/******************************************************************************* * * * Author : Angus Johnson * * Version : 1.1 * * Date : 4 April 2011 * * Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2011 * * * * License: * * Use, modification & distribution is subject to Boost Software License Ver 1. * * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt * * * * Modified by Mike Owens to support coordinate transformation * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "clipper.hpp" #include "cairo_clipper.hpp" namespace ClipperLib { namespace cairo { namespace { inline cInt Round(double val) { if ((val < 0)) return (cInt)(val - 0.5); else return (cInt)(val + 0.5); } void transform_point(cairo_t* pen, Transform transform, cInt* x, cInt* y) { double _x = (double)*x, _y = (double)*y; switch (transform) { case tDeviceToUser: cairo_device_to_user(pen, &_x, &_y); break; case tUserToDevice: cairo_user_to_device(pen, &_x, &_y); break; default: ; } *x = Round(_x); *y = Round(_y); } } void cairo_to_clipper(cairo_t* cr, Paths &pg, int scaling_factor, Transform transform) { if (scaling_factor > 8 || scaling_factor < 0) throw clipperCairoException("cairo_to_clipper: invalid scaling factor"); double scaling = std::pow((double)10, scaling_factor); pg.clear(); cairo_path_t *path = cairo_copy_path_flat(cr); int poly_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < path->num_data; i += path->data[i].header.length) { if( path->data[i].header.type == CAIRO_PATH_CLOSE_PATH) poly_count++; } pg.resize(poly_count); int i = 0, pc = 0; while (pc < poly_count) { int vert_count = 1; int j = i; while(j < path->num_data && path->data[j].header.type != CAIRO_PATH_CLOSE_PATH) { if (path->data[j].header.type == CAIRO_PATH_LINE_TO) vert_count++; j += path->data[j].header.length; } pg[pc].resize(vert_count); if (path->data[i].header.type != CAIRO_PATH_MOVE_TO) { pg.resize(pc); break; } pg[pc][0].X = Round(path->data[i+1].point.x *scaling); pg[pc][0].Y = Round(path->data[i+1].point.y *scaling); if (transform != tNone) transform_point(cr, transform, &pg[pc][0].X, &pg[pc][0].Y); i += path->data[i].header.length; j = 1; while (j < vert_count && i < path->num_data && path->data[i].header.type == CAIRO_PATH_LINE_TO) { pg[pc][j].X = Round(path->data[i+1].point.x *scaling); pg[pc][j].Y = Round(path->data[i+1].point.y *scaling); if (transform != tNone) transform_point(cr, transform, &pg[pc][j].X, &pg[pc][j].Y); j++; i += path->data[i].header.length; } pc++; i += path->data[i].header.length; } cairo_path_destroy(path); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void clipper_to_cairo(const Paths &pg, cairo_t* cr, int scaling_factor, Transform transform) { if (scaling_factor > 8 || scaling_factor < 0) throw clipperCairoException("clipper_to_cairo: invalid scaling factor"); double scaling = std::pow((double)10, scaling_factor); for (size_t i = 0; i < pg.size(); ++i) { size_t sz = pg[i].size(); if (sz < 3) continue; cairo_new_sub_path(cr); //std::cerr << "sub path"; for (size_t j = 0; j < sz; ++j) { cInt x = pg[i][j].X, y = pg[i][j].Y; if (transform != tNone) transform_point(cr, transform, &x, &y); //std::cerr << " (" << (double)x / scaling << "," << (double)y / scaling << ")"; cairo_line_to(cr, (double)x / scaling, (double)y / scaling); } //std::cerr << std::endl; cairo_close_path(cr); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- } }