#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <argagg.hpp> #include <gerbolyze.hpp> using argagg::parser_results; using argagg::parser; using namespace std; using namespace gerbolyze; int main(int argc, char **argv) { parser argparser {{ {"help", {"-h", "--help"}, "Print help and exit", 0}, {"version", {"-v", "--version"}, "Print version and exit", 0}, {"ofmt", {"-o", "--output-format"}, "Output format. Supported: gerber, svg, s-exp (KiCAD S-Expression)", 1}, {"flatten", {"-f", "--flatten"}, "Flatten output so it only consists of non-overlapping white polygons. This perform composition at the vector level. Potentially slow.", 0}, }}; ostringstream usage; usage << argv[0] << " " << lib_version << endl << endl << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options]... [input_file] [output_file]" << endl << endl << "Specify \"-\" for stdin/stdout." << endl << endl; argagg::parser_results args; try { args = argparser.parse(argc, argv); } catch (const std::exception& e) { argagg::fmt_ostream fmt(cerr); fmt << usage.str() << argparser << '\n' << "Encountered exception while parsing arguments: " << e.what() << '\n'; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (args["help"]) { argagg::fmt_ostream fmt(cerr); fmt << usage.str() << argparser; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (args["version"]) { cerr << lib_version << endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } string in_f_name; istream *in_f = &cin; ifstream in_f_file; string out_f_name; ostream *out_f = &cout; ofstream out_f_file; if (args.pos.size() >= 1) { in_f_name = args.pos[0]; if (args.pos.size() >= 2) { out_f_name = args.pos[1]; } } if (!in_f_name.empty() && in_f_name != "-") { in_f_file.open(in_f_name); if (!in_f_file) { cerr << "Cannot open input file \"" << in_f_name << "\"" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } in_f = &in_f_file; } if (!out_f_name.empty() && out_f_name != "-") { out_f_file.open(out_f_name); if (!out_f_file) { cerr << "Cannot open output file \"" << out_f_name << "\"" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } out_f = &out_f_file; } SVGDocument doc; if (!doc.load(*in_f)) { cerr << "Error loading input file \"" << in_f_name << "\", exiting." << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } SimpleGerberOutput out(*out_f); doc.render(out); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }