#!/usr/bin/env python3 import tempfile import shutil import unittest from pathlib import Path import subprocess import itertools import textwrap import os import sys from PIL import Image import numpy as np def run_svg_flatten(input_file, output_file, *args, timeout=None, **kwargs): if 'SVG_FLATTEN' in os.environ: svg_flatten = os.environ.get('SVG_FLATTEN') if not hasattr(run_svg_flatten, 'custom_svg_flatten_warned'): print(f'Using svg-flatten from SVG_FLATTEN environment variable: "{svg_flatten}"', file=sys.stderr) run_svg_flatten.custom_svg_flatten_warned = True elif (Path(__file__) / '../../build/svg-flatten').is_file(): svg_flatten = '../../build/svg-flatten' elif Path('./build/svg-flatten').is_file(): svg_flatten = './build/svg-flatten' else: svg_flatten = 'svg-flatten' args = [ svg_flatten ] for key, value in kwargs.items(): key = '--' + key.replace("_", "-") args.append(key) if type(value) is not bool: args.append(value) args.append(str(input_file)) args.append(str(output_file)) try: proc = subprocess.run(args, capture_output=True, check=True, text=True, timeout=timeout) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print('Subprocess stdout:') print(e.stdout) print('Subprocess stderr:') print(e.stderr) raise def run_cargo_cmd(cmd, args, **kwargs): if cmd.upper() in os.environ: return subprocess.run([os.environ[cmd.upper()], *args], **kwargs) try: return subprocess.run([cmd, *args], **kwargs) except FileNotFoundError: return subprocess.run([str(Path.home() / '.cargo' / 'bin' / cmd), *args], **kwargs) class SVGRoundTripTests(unittest.TestCase): # Notes on test cases: # Our stroke join test shows a discrepancy in miter handling between resvg and gerbolyze. Gerbolyze's miter join is # the one from Clipper, which unfortunately cannot be configured. resvg uses one looking like that from the SVG 2 # spec. Gerbolyze's join is legal by the 1.1 spec since this spec does not explicitly define the miter offset. It # only contains an unclear picture, and that picture looks approximately like what gerbolyze produces. test_mean_default = 0.02 test_mean_overrides = { # Both of these produce high errors for two reasons: # * By necessity, we get some error accumulation because we are dashing the path *after* flattening, and # flattened path length is always a tiny bit smaller than actual path length for curved paths. # * Since the image contains a lot of edges there are lots of small differences in anti-aliasing. # Both are expected and OK. 'stroke_dashes_comparison': 0.03, 'stroke_dashes': 0.05, # The vectorizer tests produce output with lots of edges, which leads to a large amount of aliasing artifacts. 'vectorizer_simple': 0.08, 'vectorizer_clip': 0.05, 'vectorizer_xform': 0.08, 'vectorizer_xform_clip': 0.05, } # Force use of rsvg-convert instead of resvg for these test cases rsvg_override = { # resvg is bad at rendering patterns. Both scale and offset are wrong, and the result is a blurry mess. # See https://github.com/RazrFalcon/resvg/issues/221 'pattern_fill', 'pattern_stroke', 'pattern_stroke_dashed' } def compare_images(self, reference, output, test_name, mean=test_mean_default, vectorizer_test=False, rsvg_workaround=False): ref = Image.open(reference) out =Image.open(output) if vectorizer_test: target_size = (100, 100) ref.thumbnail(target_size, Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) out.thumbnail(target_size, Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) ref, out = np.array(ref), np.array(out) else: ref, out = np.array(ref), np.array(out) ref, out = ref.astype(float).mean(axis=2), out.astype(float).mean(axis=2) if rsvg_workaround: # For some stupid reason, rsvg-convert does not actually output black as in "black" pixels when asked to. # Instead, it outputs #010101. We fix this in post here. ref = (ref - 1.0) * (255/254) delta = np.abs(out - ref).astype(float) / 255 #def print_stats(ref): # print('img:', ref.min(), ref.mean(), ref.max(), 'std:', ref.std(), 'channels:', *(ref[:,:,i].mean() for i in # range(ref.shape[2]))) #print_stats(ref) #print_stats(out) # print(f'{test_name}: mean={delta.mean():.5g}') # self.fail('debug') self.assertTrue(delta.mean() < mean, f'Expected mean pixel difference between images to be <{mean}, was {delta.mean():.5g}') def run_svg_group_selector_test(self, mode, groups): test_in_svg = 'testdata/group_test_input.svg' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as tmp_out_svg,\ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as tmp_ref_svg,\ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') as tmp_out_png,\ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') as tmp_in_png: if mode == 'inc': group_arg = { 'only_groups': ','.join(groups) } elif mode == 'exc': group_arg = { 'exclude_groups': ','.join(groups) } run_svg_flatten(test_in_svg, tmp_out_svg.name, format='svg', **group_arg) with open(test_in_svg, 'r') as in_f: with open(tmp_ref_svg.name, 'w') as out_f: if mode == 'inc': css = '#layer1 { fill: none; }\n' css += '\n'.join(f'#{group} {{ fill: black; }}' for group in groups) elif mode == 'exc': css = '\n'.join(f'#{group} {{ fill: none; }}' for group in groups) else: raise ValueError(f'invalid mode "{mode}"') out_f.write(in_f.read().replace('/* {CSS GOES HERE} */', css)) run_cargo_cmd('resvg', [tmp_out_svg.name, tmp_out_png.name], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) run_cargo_cmd('resvg', [tmp_ref_svg.name, tmp_in_png.name], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) tc_id = f'group_sel_test_{mode}_{"_".join(groups)}' try: self.compare_images(tmp_in_png, tmp_out_png, tc_id, mean=0.001) except AssertionError as e: shutil.copyfile(tmp_in_png.name, f'/tmp/gerbolyze-fail-{tc_id}-in.png') shutil.copyfile(tmp_out_png.name, f'/tmp/gerbolyze-fail-{tc_id}-out.png') msg, *rest = e.args msg += '\nFailing test renderings copied to:\n' msg += f' /tmp/gerbolyze-fail-{tc_id}-{{in|out}}.png\n' e.args = (msg, *rest) raise e def run_svg_round_trip_test(self, test_in_svg): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as tmp_out_svg,\ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') as tmp_out_png,\ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') as tmp_in_png: use_rsvg = test_in_svg.stem in SVGRoundTripTests.rsvg_override vectorizer_test = test_in_svg.stem.startswith('vectorizer') contours_test = test_in_svg.stem.startswith('contours') if vectorizer_test: run_svg_flatten(test_in_svg, tmp_out_svg.name, format='svg', svg_white_is_gerber_dark=True, clear_color='black', dark_color='white') elif contours_test: run_svg_flatten(test_in_svg, tmp_out_svg.name, format='svg', clear_color='black', dark_color='white', svg_white_is_gerber_dark=True, vectorizer='binary-contours') else: run_svg_flatten(test_in_svg, tmp_out_svg.name, format='svg') shutil.copyfile(tmp_out_svg.name, f'/tmp/gerbolyze-intermediate-{test_in_svg.stem}-out.svg') if not use_rsvg: # default! run_cargo_cmd('resvg', [tmp_out_svg.name, tmp_out_png.name], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) run_cargo_cmd('resvg', [test_in_svg, tmp_in_png.name], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) else: subprocess.run(['rsvg-convert', tmp_out_svg.name, '-f', 'png', '-o', tmp_out_png.name], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) subprocess.run(['rsvg-convert', test_in_svg, '-f', 'png', '-o', tmp_in_png.name], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) try: self.compare_images(tmp_in_png.name, tmp_out_png.name, test_in_svg.stem, SVGRoundTripTests.test_mean_overrides.get(test_in_svg.stem, SVGRoundTripTests.test_mean_default), vectorizer_test, rsvg_workaround=use_rsvg) except AssertionError as e: shutil.copyfile(tmp_in_png.name, f'/tmp/gerbolyze-fail-{test_in_svg.stem}-in.png') shutil.copyfile(tmp_out_png.name, f'/tmp/gerbolyze-fail-{test_in_svg.stem}-out.png') msg, *rest = e.args msg += '\nFailing test renderings copied to:\n' msg += f' /tmp/gerbolyze-fail-{test_in_svg.stem}-{{in|out}}.png\n' e.args = (msg, *rest) raise e class StrokeMappingTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_stroke_mapping(self): test_in_svg = 'testdata/svg/xform_uniformity_threshold.svg' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as tmp_out_svg: run_svg_flatten(test_in_svg, tmp_out_svg.name, format='svg') with open(tmp_out_svg.name, 'r') as f: num_strokes = sum(1 for l in f.readlines() if 'stroke=' in l) try: self.assertEqual(num_strokes, 60) except AssertionError as e: shutil.copyfile(tmp_out_svg.name, f'/tmp/gerbolyze-fail-stoke-mapping-out.svg') raise class RegressionTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_regression_dehole_concave_infinite_loop(self): test_svg = textwrap.dedent(''' ''') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as tmp_svg,\ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.gbr') as tmp_gbr: tmp_svg.write(test_svg.encode()) tmp_svg.flush() # This will raise subprocess.TimeoutExpired if the test fails. run_svg_flatten(tmp_svg.name, tmp_gbr.name, format='svg', timeout=15) for test_in_svg in Path('testdata/svg').glob('*.svg'): # We need to make sure we capture the loop variable's current value here. gen = lambda testcase: lambda self: self.run_svg_round_trip_test(testcase) setattr(SVGRoundTripTests, f'test_{test_in_svg.stem}', gen(test_in_svg)) for group in ["g0", "g00", "g000", "g0000", "g00000", "g0001", "g001", "g0010", "g002", "g01", "g010", "g0100", "g011", "g02", "g020", "g03", "path846-59", "path846-3-2", "path846-5-2", "path846-3-3-8"]: gen = lambda mode, group: lambda self: self.run_svg_group_selector_test(mode, group) setattr(SVGRoundTripTests, f'test_group_sel_inc_{group}', gen('inc', [group])) setattr(SVGRoundTripTests, f'test_group_sel_exc_{group}', gen('exc', [group])) for g0, g1 in itertools.product(["g0", "g0000", "g0001", "g0010", "g002","path846-59"], repeat=2): gen = lambda mode, group: lambda self: self.run_svg_group_selector_test(mode, group) setattr(SVGRoundTripTests, f'test_group_sel_inc_{g0}_{g1}', gen('inc', [g0, g1])) setattr(SVGRoundTripTests, f'test_group_sel_exc_{g0}_{g1}', gen('exc', [g0, g1])) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()