/* * This file is part of gerbolyze, a vector image preprocessing toolchain * Copyright (C) 2021 Jan Sebastian Götte <gerbolyze@jaseg.de> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <gerbolyze.hpp> #include <svg_import_defs.h> #include <svg_geom.h> #include "polylinecombine.hpp" using namespace gerbolyze; using namespace std; static void polygon_to_cavc (const Polygon &in, cavc::Polyline<double> &out) { for (auto &p : in) { out.addVertex(p[0], p[1], 0); } out.isClosed() = true; /* sic! */ } static void cavc_to_polygon (const cavc::Polyline<double> &in, Polygon &out) { for (auto &p : in.vertexes()) { out.emplace_back(d2p{p.x(), p.y()}); } } namespace gerbolyze { class Flattener_D { public: vector<cavc::Polyline<double>> dark_polys; void add_dark_polygon(const Polygon &in) { polygon_to_cavc(in, dark_polys.emplace_back()); } }; } Flattener::Flattener(PolygonSink &sink) : m_sink(sink) { d = new Flattener_D(); } Flattener::~Flattener() { delete d; } void Flattener::header(d2p origin, d2p size) { m_sink.header(origin, size); } Flattener &Flattener::operator<<(GerberPolarityToken pol) { if (m_current_polarity != pol) { m_current_polarity = pol; } return *this; } Flattener &Flattener::operator<<(const Polygon &poly) { static int i=0, j=0; if (m_current_polarity == GRB_POL_DARK) { d->add_dark_polygon(poly); cerr << "dark primitive " << i++ << endl; } else { /* clear */ cerr << "clear primitive " << j++ << endl; cavc::Polyline<double> sub; polygon_to_cavc (poly, sub); vector<cavc::Polyline<double>> new_dark_polys; new_dark_polys.reserve(d->dark_polys.size()); for (cavc::Polyline<double> cavc_in : d->dark_polys) { auto res = cavc::combinePolylines(cavc_in, sub, cavc::PlineCombineMode::Exclude); if (res.subtracted.size() == 0) { for (auto &rem : res.remaining) { new_dark_polys.push_back(std::move(rem)); } } else { assert (res.remaining.size() == 1); assert (res.subtracted.size() == 1); auto &rem = res.remaining[0]; auto &sub = res.subtracted[0]; auto bbox = getExtents(rem); cavc::Polyline<double> quad; quad.addVertex(bbox.xMin, bbox.yMin, 0); if (sub.vertexes()[0].x() < sub.vertexes()[1].x()) { quad.addVertex(sub.vertexes()[0]); quad.addVertex(sub.vertexes()[1]); } else { quad.addVertex(sub.vertexes()[1]); quad.addVertex(sub.vertexes()[0]); } quad.addVertex(bbox.xMax, bbox.yMin, 0); quad.isClosed() = true; /* sic! */ auto res2 = cavc::combinePolylines(rem, quad, cavc::PlineCombineMode::Exclude); assert (res2.subtracted.size() == 0); for (auto &rem : res2.remaining) { auto res3 = cavc::combinePolylines(rem, sub, cavc::PlineCombineMode::Exclude); assert (res3.subtracted.size() == 0); for (auto &p : res3.remaining) { new_dark_polys.push_back(std::move(p)); } } auto res4 = cavc::combinePolylines(rem, quad, cavc::PlineCombineMode::Intersect); assert (res4.subtracted.size() == 0); for (auto &rem : res4.remaining) { auto res5 = cavc::combinePolylines(rem, sub, cavc::PlineCombineMode::Exclude); assert (res5.subtracted.size() == 0); for (auto &p : res5.remaining) { new_dark_polys.push_back(std::move(p)); } } } } d->dark_polys = std::move(new_dark_polys); } return *this; } void Flattener::footer() { m_sink << GRB_POL_DARK; for (auto &poly : d->dark_polys) { Polygon poly_out; for (auto &p : poly.vertexes()) { poly_out.emplace_back(d2p{p.x(), p.y()}); } m_sink << poly_out; } m_sink.footer(); }