
Del.» type TZFillCallback = procedure (const E1Bot, E1Top, E2Bot, E2Top: TIntPoint; var Pt: TIntPoint);

C++ » typedef void (*ZFillCallback)(const IntPoint& e1bot, IntPoint& e1top, IntPoint& e2bot, IntPoint& e2top, IntPoint& pt);

C#  » public delegate void ZFillCallback(IntPoint bot1, IntPoint top1, IntPoint bot2, IntPoint top2, ref IntPoint pt);

If the use_xyz pre-processor directive is enabled, then the IntPoint class will have an extra 'Z' member and the Clipper class's ZFillFunction property will be exposed so it can be assigned a custom callback function.

This custom callback procedure requires five IntPoint parameters: the first 2 parameters are the vertices that define one line segment involved in the intersection and the next two parameters the other line segment. (Since the Clipper library has been developed in an environment that uses an inverted Y axis display, e1bot and e2bot will always have Y values greater than or equal to their corresponding e1top and e2top Y values.) The last IntPoint parameter contain the actual coordinates at the intersection. This last parameter is passed by reference so that its Z member can be assigned with a custom value.

See Also

Clipper.ZFillFunction, Defines