/* * This file is part of gerbolyze, a vector image preprocessing toolchain * Copyright (C) 2021 Jan Sebastian Götte <gerbolyze@jaseg.de> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #pragma once #include <array> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <clipper.hpp> #include "svg_import_defs.h" using namespace std; namespace gerbolyze { typedef std::array<double, 2> d2p; typedef std::vector<d2p> Polygon; typedef std::array<int64_t, 2> i2p; typedef std::vector<i2p> Polygon_i; class xform2d { public: xform2d(double xx, double xy, double yx, double yy, double x0=0.0, double y0=0.0) : xx(xx), xy(xy), x0(x0), yx(yx), yy(yy), y0(y0) {} xform2d() : xform2d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) {} xform2d(const string &svg_transform) : xform2d() { if (svg_transform.empty()) return; string start("matrix("); if (svg_transform.substr(0, start.length()) != start) return; if (svg_transform.back() != ')') return; const string &foo = svg_transform.substr(start.length(), svg_transform.length()); const string &bar = foo.substr(0, foo.length() - 1); istringstream xform(bar); double a, c, e, b, d, f; xform >> a >> b >> c >> d >> e >> f; if (xform.fail()) return; xx=a, yx=b, xy=c, yy=d, x0=e, y0=f; //cerr << "xform loaded " << dbg_str() << endl; } xform2d &translate(double x, double y) { xform2d xf(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y); transform(xf); return *this; } xform2d &scale(double x, double y) { xform2d xf(x, 0, 0, y); transform(xf); return *this; } xform2d &rotate(double theta) { double s = sin(theta); double c = cos(theta); xform2d xf(c, -s, s, c); transform(xf); return *this; } xform2d &skew(double m) { xform2d xf(1, m, 0, 1); transform(xf); return *this; } xform2d &transform(const xform2d &other) { double n_xx = other.xx * xx + other.yx * xy; double n_yx = other.xx * yx + other.yx * yy; double n_xy = other.xy * xx + other.yy * xy; double n_yy = other.xy * yx + other.yy * yy; double n_x0 = other.x0 * xx + other.y0 * xy + x0; double n_y0 = other.x0 * yx + other.y0 * yy + y0; xx = n_xx; yx = n_yx; xy = n_xy; yy = n_yy; x0 = n_x0; y0 = n_y0; decomposed = false; return *this; }; double doc2phys_dist(double dist_doc) { return dist_doc * sqrt(xx*xx + xy*xy); } double phys2doc_dist(double dist_doc) { return dist_doc / sqrt(xx*xx + xy*xy); } std::tuple<double, double, double, double> decompose() { /* FIXME unit tests, especially for degenerate cases! */ if (decomposed) { return {s_x, s_y, m, theta}; } /* https://math.stackexchange.com/a/3521141 */ /* https://stackoverflow.com/a/70381885 */ /* xx xy x0 * yx yy y0 */ s_x = sqrt(xx*xx + yx*yx); if (xx == 0 && yx == 0) { theta = 0; } else { theta = atan2(yx, xx); } double f = (xx*yy - xy*yx); if (f == 0) { m = 0; } else { m = (xx*xy + yy*yx) / f; } f = xx + m*yx; if (fabs(f) < 1e-12) { f = m*xx - yx; if (fabs(f) < 1e-12) { s_y = 0; } else { s_y = xy*s_x / f; } } else { s_y = yy*s_x / f; } double b = sqrt(s_y*s_y + m*m); f_min = fmin(s_x, b); f_max = fmax(s_x, b); decomposed = true; return {s_x, s_y, m, theta}; } bool doc2phys_skew_ok(double dist_doc, double rel_tol, double abs_tol) { decompose(); if (f_min == 0) { return false; } double imbalance = f_max / f_min - 1.0; //cerr << " * skew check: " << dbg_str(); //cerr << " imbalance=" << imbalance << endl; //cerr << " rel=" << (imbalance < rel_tol) << " abs=" << (imbalance*fabs(dist_doc) < abs_tol) << endl; return imbalance < rel_tol && imbalance*fabs(dist_doc) < abs_tol; } double doc2phys_min(double dist_doc) { decompose(); return dist_doc * f_min; } double doc2phys_max(double dist_doc) { decompose(); return dist_doc * f_max; } double phys2doc_min(double dist_doc) { decompose(); if (f_min == 0) return std::nan("9"); return dist_doc / f_min; } double phys2doc_max(double dist_doc) { decompose(); if (f_max == 0) return std::nan("9"); return dist_doc / f_max; } d2p doc2phys(const d2p p) { return d2p { xx * p[0] + xy * p[1] + x0, yx * p[0] + yy * p[1] + y0 }; } xform2d &invert(bool *success_out=nullptr) { /* From Cairo source */ /* inv (A) = 1/det (A) * adj (A) */ double det = xx*yy - yx*xy; if (det == 0 || !isfinite(det)) { if (success_out) *success_out = false; *this = xform2d(); /* unity matrix */ return *this; } *this = xform2d(yy/det, -xy/det, -yx/det, xx/det, (xy*y0 - yy*x0)/det, (yx*x0 - xx*y0)/det); if (success_out) *success_out = true; return *this; } /* Transform given clipper paths */ void doc2phys_clipper(ClipperLib::Paths &paths) { for (auto &p : paths) { doc2phys_clipper(p); } } void doc2phys_clipper(ClipperLib::Path &path) { std::transform(path.begin(), path.end(), path.begin(), [this](ClipperLib::IntPoint p) -> ClipperLib::IntPoint { d2p out(this->doc2phys(d2p{p.X / clipper_scale, p.Y / clipper_scale})); return { (ClipperLib::cInt)round(out[0] * clipper_scale), (ClipperLib::cInt)round(out[1] * clipper_scale) }; }); } /* Transform given clipper paths */ void phys2doc_clipper(ClipperLib::Paths &paths) { for (auto &p : paths) { phys2doc_clipper(p); } } void phys2doc_clipper(ClipperLib::Path &path) { xform2d copy(*this); bool inverted = false; copy.invert(&inverted); if (!inverted) { path.clear(); return; } std::transform(path.begin(), path.end(), path.begin(), [©](ClipperLib::IntPoint p) -> ClipperLib::IntPoint { d2p out(copy.doc2phys(d2p{p.X / clipper_scale, p.Y / clipper_scale})); return { (ClipperLib::cInt)round(out[0] * clipper_scale), (ClipperLib::cInt)round(out[1] * clipper_scale) }; }); } void transform_polygon(Polygon &poly) { std::transform(poly.begin(), poly.end(), poly.begin(), [this](d2p p) -> d2p { return this->doc2phys(d2p{p[0], p[1]}); }); } string dbg_str() { decompose(); ostringstream os; os << "xform2d< " << setw(5); os << xx << ", " << xy << ", " << x0 << " / "; os << yx << ", " << yy << ", " << y0 << " / "; os << "θ=" << theta << ", m=" << m << " s=(" << s_x << ", " << s_y << ") | "; os << "f_min=" << f_min << ", f_max=" << f_max; os << " >"; return os.str(); } private: double xx, xy, x0, yx, yy, y0; double theta, m, s_x, s_y; double f_min, f_max; bool decomposed = false; }; }