#!/usr/bin/env python3 import tempfile import shutil import unittest from pathlib import Path import subprocess import itertools import os import sys from PIL import Image import numpy as np def run_svg_flatten(input_file, output_file, *args, **kwargs): if 'SVG_FLATTEN' in os.environ: svg_flatten = os.environ.get('SVG_FLATTEN') if not hasattr(run_svg_flatten, 'custom_svg_flatten_warned'): print(f'Using svg-flatten from SVG_FLATTEN environment variable: "{svg_flatten}"', file=sys.stderr) run_svg_flatten.custom_svg_flatten_warned = True elif (Path(__file__) / '../../build/svg-flatten').is_file(): svg_flatten = '../../build/svg-flatten' elif Path('./build/svg-flatten').is_file(): svg_flatten = './build/svg-flatten' else: svg_flatten = 'svg-flatten' args = [ svg_flatten ] for key, value in kwargs.items(): key = '--' + key.replace("_", "-") args.append(key) if type(value) is not bool: args.append(value) args.append(str(input_file)) args.append(str(output_file)) try: proc = subprocess.run(args, capture_output=True, check=True) except: print('Subprocess stdout:') print(proc.stdout.decode()) print('Subprocess stderr:') print(proc.stderr.decode()) raise def run_cargo_cmd(cmd, args, **kwargs): if cmd.upper() in os.environ: return subprocess.run([os.environ[cmd.upper()], *args], **kwargs) try: return subprocess.run([cmd, *args], **kwargs) except FileNotFoundError: return subprocess.run([str(Path.home() / '.cargo' / 'bin' / cmd), *args], **kwargs) class SVGRoundTripTests(unittest.TestCase): # Notes on test cases: # Our stroke join test shows a discrepancy in miter handling between resvg and gerbolyze. Gerbolyze's miter join is # the one from Clipper, which unfortunately cannot be configured. resvg uses one looking like that from the SVG 2 # spec. Gerbolyze's join is legal by the 1.1 spec since this spec does not explicitly define the miter offset. It # only contains an unclear picture, and that picture looks approximately like what gerbolyze produces. test_mean_default = 0.02 test_mean_overrides = { # Both of these produce high errors for two reasons: # * By necessity, we get some error accumulation because we are dashing the path *after* flattening, and # flattened path length is always a tiny bit smaller than actual path length for curved paths. # * Since the image contains a lot of edges there are lots of small differences in anti-aliasing. # Both are expected and OK. 'stroke_dashes_comparison': 0.03, 'stroke_dashes': 0.05, # The vectorizer tests produce output with lots of edges, which leads to a large amount of aliasing artifacts. 'vectorizer_simple': 0.05, 'vectorizer_clip': 0.05, 'vectorizer_xform': 0.05, 'vectorizer_xform_clip': 0.05, } # Force use of rsvg-convert instead of resvg for these test cases rsvg_override = { # resvg is bad at rendering patterns. Both scale and offset are wrong, and the result is a blurry mess. # See https://github.com/RazrFalcon/resvg/issues/221 'pattern_fill', 'pattern_stroke', 'pattern_stroke_dashed' } def compare_images(self, reference, output, test_name, mean=test_mean_default, vectorizer_test=False, rsvg_workaround=False): ref = Image.open(reference) out =Image.open(output) if vectorizer_test: target_size = (100, 100) ref.thumbnail(target_size, Image.ANTIALIAS) out.thumbnail(target_size, Image.ANTIALIAS) ref, out = np.array(ref), np.array(out) else: ref, out = np.array(ref), np.array(out) ref, out = ref.astype(float).mean(axis=2), out.astype(float).mean(axis=2) if rsvg_workaround: # For some stupid reason, rsvg-convert does not actually output black as in "black" pixels when asked to. # Instead, it outputs #010101. We fix this in post here. ref = (ref - 1.0) * (255/254) delta = np.abs(out - ref).astype(float) / 255 #def print_stats(ref): # print('img:', ref.min(), ref.mean(), ref.max(), 'std:', ref.std(), 'channels:', *(ref[:,:,i].mean() for i in # range(ref.shape[2]))) #print_stats(ref) #print_stats(out) # print(f'{test_name}: mean={delta.mean():.5g}') # self.fail('debug') self.assertTrue(delta.mean() < mean, f'Expected mean pixel difference between images to be <{mean}, was {delta.mean():.5g}') def run_svg_group_selector_test(self, mode, groups): test_in_svg = 'testdata/group_test_input.svg' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as tmp_out_svg,\ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as tmp_ref_svg,\ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') as tmp_out_png,\ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') as tmp_in_png: if mode == 'inc': group_arg = { 'only_groups': ','.join(groups) } elif mode == 'exc': group_arg = { 'exclude_groups': ','.join(groups) } run_svg_flatten(test_in_svg, tmp_out_svg.name, format='svg', **group_arg) with open(test_in_svg, 'r') as in_f: with open(tmp_ref_svg.name, 'w') as out_f: if mode == 'inc': css = '#layer1 { fill: none; }\n' css += '\n'.join(f'#{group} {{ fill: black; }}' for group in groups) elif mode == 'exc': css = '\n'.join(f'#{group} {{ fill: none; }}' for group in groups) else: raise ValueError(f'invalid mode "{mode}"') out_f.write(in_f.read().replace('/* {CSS GOES HERE} */', css)) run_cargo_cmd('resvg', [tmp_out_svg.name, tmp_out_png.name], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) run_cargo_cmd('resvg', [tmp_ref_svg.name, tmp_in_png.name], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) tc_id = f'group_sel_test_{mode}_{"_".join(groups)}' try: self.compare_images(tmp_in_png, tmp_out_png, tc_id, mean=0.001) except AssertionError as e: shutil.copyfile(tmp_in_png.name, f'/tmp/gerbolyze-fail-{tc_id}-in.png') shutil.copyfile(tmp_out_png.name, f'/tmp/gerbolyze-fail-{tc_id}-out.png') msg, *rest = e.args msg += '\nFailing test renderings copied to:\n' msg += f' /tmp/gerbolyze-fail-{tc_id}-{{in|out}}.png\n' e.args = (msg, *rest) raise e def run_svg_round_trip_test(self, test_in_svg): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as tmp_out_svg,\ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') as tmp_out_png,\ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') as tmp_in_png: use_rsvg = test_in_svg.stem in SVGRoundTripTests.rsvg_override vectorizer_test = test_in_svg.stem.startswith('vectorizer') contours_test = test_in_svg.stem.startswith('contours') if vectorizer_test: run_svg_flatten(test_in_svg, tmp_out_svg.name, format='svg', svg_white_is_gerber_dark=True, clear_color='black', dark_color='white') elif contours_test: run_svg_flatten(test_in_svg, tmp_out_svg.name, format='svg', clear_color='black', dark_color='white', svg_white_is_gerber_dark=True, vectorizer='binary-contours') else: run_svg_flatten(test_in_svg, tmp_out_svg.name, format='svg') shutil.copyfile(tmp_out_svg.name, f'/tmp/gerbolyze-intermediate-{test_in_svg.stem}-out.svg') if not use_rsvg: # default! run_cargo_cmd('resvg', [tmp_out_svg.name, tmp_out_png.name], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) run_cargo_cmd('resvg', [test_in_svg, tmp_in_png.name], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) else: subprocess.run(['rsvg-convert', tmp_out_svg.name, '-f', 'png', '-o', tmp_out_png.name], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) subprocess.run(['rsvg-convert', test_in_svg, '-f', 'png', '-o', tmp_in_png.name], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) try: self.compare_images(tmp_in_png.name, tmp_out_png.name, test_in_svg.stem, SVGRoundTripTests.test_mean_overrides.get(test_in_svg.stem, SVGRoundTripTests.test_mean_default), vectorizer_test, rsvg_workaround=use_rsvg) except AssertionError as e: shutil.copyfile(tmp_in_png.name, f'/tmp/gerbolyze-fail-{test_in_svg.stem}-in.png') shutil.copyfile(tmp_out_png.name, f'/tmp/gerbolyze-fail-{test_in_svg.stem}-out.png') msg, *rest = e.args msg += '\nFailing test renderings copied to:\n' msg += f' /tmp/gerbolyze-fail-{test_in_svg.stem}-{{in|out}}.png\n' e.args = (msg, *rest) raise e for test_in_svg in Path('testdata/svg').glob('*.svg'): # We need to make sure we capture the loop variable's current value here. gen = lambda testcase: lambda self: self.run_svg_round_trip_test(testcase) setattr(SVGRoundTripTests, f'test_{test_in_svg.stem}', gen(test_in_svg)) for group in ["g0", "g00", "g000", "g0000", "g00000", "g0001", "g001", "g0010", "g002", "g01", "g010", "g0100", "g011", "g02", "g020", "g03", "path846-59", "path846-3-2", "path846-5-2", "path846-3-3-8"]: gen = lambda mode, group: lambda self: self.run_svg_group_selector_test(mode, group) setattr(SVGRoundTripTests, f'test_group_sel_inc_{group}', gen('inc', [group])) setattr(SVGRoundTripTests, f'test_group_sel_exc_{group}', gen('exc', [group])) for g0, g1 in itertools.product(["g0", "g0000", "g0001", "g0010", "g002","path846-59"], repeat=2): gen = lambda mode, group: lambda self: self.run_svg_group_selector_test(mode, group) setattr(SVGRoundTripTests, f'test_group_sel_inc_{g0}_{g1}', gen('inc', [g0, g1])) setattr(SVGRoundTripTests, f'test_group_sel_exc_{g0}_{g1}', gen('exc', [g0, g1])) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()