/* * This file is part of gerbolyze, a vector image preprocessing toolchain * Copyright (C) 2021 Jan Sebastian Götte <gerbolyze@jaseg.de> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "svg_color.h" #include <assert.h> #include <string> #include <cmath> using namespace gerbolyze; using namespace std; /* Map an SVG fill or stroke definition (color, but may also be a pattern) to a gerber color. * * This function handles transparency: Transparent SVG colors are mapped such that no gerber output is generated for * them. */ enum gerber_color gerbolyze::svg_color_to_gerber(string color, string opacity, enum gerber_color default_val) { float alpha = 1.0; if (!opacity.empty() && opacity[0] != '\0') { char *endptr = nullptr; alpha = strtof(opacity.data(), &endptr); assert(endptr); assert(*endptr == '\0'); } if (alpha < 0.5f) { return GRB_NONE; } if (color.empty()) { return default_val; } if (color == "none") { return GRB_NONE; } if (color.rfind("url(#", 0) != string::npos) { return GRB_PATTERN_FILL; } if (color.length() == 7 && color[0] == '#') { HSVColor hsv(color); if (hsv.v >= 0.5) { return GRB_CLEAR; } } return GRB_DARK; } gerbolyze::RGBColor::RGBColor(string hex) { assert(hex[0] == '#'); char *endptr = nullptr; const char *c = hex.data(); int rgb = strtol(c + 1, &endptr, 16); assert(endptr); assert(endptr == c + 7); assert(*endptr == '\0'); r = ((rgb >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f; g = ((rgb >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f; b = ((rgb >> 0) & 0xff) / 255.0f; }; gerbolyze::HSVColor::HSVColor(const RGBColor &color) { float xmax = fmax(color.r, fmax(color.g, color.b)); float xmin = fmin(color.r, fmin(color.g, color.b)); float c = xmax - xmin; v = xmax; if (c == 0) h = 0; else if (v == color.r) h = 1/3 * (0 + (color.g - color.b) / c); else if (v == color.g) h = 1/3 * (2 + (color.b - color.r) / c); else // v == color.b h = 1/3 * (4 + (color.r - color.g) / c); s = (v == 0) ? 0 : (c/v); } /* Invert gerber color */ enum gerber_color gerbolyze::gerber_color_invert(enum gerber_color color) { switch (color) { case GRB_CLEAR: return GRB_DARK; case GRB_DARK: return GRB_CLEAR; default: return color; /* none, pattern */ } } /* Read node's fill attribute and convert it to a gerber color */ enum gerber_color gerbolyze::gerber_fill_color(const pugi::xml_node &node) { return svg_color_to_gerber(node.attribute("fill").value(), node.attribute("fill-opacity").value(), GRB_DARK); } /* Read node's stroke attribute and convert it to a gerber color */ enum gerber_color gerbolyze::gerber_stroke_color(const pugi::xml_node &node) { return svg_color_to_gerber(node.attribute("stroke").value(), node.attribute("stroke-opacity").value(), GRB_NONE); }