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Del.» function CleanPolygons(const Polys: TPaths; Distance: double = 1.415): TPaths;
C++ » void CleanPolygons(const Paths &in_polys, Paths &out_polys, double distance = 1.415);
C++ » void CleanPolygons(Paths &polys, double distance = 1.415);
C# » public static Paths CleanPolygons(Paths polys, double distance = 1.415);
Removes vertices:
Vertices are semi-adjacent when they are separated by a single (out-lying) vertex.
The distance parameter's default value is approximately √2 so that a vertex will be removed when adjacent or semi-adjacent vertices having their corresponding X and Y coordinates differing by no more than 1 unit. (If the egdes are semi-adjacent the out-lying vertex will be removed too.)
C++ only: This function is overloaded. In the first definition, the in_polys and out_polys parameters can reference the same Paths object though in that case the calling code might be clearer if the second definition (accepting a single Paths parameter) is used.
CleanPolygon, SimplifyPolygons
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