer.load_solver('Electrostatics_Capacitance', sim, 'coil_parasitics_solvers.yml')
-['Potential Difference'] = '1.0'
- eqn = elmer.Equation(sim, 'main', [solver_electrostatic])
- bdy_sub = elmer.Body(sim, 'substrate', [physical['substrate'][1]])
- bdy_sub.material = fr4
- bdy_sub.equation = eqn
- bdy_ab = elmer.Body(sim, 'airbox', [physical['airbox'][1]])
- bdy_ab.material = air
- bdy_ab.equation = eqn
- max_num = -1
- # boundaries
- for name, identity in physical.items():
- if (m := re.fullmatch(r'trace([0-9]+)', name)):
- num = int(
- max_num = max(num, max_num)
- bndry_m2 = elmer.Boundary(sim, name, [identity[1]])
-['Capacitance Body'] = str(num)
- if (tr := physical.get('trace')):
- bndry_m2 = elmer.Boundary(sim, 'trace', [tr[1]])
-['Capacitance Body'] = f'{max_num+1}'
- boundary_airbox = elmer.Boundary(sim, 'FarField', [physical['airbox_surface'][1]])
-['Electric Infinity BC'] = 'True'
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- tmpdir = sim_dir if sim_dir else Path(tmpdir)
- sim.write_startinfo(tmpdir)
- sim.write_sif(tmpdir)
- # Convert mesh from gmsh to elemer formats. Also scale it from 1 unit = 1 mm to 1 unit = 1 m (SI units)
- elmer_grid(mesh_file.absolute(), 'mesh', cwd=tmpdir, scale=[1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3],
- stdout_log=(tmpdir / 'ElmerGrid_stdout.log'),
- stderr_log=(tmpdir / 'ElmerGrid_stderr.log'))
- elmer_solver(tmpdir,
- stdout_log=(tmpdir / 'ElmerSolver_stdout.log'),
- stderr_log=(tmpdir / 'ElmerSolver_stderr.log'))
- capacitance_matrix = np.loadtxt(tmpdir / 'capacitance.txt')
- np.savetxt(output, capacitance_matrix)
-@click.option('-d', '--sim-dir', type=click.Path(dir_okay=True, file_okay=False, path_type=Path))
-@click.argument('mesh_file', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, path_type=Path))
-def inductance(mesh_file, sim_dir, solver_method):
- physical = dict(enumerate_mesh_bodies(mesh_file))
- if sim_dir is not None:
- sim_dir = Path(sim_dir)
- sim_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
- sim = elmer.load_simulation('3D_steady', 'coil_mag_sim.yml')
- mesh_dir = '.'
- mesh_fn = 'mesh'
- sim.header['Mesh DB'] = f'"{mesh_dir}" "{mesh_fn}"'
- sim.constants.update({
- 'Permittivity of Vacuum': str(constants.epsilon_0),
- 'Gravity(4)': f'0 -1 0 {constants.g}',
- 'Boltzmann Constant': str(constants.Boltzmann),
- 'Unit Charge': str(constants.elementary_charge)})
- air = elmer.load_material('air', sim, 'coil_mag_materials.yml')
- fr4 = elmer.load_material('fr4', sim, 'coil_mag_materials.yml')
- copper = elmer.load_material('copper', sim, 'coil_mag_materials.yml')
- solver_current = elmer.load_solver('Static_Current_Conduction', sim, 'coil_mag_solvers.yml')
- solver_magdyn = elmer.load_solver('Magneto_Dynamics', sim, 'coil_mag_solvers.yml')
- if solver_method:
-['Linear System Iterative Method'] = solver_method
- solver_magdyn_calc = elmer.load_solver('Magneto_Dynamics_Calculations', sim, 'coil_mag_solvers.yml')
- copper_eqn = elmer.Equation(sim, 'copperEqn', [solver_current, solver_magdyn, solver_magdyn_calc])
- air_eqn = elmer.Equation(sim, 'airEqn', [solver_magdyn, solver_magdyn_calc])
- bdy_trace = elmer.Body(sim, 'trace', [physical['trace'][1]])
- bdy_trace.material = copper
- bdy_trace.equation = copper_eqn
- bdy_sub = elmer.Body(sim, 'substrate', [physical['substrate'][1]])
- bdy_sub.material = fr4
- bdy_sub.equation = air_eqn
- bdy_ab = elmer.Body(sim, 'airbox', [physical['airbox'][1]])
- bdy_ab.material = air
- bdy_ab.equation = air_eqn
- bdy_if_top = elmer.Body(sim, 'interface_top', [physical['interface_top'][1]])
- bdy_if_top.material = copper
- bdy_if_top.equation = copper_eqn
- bdy_if_bottom = elmer.Body(sim, 'interface_bottom', [physical['interface_bottom'][1]])
- bdy_if_bottom.material = copper
- bdy_if_bottom.equation = copper_eqn
- potential_force = elmer.BodyForce(sim, 'electric_potential', {'Electric Potential': 'Equals "Potential"'})
- bdy_trace.body_force = potential_force
- # boundaries
- boundary_airbox = elmer.Boundary(sim, 'FarField', [physical['airbox_surface'][1]])
-['Electric Infinity BC'] = 'True'
- boundary_vplus = elmer.Boundary(sim, 'Vplus', [physical['interface_top'][1]])
-['Potential'] = 1.0
-['Save Scalars'] = True
- boundary_vminus = elmer.Boundary(sim, 'Vminus', [physical['interface_bottom'][1]])
-['Potential'] = 0.0
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- tmpdir = sim_dir if sim_dir else Path(tmpdir)
- sim.write_startinfo(tmpdir)
- sim.write_sif(tmpdir)
- # Convert mesh from gmsh to elemer formats. Also scale it from 1 unit = 1 mm to 1 unit = 1 m (SI units)
- elmer_grid(mesh_file.absolute(), 'mesh', cwd=tmpdir, scale=[1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3],
- stdout_log=(tmpdir / 'ElmerGrid_stdout.log'),
- stderr_log=(tmpdir / 'ElmerGrid_stderr.log'))
- solver_stdout, solver_stderr = (tmpdir / 'ElmerSolver_stdout.log'), (tmpdir / 'ElmerSolver_stderr.log')
- res = elmer_solver(tmpdir,
- stdout_log=solver_stdout,
- stderr_log=solver_stderr)
- P, R, U_mag = None, None, None
- solver_error = False
- for l in res.stdout.splitlines():
- if (m := re.fullmatch(r'StatCurrentSolve:\s*Total Heating Power\s*:\s*([0-9.+-Ee]+)\s*', l)):
- P = float(
- elif (m := re.fullmatch(r'StatCurrentSolve:\s*Effective Resistance\s*:\s*([0-9.+-Ee]+)\s*', l)):
- R = float(
- elif (m := re.fullmatch(r'MagnetoDynamicsCalcFields:\s*ElectroMagnetic Field Energy\s*:\s*([0-9.+-Ee]+)\s*', l)):
- U_mag = float(
- elif re.fullmatch(r'IterSolve: Linear iteration did not converge to tolerance', l):
- solver_error = True
- if solver_error:
- raise click.ClickException(f'Error: One of the solvers did not converge. See log files for details:\n{solver_stdout.absolute()}\n{solver_stderr.absolute()}')
- elif P is None or R is None or U_mag is None:
- raise click.ClickException(f'Error during solver execution. Electrical parameters could not be calculated. See log files for details:\n{solver_stdout.absolute()}\n{solver_stderr.absolute()}')
- V = math.sqrt(P*R)
- I = math.sqrt(P/R)
- L = 2*U_mag / (I**2)
- assert math.isclose(V, 1.0, abs_tol=1e-3)
- print(f'Total magnetic field energy: {format_si(U_mag, "J")}')
- print(f'Reference coil current: {format_si(I, "Ω")}')
- print(f'Coil resistance calculated by solver: {format_si(R, "Ω")}')
- print(f'Inductance calucated from field: {format_si(L, "H")}')
-@click.option('-r', '--reference-field', type=float, required=True)
-@click.option('-d', '--sim-dir', type=click.Path(dir_okay=True, file_okay=False, path_type=Path))
-@click.argument('mesh_file', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, path_type=Path))
-def mutual_inductance(mesh_file, sim_dir, reference_field):
- physical = dict(enumerate_mesh_bodies(mesh_file))
- if sim_dir is not None:
- sim_dir = Path(sim_dir)
- sim_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
- sim = elmer.load_simulation('3D_steady', 'coil_mag_sim.yml')
- mesh_dir = '.'
- mesh_fn = 'mesh'
- sim.header['Mesh DB'] = f'"{mesh_dir}" "{mesh_fn}"'
- sim.constants.update({
- 'Permittivity of Vacuum': str(constants.epsilon_0),
- 'Gravity(4)': f'0 -1 0 {constants.g}',
- 'Boltzmann Constant': str(constants.Boltzmann),
- 'Unit Charge': str(constants.elementary_charge)})
- air = elmer.load_material('air', sim, 'coil_mag_materials.yml')
- fr4 = elmer.load_material('fr4', sim, 'coil_mag_materials.yml')
- copper = elmer.load_material('copper', sim, 'coil_mag_materials.yml')
- solver_current = elmer.load_solver('Static_Current_Conduction', sim, 'coil_mag_solvers.yml')
- solver_magdyn = elmer.load_solver('Magneto_Dynamics', sim, 'coil_mag_solvers.yml')
- solver_magdyn_calc = elmer.load_solver('Magneto_Dynamics_Calculations', sim, 'coil_mag_solvers.yml')
- copper_eqn = elmer.Equation(sim, 'copperEqn', [solver_current, solver_magdyn, solver_magdyn_calc])
- air_eqn = elmer.Equation(sim, 'airEqn', [solver_magdyn, solver_magdyn_calc])
- bdy_trace1 = elmer.Body(sim, 'trace1', [physical['trace1'][1]])
- bdy_trace1.material = copper
- bdy_trace1.equation = copper_eqn
- bdy_trace2 = elmer.Body(sim, 'trace2', [physical['trace2'][1]])
- bdy_trace2.material = copper
- bdy_trace2.equation = copper_eqn
- bdy_sub1 = elmer.Body(sim, 'substrate1', [physical['substrate1'][1]])
- bdy_sub1.material = fr4
- bdy_sub1.equation = air_eqn
- bdy_sub2 = elmer.Body(sim, 'substrate2', [physical['substrate2'][1]])
- bdy_sub2.material = fr4
- bdy_sub2.equation = air_eqn
- bdy_ab = elmer.Body(sim, 'airbox', [physical['airbox'][1]])
- bdy_ab.material = air
- bdy_ab.equation = air_eqn
- bdy_if_top1 = elmer.Body(sim, 'interface_top1', [physical['interface_top1'][1]])
- bdy_if_top1.material = copper
- bdy_if_top1.equation = copper_eqn
- bdy_if_bottom1 = elmer.Body(sim, 'interface_bottom1', [physical['interface_bottom1'][1]])
- bdy_if_bottom1.material = copper
- bdy_if_bottom1.equation = copper_eqn
- bdy_if_top2 = elmer.Body(sim, 'interface_top2', [physical['interface_top2'][1]])
- bdy_if_top2.material = copper
- bdy_if_top2.equation = copper_eqn
- bdy_if_bottom2 = elmer.Body(sim, 'interface_bottom2', [physical['interface_bottom2'][1]])
- bdy_if_bottom2.material = copper
- bdy_if_bottom2.equation = copper_eqn
- potential_force = elmer.BodyForce(sim, 'electric_potential', {'Electric Potential': 'Equals "Potential"'})
- bdy_trace1.body_force = potential_force
- bdy_trace2.body_force = potential_force
- # boundaries
- boundary_airbox = elmer.Boundary(sim, 'FarField', [physical['airbox_surface'][1]])
-['Electric Infinity BC'] = 'True'
- boundary_vplus1 = elmer.Boundary(sim, 'Vplus1', [physical['interface_top1'][1]])
-['Potential'] = 1.0
-['Save Scalars'] = True
- boundary_vminus1 = elmer.Boundary(sim, 'Vminus1', [physical['interface_bottom1'][1]])
-['Potential'] = 0.0
- boundary_vplus2 = elmer.Boundary(sim, 'Vplus2', [physical['interface_top2'][1]])
-['Potential'] = 1.0
-['Save Scalars'] = True
- boundary_vminus2 = elmer.Boundary(sim, 'Vminus2', [physical['interface_bottom2'][1]])
-['Potential'] = 0.0
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- tmpdir = sim_dir if sim_dir else Path(tmpdir)
- sim.write_startinfo(tmpdir)
- sim.write_sif(tmpdir)
- # Convert mesh from gmsh to elemer formats. Also scale it from 1 unit = 1 mm to 1 unit = 1 m (SI units)
- elmer_grid(mesh_file.absolute(), 'mesh', cwd=tmpdir, scale=[1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3],
- stdout_log=(tmpdir / 'ElmerGrid_stdout.log'),
- stderr_log=(tmpdir / 'ElmerGrid_stderr.log'))
- solver_stdout, solver_stderr = (tmpdir / 'ElmerSolver_stdout.log'), (tmpdir / 'ElmerSolver_stderr.log')
- res = elmer_solver(tmpdir,
- stdout_log=solver_stdout,
- stderr_log=solver_stderr)
- P, R, U_mag = None, None, None
- solver_error = False
- for l in res.stdout.splitlines():
- if (m := re.fullmatch(r'StatCurrentSolve:\s*Total Heating Power\s*:\s*([0-9.+-Ee]+)\s*', l)):
- P = float(
- elif (m := re.fullmatch(r'StatCurrentSolve:\s*Effective Resistance\s*:\s*([0-9.+-Ee]+)\s*', l)):
- R = float(
- elif (m := re.fullmatch(r'MagnetoDynamicsCalcFields:\s*ElectroMagnetic Field Energy\s*:\s*([0-9.+-Ee]+)\s*', l)):
- U_mag = float(
- elif re.fullmatch(r'IterSolve: Linear iteration did not converge to tolerance', l):
- solver_error = True
- if solver_error:
- raise click.ClickException(f'Error: One of the solvers did not converge. See log files for details:\n{solver_stdout.absolute()}\n{solver_stderr.absolute()}')
- elif P is None or R is None or U_mag is None:
- raise click.ClickException(f'Error during solver execution. Electrical parameters could not be calculated. See log files for details:\n{solver_stdout.absolute()}\n{solver_stderr.absolute()}')
- V = math.sqrt(P*R)
- I = math.sqrt(P/R)
- Lm = (U_mag - 2*reference_field) / ((I/2)**2)
- assert math.isclose(V, 1.0, abs_tol=1e-3)
- print(f'Mutual inductance calucated from field: {format_si(Lm, "H")}')
-@click.option('-d', '--sim-dir', type=click.Path(dir_okay=True, file_okay=False, path_type=Path))
-@click.argument('mesh_file', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, path_type=Path))
-def self_capacitance(mesh_file, sim_dir):
- physical = dict(enumerate_mesh_bodies(mesh_file))
- if sim_dir is not None:
- sim_dir = Path(sim_dir)
- sim_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
- sim = elmer.load_simulation('3D_steady', 'self_capacitance_sim.yml')
- mesh_dir = '.'
- mesh_fn = 'mesh'
- sim.header['Mesh DB'] = f'"{mesh_dir}" "{mesh_fn}"'
- sim.constants.update({
- 'Permittivity of Vacuum': str(constants.epsilon_0),
- 'Gravity(4)': f'0 -1 0 {constants.g}',
- 'Boltzmann Constant': str(constants.Boltzmann),
- 'Unit Charge': str(constants.elementary_charge)})
- air = elmer.load_material('air', sim, 'coil_mag_materials.yml')
- fr4 = elmer.load_material('fr4', sim, 'coil_mag_materials.yml')
- copper = elmer.load_material('copper', sim, 'coil_mag_materials.yml')
- solver_current = elmer.load_solver('StaticCurrent', sim, 'self_capacitance_solvers.yml')
- solver_estat = elmer.load_solver('Electrostatics', sim, 'self_capacitance_solvers.yml')
- copper_eqn = elmer.Equation(sim, 'copperEqn', [solver_current, solver_estat])
- air_eqn = elmer.Equation(sim, 'airEqn', [solver_estat])
- bdy_trace = elmer.Body(sim, 'trace', [physical['trace'][1]])
- bdy_trace.material = copper
- bdy_trace.equation = copper_eqn
- bdy_sub = elmer.Body(sim, 'substrate', [physical['substrate'][1]])
- bdy_sub.material = fr4
- bdy_sub.equation = air_eqn
- bdy_ab = elmer.Body(sim, 'airbox', [physical['airbox'][1]])
- bdy_ab.material = air
- bdy_ab.equation = air_eqn
- bdy_if_top = elmer.Body(sim, 'interface_top', [physical['interface_top'][1]])
- bdy_if_top.material = copper
- bdy_if_top.equation = copper_eqn
- bdy_if_bottom = elmer.Body(sim, 'interface_bottom', [physical['interface_bottom'][1]])
- bdy_if_bottom.material = copper
- bdy_if_bottom.equation = copper_eqn
- potential_force = elmer.BodyForce(sim, 'electric_potential', {'Potential': 'Equals "PotentialStat"'})
- bdy_trace.body_force = potential_force
- # boundaries
- boundary_airbox = elmer.Boundary(sim, 'FarField', [physical['airbox_surface'][1]])
-['Electric Infinity BC'] = 'True'
- boundary_vplus = elmer.Boundary(sim, 'Vplus', [physical['interface_top'][1]])
-['PotentialStat'] = 'Real 1.0'
-['Save Scalars'] = True
- boundary_vminus = elmer.Boundary(sim, 'Vminus', [physical['interface_bottom'][1]])
-['PotentialStat'] = 'Real 0.0'
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- tmpdir = sim_dir if sim_dir else Path(tmpdir)
- sim.write_startinfo(tmpdir)
- sim.write_sif(tmpdir)
- # Convert mesh from gmsh to elemer formats. Also scale it from 1 unit = 1 mm to 1 unit = 1 m (SI units)
- elmer_grid(mesh_file.absolute(), 'mesh', cwd=tmpdir, scale=[1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3],
- stdout_log=(tmpdir / 'ElmerGrid_stdout.log'),
- stderr_log=(tmpdir / 'ElmerGrid_stderr.log'))
- solver_stdout, solver_stderr = (tmpdir / 'ElmerSolver_stdout.log'), (tmpdir / 'ElmerSolver_stderr.log')
- res = elmer_solver(tmpdir,
- stdout_log=solver_stdout,
- stderr_log=solver_stderr)
- C, U_elec = None, None
- solver_error = False
- for l in res.stdout.splitlines():
- if (m := re.fullmatch(r'StatElecSolve:\s*Tot. Electric Energy\s*:\s*([0-9.+-Ee]+)\s*', l)):
- U_elec = float(
- elif (m := re.fullmatch(r'StatElecSolve:\s*Capacitance\s*:\s*([0-9.+-Ee]+)\s*', l)):
- C = float(
- elif re.fullmatch(r'IterSolve: Linear iteration did not converge to tolerance', l):
- solver_error = True
- if solver_error:
- raise click.ClickException(f'Error: One of the solvers did not converge. See log files for details:\n{solver_stdout.absolute()}\n{solver_stderr.absolute()}')
- elif C is None or U_elec is None:
- raise click.ClickException(f'Error during solver execution. Electrical parameters could not be calculated. See log files for details:\n{solver_stdout.absolute()}\n{solver_stderr.absolute()}')
- print(f'Total electric field energy: {format_si(U_elec, "J")}')
- print(f'Total parasitic capacitance: {format_si(C, "F")}')
-@click.option('-d', '--sim-dir', type=click.Path(dir_okay=True, file_okay=False, path_type=Path))
-@click.option('--capacitance-matrix-file', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, exists=True))
-@click.option('--total-inductance', type=float, required=True, help='Total inductance in Henry')
-@click.option('--total-resistance', type=float, required=True, help='Total resistance in Ohm')
-@click.option('--plot-out', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, writable=True), help='Optional SVG plot output file')
-def resonance(sim_dir, capacitance_matrix_file, total_inductance, total_resistance, plot_out):
- import PySpice.Unit
- from PySpice.Spice.Library import SpiceLibrary
- from PySpice.Spice.Netlist import Circuit
- from PySpice.Plot.BodeDiagram import bode_diagram
- import scipy.signal
- from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
- capacitance_matrix = np.loadtxt(capacitance_matrix_file)
- num_elements = capacitance_matrix.shape[0]
- circ = Circuit('LC ladder parasitic sim')
- inputs = 'Vplus', circ.gnd
- coil_in = 'coil_in'
- Rtest = circ.R('Rtest', inputs[0], coil_in, 50@PySpice.Unit.u_Ohm)
- intermediate_nodes = [f'intermediate{i}' for i in range(num_elements-1)]
- inductor_nodes = [(a, b) for a, b in zip([coil_in, *intermediate_nodes], [*intermediate_nodes, inputs[1]])]
- inductor_midpoints = [f'midpoint{i}' for i in range(num_elements)]
- circ.SinusoidalVoltageSource('input', inputs[0], inputs[1], amplitude=1@PySpice.Unit.u_V)
- for i, ((a, b), m) in enumerate(zip(inductor_nodes, inductor_midpoints)):
- L = total_inductance / num_elements / 2
- R = total_resistance / num_elements / 2
- circ.L(f'L{i}A', a, f'R{i}A1', L@PySpice.Unit.u_H)
- circ.R(f'R{i}A', f'R{i}A1', m, R@PySpice.Unit.u_Ohm)
- circ.R(f'R{i}B', m, f'R{i}B1', R@PySpice.Unit.u_Ohm)
- circ.L(f'L{i}B', f'R{i}B1', b, L@PySpice.Unit.u_H)
- for i in range(num_elements):
- for j in range(i):
- circ.C(f'C{i}_{j}', inductor_midpoints[i], inductor_midpoints[j], capacitance_matrix[i, j]@PySpice.Unit.u_F)
- sim = circ.simulator(temperature=25, nominal_temperature=25)
- ana =, stop_frequency=1000@PySpice.Unit.u_MHz, number_of_points=1000, variation='dec')
- figure, axs = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(20, 10), sharex=True)
- freq = ana.frequency
- gain = 20*np.log10(np.absolute(ana.coil_in))
- peaks, peak_props = scipy.signal.find_peaks(-gain, height=20)
- for peak in peaks[:3]:
- print(f'Resonance at {float(freq[peak])/1e6:.3f} MHz')
- if plot_out:
- plt.title("Bode Diagram of a Low-Pass RC Filter")
- bode_diagram(axes=axs,
- frequency=freq,
- gain=gain,
- phase=np.angle(ana.coil_in, deg=False),
- linestyle='-',
- )
- for peak in peaks[:3]:
- for ax in axs:
- ax.axvline(float(freq[peak]), color='red', alpha=0.5)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.savefig(plot_out)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- cli()