#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <argagg.hpp>
#include <gerbolyze.hpp>

using argagg::parser_results;
using argagg::parser;
using namespace std;
using namespace gerbolyze;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    parser argparser {{
            {"help", {"-h", "--help"},
                "Print help and exit",
            {"version", {"-v", "--version"},
                "Print version and exit",
            {"ofmt", {"-o", "--format"},
                "Output format. Supported: gerber, svg, s-exp (KiCAD S-Expression)",
            {"precision", {"-p", "--precision"},
                "Number of decimal places use for exported coordinates (gerber: 1-9, SVG: 0-*)",
            {"svg_clear_color", {"--clear-color"},
                "SVG color to use for \"clear\" areas (default: white)",
            {"svg_dark_color", {"--dark-color"},
                "SVG color to use for \"dark\" areas (default: black)",
            {"no_header", {"--no-header"},
                "Do not export output format header/footer, only export the primitives themselves",
            {"flatten", {"--flatten"},
                "Flatten output so it only consists of non-overlapping white polygons. This perform composition at the vector level. Potentially slow.",

    ostringstream usage;
        << argv[0] << " " << lib_version << endl
        << endl
        << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options]... [input_file] [output_file]" << endl
        << endl
        << "Specify \"-\" for stdin/stdout." << endl
        << endl;

    argagg::parser_results args;
    try {
        args = argparser.parse(argc, argv);
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        argagg::fmt_ostream fmt(cerr);
        fmt << usage.str() << argparser << '\n'
            << "Encountered exception while parsing arguments: " << e.what()
            << '\n';
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (args["help"]) {
        argagg::fmt_ostream fmt(cerr);
        fmt << usage.str() << argparser;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    if (args["version"]) {
        cerr << lib_version << endl;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    string in_f_name;
    istream *in_f = &cin;
    ifstream in_f_file;
    string out_f_name;
    ostream *out_f = &cout;
    ofstream out_f_file;

    if (args.pos.size() >= 1) {
        in_f_name = args.pos[0];

        if (args.pos.size() >= 2) {
            out_f_name = args.pos[1];

    if (!in_f_name.empty() && in_f_name != "-") {
        if (!in_f_file) {
            cerr << "Cannot open input file \"" << in_f_name << "\"" << endl;
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        in_f = &in_f_file;

    if (!out_f_name.empty() && out_f_name != "-") {
        if (!out_f_file) {
            cerr << "Cannot open output file \"" << out_f_name << "\"" << endl;
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        out_f = &out_f_file;

    SVGDocument doc;
    if (!doc.load(*in_f)) {
        cerr <<  "Error loading input file \"" << in_f_name << "\", exiting." << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    bool only_polys = args["no_header"];

    int precision = 6;
    if (args["precision"]) {
        precision = atoi(args["precision"]);

    string fmt = args["ofmt"] ? args["ofmt"] : "gerber";
    transform(fmt.begin(), fmt.end(), fmt.begin(), [](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); });

    PolygonSink *sink = nullptr;
    PolygonSink *flattener = nullptr;
    if (fmt == "svg") {
        string dark_color = args["svg_dark_color"] ? args["svg_dark_color"] : "#000000";
        string clear_color = args["svg_clear_color"] ? args["svg_clear_color"] : "#ffffff";
        sink = new SimpleSVGOutput(*out_f, only_polys, precision, dark_color, clear_color);

    } else if (fmt == "gbr" || fmt == "grb" || fmt == "gerber") {
        sink = new SimpleGerberOutput(*out_f, only_polys, 4, precision);

    } else {
        cerr << "Unknown output format \"" << fmt << "\"" << endl;
        argagg::fmt_ostream fmt(cerr);
        fmt << usage.str() << argparser;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (args["flatten"]) {
        flattener = new Flattener(*sink);

    doc.render(flattener ? *flattener : *sink);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;