/* * This file is part of gerbolyze, a vector image preprocessing toolchain * Copyright (C) 2021 Jan Sebastian Götte <gerbolyze@jaseg.de> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <gerbolyze.hpp> #include "svg_import_defs.h" #include "svg_color.h" #include "svg_geom.h" #include "svg_path.h" #include "vec_core.h" using namespace gerbolyze; using namespace std; using namespace ClipperLib; bool gerbolyze::SVGDocument::load(string filename) { ifstream in_f; in_f.open(filename); return in_f && load(in_f); } bool gerbolyze::SVGDocument::load(istream &in) { /* Load XML document */ auto res = svg_doc.load(in); if (!res) { cerr << "Cannot parse input file" << endl; return false; } root_elem = svg_doc.child("svg"); if (!root_elem) { cerr << "Input file is missing root <svg> element" << endl; return false; } /* Set up the document's viewport transform */ istringstream vb_stream(root_elem.attribute("viewBox").value()); vb_stream >> vb_x >> vb_y >> vb_w >> vb_h; cerr << "SVG document viewbox: origin=" << vb_x << "," << vb_y << ", size=" << vb_w << "," << vb_h << endl; page_w = usvg_double_attr(root_elem, "width"); page_h = usvg_double_attr(root_elem, "height"); /* usvg resolves all units, but instead of outputting some reasonable absolute length like mm, it converts * everything to px, which depends on usvg's DPI setting (--dpi). */ page_w_mm = page_w / assumed_usvg_dpi * 25.4; page_h_mm = page_h / assumed_usvg_dpi * 25.4; if (!(page_w_mm > 0.0 && page_h_mm > 0.0 && page_w_mm < 10e3 && page_h_mm < 10e3)) { cerr << "Warning: Page has zero or negative size, or is larger than 10 x 10 meters! Parsed size: " << page_w << " x " << page_h << " millimeter" << endl; } if (fabs((vb_w / page_w) / (vb_h / page_h) - 1.0) > 0.001) { cerr << "Warning: Document has different document unit scale in x and y direction! Output will likely be garbage!" << endl; } /* Get the one document defs element */ defs_node = root_elem.child("defs"); if (!defs_node) { cerr << "Warning: Input file is missing <defs> node" << endl; } setup_viewport_clip(); load_patterns(); _valid = true; return true; } const Paths *gerbolyze::SVGDocument::lookup_clip_path(const pugi::xml_node &node) { string id(usvg_id_url(node.attribute("clip-path").value())); if (id.empty() || clip_path_map.count(id) == 0) { return nullptr; } return &clip_path_map[id]; } Pattern *gerbolyze::SVGDocument::lookup_pattern(const string id) { if (id.empty() || pattern_map.count(id) == 0) { return nullptr; } return &pattern_map[id]; }; /* Used to convert mm values from configuration such as the minimum feature size into document units. */ double gerbolyze::SVGDocument::mm_to_doc_units(double mm) const { return mm * (vb_w / page_w_mm); } double gerbolyze::SVGDocument::doc_units_to_mm(double px) const { return px / (vb_w / page_w_mm); } bool IDElementSelector::match(const pugi::xml_node &node, bool is_toplevel, bool parent_include) const { string id = node.attribute("id").value(); //cerr << "match id=" << id << " toplevel=" << is_toplevel << " parent=" << parent_include << endl; if (is_toplevel && layers) { bool layer_match = std::find(layers->begin(), layers->end(), id) != layers->end(); if (!layer_match) { cerr << "Rejecting layer \"" << id << "\"" << endl; return false; } } if (include.empty() && exclude.empty()) return true; bool include_match = std::find(include.begin(), include.end(), id) != include.end(); bool exclude_match = std::find(exclude.begin(), exclude.end(), id) != exclude.end(); //cerr << " excl=" << exclude_match << " incl=" << include_match << endl; if (is_toplevel) { if (!include.empty()) parent_include = false; else parent_include = true; } if (exclude_match) { return false; } if (include_match) { return true; } return parent_include; } /* Recursively export all SVG elements in the given group. */ void gerbolyze::SVGDocument::export_svg_group(RenderContext &ctx, const pugi::xml_node &group) { /* Fetch clip path from global registry and transform it into document coordinates. */ Paths clip_path; auto *lookup = lookup_clip_path(group); if (!lookup) { string id(usvg_id_url(group.attribute("clip-path").value())); if (!id.empty()) { cerr << "Warning: Cannot find clip path with ID \"" << group.attribute("clip-path").value() << "\" for group \"" << group.attribute("id").value() << "\"." << endl; } } else { clip_path = *lookup; ctx.mat().transform_paths(clip_path); } /* Clip against parent's clip path (both are now in document coordinates) */ if (!ctx.clip().empty()) { if (!clip_path.empty()) { Clipper c; c.StrictlySimple(true); c.AddPaths(ctx.clip(), ptClip, /* closed */ true); c.AddPaths(clip_path, ptSubject, /* closed */ true); /* Nonzero fill since both input clip paths must already have been preprocessed by clipper. */ c.Execute(ctIntersection, clip_path, pftNonZero); } else { clip_path = ctx.clip(); } } /* Iterate over the group's children, exporting them one by one. */ for (const auto &node : group.children()) { string name(node.name()); bool match = ctx.match(node); RenderContext elem_ctx(ctx, xform2d(node.attribute("transform").value()), clip_path, match); if (name == "g") { if (ctx.root()) { /* Treat top-level groups as "layers" like inkscape does. */ cerr << "Forwarding layer name to sink: \"" << node.attribute("id").value() << "\"" << endl; LayerNameToken tok { node.attribute("id").value() }; elem_ctx.sink() << tok; } export_svg_group(elem_ctx, node); if (ctx.root()) { LayerNameToken tok {""}; elem_ctx.sink() << tok; } } else if (name == "path") { if (!match) continue; export_svg_path(elem_ctx, node); } else if (name == "image") { if (!match) continue; ImageVectorizer *vec = ctx.settings().m_vec_sel.select(node); if (!vec) { cerr << "Cannot resolve vectorizer for node \"" << node.attribute("id").value() << "\"" << endl; continue; } double min_feature_size_px = mm_to_doc_units(ctx.settings().m_minimum_feature_size_mm); vec->vectorize_image(elem_ctx, node, min_feature_size_px); delete vec; } else if (name == "defs") { /* ignore */ } else { cerr << " Unexpected child: <" << node.name() << ">" << endl; } } } /* Export an SVG path element to gerber. Apply patterns and clip on the fly. */ void gerbolyze::SVGDocument::export_svg_path(RenderContext &ctx, const pugi::xml_node &node) { enum gerber_color fill_color = gerber_fill_color(node, ctx.settings()); enum gerber_color stroke_color = gerber_stroke_color(node, ctx.settings()); //cerr << "path: resolved colors, stroke=" << stroke_color << ", fill=" << fill_color << endl; double stroke_width = usvg_double_attr(node, "stroke-width", /* default */ 1.0); assert(stroke_width > 0.0); enum ClipperLib::EndType end_type = clipper_end_type(node); enum ClipperLib::JoinType join_type = clipper_join_type(node); vector<double> dasharray; parse_dasharray(node, dasharray); double stroke_dashoffset = usvg_double_attr(node, "stroke-dashoffset", /* default */ 0.0); double stroke_miterlimit = usvg_double_attr(node, "stroke-miterlimit", /* default */ 4.0); if (!fill_color && !stroke_color) { /* Ignore "transparent" paths */ return; } /* Load path from SVG path data and transform into document units. */ /* FIXME transform stroke width here? */ stroke_width = ctx.mat().doc2phys_dist(stroke_width); Paths stroke_open, stroke_closed; PolyTree ptree_fill; PolyTree ptree; load_svg_path(ctx.mat(), node, stroke_open, stroke_closed, ptree_fill, ctx.settings().curve_tolerance_mm); Paths fill_paths; PolyTreeToPaths(ptree_fill, fill_paths); bool has_fill = fill_color; bool has_stroke = stroke_color && stroke_width > 0.0; /* Skip filling for transparent fills. In outline mode, skip filling if a stroke is also set to avoid double lines. */ if (has_fill && !(ctx.settings().outline_mode && has_stroke)) { /* Clip paths. Consider all paths closed for filling. */ if (!ctx.clip().empty()) { Clipper c; c.AddPaths(fill_paths, ptSubject, /* closed */ true); c.AddPaths(ctx.clip(), ptClip, /* closed */ true); c.StrictlySimple(true); /* fill rules are nonzero since both subject and clip have already been normalized by clipper. */ c.Execute(ctIntersection, ptree_fill, pftNonZero, pftNonZero); } /* Call out to pattern tiler for pattern fills. The path becomes the clip here. */ if (fill_color == GRB_PATTERN_FILL) { string fill_pattern_id = usvg_id_url(node.attribute("fill").value()); Pattern *pattern = lookup_pattern(fill_pattern_id); if (!pattern) { cerr << "Warning: Fill pattern with id \"" << fill_pattern_id << "\" not found." << endl; } else { PolyTreeToPaths(ptree_fill, fill_paths); RenderContext local_ctx(ctx, xform2d(), fill_paths, true); pattern->tile(local_ctx); } } else { /* solid fill */ if (ctx.settings().outline_mode) { fill_color = GRB_DARK; } Paths f_polys; /* Important for gerber spec compliance and also for reliable rendering results irrespective of board house * and gerber viewer. */ dehole_polytree(ptree_fill, f_polys); /* export gerber */ for (const auto &poly : f_polys) { vector<array<double, 2>> out; for (const auto &p : poly) out.push_back(std::array<double, 2>{ ((double)p.X) / clipper_scale, ((double)p.Y) / clipper_scale }); /* In outline mode, manually close polys */ if (ctx.settings().outline_mode && !out.empty()) out.push_back(out[0]); ctx.sink() << (fill_color == GRB_DARK ? GRB_POL_DARK : GRB_POL_CLEAR) << out; } } } if (has_stroke) { ClipperOffset offx; offx.ArcTolerance = 0.01 * clipper_scale; /* 10µm; TODO: Make this configurable */ offx.MiterLimit = stroke_miterlimit; /* For stroking we have to separately handle open and closed paths */ for (auto &poly : stroke_closed) { if (poly.empty()) continue; /* Special case: A closed path becomes a number of open paths when it is dashed. */ if (dasharray.empty()) { if (ctx.settings().outline_mode && stroke_color != GRB_PATTERN_FILL) { /* In outline mode, manually close polys */ poly.push_back(poly[0]); ctx.sink() << ApertureToken() << poly; } else { offx.AddPath(poly, join_type, etClosedLine); } } else { Path poly_copy(poly); poly_copy.push_back(poly[0]); Paths out; dash_path(poly_copy, out, dasharray, stroke_dashoffset); if (ctx.settings().outline_mode && stroke_color != GRB_PATTERN_FILL) { ctx.sink() << ApertureToken(stroke_width) << out; } else { offx.AddPaths(out, join_type, end_type); } } } for (const auto &poly : stroke_open) { Paths out; dash_path(poly, out, dasharray, stroke_dashoffset); if (ctx.settings().outline_mode && stroke_color != GRB_PATTERN_FILL) { ctx.sink() << ApertureToken(stroke_width) << out; } else { offx.AddPaths(out, join_type, end_type); } } /* Execute clipper offset operation to generate stroke outlines */ offx.Execute(ptree, 0.5 * stroke_width * clipper_scale); /* Clip. Note that after the outline, all we have is closed paths as any open path's stroke outline is itself * a closed path. */ if (!ctx.clip().empty()) { Clipper c; Paths outline_paths; PolyTreeToPaths(ptree, outline_paths); c.AddPaths(outline_paths, ptSubject, /* closed */ true); c.AddPaths(ctx.clip(), ptClip, /* closed */ true); c.StrictlySimple(true); /* fill rules are nonzero since both subject and clip have already been normalized by clipper. */ c.Execute(ctIntersection, ptree, pftNonZero, pftNonZero); } /* Call out to pattern tiler for pattern strokes. The stroke's outline becomes the clip here. */ if (stroke_color == GRB_PATTERN_FILL) { string stroke_pattern_id = usvg_id_url(node.attribute("stroke").value()); Pattern *pattern = lookup_pattern(stroke_pattern_id); if (!pattern) { cerr << "Warning: Fill pattern with id \"" << stroke_pattern_id << "\" not found." << endl; } else { Paths clip; PolyTreeToPaths(ptree, clip); RenderContext local_ctx(ctx, xform2d(), clip, true); pattern->tile(local_ctx); } } else if (!ctx.settings().outline_mode) { Paths s_polys; dehole_polytree(ptree, s_polys); ctx.sink() << ApertureToken() << (stroke_color == GRB_DARK ? GRB_POL_DARK : GRB_POL_CLEAR) << s_polys; } } ctx.sink() << ApertureToken(); } void gerbolyze::SVGDocument::render(const RenderSettings &rset, PolygonSink &sink, const ElementSelector &sel) { assert(_valid); /* Export the actual SVG document. We do this as we go, i.e. we immediately process each element to gerber as we * encounter it instead of first rendering everything to a giant list of gerber primitives and then serializing * those later. Exporting them on the fly saves a ton of memory and is much faster. */ /* Scale document pixels to mm for sinks */ PolygonScaler scaler(sink, doc_units_to_mm(1.0)); RenderContext ctx(rset, scaler, sel, vb_paths); /* Load clip paths from defs with given bezier flattening tolerance and unit scale */ load_clips(rset); scaler.header({vb_x, vb_y}, {vb_w, vb_h}); export_svg_group(ctx, root_elem); scaler.footer(); } void gerbolyze::SVGDocument::render_to_list(const RenderSettings &rset, vector<pair<Polygon, GerberPolarityToken>> &out, const ElementSelector &sel) { LambdaPolygonSink sink([&out](const Polygon &poly, GerberPolarityToken pol) { out.emplace_back(pair<Polygon, GerberPolarityToken>{poly, pol}); }); render(rset, sink, sel); } void gerbolyze::SVGDocument::setup_viewport_clip() { /* Set up view port clip path */ Path vb_path; for (d2p &p : vector<d2p> { {vb_x, vb_y}, {vb_x+vb_w, vb_y}, {vb_x+vb_w, vb_y+vb_h}, {vb_x, vb_y+vb_h}}) { vb_path.push_back({ (cInt)round(p[0] * clipper_scale), (cInt)round(p[1] * clipper_scale) }); } vb_paths.push_back(vb_path); } void gerbolyze::SVGDocument::load_patterns() { /* Set up document-wide pattern registry. Load patterns from <defs> node. */ for (const auto &node : defs_node.children("pattern")) { pattern_map.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(node.attribute("id").value()), std::forward_as_tuple(node, *this)); } } void gerbolyze::SVGDocument::load_clips(const RenderSettings &rset) { /* Set up document-wide clip path registry: Extract clip path definitions from <defs> element */ for (const auto &node : defs_node.children("clipPath")) { xform2d local_xf(node.attribute("transform").value()); string meta_clip_path_id(usvg_id_url(node.attribute("clip-path").value())); Clipper c; /* The clipPath node can only contain <path> children. usvg converts all geometric objects (rect etc.) to * <path>s. Raster images are invalid inside a clip path. usvg removes all groups that are not relevant to * rendering, and the only way a group might stay is if it affects rasterization (e.g. through mask, clipPath). */ for (const auto &child : node.children("path")) { Paths _stroke_open, _stroke_closed; /* discarded */ PolyTree ptree_fill; /* TODO: we currently only support clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse", not "objectBoundingBox". */ xform2d child_xf(local_xf); child_xf.transform(xform2d(child.attribute("transform").value())); load_svg_path(child_xf, child, _stroke_open, _stroke_closed, ptree_fill, rset.curve_tolerance_mm); Paths paths; PolyTreeToPaths(ptree_fill, paths); c.AddPaths(paths, ptSubject, /* closed */ false); } /* Support clip paths that themselves have clip paths */ if (!meta_clip_path_id.empty()) { if (clip_path_map.count(meta_clip_path_id) > 0) { /* all clip paths must be closed */ c.AddPaths(clip_path_map[meta_clip_path_id], ptClip, /* closed */ true); } else { cerr << "Warning: Cannot find clip path with ID \"" << meta_clip_path_id << "\", ignoring." << endl; } } PolyTree ptree; c.StrictlySimple(true); /* This unions all child <path>s together and at the same time applies any meta clip path. */ /* The fill rules are both nonzero since both subject and clip have already been normalized by clipper. */ c.Execute(ctUnion, ptree, pftNonZero, pftNonZero); /* Insert into document clip path map */ PolyTreeToPaths(ptree, clip_path_map[node.attribute("id").value()]); } } gerbolyze::RenderContext::RenderContext(const RenderSettings &settings, PolygonSink &sink, const ElementSelector &sel, ClipperLib::Paths &clip) : m_sink(sink), m_settings(settings), m_mat(), m_root(true), m_included(false), m_sel(sel), m_clip(clip) { } gerbolyze::RenderContext::RenderContext(RenderContext &parent, xform2d transform) : RenderContext(parent, transform, parent.clip(), parent.included()) { } gerbolyze::RenderContext::RenderContext(RenderContext &parent, xform2d transform, ClipperLib::Paths &clip, bool included) : m_sink(parent.sink()), m_settings(parent.settings()), m_mat(parent.mat()), m_root(false), m_included(included), m_sel(parent.sel()), m_clip(clip) { m_mat.transform(transform); }